Lanque Bombyx - Tumblr Posts
Oh my gosh. Please, HS overlords, let this be canon.
I noticed something interesting?
I’ll be honest. I got into Friendsim because I saw Lanque discourse and I needed to understand it. And then I just kept reading.
But one of the first things I noticed was discourse that Lanque didn’t “look” trans. He didn’t wear a binder or have scars. I want to first point out that not all top surgery results in scars (this is important later I think). Small breasts can be reduced with keyhole surgery, leaving minimal to no scarring.

I also noticed he had nipples. I remembered something that Arquiussprite said. Female trolls have nipples. Or something to that extent. At this point I wasn’t in friendsim and I was talking to a friend. Her response was “well Marvus had a nip-slip in one route” and at first I was like “oh then males have them too, aight.”

But then I saw Mallek. Mallek doesn’t have nipples.

This got me thinking about everything, and I also noticed Marvus had some interesting scars on his chest. Both pectorals, same scar.

I’m not saying Marvus is definitely trans or anything, just that I noticed all of this. The scars are in a strange location, but technically troll top surgery could be different from human surgery in some way? Idk I just think it’s neat.
Masochism Tango
TW: This is a caliginous relationship. If you only know friendsim then a basic warning is that a caliginous relationship is a relationship based on rivalry and categorized in alternian culture by ‘hate’ or ‘black romance’. Choking, strangulation (nonsexual), physical violence, hate sex, biting, blood, spitting, this plays out almost like non-con but it is an established relationship and both of you know what you’re doing, no safewords, implied aftercare but none is actually shown. This is 18+.
“You know what Lanque?” You seethed as you continued marching further away from the party, “Why don’t you go fuck yourself?” Whatever mix of booze and red had been in the punch bowl was rapidly staining your shirt and causing it to stick grossly to your skin in a way that Lanque knew made your skin crawl.
Lanque’s cold laughter was clearly rehearsed, the glint and expression practiced and poised. The fact he wasn’t as off his game or upset as you only made you angrier. He’d ruined your favorite top. One of the few articles of clothing you actually still had from earth. Destroyed because he had thrown his fucking punch on you. The fact you were clearly playing right into his hands was only fuel to the fire of your rapidly blooming hatred.
“What’s the matter?” He sneered almost sweetly, “It was just an accident.”
“Bullshit!” You snapped as you attempted to wring the worst of it out.
“Really, you’re ridiculous. All this over an ugly shirt?”
“An ugly shirt? An ugly shirt?!” Your voice was raising and there was nothing you could do to stop it. Heat was spreading from your chest all the way to your face as that rage kept growing. It had been an awful week and this was the final tipping point for you. You’d nearly died- twice- the other day. All for trying to help some of your ‘friends’ out and now Lanque was going out of his way to make it even worse.
“What’s the matter?” He asked in that same sickly arsenic tone, “Purrbeast got your tongue?”
“You son of a bitch.” You finally snapped, voice even and deadly. Tackling Lanque to the ground you swore bloody murder at him as you tried to choke him out. Hands wrapped tight enough around his neck, your nails were digging straight into his pallid grey flesh. He squinted up at you, blackened lips pulled into a snarling grin as he coughed. Removing one hand from his neck while using the other to keep him pinned, you pulled back and punched him as hard as you could in the face. His neck flexed under your palm as he sucked in a breath and then laughed in your face as his split lip began to bleed jade down his chin to stain the collar of the white button up he loved so much. Letting out a wordless shriek you reared back and punched him again, using the blood coating your knuckles to smear the dark liquid all over his covered chest. You hoped it’d be ruined, you hoped his blood would remain a blotch on the fabric to remind him of this night every time he had to look at it. How fucking dare he just waltz into your life to do things like this? To- to- exist to piss you off!
