Lee Bones And All - Tumblr Posts
Timothee having a nightmare during a thunderstorm and wakes up in a panic needing all the cuddles. 🥺 plz?
Hope a Timmy character is ok - I've been wanting to try my hand at a Lee fic.
When I say "vocal panting," think of Paul's noises after he was stabbed in Dune 2.
C/W: Reference to past abuse

The weather man on the radio said a severe storm was coming as you and Lee pulled into the state park that would be your home for the night. The wind was already picking up by the time you made your way to your campsite, so you both decided to sleep in the truck instead of the tent.
After a long day of traveling, the two of you were easily lulled to sleep by the gentle rain pattering on the windshield and the thunder that rumbled in the distance. Lee slept upright in the driver's seat, his curly red hair acting as a pillow against the window. Your position mirrored his on the passenger side, aside from your feet curled up in the seat.
A sudden clap of thunder shook the truck's windows and wrenched you from your slumber. You jerked upright as your heart raced and looked around to get your bearings. Beside you, you heard Lee's vocal panting. He was covered in a sheen of sweat, trembling and wide-eyed like a cornered animal. He turned his eyes toward you but remained unfocused as he tried to get away from some invisible phantom.
"Lee, love, look at me. Focus on me." You gripped his face between your hands and rubbed his cheeks with your thumbs.
"[Y/N]? Wha- where?" He blinked owlishly as he looked around.
"You are here with me in the truck. Where were you?" you replied softly, assuming the thunder pulled him from a nightmare.
"I was in the b-barn back home. M-my father w-was coming after me," Lee explained between rapid breaths.
You rested your forehead on his. "You're okay. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore. Breathe with me, okay?" You took in a deep breath through your nose and let it out slowly through your mouth, exaggerating to encourage him to emulate you. He copied you and slowly calmed down.
"Thank you," he said sheepishly.
You kissed the tip of his nose. "Come here." You leaned back against the passenger door and opened your arms to invite him over. He shuffled over and laid against you as your legs and arms cocooned him in a safe embrace. You rested your cheek on the top of his head and held him like that until morning.
Tag list:
Sickfic/Hurt/Comfort Any Timothee character of your choice :)
On Edge
Summary: Lee saves eater!reader from themselves.
C/W: Suicidal ideation

One last sunset. That was your last wish. You had spent all day driving to a spot you knew had a great western view. At last, you stood on the precipice of the tallest point in the state just in time to watch the sun sink below the horizon. A slight breeze swept your hair behind you and cooled the tears on your cheeks. The air was fragrant from the wildflowers that bloomed below.
You heard a twig snap behind you. You startled and jolted, knocking rocks off the cliff's edge as you turned toward the noise. The amount of time it took to hear them hit the bottom made your resolve waiver slightly. In the dimming light, you saw a lanky figure with curly red hair emerging from the woods.
"Whoa there. I'm not going to hurt you," a tenor voice called out. He walked slowly toward you, with a slight crouch to his step and a hand held out, like he was trying to calm a scared feral kitten. "What brings you to the edge of the Earth?"
"A fitting end for reaching my limits, is it not?"
A brief flash of sadness (and was that...recognition?) flitted across his face. "My name is Lee. What's yours?"
"Well, [Y/N], if you jump, I jump," he stated matter-of-factly.
"That's insane. You would die, too!" you exclaimed in disbelief.
"Well, I can't turn away now. I'm involved," he said flatly as he set down his pack. "But maybe you can fill me in on why we have to die today?"
You looked over your shoulder back at the sunset. "I- I just can't do it anymore. My family wants nothing to do with me. I k-keep screwing things up, so I can't stay in one place long enough to make new friends. I'm...too different."
"I know. So am I." Lee gestured to himself. "This may sound weird," he paused, "but I could smell you from miles away."
"Smell me?" you asked incredulously.
Lee nodded. "Food just doesn't cut it for you, does it? You feel a deep ache down to your core until you...feed?"
You paled. Conversations about your eating habits usually required you to flee. You stepped back reflexively and lost your footing.
