Lay Zhang - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Happy b-day Yixing 🐝💜💜

#HoneyLayDay 🐝



#HoneyLayDay 🐝

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someone please save our precious lay 🤣🤣

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2 years ago

This is sooooo goood! I think I'm in love

Lay Zhang: “A pretty thing like you shouldn’t have a beautiful night go to waste.” // “Just one night.”

Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.
Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.
Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.
Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.

You’re walking briskly down a long, elegant hallway, your heels muffled against the clean, dark carpet beneath you. You angrily pull out your phone while turning towards the elevator area from which you had come up.

“We’re breaking up, jerk.”

You hit send, and put your phone away.

Once you approach the elevators, you start hitting against them repeatedly. Open up fast, you stupid little shit! You can feel the first couple tears run down your cheeks, but you try to ignore them.

After a couple minutes, the doors finally open. You’re covering your eyes, and walk inside, pressing the button for the lobby.

“Excuse me,” a voice echoes through the elevator. “Are you okay?”

You weren’t expecting anyone inside, so you were startled to realize that there was actually a person with you. I must’ve missed his presence, you think.

You smile regardless. “Yes, I believe I’m okay,” you say. The elevator doors close. Suddenly, not a couple seconds go by before the doors open again, and your (now ex) boyfriend is standing there wearing only his bathrobe. His arms extend on the sides of the elevator, preventing the doors from closing.

“I’m so sorry, it’s not what it seems! She’s a co-worker, we were working and I just… we started drinking, you know?” Your ex-boyfriend pleads for you, but you’re crying harder now.

“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT!!” You shout, slamming on the buttons to close now. “Get out and let me go! Or I’ll call security!” You quickly dial 911, and show him your phone, extending your hand out towards him. He obeys, and steps back, shouting back at you to ‘please understand,’ until the doors finally close.

You try to control your sobs, and remember that there’s still that guy who was in the elevator with you! How embarrassing, you think. You turn towards him and start apologizing immediately.

“I’m so sorry, I-I wanted to come home to my boyfriend early so I called off work today, but I caught him w-with another wo-woman,—” you break down into terrible sobs, covering your face in complete embarrassment and disappointment.

Suddenly, the guy in the elevator hugs you calmly, and the elevator doors open again. “Let’s step out for a second, okay?” He whispers, and you step off awkwardly whilst another couple walks into the elevator behind you.

You’re now in the elevator waiting area, on the floor number who-knows-what, and you take a seat with the anonymous boy. “Do you feel like talking about it?” He wipes several tears off you, completely welcoming his aura into yours.

“I’m so sorry, this is so embarrassing.” You say, giving him your best smile despite your mess of makeup.

“You’re okay. Hey, life happens. You don’t deserve someone who doesn’t put you first, regardless of their status or title.”

You looked up through a mess of tears and smiled.

“Thank you,” you whisper. He gives you his best dimples. You can’t help but think about how stupid it was to come up to your boyfriend’s place, dressed to the nines, hoping you’d be in for a great night of surprises.

But now you’re sitting with a stranger, crying to him about your newly found issues, and feel worse because you’re probably holding this boy back from wherever he was originally headed to.

Nevertheless, you decide to apologize and prepare to head out again. “I guess I should’ve seen it coming,” you confide in him. “Ever since his business blew up over the summer, it’s as if I’ve been dating a completely different person. He’s cockier now, even moved into this luxury apartment, and now I’m being cheated on.” You sighed and looked around this new hallway of the luxurious apartment complex, wishing the people within it were also a charm that could be just as appreciated inside and out.

“You call his apartment a luxury?” The guy smirked, looking around.

“Oh, well I think it is. It’s one of the best in the country. I assume you also live here, no?”

He laughs softly. “I suppose I do? But now I hate that I have an asshole neighbor, it seems.”

You both share a laugh, and he extends his hand out to you.

“My name is Lay Zhang, a pleasure to meet you,” he smiles.

You shake his hand with both your hands, and introduce yourself.

“I’m sorry we have to meet this way,” you laugh. “But, I do appreciate you taking the time to comfort me. I’m in for a long night,” you pout, and feel your phone vibrating relentlessly in your pocket.

You pull it out and you both look down, only to see that you now have 26 missed calls. You unlock the phone and go to his messages, finding countless text messages waiting for you as well.

“Do me a favor before you go,” says Lay, reaching his hand towards your phone. He takes it in his hand and blocks your ex boyfriend altogether, then returns it to you. “Don’t undo that.”

You look up in shock, not knowing what to say. “What if he reaches out on my socials—”

“You’re gonna repeat what I just did anywhere that he does, okay?”

