Lee!lucifer - Tumblr Posts

š®š¹:vuolevate vedere i miei disengi tradizionali di solletico ? :3 ecco a voi <3 (nn sono una fan di habzin hotel) lo fatto a d'agosto 2024
šŗšø:u guys want to see my tradizional tickle arts? :3 then here u go <3 (i'm not an habzin hotel fan) i did it in august 2024

Soooo good!!
Pride comes before a fall

Summary: Lucifer is the most powerful being in hell and as such he fears no consequences for his behavior. No matter who he messes with, in his opinion, no one has the courage to fight back. Driven by his pride, he even messes with the most powerful demons in hell, because he knows that none of them would dare even try to rebel against him. Well, all except one demon and this demon is fed up with all the teasing towards him and this demon shows him today that even the King of Hell has to face consequences for his behaviorā¦
Warnings: A lot of tickling in this one, because this is a tickle story. Don't like? Don't read! The tickling scratches sadistic territory, but I personally think I still held back a lot. Everything is strictly sfw! If you look for dirty stuff, look elsewhere! I tried to stay in character, but as alwas: OOC warning, just in case I messed up a bit ;).
Word count: Over 5600
Authors note: Oh my, it's been literally MONTHS since my last upload. I am sorry for that. These last three months were literal hell to me. I don't want to talk about it, but it was super stressfull for me and it still is, but not as heavy as weeks ago fortunately. Well, I try to get more active here, but can't make any promises. This is the fic that won my poll. Hope you guys will enjoy it. I've never written anything Voodoo related and hopefully I didn't mess up (I wanna go to New Orleans so bad but it's sooooo expensive *sighs*).
Hope the translation is okay too. I translated this from german into english and boy, it was a pain in the a** to translate this time.
BTW this is an own story and has nothing to do with my little t-word series with Alastor and Lucifer. Just saying :).
Oh and for the anon who send me this:

Have some lee!lucifer haha
I myself had lots of fun with writing this.
Feedback is much appreciated as always.
And now have fun reading, guys (Fic under the cut)
Pride comes before a fall
Alastor had had enough.
Really more than enough!
Ever since the King of Hell himself had moved into the Hazbin Hotel, his life had been turned upside down. And not necessarily in the most positive sense. Oh no...
Whenever Lucifer met him, the teasing started and as annoying as it was, Alastor had to admit that he wasn't entirely innocent himself, because he also dished out a lot when it came to teasing and making fun of the short King.
Because he enjoyed messing with Lucifer, who always responded so deliciously to his jibes; specially the ones about his height. Oh yes. When Alastor only briefly hinted at how short he was compared to himself or the other residents of the hotel, the King would go off like a bomb. And the deer demon was always highly amused by such a strong reaction, because this was exactly the entertainment he had been looking for in this hotel.
However, he had been so busy in the last few days that he hadn't had any time to mess with him and Lucifer had used this to his advantage, taking the opportunity to turn the tables and bombard him with jibes and dirty jokes, almost driving him mad.
It had become particularly bad when the fallen angel had caught him working on a clogged toilet in the morning.
"Hey Bambi, when my toilet is clogged, you can take care of it too, wearing the right clothes, of course. Everything should be done properly after all and that means fitting clothes too. I am sure you look really hot in an apron. And only in that and nothing else. We also want to make sure that everyone can see your cute fluffy tail when you clean my toilet~."
The words still echoed in his head and thinking about them made his blood boil and the blush rise to his face, as images crept into his mind that he had never wanted to see and caused him to grit his teeth and growl softly, as the beast stirred inside him and yanked at the chains Alastor held it bound with, for he had promised Charlie to not let it lose inside the hotel.
Ohhh, but how he wanted to kick that arrogant angel's ass!
But he had promised Charlie he wouldn't hurt her father. Not that he could have done so, because Lucifer was so much more powerful than he would ever be, even if the King didn't look like that at first glance. But everyone in hell knew what the fallen angel hid behind his cheerful and slightly over-excited mask and that was ultimately what earned him the respect that everyone down here in this world of fire and brimstone paid him.
But Alastor could also dish it out quite a lot himself when he became really angry. But deep down, the deer demon knew that he would never have the slightest chance if it ever came to a serious fight between him and the King of Hell.
After all, he was only a mortal soul.
A mortal soul, who nevertheless had a few tricks up his sleeve that Lucifer knew nothing about, because he was too arrogant to show interest in other demons but himself and that was exactly what Alastor now wanted to take advantage of.
The arrogance of this angel would be his downfall!
Just as it had been in heaven, it would be his downfall here in hell too; he would make sure about that!
He had already prepared everything he needed and was taking care of the final details right now.
Grinning, he sat on his bed in his hotel room, cross-legged, and worked on the last few details of his project. He carefully guided the needle and thread through the fabric he was working on, taking care to be thorough, because in his eyes this had to be perfect.
And it would be, because he was a perfectionist when it came to that.