"[Y/N]!" Lee screamed and lunged forward to grab your hand as you slid off the edge. You cried and screamed, clawing at the rocks with your free hand until you were able to grab his arm. He pulled you back to safety and clutched you to his chest.
You shook like a leaf in his embrace. "I- I thought I was the only one." You felt him shake his head as he rested his cheek on your hair.
"You are not alone." You heard his voice catch as if he were crying. "Let me prove it to you. I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove it to you, if you'll let me."
A/N: slight inspiration taken from the jumping scene of Titanic
Sickfic/Hurt/Comfort Any Timothee character of your choice :)
On Edge
Summary: Lee saves eater!reader from themselves.
C/W: Suicidal ideation

One last sunset. That was your last wish. You had spent all day driving to a spot you knew had a great western view. At last, you stood on the precipice of the tallest point in the state just in time to watch the sun sink below the horizon. A slight breeze swept your hair behind you and cooled the tears on your cheeks. The air was fragrant from the wildflowers that bloomed below.
You heard a twig snap behind you. You startled and jolted, knocking rocks off the cliff's edge as you turned toward the noise. The amount of time it took to hear them hit the bottom made your resolve waiver slightly. In the dimming light, you saw a lanky figure with curly red hair emerging from the woods.
"Whoa there. I'm not going to hurt you," a tenor voice called out. He walked slowly toward you, with a slight crouch to his step and a hand held out, like he was trying to calm a scared feral kitten. "What brings you to the edge of the Earth?"
"A fitting end for reaching my limits, is it not?"
A brief flash of sadness (and was that...recognition?) flitted across his face. "My name is Lee. What's yours?"
"Well, [Y/N], if you jump, I jump," he stated matter-of-factly.
"That's insane. You would die, too!" you exclaimed in disbelief.
"Well, I can't turn away now. I'm involved," he said flatly as he set down his pack. "But maybe you can fill me in on why we have to die today?"
You looked over your shoulder back at the sunset. "I- I just can't do it anymore. My family wants nothing to do with me. I k-keep screwing things up, so I can't stay in one place long enough to make new friends. I'm...too different."
"I know. So am I." Lee gestured to himself. "This may sound weird," he paused, "but I could smell you from miles away."
"Smell me?" you asked incredulously.
Lee nodded. "Food just doesn't cut it for you, does it? You feel a deep ache down to your core until you...feed?"
You paled. Conversations about your eating habits usually required you to flee. You stepped back reflexively and lost your footing.
"[Y/N]!" Lee screamed and lunged forward to grab your hand as you slid off the edge. You cried and screamed, clawing at the rocks with your free hand until you were able to grab his arm. He pulled you back to safety and clutched you to his chest.
You shook like a leaf in his embrace. "I- I thought I was the only one." You felt him shake his head as he rested his cheek on your hair.
"You are not alone." You heard his voice catch as if he were crying. "Let me prove it to you. I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove it to you, if you'll let me."
A/N: slight inspiration taken from the jumping scene of Titanic
A sick Lee maybe on a road trip to a vacation spot and he starts feeling unwell during the drive and he worries about ruining all the fun they are supposed to have but Reader reassures him and they still end up having a good time even though Lee is ill
Thanks 😊 love you 😘
Love you, too!
You were walking along the corn field's edge, stretching your legs after the long hours in the truck, when suddenly you felt strong arms grab you from the side and pull you into a near crushing hug. Your shriek was cut short by a hand over your mouth.
"Gotcha!" the source of your favorite voice in the world teased. Lee pecked you on the cheek, then let you free. You playfully scowled at him and punched him in the arm as you caught your breath.
"You really ought to pay more attention to your surroundings. I could have been a predator, you know," Lee continued. He let out a cute growl and crouched like he was about to pounce. But instead, he grabbed your hand and pulled you down to lay in the tall stalks and stare at the clouds. The two of you spent several minutes in companionable silence, hidden from the world, just holding hands, before he rolled over on his side to look at you.
