Couple Cuddling - Tumblr Posts
Headcanon: Which of the doctors/directors would enjoy cuddling.
Any warning: No warning.
A/N: Just another headcanon. I hope you enjoy it!!
DIRECTOR ALTO CLEF: Don’t bring any of that weird shit here. He isn’t a fan of it and wouldn’t do it.
DIRECTOR JACK BRIGHT: Another one who doesn't like cuddles. He wouldn’t entertain it either. If his S/O is cold then here is a blanket but.... other than that he isn’t going to cuddle anyone.
DOCTOR SIMON GLASS: He isn’t typically the affectionate type that would cuddle. But if his S/O wanted some love and cuddles from him then who is he to deny them? But then while they’re cuddling, he begins to realize how he really enjoys having them close to him… just holding them in his arms makes him feel relaxed and happy… They should really do this more often.
DOCTOR BEN KONDRAKI: Sure! Come cuddle with him. He likes it when his S/O wants to be close to him. But do not try to do any of that cute shit when cuddling with him. Don’t try to tickle him, kiss him a lot, play with his beard or hair, or anything like that. He doesn’t like it. Just cuddle. That is all.
DOCTOR CHARLES GEARS: No. Just no. Leave him out of that.
DOCTOR ICEBERG: Yes! Come and cuddle with him! He wants it! He needs it! But while he would enjoy cuddling with his S/O he wouldn’t be the one to indicate it. And this has more to do with the issue of his body temperature than being prideful or awkward. Yeah, this man has an abnormal body temperature where he is cold constantly… and whoever touches him would (obviously) feel how cold he is. He is used to it by now but he is afraid to make his S/O cold and uncomfortable. But if his S/O was adamant about it and really wanted to cuddle with him then he is going to give in. Maybe they can take out a blanket and cover it over his body then they can climb on top of him. He would love that! His face would flush red and he wouldn’t be able to keep eye contact with them. Too busy worrying if he is making them cold. He would try and enjoy the cuddling but fail because his mind keeps going back to being paranoid of his body temperature. His brain would be like: Is this a comfortable position? Are they comfortable with my hands touching them? Are they getting cold? Should I get another blanket? He is a mess! Expectantly his S/O would notice how he is acting and reassure him that they are alright… and to just relax.
DOCTOR AGATHA RIGHTS: Yeah, she wants some cuddles from her S/O. Give her some affection!
SCP-073 (CAIN): Sure why not! He isn't one that is affectionate most of the time but he does like having his S/O close to him some days... Just relaxing together in his room. It helps him relax more as well.
SCP-076 (ABLE): Do not cuddle him. He would feel like his S/O is invading his personal space. He doesn't like them too close. Sorry. And also he doesn't understand the reason for it. Like what is the purpose of cuddling with someone?? Sounds foreign to him tbh..

Imagine being on top of your turtle and you both are just churring out of content and happiness while you both cuddle while sleeping!
Now this is a cute question. Cuddles with your turtle are always worth it after a steamy bedroom fuck. 😛💖

Imagine that Casey from the future just meets Echo and I feel like this is how their interaction will go. (This is just a random idea I got just now)
Casey: "Oh my god, It's you, The Resistance leader's wife!"
Echo: "Who is the Resistance leader exactly?"
Casey: "Raphael is the Resistance leader"
Echo: "Excuse me, what!?" *becomes madly flustered and is litterly about to pass out*
*just finished paperwork and is tired*
Future Raph: "wanna cuddle?"
*Echo just looks over at him and shrugs*
Echo: "sure"
*cuddles together for the rest of the day since they ain't got nothing better to do*

just a doodle dump of my ocs, Andrew and Travis (Andrew is the guy with the facemask, Travis is the guy with the pink kerchief. Also, they're boyfriends <3)

Reclama il mio corpo, senti l’effetto che mi hai fatto e che mi fai, tienilo tra le dita, caldo, duro che sembra stia per scoppiare, lo assapori già con la mente, lo vuoi tutto dentro fino alle palle.

Non mi sazio mai del tuo corpo pazzesco. Ti voglio sempre di più

Quando torna il tuo ragazzo? Voglio possederti proprio qua, fare la cosa sbagliata, perversa, voglio riempirti la figa e dirti che sei mia, fissarti negli occhi e dirti che non mi frega un cazzo, ora mi appartieni, sono io che ti faccio tremare dal piacere, che ti faccio scoprire cose nuove e che ti tolgo il fiato, a me scrivi quando vuoi godere come una porca oscena in calore, ora ti farcisco tutta e ti mando a cena con lui che hai ancora la mia sborra sul corpo, asciutta

Timothee having a nightmare during a thunderstorm and wakes up in a panic needing all the cuddles. 🥺 plz?
Hope a Timmy character is ok - I've been wanting to try my hand at a Lee fic.
When I say "vocal panting," think of Paul's noises after he was stabbed in Dune 2.
C/W: Reference to past abuse