Snatching your wrists in a sudden move that caught you by surprise he rolled the two of you over until he was on top of you, pinning your arms above your head as he let our his own wordless cicada hiss of sound. His ears had pinned back, the yellow of his eyes gone orange as he flashed rainbow drinker bright at you. Despite the fact you knew you couldn’t fight him off you still struggled in his grip just to be a pain. Anything to make this harder for him. To frustrate him to the same degree he regularly frustrated you. Yanking your arms and thrashing until your arms throbbed with the promise of bruises and that deep rooted animalistic instinct he always seemed to tease to the surface began to simmer under your flesh. Breathing heavily you slowly relaxed in his hold as you waited for him to shift with the thought he’d won whatever little game he thought he was in control of. Meeting his eyes you refused to look away, the two of you staring each other down until his body began to untense ever so slightly.
In a flash you lunged.
Teeth clamping down hard and vicious on his lower lip you glared and yanked. He snarled, jerking back as the bitter taste of his blood filled your mouth. Troll blood had none of the coppery taste of human blood, instead it coated your tongue with a bitter thick quality that made you gag. Taking the opportunity for what it was you spit his own blood back into his face so you could bare your blunt human teeth like he liked to bare his fangs.
He reared back a look of disgust flashing across his face.
“You fucking bitch.” He snapped, finally thrown off guard and affronted. Your lips twisted into a sadistically pleased grin. The gritting of your teeth near audible at the satisfaction of finally getting him to crack. His eyes darted across your face, pupils slit in a way that was decidedly alien and pissed. Jade dripped hot and sticky from his chin to your face as he seemed to freeze in place.
His lips crashed into your own using his tongue to force your mouth open and fill your tastebuds with the awful bitter taste of his blood. Your snarl of outraged disgust was muffled by his own mouth and the sharp points of his teeth slit into the soft meat of your own lips. When he pulled back to grin at you, mouth streaked red and jade you sneered up at him feeling every bit of the sharp burn that no doubt had red streaking your own face. Turning your head to the side you spit out the blood pooling in your mouth and attempted to shove him off of you. His hands slammed your arms back into the ground for the effort. Mouth finding yours again you nipped at his lips and scraped your tongue on the needle sharpness of his teeth as he sucked the blood from your mouth and face. The glide of his tongue barely lukewarm as it lapped at the smears of color. His throat worked to swallow the blood down as he groaned and licked his lips.
“Sick fuck.” You scoffed.
“Like you weren’t looking for an excuse to get me alone.” He purred legs already working to shove open your own. Swearing you attempted to wiggle away and accidentally ground your knee between his legs. His hips rocked into your own as he hissed.
“Of course you get off on this.” You sneered.
“And you don’t?” He snapped rhetorically one hand releasing you to tug at your pants. Using his distraction to your advantage you grabbed hold of one of his horns and thrust upwards forcing him up and off you. He rolled and you were on your feet already sprinting further away from him. Behind you was the alien chittering shriek of rage. Of predator and prey as you fled and Lanque chased. The pounding of your heart jackhammering against your ribs as you did everything you could to keep the space between the two of you. There was only so much you could do as he began gaining, you’d never been a track star and even your time on Alternia could only aid you so much. It was a futile move but you’d be damned before you made any part of this easy for him. When he collided with your back the two of you went down hard. Spots danced in your vision as you let out yet another wordless scream of rage and struggled to get out from under him. Chest pinned to the ground you could hear him cursing up a storm as he yanked your arms back and began using his undone tie to bind your wrists. Kicking out with your legs you tried to nail him where it’d hurt but he only used his own weight to keep you pinned.
“Fuck you.” You snarled still trying to worm your way away from him.