"If you could go absolutely anywhere in the Lower 48, where would you go?" he asked, twirling a finger into a strand of your loose hair.
You bit your lip and looked up at the clear blue sky in thought. A wave of excitement flashed across your face and disappeared just as quickly.
"You made your idea face. Where is it?" he prodded.
You sat up and hugged your knees. "It's too far," you lamented.
"Just tell me." He looked up at you with an irresistible pout.
"Well...I've always wanted to see Niagara Falls since I was a little girl and saw it on a postcard."
Lee flashed a big grin and ran to the passenger side of the truck, all but ripping the glove box open to retrieve his map. He buried his face in it on his walk back and nearly tripped over an uneven patch of ground. You giggled, and he glared. Once Lee settled back into his spot next to you, his long, thin index finger set to work tracing the lines of the interstate highways from your current spot in the Midwest.
"We could be there tomorrow if we leave now, just in time for your birthday!" Lee exclaimed.
"Really?!" you replied in disbelief.
"Anything for my girl." He leaned in and planted a soft kiss on your lips.
You blushed and dropped your head onto Lee's shoulder. You felt him rest his cheek on your hair as he let out a quiet, contented sigh.
Soon, the two of you were back on the road. Lee was singing along with George Strait's "Amarillo by Morning" when he was interrupted by a cough. You pulled out your bottle of water to let him have a drink.
"Thanks. Just got a tickle in my throat." He cleared his throat several more times over the next hour or two. When the coughing flared again, you took over driving.
"Are you feeling okay?" you asked worriedly when he got back into the truck.
"I'm fine. Just tired." You thought you detected some congestion in his tone.
"Here. Drink more water," you instructed as you handed him the bottle once more.
"Yes, ma'am," he quipped sarcastically. He sank down in his seat, though, when you pursed your lips and raised an eyebrow at him. He then proceeded to take a swig.
As you drove, Lee's coughing worsened and his nose began to run. The poor thing shivered in his sleep as he leaned against the passenger door despite the summer heat. He didn't wake until he felt the truck come to a stop three hours later.
"Why are we at a motel?" he asked groggily and rubbed his eyes.
"I need to stop and you need to rest," you replied.
"We should keep driving."
"No, you can't get good, recuperative rest while sitting up in the truck, even if I drive. And I am dangerously close to dozing off. Give me the stash of money so I can go get us a room."
Lee just stared at you. He was used to making the plans and calling the shots.
"Give. Me. The. Stash," you repeated in a stilted tone.
His deep huff sent him into another coughing fit. He wordlessly caved and handed you the wad of cash from his boot as he caught his breath. You left him in the truck to walk into the office to retrieve keys.
One bright side of your lifestyle was traveling light, so you could focus on helping Lee inside without making multiple trips to the truck. He collapsed on the bed, fully clothed. You worked the boots off his feet and pulled the covers over his body. Your hand instantly recoiled at the heat radiating from his forehead when you checked for fever. You quickly grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom, wet it down, and gently wiped his forehead and neck to provide him with some cooling relief.
Lee's eyes fluttered open, and he greeted you with a strained half smile. "We need to get back on the road early in the morning to stick to our timeline," he rasped.
"Let's worry about that in the morning," you whispered. You sat beside him on the bed and ran pushed the damp hair from his forehead. "We're not going anywhere as long as you are feverish."
"But-" he started to argue.
"But nothing. And if you are about to bring up my birthday, it's just another day."
"You only turn 20 once. No longer a teenager." He grinned and gently tapped your nose with his finger before letting his arm flop back to the bed.
"Only you are worried about that, old man," you teased. It had been a personal point of moral contention for Lee that he, a man in his 20s, was dating a quote-unquote teenaged girl. But he was enchanted by you ever since he met you at the county fair last year, right before your 19th birthday.
Lee feigned offense by narrowing his eyes at you, but his playfulness was overriden by another round of coughing.
"I'm going to walk over to the grocery store to get you some cough drops and cold medicine," you said in response, tucking him in tightly under the blanket. "Just lay here and try to rest more while I'm out."