You nod, and decide to put your phone back in your pocket.

“I apologize for keeping you from any plans you intended right now, Lay,” you start standing up from your seat and wipe your coat off.

“No, no. I was actually returning from work, anyway. I was going up the elevator, remember?”

“Ah, I see. I apologize for stealing time out of your evening, then.”

He cocks his head to the side. “You’re okay. I didn’t have much going on tonight, anyway. But…”

You look up, your gaze meeting his. “But?”

He shrugs. “I have to say, before you head out. You look beautiful tonight. Even with your crying, your ex missed out on so much.” He gives you his dimples again, and this time you can’t help but blush.

“Thank you, I hope to let him know that when he decides to crawl back,” you smirk.

“You don’t live here though, do you? I mean, with him?” He asks.

You sigh, remembering that you do live together.

“I’ll find a hotel room to stay at tonight, and come pick up my things from his place tomorrow with a couple friends. I guess I’ll head home to rest,” you look down, slightly upset that you spent a good dollar for the beautiful royal-purple dress you had on for him. You meant for the night to be a special one, considering it was, in fact, his birthday.

Lay lifts your chin with his finger, fixing your eyes onto his. “Well. A pretty thing like you shouldn’t have a beautiful night go to waste, then. What if I invited you to my place upstairs for dinner instead?”

Your eyes widened. “No, no, I don’t mean to bother you tonight. That would be a hassle for you—”

“Trust me when I say, my place will make him jealous.” He smirks, removing his finger from your face.

You blush, contemplating carefully on the offer. “A few pictures would make him mad,” you insist. “…of me eating at a beautiful apartment with a handsome guy like you.”

You both make way for the elevator, and you turn towards the buttons. “What floor are you?”

He laughs and takes a card, swiping it over a small scanner over the buttons. The elevator beeps, and you watch as the floors rise slowly, then quickly, one by one each floor is ascending more and more.

Then, the elevator stops.

You’re at the top floor, and the doors open only to find yourself within a massive, gorgeous penthouse.

“Wh-what is this? Do you live here?” You awe in amazement at the expensive decor and architecture surrounding you.

“I’m a man of many hats,” he says, placing his coat on a nearby hanger. “May I?” He reaches over to remove your own coat, and places it under his.

“This place is… is… it’s beautiful!”

“I’m glad you think that,” he walks over to remove his shoes, and invites you to do the same. You do so as well, and he allows you to wear his house slippers for comfort.

“I’ll have something nice catered for us tonight from one of my favorite restaurants around the area, and while we wait for it to get here, we can go around taking all the pictures you want to get back at your ex,” he says. You agree willfully, and watch in excitement as he places a call for your dinner.

Moments later, you find yourself posing at different places of his apartment and balcony, making sure to have grabbed your heels and only worn them over and over for the pictures themselves. He would laugh every time, making sure to take the best angles of you in your gorgeous well-fitted dress.

A few times, you’d even catch him staring too long at either you or the pictures he’d taken of you.

“What if,” you start suggesting, “you appeared in some of my pictures, too?”

“Oh, no, I don’t think I can do that.” He says this sternly, and starts to return your phone.

“That’s okay,” you sound defeated.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s more of a… if we did, you can’t show them. To anyone. Or anywhere.”

“Why’s that?” Your question is then interrupted by room service, and you figure your dinner is here.

You are having wonderful conversation over the delicious food Lay’s ordered, when he offers to pour more wine for you. You agree, and soon you both start becoming a little too tipsy.

“Tell me,” you say over your glass. “Why’d you freak out earlier over taking a picture?”

He frowned, taking a sip of his own wine. “Nah, it’s not that I freaked out. But I’d probably get in trouble.”

You take another sip. “What are you, some cartel guy?”

He lets out a loud laugh, but shakes his head. “Nah, nothing like that.”

“You’re a fashion designer,” you say. “You mentioned earlier that you wear ‘many hats,’ right?”

“That’s a metaphor to say I am a lot of things.”

“Ooh, fancy boy,” you say, taking a last sip before you decide you’ve had enough wine. “What do you do?”

“Singer,” he smiles. “I dance and act, too. Producer, songwriter. Businessman. And other things.”

Your eyes widened. “Hold up, what the hell!? WHO am I in the presence of!?” You suddenly feel yourself sobering up.

Lay laughs. “Lay Zhang, sweetheart.”

You marvel at the way his own name leaves his mouth, almost as if he knows the power it holds in itself once revealed.

“My ex could never!” You look at him for a second, then deciding, “What if you’re in my pictures, but not your face?”

He contemplates this question, looking up at the ceiling before shrugging in agreement. “We could try that,” he says.