The weather man on the radio said a severe storm was coming as you and Lee pulled into the state park that would be your home for the night. The wind was already picking up by the time you made your way to your campsite, so you both decided to sleep in the truck instead of the tent.
After a long day of traveling, the two of you were easily lulled to sleep by the gentle rain pattering on the windshield and the thunder that rumbled in the distance. Lee slept upright in the driver's seat, his curly red hair acting as a pillow against the window. Your position mirrored his on the passenger side, aside from your feet curled up in the seat.
A sudden clap of thunder shook the truck's windows and wrenched you from your slumber. You jerked upright as your heart raced and looked around to get your bearings. Beside you, you heard Lee's vocal panting. He was covered in a sheen of sweat, trembling and wide-eyed like a cornered animal. He turned his eyes toward you but remained unfocused as he tried to get away from some invisible phantom.
"Lee, love, look at me. Focus on me." You gripped his face between your hands and rubbed his cheeks with your thumbs.
"[Y/N]? Wha- where?" He blinked owlishly as he looked around.
"You are here with me in the truck. Where were you?" you replied softly, assuming the thunder pulled him from a nightmare.
"I was in the b-barn back home. M-my father w-was coming after me," Lee explained between rapid breaths.
You rested your forehead on his. "You're okay. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore. Breathe with me, okay?" You took in a deep breath through your nose and let it out slowly through your mouth, exaggerating to encourage him to emulate you. He copied you and slowly calmed down.
"Thank you," he said sheepishly.
You kissed the tip of his nose. "Come here." You leaned back against the passenger door and opened your arms to invite him over. He shuffled over and laid against you as your legs and arms cocooned him in a safe embrace. You rested your cheek on the top of his head and held him like that until morning.
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Inspired by the restless night I just faced thanks to a loud thunderstorm crossing overhead, I decided to flip my recent storm fic in which Timmy/Lee needed comfort. Short but sweet.
You barely had time to register the flash of light that seared through your closed eyelids before a loud clap of thunder ripped you from a restless dream. You heard the window panes rattle in their frames as you shot upright in your bed, trying to catch your breath. It sounded like the storm was right on top of you, like somebody was playing the bass drum in your ear. Oh wait, that was your heartbeat.
Timothée reached up and rubbed a hand up and down your back. "Hey, shhh, it's ok. You're safe. It'll pass," he cooed in almost a whisper. You looked down at him, only able to make out the outline of his body in the dark, aside from the intermittent flashes of lightning.

He folded his arms around you as you slowly laid back down, your body turned toward him so your cheek rested on his chest. You tried to concentrate on the rhythmic lub-dub of his calm, steady heartbeat rather than the wild wind outside. You felt one of his hands make its way to the back of your head to play with your hair.
The next thing you knew, sunlight was filtering through your eyelids as you heard birds chirping outside. You weren't ready to open your eyelids, so you took in your surroundings with your other senses. Your cheek still rested on the soft skin of Timothée's chest. He smelled like comfort, like fresh mown grass and a hint of pine and leather. You felt his arm still cradling your back and his hand resting on your side. You blinked the sleep from your eyes and focused on his face, which was staring at the ceiling. He turned his head when he noticed your movement and smiled.
"Good morning, sunshine," he said softly, voice still gravelly with sleep.
"How long have you been awake?" you asked out of curiosity, since he seemed rather alert.
"A bit, but I didn't want to move and wake you."
You noticed your body was stiff from staying in one position for hours. You took pity on Timothée's arm, which you guessed was probably asleep from you laying on it, so you sat up to release him from your weight. He winced a little as feeling crept back into his hand. You brought it to your cheek and kissed his palm.
"I love you."
He half smiled and rubbed his thumb along your cheekbone. "I love you more," following along with the game you two played nearly every day.
"I love you most." You broke out in a grin, then launched yourself off the bed to go make breakfast before he could argue with you.
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A sickly Yule plz
(Timothee’s character from Don’t look up)