The trip to the store was quick, but Lee was already sound asleep when you returned. You let him rest and snuggled up beside him in bed. Every now and then, you felt him shiver as his fever flared, and another round of chills shook his body. You were grateful, though, that his coughing subsided for a while, allowing him a few hours of solid rest until he woke you from deep slumber with his violent hacking around 2am.
You dosed him with cold medicine and turned on a hot shower in hopes that the steam would ease his breathing. He sat in the bathtub floor as you lathered shampoo and rinsed his hair and did your best to wash the sweat off his body. He weakly toweled himself off with your help.
"How are you feeling?" you asked from your perch on the bathroom counter as he sat on the edge of the tub. You scanned his face and observed the dark purple circles under his eyes and shakiness of the hand that ran through his hair.
"A little more human than earlier," he replied quietly. His voice was a little less gravelly thanks to the humidity in the bathroom.
You smirked. "That's good. I got us some snacks at the store. You should at least nibble on something before you go back to bed to keep up your strength."
"I feel wide awake. We can get back on the road and drive for a while."
"You should really get more rest, Lee. Otherwise, it may catch up with you while we're out in the middle of nowhere."
"I can't rest knowing that we have somewhere to be. Besides, I can either be miserable in bed, or miserable and at least making progress toward our destination."
You just blinked at him and sighed deeply. "Are you sure you feel up to it?" You felt his forehead. At least he wasn't running a fever. He simply nodded in return and leaned into your touch.
You narrowed your eyes at him skeptically. "Okay. Fine. But if we have to stop in the middle of the forest because you get worse, I swear you are never going to hear the end of it."
Lee chuckled and stood from his seat. "I would expect nothing less." He placed a hand on your cheek and kissed your forehead as he scooted by you to open the door. You crossed your arms and shook your head, though you temporarily distracted from your ire when Lee's towel dropped, revealing those perfect buns of his.
He walked out of the bathroom and noted the time on the alarm clock by the bed. He turned back to you and grinned. "Happy birthday, love."
Thanks to your lack of luggage, the two of you were back on the road quickly as soon as Lee was dressed again. He opted to drive so you could get some more sleep since you had stayed up caring for him. You didn't argue because you could barely keep your eyes open.
A few hours later, you woke to the sound of Lee coughing again. You squirmed in your seat and blinked the sleep from your eyes. "Where are we?" you asked groggily.
"Ohio. We just crossed the state line a few minutes ago," Lee replied. The hoarseness had returned.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'll be fine for a little while longer, then we can just switch out driving."
"If you want to pull over, I can drive now after a short bathroom break."
"No offense, but you drive too slow. That's fine most of the time, but right now we are on a deadline."
"Wha- my driving is just fine!" You crossed your arms and pouted. He looked over at you and pulled a face, which broke your ire and made you laugh. You could never stay mad at him for long. He laughed, but the exertion instigated a coughing fit.
"Pull over," you demanded.
"Not yet," he replied once he recovered his breath.
"You need to rest. Otherwise, you won't be able to enjoy the falls with me. That matters more to me than seeing them alone." Ha. You knew that would play on his feelings.
Lee paused and released a deep sigh. "Fine. But we keep going. I can rest just fine in the passenger seat."
"Deal," you replied, flashing him a grin.
He pulled over into a wooded alcove so you could both get out and stretch. You tossed the cold medicine toward him. He winced.
"This stuff tastes disgusting, you know," Lee complained.
"Anything for your girl, right?" You winked, and he grumbled - but he complied.
You took over driving for the next stretch of the trip. Lee quickly fell asleep, hugging his legs and using his knees as a pillow. Before getting back into the truck, he had shown you the upcoming turns on the map, but you wouldn't need to turn for at least 100 miles - long enough to forget the specifics. You unknowingly took a wrong turn and followed the highway south, when you should have been traveling northeast. Lee came to a few hours later and asked how far you had gone.
"I'm not sure. The last town I saw was Fremont."
He frowned and snatched the map, frantically searching for the grid coordinates for the town. His face dropped. "[Y/N], we are heading away from New York now."