He had been one when he was still alive and he was still one now that he was dead. And ohhh, how wonderful it felt to be able to devote himself to one of his most favorite hobbies again after such a long timeā¦
He had learned a lot during his lifetime about what he was up to now and perhaps it was precisely this hobby that had ultimately sent him to hell. But he didn't care. He loved life down here because he could have so much fun, didn't have to stick to any stupid rules and could do whatever he wanted.
And he would have fun again today.
Oh yes, and how he would have fun...
His grin widened, taking on sadistic traits, as he finished the last pinpricks and then looked proudly at his now finished work.
Even though he hadn't done this for a very long time, he hadn't lost his sensitivity for this hobby even in death. On the contrary: Since he had been living down here, he had become much better at it. He had already had enough guinea pigs over the years to test his abilities with this hobby of his.
Ohhh, how much he had enjoyed the agonizing screams...
And today would be a lot of fun again; he would make sure about that.
His grin widened, taking on sinister features and a malicious laugh crept from the depths of his throat, bearing witness to the anticipation that flared up inside him.
This insolent and arrogant angel wouldn't even know what was about to hit him...
Lucifer was unaware of the Radio Demonās sadistic thoughts, nor did he have any idea of the sinister plans he was plotting behind his back.
The King of Hell was busy preparing everything in the kitchen for another round of pancakes and his daughter, Charlie, kept him company and helped him a little.Ā
Lucifer wanted to make the most of the day, as almost everyone else had flown out today. Alastor was also nowhere to be seen and so he finally had the chance to spend some father and daughter time with Charlie. Something he hadn't done for a very long time and he felt that there was a lot he had to catch up on and so he would make the most of the day and of course a peaceful father/daughter day couldn't happen without his famous pancakes. So he and Charlie had gone into the hotel kitchen and were getting everything ready.
Lucifer had already finished a large bowl of batter and it was now in the fridge for the rest of the hotel residents to throw a round of pancakes later (and he would mix a little surprise into Alastor's portion when the time came. He hoped this egocentric stag liked the taste of Carolina Reaper flakes in his pancake).
The smaller bowl, he was filling right now, was just for him and Charlie.
"It's nice that you and I can spend time together again after all these years," Lucifer finally broke the silence between them and he gave Charlie a wide and happy smile as he turned his head enough to look over his shoulder and at his daughter.
Charlie smiled too as she watched him pour a portion of batter into a pan and waited for his first pancake to turn a nice shade of golden brown.
"Yes, I think it's nice too. Also that you moved into the hotel. That will do you good."
Lucifer grinned when he heard that.
"Of course, little apple. But not everyone seems to like the fact that I'm living here now though, but as long as you're happy, that's all that matters."
Charlie couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard that, knowing exactly what, or rather who, her father was referring to again.
"You know, Dad, if you didn't tease Alastor all the time, you two would get along much better. Why don't you finally bury the hatchet and try to get along? That would really make life here in the hotel easier with the two of you under one roof. Not just for me, but for everyone else too."
The fallen angel laughed loudly and sarcastically at her words.
"Me and Alastor? Getting along? Char, Char, you know that's impossible. That stag is far too stubborn for that."
The young demoness raised an eyebrow questioningly when she heard that.
"Oh? And you're not stubborn?" she retorted, her voice sounding almost accusatory, which of course didn't go unnoticed by Lucifer.
"I never said that," he replied in a calm voice.
Charlie ran both hands over her face, as her father grinned broadly at her once more, before turning back to his pancake and swirling the pan carefully to prevent it from burning.
"I'm really not asking for much, Dad. I'm just asking that you at least try not to provoke Alastor all the time."
"Oh, come on. I didn't provoke him today."
"Yeah, because no one's seen him today."
"Well, that's not quite true. I saw him this morning, taking care of the clogged toilet."
Charlie raised an eyebrow as he said that.
"I can imagine how that ended," she mumbled.
Lucifer laughed.
"I just told him that he could come to me if my toilet was clogged too, that's all."
"Thatās all? Are you really sure about that, Dad?"
The Seraph didn't answer, keeping his back turned to her and when Charlie looked closer, she saw his shoulders twitch, as he laughed softly.
"Okay, okay, there was a bit more. Maybe I told him to put on matching clothes when he unclogged my toilet," the King said with a wide grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear as he turned back to his daughter, who could only shake her head in response.
"You're impossible and you know that. You and Angel...you two have really made it your business to drive poor Alastor mad, haven't you?"
"Poor Alastor? My little apple, Alastor is anything but poor. He dishes out a fair bit too. He gave Angel a few good nightmares the other day when he nearly let the Radio Demon loose."
"I wonder why that escalated so quickly?" Charlie asked with a grumble and Lucifer grinned knowingly and chuckled slightly maliciously.
"It's not our problem when good old Al can't take a joke and doesnāt understand some fun."
"I don't think your sex jokes necessarily count as 'fun'."
"Hmm...but a certain kind of fun for sure..."
"Okay, okay I'll stop," the fallen angel laughed, absentmindedly scratching the back of his hand before turning his attention back to the pancake.