The sound of a hacking cough pulled me from my slumber. I rolled over and blindly patted the empty space in bed beside me. "Where's Yule?" I wondered until I heard the cough again.
I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I walked to our apartment's living room, where I spotted Yule on the couch. He looked so small as he hugged his legs and rested his forehead on his knees. He didn't even hear you approach and startled as you sat beside him and rubbed his back.
"I'm sorry for [cough] waking you up."
I flashed him a pitying half-smile. "That's okay, baby. In sickness and in health, remember?"
"I feel awful," Yule whined miserably as he all but fell onto my chest when I opened my arms to beckon him over for cuddles. My fingers carded through his long hair in an effort to soothe him. I could feel the heat of his fever radiating off his body.
I grew concerned when I could both feel and hear his breath rattling in his lungs. "You're going to the doctor in the morning," I stated firmly, giving him little room to argue. Yule hates doctors and hospitals, so I was shocked when all I got in response was a weak nod. He must feel really bad.
He quickly fell asleep, and I didn't have the heart to move him. I slowly laid back to get comfortable and put him into a reclining position to breathe easier. I found myself jolting awake through the rest of the night to check on him.
When morning came, I eased myself out from behind him to get my phone and make an appointment with his doctor. It turned out that he had pneumonia, so I sent him straight to bed after we picked up his antibiotics from the pharmacy. It was hard to get lucid Yule to sit still, but I was able to bribe him with cuddles and potato soup - his favorite.
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NCT Dream reaction to you wanting to cuddle:
Will find it a bit amusing and will get super shy and blushy whenever you walk over to him with a pout, crawling into the space next to him on the couch. Is low-key melting inside from your cuteness but tries really hard not to let you see it, not wanting to lose his savage demeanor. Will wraps his arms around your waist from behind and bury his head in your shoulder, trying to hide his lovesick smile. Sometimes he'll rub circles on your hipbones with his thumbs, or leave small butterfly kisses on your shoulder and neck to make you laugh. Both of you don't really talk much when you cuddle, simply basking in each other's comforting presence and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.
"Why are you so clingy today?"
Non stopping giggling UWU. Is so soft for your cuddles, he literally can't wipe the smile of his face. Let's you sabotage him as much as you want, even if you take up all the space on the sofa and sprawl over him completely. Loves resting his head on top of yours and carding his fingers through your hair. Might hum a song if he's in the mood, or tickle your sides when he feels more playful... just anything to make you smile really.
"Hmm... Your hair smells nice."
Teases you whenever you waddle towards him with your hands outstretched, a small frown on your lips after a tiring day of work. At first he pretends to be busy and unable to cuddle, but the second you give up and start to turn around, he's already grabbing your arm and pulling you into his embrace. Doesn't care how you cuddle, as long as you do. He can be the big spoon, little spoon, on top of you, or under you, it honestly doesn't matter. Cuddling with Haechan always last at least two hours, and if you even try to move away from him, he whines immediately, pulling you impossibly closer. Sometimes you talk, sometimes you sleep, sometimes Haechan kisses you all over your face until you die from laughter, and sometimes, once in a while when Hyuck feels soft, he'll whisper to you sweet words, making you feel warm all over.
"How do I put up with you all day? You're lucky you're cute".
The second you curl up into his arms, Jaemin already has a huge smile on his face, happy and content with holding you. Pulling you closer, he'll tangle your legs together, and wrap his hands around your back until your face to face, foreheads pressed together. He loves that position, because the closer you are the better, in his humble opinion. You like the position as well, because it always leads to your boyfriend pressing kisses all over your face, making you giggle. Sometimes when he's in his bratty mood, he'll tickle you all of the sudden, just when you started to get comfortable, making you screech and try to push him off of you helplessly. Either way, it always ends with you falling asleep, hands intertwined and faces pressed close together.
"Aww, does my baby need a hug?"
The happiest baby dolphin alive. Hugs you so tight and laughs at every single word and touch from you. Cuddling with him is loud, like everything else with Chenle. Non stop talking, laughing and shrieking. He loves to cuddle with his head on your chest and you petting his hair, or when you're both squeezed tightly in a bear hug, limbs tangled together. Teases you occasionally, boasting about how you can't live without him and how comfortable he must be. Despite all the jokes, he's always the one not willing to let go first, pouting at you with puppy eyes and making grabby hands towards you in an attempt to make you stay (which usually works).
"I know you love me, but do you really need to hug me so tightly?"
A shy bean. Freezes a bit when he feels you wrap your arms around him, but quickly melts when you lay your head on his chest, playing with the material of his T-shirt. He's probably a little red, but you pretend not to see it, and it always takes a few seconds before he wraps his own arms around your waist. The two of you are usually fairly quiet, staring at the TV in peace, and sometime along the way Jisung's hands end up in your hair, playing with the strands, or sometimes he plays with your hands, intertwining your fingers over and over again and brushing his thumb along your knuckles. Tends to stare at you a lot when he thinks your asleep or not looking, and has the biggest heart eyes. Almost always ends up falling asleep as well, pulling you closer to him in his sleep, and it's always worth the back aches you have the day after.
"Woah, you surprised me!"
𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓶𝓲 𝓒𝓾𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼
a/n - Please Request...

He will not like it at first.
His reaction to you trying to cuddle for the first time would go not well.
He would push you away at first. Not wanting that step to be taken. He doesn't want or like to be vulnerable in any sense.
He definitely has a fear of intimacy because he also has a fear of losing people he cares about. So he doesn't want to get close so when he does lose someone it will hurt less in his mind.
But when he sees the disappointment in your eyes the more he rejects your cuddles the nagging feeling inside him finally gets too big and he gives in.
He is the big spoon. No one can convince me otherwise. He loves the feeling of you in his arms because it make him feel like he is protecting you from everything.
He sways your hips along with his.
He cuddles in silence because he just wants to hear you breathe.
He grips everything he can, pulling you closer to him.
He controls your movements with his body.
You better never pull away from him or else he will pull you closer and not let you go for the next few hours.