"B- but I took the road you said."
"We needed to turn off this highway about an hour ago."
You felt the blood drain from your face. "Oh," was all you could muster. You pulled over at the next driveway, jumped out of the truck, and slammed the door. Lee met you at the tailgate.
"Please don't yell at me." You cringed as you saw the disappointment in his face.
"Yell? Oh, babe, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself. If we hadn't stopped at the motel last night, we would be making great time. And if I hadn't been asleep, you wouldn't have missed your turn. I have single-handedly ruined your birthday." He kicked the tire to release some frustration.
You laid one hand on his arm and the other on the opposite cheek to encourage him to look at you. "Shouldn't I be the judge of that? Anywhere you are is exactly where I should be. We may not be where I hoped to be, but that doesn't matter as long as I'm with you. It's okay if we don't make it by midnight. I'd rather get there late than get there stressed. I'd like to enjoy all the places along the way that I've never been."
The two of you continued on at a much more leisurely pace, stopping when one or both of you needed to rest. You hit the New York state line right at midnight, marking the end of your birthday - but seeing Niagara Falls at sunrise more than made up for the delay. You stared out over the chasm and took it all in. The oranges and pinks of the skies were like a painting that belonged in a museum. The falls roared, and the mist tickled your face like thousands of tiny carresses.
"It's surreal. So beautiful," you whispered.
"Yes, it is."
You felt him take your left hand, but when you turned to look at his face, it wasn't where you expected.
He was down on one knee.
You gasped and covered your mouth with your free hand. You started nodding fervently.
Lee laughed. "I haven't even asked the question yet, love."
"Well, hurry up!"
"Oh, so *now* you are in a hurry," he teased, then cleared his throat. "I don't have a ring yet, but I can't wait another day to ask if you will be my travel companion for the rest of our lives."
You sniffled, and the tears overflowed from your eyes. You continued to nod. "Yes, Lee. Yes! Wherever you go, I go." He picked you up, spun you around, and planted a yearning kiss on your lips...
...and then started coughing. You laughed and guided him to the nearest bench.
"We got an early start on putting 'in sickness and in health' to the test," you teased.
Tag List:
𝐚𝐦 𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤
❂ Lee x f!reader
— content warnings: cannibalism, angst, death, murder
— word count: 1.6k

Lee drove his old truck down the endless stretch of highway, the miles blending together as the sun began to set on the horizon. The radio crackled with static, and he reached over to switch it off, preferring the silence to the mindless chatter. The roads were familiar to him, each turn and bump a reminder of his past, but the future seemed as uncertain as ever. It was only the presence of Y/N beside him that gave him a sense of purpose, a fragile hope that he clung to desperately.
Y/N sat next to him, her head resting against the window, her eyes closed in a peaceful slumber. Her hair cascaded around her face, catching the last rays of sunlight and turning them into a halo of golden light. She looked so serene, so untouched by the darkness that haunted Lee's every step. He glanced at her, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. She was his anchor, his reason to keep going.
They had met by chance, a serendipitous encounter on a rainy night. Y/N had been stranded on the side of the road, her car broken down and her phone dead. Lee had pulled over, offering her a ride without knowing that this one act of kindness would change his life forever. They had clicked instantly, their shared sense of wanderlust and a desire to escape their pasts binding them together.
But Lee's past was not something that could be easily forgotten. He had a dark secret, a hunger that lurked beneath the surface, always threatening to break free. He had managed to keep it at bay for a while, hunting animals and staying away from populated areas. But the urge was always there, a constant reminder of the monster he was.
Y/N stirred, blinking sleepily as she sat up. "Where are we?" she asked, her voice still heavy with sleep.
"Almost to the next town," Lee replied, glancing at the gas gauge. "We need to fill up soon."
She nodded, stretching her arms and yawning. "How long have I been out?"
"Couple of hours," Lee said, giving her a soft smile. "You needed the rest."
She smiled back, reaching over to squeeze his hand. "Thanks for looking out for me."