"It would be nice if you would at least leave Alastor alone with the dirty jokes and innuendos. I've already told Angel that as well. You two know exactly how uncomfortable that makes him feel like."
"He hasn't complained yet, so I am pretty sure he's secretly into it. Who knows what he does behind closed doors, Char, Char. Or right now? I haven't seen him since this morning. Who knows what he's up to right now? Maybe he's playing with himself, who knows?"
Another eye roll from Charlie, followed by a long, loud sigh.
"Dad, you and Angel...you two are just impossible."
"Oh come on, little duckling. A little fun never hurt anyone. It's about time we pull the stick out of Al's ass. It's not 1920 anymore. It's time for him to adapt to modern times and...and..."
Lucifer suddenly faltered and Charlie looked at him questioningly, as he went silent and his fingers suddenly tightened around the handle of the spatula he was holding.
"Dad? Are you all right?" the young demoness asked, as her father suddenly went completely still and stood petrified in front of the hob, not moving an inch. His muscles were tense and he stood there as stiff as a stick, his back turned to her as he was about to flip his pancake. But he stopped in mid-motion.
Charlie didn't know.
She didn't know that Lucifer had to pull himself together to keep from collapsing with laughter here in the kitchen and then in front of his own daughter.
And why?
Because he suddenly felt a strange sensationā¦
It had started with an itch on his hand. As if a feather was brushing delicately against his skin. But no matter how many times he had scratched his hand while talking to his daughter, the itch wouldn't go away. To his horror, the feeling had started to move. Slowly, very slowly, from his hand up his arm and to his shoulder. Now it had reached his neck and it was no longer an itch that he felt, but a full-blown tickling sensation.
A tickling sensation that just wouldn't go away and seemed to have a mind of its own, as crazy as that might sound. But nothing was normal down here in hell anyway.
The tickling sensation had eventually traveled from his neck to his back and when Lucifer felt it below his shoulder blades, where his wings normally met his back, he had immediately stiffened and had been biting his bottom lip ever since to hold back any embarrassing noises, because that spot was one of his most ticklish spots and no matter what was responsible for this strange tickling sensation on his back, it wouldn't stop. On the contrary, it became stronger and stronger, feeling as if a huge feather was gliding over his back again and again. Goosebumps now covered his entire body and he shuddered visibly.
"What the...? Dad? Dad! What's wrong with you?"
He heard Charlie's worried voice coming through to him from far away, but he couldn't answer her, because he didn't know what was wrong with him. The tickling sensation was now so strong that he started to flinch and almost flung the pan off the hob, but Charlie was quickly at his side, put the pan on one of the cold hobs, so that the pancake wouldn't burn and then she tried to help her father. Even if she didn't know what was wrong with him or how to help him and the corners of her own mouth twitched upwards when Lucifer suddenly burst out laughing and wrapped his arms around his stomach.
The King of Hell stumbled and rumbled through the kitchen, pulling something off the kitchen counter here and there and dropping the spatula to the floor and following it only seconds later and now he was lying there, on the kitchen floor, arms wrapped around his torso and legs kicking in the air, laughing his angelic soul out and Charlie didn't even know why.
"Dad, what the hell is wrong with you all of a sudden? What's so funny?"
The literal fallen angel could barely answer her and when he tried, all that came out of him was squealing laughter and he squirmed back and forth on the floor like a worm, pressed his arms tightly against his body and was laughing and laughing and laughing until his eyes were watering within seconds.
"Chahaharlie, please...HELP ME!!!" he squeezed out through his fits of laughter and he turned onto his side, keeping one arm wrapped around his stomach and pounding the ground like a maniac with the fist of his other hand, roaring with laughter, as he pulled his legs tight against his body as if to protect himself from something.
He was only peripherally aware of his daughter and how she knelt by his side and put her hand on his shoulder, which only made him squeal louder and at that moment the devil no longer looked as devilish as he pretended to be on some days.
His cheeks were golden as the blood rushed to his face. Partly out of shame and partly because he was laughing like a maniac. Cute dimples danced on his face, crow's feet were visible in the corners of his tightly squeezed shut eyes and the sound of his laughter was so loud that it not only filled the whole kitchen but almost certainly went beyond it and Charlie was glad that everyone else had flown out today and wouldn't see him like this. She didn't even want to imagine the uproar that would break out when the residents of the Hazbin Hotel found out that the King of Hell was ticklish, because that's what this looked like to her right now. And her father was very ticklish, if she was allowed to say so. No, no. Informations like these would better be kept hidden from all the other inhabitants of hell.
Especially from those who wore antlers on their heads...
"I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong with you, Dad. Talk to me!" it came from Charlie's lips, amused and yet with a hint of desperation, as she knelt next to her father, not knowing what to do while he laughed himself silly.
"I-it tickles, Chahahahahaharlie...hahahaha...it tihihihihickles so muuhuhuhuch! Mahahahake it stohohohohop!!!" the King of Hell pleaded between bouts of laughter, confirming her suspicions, before burying his face in his free arm and laughing into the crook of it while his other arm wrapped even tighter around his stomach and his fingers clawed into the fabric of the cooking apron he was wearing.
