Leosaya - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Two Faced Lovers
Two Faced Lovers
Two Faced Lovers
Two Faced Lovers
Two Faced Lovers
Two Faced Lovers
Two Faced Lovers

two faced lovers 

YO if you message me abt wantin g more of my OTP you are NOT bothering me a t ALL

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4 years ago

桑田+女子 By DN

※Permission was granted by the artist to upload their works.

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Taka and Mondo: *Reach for the food at the same time, their hands touch. Looks into each other’s eyes, a magic moment*

Leon and Sayaka: *Reach for the food at the same time, their fingers touch*

Sayaka: Get your ugly hands off my fries, you ass.

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6 months ago
Dangan! Distrust AU
Dangan! Distrust AU

Dangan! Distrust AU

Because I am a starving man and need to craft my own content with my two bare hands

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8 months ago
text post by sawasawako. It says Jeanette winterson, reference by Victoria chang, says "the best work speaks intimately to you, even tho it has been consciously made to speak intimately to thousands of others." Jorge luis borges, addressing a large audience in the butler library at columbia university, said, "a crowd is an illusion, no such thing exists. I am talking to you personally."

A reply from calvinandhobbes that quotes, "I could pretend I'm speaking to everyone—assume a middle distance and trancend myself—but I'm talking to you and you know it." —Richard Siken, "The Long & Short of It"
An image of Sayaka Maizono talking to Makoto during the first chapter of Danganronpa. Her expression is wistful. She is saying, "I was just a kid, ya know? So I was really lonely. But that all changed when I saw a pop star on TV for the first time. Looking at her smile, I could feel my loneliness melting away. I decided that's what I wanted to be someday. I wanted to give that kind of encouragement to others."
Two pictures. The first picture is an image of lyrics to the song "Punisher" by Phoebe Bridgers. Verse 2 says "And here, everyone knows you're the way to my heart / hear so many stories of you at the bar / most times alone and some looking your worst / but never not sweet to the trust funds and punishers." The pre-chorus says, "Man, I wish that I could say the same / I swear I'm not angry, that's just my face / A copycat killer with a chemical cut / either I'm careless or I wanna get caught / who I'm not". The chorus says, "What if I told you / I feel like I know you? / But we never met / it's for the best"

The second image is a quote from the game The Beginner's Guide by Davey Wreden.  It says, "Just tell me what you want! I'm...I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Please start making games again, please help me, [higlighted] please give me some of whatever it is that makes you complete, I want whatever that wholeness that you just summoned out of nothing and put into your work, you were complete in some way that I never was. [End highlight] I want- I want to know how to be a good person, I want to know how not to hate myself. Please! I'm fading. And all I want is to know that I'm going to be okay."
First: a picture of Hayao Miyazaki from 10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki. He is saying "If I can entertain people, maybe I deserve to exist."

Second: two pictures of Jenny slate from her special "Stage Fright". She is saying, "But... I don't earn the love unless I give something beautiful that goes out."
Two images of Leon Kuwata talking to the Nagito Komaeda in the game DanganRonpa S: Summer Camp. Leon has an intense expression on his face. He is saying, "Grah, screw that! I only have one purpose in life! And that's to make the whole world love me so much that I can't get them off my goddamn back!"
First: an edit by user Picasshole of the meme where the person is sitting in the corner of the party feeling left out. Throughout the picture, there are edits of Gustav Klimt paintings of people huddled together. There is a painting of a skeleton in the corner. On the meme, there is a quote by John Berger that says, "To be desired is perhaps the closest anybody in this life can reach to feeling immortal."

Second: a text post by girlnephilim that says "girl help everything I do feels like a performance

third: a picture of dialogue from Leon Kuwata's free time events in Danganronpa. He is saying, "What better reason is there? The whole point of becoming a musician is to be popular right? Speaking of which, do you know what kind of guy Sayaka's into? Is she into musicians? Or maybe actors? Maybe I should become an actor!"

Fourth: A text post by user djklmnx that says, "there is no audience to perform for, there is no approval, no admiration to attain. there is no role worth playing, there is no one to convince. let it go"
First: An image of Sayaka Maizono talking to Makoto during the prologue of Danganronpa. She is smiling and saying "I'm not a doll, you know! I'm alive!"