The two of you lazily start taking pictures of your hands holding, your head leaning against his shoulder, and him hugging you from behind. Then, he takes your phone, and snaps a picture of himself kissing your cheek.

“Crop that as much as you can,” he whispers, and you can feel the scent of wine hit your nose. His eyes are begging for something, completely entrancing you with his stare, but you don’t know how to read them. He’s a gentleman, but there’s something else. A hunger of some sort, deep within his gaze. You look alway, completely intimidated and unable to keep up with him.

“Okay,” you agree, but you’re no longer interested in pictures. Before you can say anything more, a yawn escapes your mouth.

“Someone’s tired,” Lay whispers.

“I’ll call an Uber,” you begin. “Thank you for letting—”

“Nah, you’re not calling no Uber. Stay with me,” he whines. “Just one night.”

You sleepily look up at him and agree.

“I’ll give you some of my clothes.”

Moments later, you’re in Lay’s bathroom, wearing one of his shirts and boxers. What am I doing?

“Do you have a guest room?” You call out, looking around for him. But he’s nowhere in sight. You decide to wander around the penthouse for a bit, until you finally find him in in the living room, sitting next to one of the large floor-to-ceiling window panes. You approach him, sitting quietly next to him.

“Lay?” You whisper, and he turns to you.

“Hey,” he answers steadily.

“Do you have a guest room?” You ask, but barely catch sight of him in the dark.

“Yeah,” he answers. “But won’t you feel lonely?”

You shake your head. “Lay, it’s one night. I’ll be fine.”

He shakes his head, and turns his attention back to the city before you both.

Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.
Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.

“Do you…” you start again, carefully choosing your words. “Do you ever feel lonely up here?”

There is a long moment of silence before he finally speaks up again.

“Sometimes I do,” he whispers. “No point in having a place as great as this if I’m spending it alone.”

Silence fills the air, the distant sounds of the night life outside humming in the background.

“However,” he looks towards your silhouette in the dark. “Having you here for an evening has helped with that, even if I only just met you. You’ve been a breath of fresh air.”

You smile, though he probably can’t see in the dark. “You’ve been just as helpful to me, too.” You stand up, and stretch your arms at him. “Let’s go to sleep.”

He takes your hands, and you heave him up. “You’ll sleep with me!?” He says out in the dark excitedly.

“No, that’s not what I—”

“Oh, oh I’m sorry,” he takes back his hands from yours and rubs the back of his neck. “You, uh, have a goodnight. The guest room is here, down the hallway and to the left. Let me know when you’re awake in the morning.”

He begins to slowly walk back up the stairs, and you feel a tinge of regret.

“Yixing,” you call out. He stops before going up the stairs, and turns his attention to you.

“How do you know my name?”

“I looked it up, Yixing,” you roll your eyes, but he can’t see that. “You’re Lay Zhang, after all. You’re all over the internet.”

He giggles. “I like that, call me that more.”

As he turns to leave, you hear yourself call back, “Stay with me!”

This shocks you both, and you place a hand over your mouth.

“Are you being serious?” He asks, approaching you slowly now. His silhouette is now directly in front of you in the dark, and you can barely make out his calming eyes under the moonlight. “I’m sorry I requested it earlier, but I don’t want to force you to feel like you have to—”

Immediately, the urge and action overcomes you, and you wrap your arms around his neck, embracing him in a soft, long kiss.

What am I doing!?

Lay doesn’t flinch, doesn’t retrieve himself, doesn’t question it. He just slowly places his hands on your waist, bringing you closer to him.

After the tender moment, you pull back, and whisper to him, “I enjoy you, Yixing.”

He smiles, pulling you in for another kiss, whispering “I enjoy you, too,” in between breaths.

Say you’ll stay with me, Lay thinks to himself, so that I won’t spend anymore lonely nights up here.

Let me stay with you, you think to yourself, so that you and I can keep each other’s company.

And in that moment, he excitedly invites you upstairs to his room to finish your intimacy under his soft, warm mess of pillows, covers, and comforters.

The penthouse tonight is now not so empty, after all.

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1 year ago

Happy birthday exo lay

Happy Birthday Exo Lay
Happy Birthday Exo Lay
Happy Birthday Exo Lay

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4 years ago

i think, it’s quite funny... XD

toclic - Imagination is power

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KINGS ARE BACK! on 7th June , 2021 !

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4 years ago

Do you have that folder in your gallery where there are photos of your bias and you don't want to share them with other fans ?

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5 years ago

A digital painting of Lay Zhang from the Secret Garden shoot. How do you like it? 😊

A Digital Painting Of Lay Zhang From The Secret Garden Shoot. How Do You Like It?

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