The tickling sensation had now moved from his shoulder blades to his stomach and was lingering there. It felt like a big, fluffy feather stroking up and down, making his stomach muscles spasm and him squeal. One of his legs kicked out, catching a chair that clattered to the floor, but neither he nor his daughter paid any attention to it.Ā
"It tickles? What tickles? Dad, there's nothing tickling you."
"B-but I can feel it...ahahahaha...Chahahaharlie pleahahahase! Hehehehelp me!"
"I can't do anything. I really can't. Wait. Take your arm away and let me see."
Another loud squeal came from Lucifer's throat, as Charlie pushed his arm slightly off his stomach and lifted his apron and then his shirt, but as expected, she saw nothing to give her father cause for this spontaneous outburst of mirth.
He got more and more lost in his laughing fit and arched his back, as he rolled back over and his hand reached into the armpit of his other arm, as if he was trying to get something out of there. But Charlie couldn't see anything. She could only watch, as her father writhed and contorted on the kitchen floor, his arms pressed desperately against his body, as he rammed his hooves firmly into the floor, even lifting his hips off the ground for a moment; so desperate he seemed to be by now.
"I'm so sorry, Dad, but I can't help you," the princess's said and as confused as she was, she had to hold a hand over her mouth to stop herself from giggling as she looked at her father and how he couldn't stop himself from laughing anymore.
The sound of his laughter was loud, resounding, getting higher by the second and was more and more often interrupted by a sweet squeak, as he got totally lost into his ticklish agony. And yet it sounded so funny, so contagious, that Charlie could hardly contain herself.Ā
"Ch-Chahahahahaharlie, pleahahahahahase! Hehehehelp mehehehehe!" Lucifer begged again and he turned back onto his stomach and started crawling around the kitchen floor, laughing, until he almost ended up under the kitchen table. He kicked his legs so hard that he knocked over another chair, but he didn't even seem to realize it. No, he could only concentrate on this strong tickling sensation that was maltreating his body, lingering in the back of his knees right now and slowly, agonizingly slowly, moving further down...
"Ahh! No! Not there! Not my hooves! Please dohohohohon't! Chahahaharlie help!!! Please! Make it stohohohohop! Oh PLEASE HEEEEEELP!!!"
He kicked his legs wildly, trying to get the tickling sensation out of his hooves that was currently lingering there, causing more tears of laughter to appear in his eyes. It felt as if a feather was now stroking the underside of his hooves. Up and down and up and down and then it felt like the cheeky feather would move between his two toes as well, making him snort loudly, before he exploded with high-pitched squeaky laughter and shrieked through the whole kitchen...and most likely through the rest of the hotel as well.
"By my father! No please! Stohohohohohop it! That's nohohohohot fahahahahahair!"
The tickling sensation moved on again, now stroking along the back of his legs, lingering in the back of his knees again for a few seconds until it moved on, reaching his side and desperately, the fallen angel clawed his fingers into the fabric of his apron and the shirt underneath, as the sensation lingered on his ribs for a few agonizing moments, before sliding back into his armpit and making him roar with laughter.
"Charlie! Charlie, please! Ahh! No, no, no! Pleahahahahase! Make it stop! Please! It tickles! It tihihhihihickles so much! Please, I can't stahahahahand it! Ahh! Nohohoho! Too much! Too much! Too muhuhuhuhuch!!"
The young princess could no longer hide her amused giggles from him. The whole situation was so absurd and so funny at the same time, that she couldn't help but join in her father's infectious laughter, even though she still didn't know what was wrong with him or where this spontaneous and seemingly invisible tickle attack had come from so suddenly.
And even if she felt sorry for him at the moment, knowing how terribly ticklish he was, it was still nice to finally see and hear him laughing again, even if she knew that he didnāt like this situation as much as she was. Charlie knew about his depression and even here, in her hotel, he would have small episodes from time to time and then lock himself into his room and hide from everyone else to deal with it himself. One of these episodes was not so long ago and she still remembered how terrible he had been feeling during those days, how sad he had been, like a shadow of the cheerful angel he so often pretended to be to make sure no one could see the sadness he was hiding behind his mask...
The sight of him lying there and laughing his soul out was all the more beautiful for her now. Even if she still didn't know why he was doing that. Something seemed to be tickling him terribly, but no matter how hard she tried to find something that could be responsible for this spontaneous tickle attack, she just didn't see anything. It remained a mystery as to what was happening here.
One way or another, unpredictable and completely crazy things happened in hell, but even she had never experienced anything like this. It was as if an invisible force was tickling him into sheer madness, the way he was laughing and how tears were already welling up in his eyes. And yes, she felt sorry for him at that moment when she saw him writhing on the floor, begging for mercy and yet getting none. She would have loved to help him out of this ticklish predicament, but she simply couldn't. Her hands were tied and there was no way for her to help him.