He squeezed her hand in return, feeling a pang of guilt. She had no idea what he was, the darkness he carried within him. He had tried to tell her once, to explain the monster that lurked beneath his skin, but the words had stuck in his throat. How could he make her understand? How could he risk losing her?
They pulled into a small gas station on the outskirts of town. Lee got out, stretching his legs and feeling the cool evening air against his skin. Y/N followed suit, looking around with curiosity.
"Do you think they have any food?" she asked, nodding towards the small convenience store attached to the gas station.
"Probably," Lee said. "Why don't you go check? I'll fill up the tank."
Y/N smiled and headed inside, leaving Lee alone with his thoughts. He watched her go, a sense of foreboding settling in his chest. He shook it off, focusing on the task at hand. The pump clicked as the tank filled, and Lee's mind wandered back to the day they had met.
It had been raining, the kind of torrential downpour that made it impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you. Lee had been driving aimlessly, trying to outrun the darkness that always seemed to be nipping at his heels. He had almost missed her, a lone figure standing by the side of the road, drenched and shivering. Something about her had caught his attention, a spark of something familiar in her eyes. He had pulled over, offering her a ride, and the rest was history.
The memory brought a smile to his face, but it was quickly replaced by a sense of dread. The hunger was always there, lurking just beneath the surface. He had managed to keep it at bay for now, but he knew it was only a matter of time before it would demand to be fed.
Y/N returned with a bag of snacks, her face lit up with excitement. "They had those pretzels you like," she said, holding up the bag.
Lee chuckled, taking the bag from her. "You're the best."
They climbed back into the truck, the engine rumbling to life as they continued their journey. The sun had set completely now, the stars beginning to twinkle in the night sky. Lee felt a sense of peace settle over him, a rare moment of contentment in a life filled with darkness.
But as they drove on, that sense of foreboding lingered, a shadow that refused to be banished. Lee glanced at Y/N, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the dashboard lights. She was his light in the darkness, his reason to keep fighting. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was coming, something that would shatter the fragile peace they had found.
The next town they arrived in was small, barely more than a blip on the map. It had a single main street lined with a few shops and a diner that looked like it hadn't changed in decades. Lee and Y/N found a cheap motel and checked in, the clerk giving them a bored look as he handed over the keys. The room was basic but clean, and they both collapsed onto the bed, exhausted from the day's journey.
"We should stay here for a few days," Y/N suggested, her voice muffled by the pillow. "Rest up before we hit the road again."
Lee nodded, staring at the ceiling. He could feel the hunger gnawing at him, a constant reminder of the darkness he carried. But being with Y/N made it bearable, gave him a reason to keep fighting. "Yeah, that sounds good."
They spent the next few days exploring the town, enjoying the simple pleasures it offered. They visited the local diner for breakfast, the smell of fresh coffee and bacon filling the air. They walked through the small park, hand in hand, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their faces. For a while, it felt like they were just a normal couple, free from the shadows that haunted their pasts.
But the peace was short-lived. One evening, as they were walking back to the motel from the diner, they heard a commotion down a nearby alley. Curious, Y/N tugged on Lee's arm, pulling him towards the noise.
"Let's check it out," she said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Lee hesitated, a sense of dread settling in his stomach. "I don't know, Y/N. It might be dangerous."
"Come on," she insisted, giving him a playful smile. "It'll be an adventure."
Against his better judgment, Lee followed her into the alley. The sounds grew louder as they approached, and they soon saw the source of the commotion. A group of men were arguing, their voices raised and their faces twisted with anger. One of them held a knife, the blade glinting in the dim light.
"Stay back," Lee whispered, pulling Y/N behind him. But she was too curious, too fearless, and she stepped forward, trying to get a better look.
"Hey, what's going on here?" she called out, her voice cutting through the tension.
The men turned towards her, their expressions darkening. "None of your business," one of them snarled, taking a step closer.
Lee could feel the panic rising in his chest. "Y/N, let's go," he said, his voice urgent.