“You will be.” He replied darkly, every bit of pretentious prick back in his voice. You heard the distinct sound of his belt being undone, the clink of the buckle deafening in your straining ears. Sucking in a sharp breath between your teeth you hissed at the rough fabric burn of your own pants being yanked halfway down your thighs. More of that fury began to well up hot and fast as you realized how wet you actually were. You knew there had to be a wet spot on your panties as he yanked them down too exposing you to the humid Alternian night air. He’d wrangled your pants and underwear down to your knees before slamming into you roughly, no warning as his bulge speared you in one fluid motion. It was cold, barely lukewarm like the rest of him and it caused more of your fluid to gush out from the shock of it as your pussy burned from the abrupt stretch. He hissed in pleasure, tone bordering on a buzzing sound as he got used to the heat of you. You could picture the way his head was thrown back, teeth bared and chest heaving as he panted. His bulge writhed inside you and the air was punched from your lungs as it began ruthlessly teasing your insides with harsh pleasure. Each thrust of his hips meeting your ass rang loud and sharp mixing with the snarling growl next to your ear as he folded himself over you. He nipped at your ear and the sharp sting of his teeth reminded you exactly who was fucking you into the ground like an animal in heat. You knew there would be bruises, dark purples and sickly greens, a deep aching pain that was almost sweet in its pulsing throb. One arm hooked around your neck, pulling you just slightly off the ground as each rolling thrust of the cold bulge went deeper than any human cock. Grinding better than any toy as Lanque set a punishing pace. Your breaths came in choked off pants as the angle he had pulled you into made your hips press more firmly against the grass, the blades scratching against your clit. A moan worked its way past the tight muscles of your throat as you clenched around him, so close to falling over that edge, and then Lanque was ripping himself out of you and twisting you onto your back. You nearly squealed from surprise as your legs fell open at the abruptness- barely held in place by your pants still trapped around your ankles. Arms pinned beneath you it took an effort not to squirm in discomfort and give him the satisfaction. Above you Lanque snarled unseeingly at your pants preventing him from doing what he wanted. Grabbing them he tore them the rest of the way off your body, ripping your shoes off in the process.
You couldn’t stop the shout that left you as he yanked you up onto his thighs and thrust back into you hard and fast. A moan punched out of you as he rocked into you at that same brutal pace, practically humping into your cunt rather than pulling out to thrust. His hand found your throat. Fingers pressing to your pulse to hold you down rather than choke you out.
A warning.
Legs hooking around his waist you couldn’t stop the steady rocking of your own hips as your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head. You hated how fucking good it felt, how it practically made you melt. Thoughts fleeing from your head with each drag against your g-spot. His lips found your chin, teeth scraping against sensitive flesh before they found your lips again. Teeth teasing your clotting cuts until they began to bleed again. You opened your mouth wider letting the blood pool on your tongue so he could drink it up, tongue sliding against your own with desperation.
The sweet heat of orgasm began to rise once more and you moaned openly into his mouth as he pressed himself impossibly closer.
This time he didn’t stop, humping against your clit as you shook and squealed through it. He groaned into the heat of your mouth pulling back as his hips worked to saw you in half and his low hitched breathing began to become more frequent. When he came you gave a shout at the sudden coldness popping inside you like a water balloon. Jade slurry staining your thighs and dripping into the grass. Gasping jaggedly you gave Lanque’s bulge one last squeeze that had him hissing out an Alternian swear as he pulled away. Your chests were heaving both of you still trembling and trying to come down from your highs.
“Fuck.” Lanque sighed running a hand through his hair as he leaned back on his thighs. Jade dribbled down his splayed legs and you smirked condescendingly at the fact he’d cum with his nook too despite not having anything shoved up it. Something to bring up and dangle over his head later when you could think straight.
Lanque: when i leave, u wanna keep dOiN tHiS, but then, when i come around, you dont wanna POST UP

little red and big bad vampire more lanque and aradia prey/pred dynamic

last two of the hiveswap fellas!
forgot to mention in the last post, but all goldbloods are drone bees. that's why they look like that! azdaja got his drone features removed as it ruined his aesthetic :'>

hiveswap body headcanons

Originally posted by hemo-canons.