So there was only one thing to do: wait and hope that it would stop on its own...
What Charlie didn't know was the fact that a certain shadow behind her was watching the whole scene and neither she nor Lucifer noticed it.
A shadow, with antlers on its head and a wide and evil grin on its face...
Further up, in one of the many rooms of the Hazbin Hotel, a certain deer demon was still sitting on his bed, grinning wider than ever and for a change, this grin was not fake, but real. Even if it was a little malicious, even sadistic, in nature.
In his hand he held a voodoo doll that resembled an angel with six wings, inside of which he had woven one of Lucifer's feathers into to make the spell work. In his other hand he held another of Lucifer's feathers. This one was far larger than the downy feather he had woven into the Voodoo doll and he currently stroked it under the doll's arm. Slowly up and down and up and down, grinning so widely that it almost split his face in half as he could see and even hear the results of his Voodoo spell through the eyes and ears of his shadow.
And damn it, he liked what he saw and what he heard and he was sure to make Baron Samedi himself proud, as he had just brought the King of Hell himself to his knees! And damn, this feeling of pure power, that was flowing through him now, was more intoxicating than all the drugs on earth put together!
Day in and day out, this angel made fun of him, mocked him, called him disrespectful nicknames, bombarded him with dirty jokes and innuendos and laughed at him.
Well, today Alastor had decided to give him a reason to laugh.
He had been planning this kind of revenge for a long time, but one thing had been missing: something personal from Lucifer, because that was the only way the spell could work. He had to weave something into the doll that belonged to the King of Hell and a few days ago he had finally gotten his chance when he had found some of the king's feathers. Apparently, angels also lost their feathers every now and then and changed them like birds did on earth, and Lucifer had probably done so these days. Some of his feathers had been found here and there, because proud as he was, he liked to show off his wings and flaunt them in his never-ending arrogance.
Well, his pride and arrogance had been his downfall today, for Alastor had been waiting for such an opportunity and had picked up the feathers he had found in the corridors and in the lobby of the hotel when no one was watching him. Not all of them, but enough for his personal collection, because who knew what other spells angel feathers could be used for?
They came in handy for his Voodoo spell, because thanks to the small downy feather inside the doll, he had managed to bind Lucifer to the doll. No matter what he did to the doll, the fallen angel could feel it.
He grimaced in disgust as he briefly thought about how Angel Dust would react to this knowledge and quickly banished the thought to the back of his mind, preferring to concentrate on his diabolical work instead, which consisted of making the devil himself howl with laughter and teaching him the respect that Alastor missed too much in his presence.
And it worked damn well, because apparently the devil couldn't stand his own medicine at all. He just burst out into loud, crazy laughter as Alastor brushed the feather over one of the doll's wings. A diabolical grin played around his lips as he watched Lucifer tear apart half the kitchen in his fit of laughter, his six wings manifesting themselves and flapping wildly up and down as he tickled the dollās wing mercilessly, switching back and forth between all six wings to make sure every one of them got its fair share of tickles.
āMy, my, someoneās got very ticklish wings it seems. Good to knowā¦ā he mumbled to himself, as he kept the feather going, chuckling himself at the results he could see and hear.
Alastor had already become acquainted with Luciferās feathers and he knew how ticklish they were, as it was not uncommon for the fallen angel to tease him with them when the opportunity arose. If he dared to fall asleep on one of the sofas in the lobby, feathers would soon be teasingly brushing the underside of his hooves whenever Lucifer walked past him. The angel always gave him a broad, amused grin when Alastor startled out of his half-sleep as if bitten by a hellhound and almost fell off the sofa.
He quickly banished the embarrassing noises that came from his throat to the back of his mind, as he thought back to this humiliating situation that happened not too long ago.
Or whenever Lucifer caught him trying to get something from the upper shelves and stretched his arms wide over his head, there were soon cheeky claws that quickly and skillfully wiggled deep into his armpits, almost causing him to crawl out of his fur and the last time this happened, the goddamn bookshelf had almost crashed on top of him, because he had reflexively tried to hold on to it, as he had lost his balance. Lucifer had, of course, fled quickly, laughing loudly, when he had already seen Alastor's antlers begin to grow and an inhuman-sounding growl had emerged from the depths of his throat, while glowing red eyes, filled with rage, had looked after him, in which the radio dials had already been spinning dangerously.
This angel took far too much liberty in his presence, acted as if he was untouchable, provoked him wherever he could and mocked him. It was high time to show him that even the devil himself was not immune to consequences for his behavior!
And that it was better for his well-being not to mess with the dreaded Radio Demon everyone in hell feared for a good reason!
And today was finally the day!
Now he could not only take revenge on Lucifer for all the mean comments he kept throwing at him, but he could also give him a taste of his own medicine by maltreating him with one of his own feathers and, as he could see through the eyes of his shadow, it worked really well, because the devil was roaring with laughter in the kitchen, letting out a few very nasty curse words from his throat and writhing like a fish out of water on the kitchen floor, with his arms wrapped tightly around his belly, when Alastor let the feather brush over the doll's belly again and kicked his legs desperately into the air.