But it was too late. The man with the knife lunged towards Y/N, and she tried to dodge, but the blade caught her side, slicing through her shirt and into her flesh. She cried out, collapsing to the ground as blood began to pool around her.
"No!" Lee screamed, rushing to her side. He pressed his hands against the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, but it was too deep. The men scattered, disappearing into the night, leaving Lee and Y/N alone in the alley.
"Y/N, stay with me," Lee begged, his voice trembling. "I'm going to get you help."
She shook her head, her face pale and her breathing labored. "Lee... there's no time," she whispered. “please.."
"No," he said, tears streaming down his face. "I can't. I can't do that to you."
"Please," she begged, her eyes filled with pain. "We both know i’m not going to make it either way.”
Lee's heart shattered at her words. He knew what she was asking, knew the darkness she was asking him to embrace. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't lose her.
"Y/N, please," he whispered, his voice breaking. "We’re gon’ get you some help. You’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.."
She reached up, her hand trembling as she cupped his cheek. "I love you, Lee," she said, her voice barely audible. "Please. Eat me.”
He closed his eyes, the pain in his chest almost unbearable. He knew she was right, knew that this was the only way to end her suffering. But the thought of what he had to do, the thought of losing her, was too much to bear.
With a trembling hand, he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers in a final, desperate kiss. "I love you too," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I'm so sorry."
And then, with tears streaming down his face, he did the unthinkable. He let the darkness take over, let the hunger consume him. He bit down, the taste of her blood filling his mouth, and he felt her shudder beneath him.
As he fed, he felt a part of himself die. The guilt and sorrow were overwhelming, a crushing weight that

copyright 2021 heizenka, all rights reserved. I do not allow my creations to be published of translated anywhere else so please do not repost.
i’m not joking when i say i’d let him eat me right the fuck up


𓇢𓆸 timothée chalamet ༉˚.
𓇢𓆸 regulus black ༉˚.
𓇢𓆸 lee ༉˚.
birthday cake ༊*·˚

m.list ◦ askbox
synopsis: it’s your birthday and lee has a small surprise for you
« What’s that ? »
Laying on your stomach with your chin balanced on your palm, you stretched a finger, pointing at his forehead. Lee turned his eyes at you, lighter than ever with the sun shining idly above them. A smile stretched on his lips and you chuckled before moving your palm to cover the excitement from your mouth.
« Your birthday cake. »
There was a small tart on his forehead with its crumbly crust and creme. You were looking at him for a while trying to playfully balance it on his head and then place a candle on top.
« Make a wish. »
« A wish ? » He lightly nodded.
A gust of wind came your way as you tilted your head to the side to think for a moment. Lee was staring at you, waiting. The grass ruffled beneath you, the subtle smell of soil and the crisp air covering all your senses.
Your fingers find their way around your nape, pressing down your hair. You leaned closer to him and pretended to blow off the candle.
« I did. »
« What did you wish for ? »
« Can’t tell you. »
« Why ? »
« Bad luck. »
« Bad luck... », he murmured back. You chuckled as your hand moved to his chest, softly tracing his skin up to the curve of his neck and his chin. You lingered on his lips, drawing the warm lines. Lee’s mouth parted open trying to catch your fingers.
« Won’t you sing me the song ? »
« What song ? »
« The traditional. »
« The traditional ? » You bobbed your head.
A grin stretched on his face. Lee started humming the rhythm first moving away but then his gaze reverted to you. You looked at him for a moment and then closed the distance between you, hovering above him, his body warm and familiar against yours. You leaned down, taking the candle off the tart and licking the remnants of creme before tossing it aside.
You trapped the birthday cake between your teeth and trailed it down to his mouth. Lee bit it, his murmurs slowly fading in the air when you pressed your mouth on his, smearing creme and biscuit.
No more air in the lungs to be spared, you kissed him slowly; lips trapped between teeth, tongues trying to catch the sweet taste of the other. Lee chuckled softly against you.
« Happy birthday. »

requests are open

birthday cake: it’s your birthday & lee has a small surprise for you
ugh, i love them

No, because I will never get over them