Ohhh and how he begged his daughter to help him...it was like pure music to his ears and a feast for his eyes.
"Heh, I hope you like to laugh a lot, Your Highness, because this is just the beginning," Alastor murmured softly to himself, his grin about to split his face in two. Radio dials were now spinning in his eyes and he let his antlers grow, as he turned the feather around and now ran the quill end over the doll's belly, enjoying the reaction he got in response, which consisted of a loud scream that was soon followed by crazy laughter and even Charlie couldn't contain herself anymore, seeing her now laughing along with her father and at the same time dodging the wildly flapping wings that were also tearing the rest of the kitchen apart.
Oh yes. It was Lucifer's pride that had brought him to his knees again today.
His pride had been responsible for his fall from heaven and apparently this arrogant angel hadn't learned his lesson at all, because what was that saying?
Pride comes before a fall.
And Lucifer's fall was deep...
The Radio Demon chuckled maliciously as this train of thoughts flashed through his mind and he now brought the quill to the angel's ribs, scratching over them in a rhythm that drove Lucifer up the wall and making him screech in ticklish agony.
"Ohhh, how I enjoy your screams, Your Majesty. Let this be a lesson to you not to mess with me!" Alastor growled at the puppet, even though he knew Lucifer couldn't hear him and maybe it was better that way, because he didn't want the devil to find out that he was behind the whole thing. Lucifer didn't even know that he knew that much about Voodoo magic in the first place.
And that would be his downfall today!
During his lifetime, Alastor had learned a lot about Voodoo magic when he had lived in New Orleans and sold his soul to demons there to ultimately become a Voodoo Master himself and down here, in hell, this magic always came to his aid, turning him into the Overlord that everyone feared and who had earned his name down here with his cruel deeds and his even crueler radio shows. And it was not uncommon for him to make use of his knowledge of Voodoo magic down here in hell and use it to cruelly torment one demon after another.
Be it to teach a lesson or just for fun.
The main thing was that it ended in agonizing screams...
Admittedly, he had never used his magic for something as childish as tickling before, but it was fun and he surprised himself at how effective it was. Especially when he was dealing with someone who couldn't seem to stand being tickled, and luckily for him, the devil himself was someone who couldn't stand being tickled at all as it seemed.
How cute...
And he basically got to hear screams too.
So it was a Win-Win situation for him.
He grinned darkly as the thought occurred to him that he could get used to this and he would guard this Voodoo doll like a treasure, because now he finally had something against Lucifer in his hand without him knowing anything about it.
And it should better stay that way...
So excited!!
Readers, I need your help again. Please vote for my next Hazbin Hotel t-word fic
And a poll again, because as I stated before, I still have six more finished Hazbin Hotel t-word fics here (finished in german only) which are waiting for their translation and I would like to let you guys chose again which one you wanna read first :)
My Voodoo-tickles fic won the last poll.
Let's see which one will win this time, shall we? And by that way: I will upload all of them eventually. I just want to know which you guys want to read first.
You have one week to vote :)
Here are the choices:
Okay, I've been inactive for a HOT minute so I figured it's about time I finish some of these requests (which are still open).
There's a Radioapple fic that's been collecting dust in my drafts for a couple months now so that'll be posted either tonight or tomorrow.
In the meantime, here's some of the lovely requests I've received. I plan to write them all eventually, but I think it'd be fun to let you guys decide what I should work on next! <3
I'll leave this poll open for a week and I'll write based off supply and demand. Have fun! <3
I'm not sure if you can write it, I would be very happy if you write it.
I want ler alastor and lee Lucifer and Charlie.
I don't know, he might be in Alastor mode and want to catch the two of them (of course, with his tentacles, otherwise how can he fight them alone) he may make fun of "the king and heir of hell is quite ticklish" but I especially want Lee to outweigh Lucifer.
I hope you write
Royal Weakness

A/N: First of all, thank you so much to everyone who voted in the poll and to everyone who sent in their requests! I will admit this one was a bit of a challenge for me and I was on crunch time while writing it but figured I needed to get something out for y'all sometime this year lol. So yeah, not proof read and extremely rushed but hope you enjoy anyways!! <3
Relationships: Ler!Alastor, Lee!Charlie, Lee!Lucifer
Word Count: 2117
Summary: Charlie makes a bet with her father that lands them both into trouble.
Charlie let out a scream as the tendril lifted her off the ground.
The princess had made a break for it, hoping to escape her smiling friend after he made it clear he was done with her bullshit.
The demon had no clue what had gotten into her but she had been following him around all morning hellbent on testing his patience. First it was the constant yapping, random pokes, random questions, hugging him almost every other minute. It wasn't long before Alastor retreated into his tower to get away from that wide-eyed pest.
The last thing he expected was for her to follow him in there. God, she was behaving like some snot-nosed toddler in an antique store. Bombarding him with a million questions as she put her grubby little hands on whatever she could reach.
What's worse is that he knew what she was trying to do. He'd known the girl long enough by now to decipher what her intentions were at any given moment and in that moment, it was crystal clear that she was fucking with him.
Unfortunately for him, Charlie also knew him well enough to know exactly how to push his buttons.
The demon was about to give into her game and share a laugh, he really was. Until she brought up his nemesis.
"This place could use some touching up." Charlie smiled as she dragged a finger on the table and inspected it for dust. "Y'know, I'd figured you'd pick up a thing or two about maintenance from your little bestie. Seeing as you go out of your way to impress him."
Alastor froze. "My what now?"
"Your best friend, Vox?" She grinned, knowing she had won. "I mean seeing how close the two of you are I'd hope he would rub off on you a bit. It's obvious that you look up to him and all, it's very sweet- AAAAH!"
Yeah THAT was the last straw.
Alastor finally snapped and exploded into his demon form that filled the room. That was when Charlie made a break for the door only to be swept up by her feet by one of the demon's tendrils.
The princess hung upside down and couldn't help but laugh at the reaction she'd managed to pull from her friend.
Alastor, however, was not laughing. God he was pissed. It wasn't even noon yet and this brat had somehow managed to make him lose every morsel of composure he'd carefully sustained over the years. Only for her to laugh in his face once she got the reaction she wanted. Yeah, this is why Alastor never had kids.
"Oh, this is funny to you?" He growled, smiling angrily down at her. Which only seemed to make her laugh even harder.
The demon shrank back into his normal form. Breathing deeply as he regained his composure. Though still clearly pissed off.
As much as he hated to admit it, he appreciated his friend's mischievous behavior at times. Hell, most of the time he would play along with it and direct her antics towards any other demon in the hotel. It's always fun being on the other side of the joke, and no one really expects to be blind-sided by the same girl who farted sunshine and rainbows. But jeez she really knew how to work someone's nerves.
Alastor didn't want to hurt her even if he could. Of course not, she was one of his dearest friends at this point. But that didn't mean she was going to get away with this.
"Okay, sunshine." The demon hissed through his smile. "You want to laugh? I'll give you something to laugh about."
Alastor relished the split second that smirk was wiped off her face before it was replaced by the girls hysterical screams.
Charlie shrieked and thrashed violently as she felt the demon's claws scribble rapidly on the backs of her knees.
Another tendril came up to hold the girls arms together as he blindly flailed around. Charlie was ridiculously ticklish enough as it is, barely ever lasting a minute before being thrown into silent laughter. So needless to say, Alastor going straight for her death spot was just down right cruel.
Tears began to form in her eyes as that horrible tingly feeling spread throughout her body. To lost in her hysterics to even beg the other for mercy.
Alastor was far from finished, but could tell the girl needed a breather. Stopping for a moment to pace around the room as his friend dangled upside down and caught her breath.
"Heavens, you don't understand how lucky you are that we're friends." He growled, still pacing back and forth in an attempt at releasing some of his energy. "I've torn apart souls for far less than half of what you've put me through today, so congratulations. Consider yourself blessed that you're to ridiculously sensitive for me to take all my anger out on you at once, otherwise we'd be here all day!"
Charlie didn't dare laugh at this point in fear of provoking the man again. Even upside down, she could feel his eyes prying at her, no doubt to gauge when she's had enough oxygen to continue his little torture session. She wondered if this is what it was like to be a victim of one of his broadcasts. God, she prayed he wouldn't get the idea to broadcast this as well.
The demon stalked back over to her once he's decided she's had enough time to recover.
Charlie panicked. Her mind racing to come up with anything that could pull her out of the grave she'd dug for herself. Maybe if she could just deflect the blame he'd leave her alone...?
"It was dad's idea!" She blurted out.
The deer stopped in his tracks. Silence filling the room as the two stared at one another.
Charlie fell to the floor as the tendrils holding her in place suddenly disappeared. She pushed herself up off the ground, knees still a bit wobbly from leftover tingles. Brushing herself off as she regained her senses.
"His idea?" Charlie hesitated, not so sure now if she had just made the situation better or worse.
"Umm...yeah?" She admitted sheepishly. "I- uh...I made a bet."
Alastor felt his eye twitch but stayed silent and let her continue.
"Yeah, so the deal was that if I could get you to snap before noon he'd take Vaggie and I out for lunch. Apparently he thinks it's really funny when you're mad, plus he knew you wouldn't hurt me but I'm not so sure it's worth it anymore." Charlie gave a nervous laugh.
The demon stared at her for a moment, watching her fidget nervously as he thought up new recipes for angel wings.He took a deep breath and gave his friend a sweet smile.
"Well, congratulations on winning your little bet dear." He said, patting her head sweetly. "I do hope you all enjoy your little outing, hopefully it'll be worth all the trouble it caused you."
Charlie scratched the back of her head nervously and avoided his gaze. "Yeah. Sorry about all of that. Guess I just got carried away. No hard feeling, right?"
"Oh not at all, dear!" Alastor grinned. "Trust me, I understand going to great lengths in order to win a bet. Although, I can't say I think it's all that fair that I took my anger out of you instead of the person who put you in this situation in the first place."
Charlie looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"
Alastor laughed. "I mean, it's only fair that your father suffer the same consequences you endured. Seeing that he had just as much of a hand in this as yourself."
The girl smiled, recognizing her friend's playful tone. "Ooooh. Haha, sounds good to me if it lets me off the hook. Just don't hurt him, deal?"
A few moments later...
It was half passed noon when Lucifer heard his phone ring. Charlie had texted him to meet her in her bedroom for details.
The king excitedly teleported to his destination, politely knocking first before being told to come in.
The man couldn't see a thing upon opening the door. The curtains were drawn and the lights were off making the room pitch black.
He squinted his eyes as he felt the wall for the light switch but just as he reached it, a hand snatched his arm and yanked him into the room. The door slammed shut behind him and he was thrown into complete darkness.
"Uh, Charlie?" He called out and jumped when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind.
"It's me! It's me." Charlie laughed, still hugging her father.
"Oh jeez, kiddo Don't scare me like that." He laughed. "What's going on? Why ya got all the lights off?"
"No reason." She laughed.
Yeah something was up.
"I won the bet by the way." She continued. "But I did run into a bit of trouble with Alastor after he finally snapped. And I maaaaay or may not have sold you out."
"What happened?! Did he hurt you? I swear I'll kill that prick if he so much as-AAH!!!" The king was cut off as he felt another set of hands place themselves on his sides.
"Not exactly." The voice said in front of him.
Lucifer's eyes had adjusted just enough to make out that red prick in front of him but before he had the chance to cuss him out, the demon began rapidly squeezing his sides.
He managed to hold in his laughter as he struggled to free his arms as Charlie moved them behind his back. Still holding him tight in her traitorous 'hug'.
"What the fuhuhuck are you two doing?!"
"You got sold out." Alastor chimed as he began kneeding his thighs. "Poor Charlie had to suffer the consequences of making me lose my temper, an impressive feet might I add, and spilled everything about your little bet."
"Sorry dad, my hands were tied. Alastor tickled me for so long I almost passed out." She laughed apologetically.
"You lasted a minute and a half, I counted." Alastor corrected and Charlie was grateful no one could see her face grow red.
Meanwhile Lucifer was not listening to any of this, to focused on keeping his laughter in as those claws continued to pinch up and down his legs no matter how hard he kicked.
A moment passed and the King was still holding out much to the demon's annoyance. Charlie was honestly giggling more than her father was.
Alastor looked up at his friend. "Say Charlie, do you think bad knees run in the family?"
Charlie stuttered a bit and felt her face grow hot again. "I-I uh-no! I mean...I don't know."
The demon shrugged as he fought to get a grip on the angel's thrashing legs. "Well, only one way to find out I suppose." And with that, he began scribbling his claws on the back of one of Lucifer's knees just as he's done to Charlie earlier.
"I guess it does!" Alastor laughed triumphantly.
A few more minutes of this passed by, Lucifer handling the torture a lot better than his daughter had.
Charlie was sure Alastor could go on all night, but she was promised a nice outing with her father and girfriend plus her arms were getting tired.
"Okay, Alastor I think that's enough."
"Oh Dear, I was just warming up!" The demon pouted. "Very well. I suppose he's had his fill." And with that Charlie released the grip she had on the other angel, carefully following him to the floor as he caught his breath.
"You..." Lucifer huffed and pointed to the radio demon. "Are so dead."
Charlie looked a bit startled at her father's tone and quickly gave Alastor the signal to run.
He wasn't fazed in the slightest, of course.
"Yes, yes. You can maim me all you like but i do believe you promised Charlie a nice little outing did you not?" He smiled.
Lucifer huffed as Charlie helped him to his feet.
"You're lucky Charlie considers your dumbass a friend." He shot back.
The demon gave a satisfied hum before waving the two off and disappearing into the shadows.
And yes, the rest of the evening was lovely. The three angels enjoyed their time together outside the hotel for once. But Lucifer couldn't help but think of all the ways he was going to get back at the demon when the time had come. He was a man of his word, after all.
Ahem. Leecifer.
Some dear friends were talking about how theyād like if I drew lee Lucifer, so I did! :3

its oki if not but can i request lee lucifer (ą¹>ā”<ą¹)

Ah yes, Hellās most ticklish ruler šššāØ
Free Art Requests: CLOSED

Oh my god, Lucifer's laughter is so contagious
guess who found ticklish lucifer
Upcoming 700 Followers Boop Booth RESULTS:

AAAAAAA!! You people have spoken! Weāre doing a Hazbin Boop Booth!! (*^ā½^*)
OKOKOKOK NOW! QUICK!! We gotta decideā¦.
its oki if not but can i request lee lucifer (ą¹>ā”<ą¹)

Ah yes, Hellās most ticklish ruler šššāØ
Free Art Requests: CLOSED