Second: an image of Sayaka's wiki that says, "It is shown that Sayaka posed for an idol photobook on at least one occasion, which was revealed when a copy was traded to Teruteru Hanamura by Nagito Komaeda. It appears to contain photos of her in revealing outfits, and is likely to be one of the "bad things" that Sayaka did to achieve her dream."

Third: A quote by Safia Elhillo, from "Girls that Never Die: Poems; "Orpheus". It reads, "My body is something I have worn for other people"

Fourth: Images of a Leon Kuwata talking to Makoto during the prologue of Danganronpa. He is smiling, but is also sweating and looks distressed. He is saying, "What? Aw man, you found that picture of me playing baseball? Seriously? I hate that picture! I didn't have a choice, okay? Shaving your head like that is part of national championship regulations! But now I refuse to cut my hair. And I'm not gonna dye it back to normal, either!"
First: Images of Sayaka Maizono talking to Makoto during the first chapter of Danganronpa. She looks intense, and is saying, "I should have said thank you then, but... is it okay if I do it now? I'm the crane you see. I've come to return the favor. Here, let me make you a cloak..."

Second: An snippet of the text "The Crane Wife" by CJ Hauser. it says, "'The Crane Wife' is a story from Japanese folklore. I found a copy in the reserve's gift shop among the baseball caps and bumper stickers that said 'give a whoop'. In the story, there is a crane who tricks a man into thinking she is a woman so she can marry him. She loves him, but knows that he will not love her if she is a crane so she spends every night plucking out all of her feathers with her beak. She hopes taht he will not see what she really is: a bird who must be cared for, a bird capable of flight, a creature, with creature needs. Every morning, the crane-wife is exhausted, but she is a woman again. To keep becoming a woman is so much self-erasing work. She never sleeps. She plucks out all her feathers, one by one."
Panels from from the Danganronpa Manga

First: Leon Kuwata is carrying an unconscious Makoto to his room, and is having a conversation with Sayaka. The conversation goes like this:

Leon: Being a musician musts be glamourous, right?
Sayaka: Eh?
Leon: I was just thinking since you're an idol, I'd be able to talk to you about it,  right? Ah, do you want to get some tea?
Sayaka: ... Okay, why don't we vist the cafeteria?
Leon: The... The cafeteria, then! Hey, I'm a pretty caring guy, right?
Sayaka's internal monologue: What an easygoing person. Don't get into entertainment industry with such frivolous thoughts, Kuwata Leon...

Second: Panels with Sayaka is attacking Leon with a knife, and he is defending himself with a decorative sword.

Leon: You...
Sayaka: That's what you said! You didn't mean it, did you? [She swipes at him] You don't understand! You're such a light-hearted person!

Third: A panel where Sayaka is stabbed with a kitchen knife, back to the wall. Leons inner monologue says, "I thought that I couldn't do anything, that I was nothing, so this time, I wanted to be able to do something..."
an excerpt from 'et cetera' by E.E. Cummings: Yes everybody's dying to be someone else) But i'll live my life if it kills me

My perhaps overwrought LeoSaya as different reflections of the same One thesis: a.k.a. Chapter One Is Good and Thematically Rich, Actually

Punisher, Phoebe Bridgers // The Beginners Guide, Davey Wreden // Stage Fright, Jenny Slate // 10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki // DanganRonpa S: Summer Camp // Post by Picasshole, art by Klimt, quote by John Berger // The Crane Wife by cj hauser // Danganronpa: The Manga; Act 2: the Case of the Super High School Level Baseball Star, Leon Kuwata, story by Spike // excerpt from 'Etcetera' by E.E. Cummings // Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc; Chapter 1, Free Time Event, and Prologue

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7 months ago

there's an undeniable secret level of romance that can only be achieved between two people who have divorced badly

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6 months ago

hate the whole 'sayaka is a snake so bad person' / 'leon technically didn't have to kill her so bad person' discourse so much. tell me you cant read without telling me you cant read honestly. the thesis of chapter 1 is that otherwise good people become their worst selves due to the killing game. that's why dr team had the sweet, scared teen idol kick off the killing game and backstab the protag in the process. but still had her go back on her decision to frame makoto, taking the time to write out her true killer's name with her last bit of strength. that's why, to a much lesser extent, they had leon not be completely blameless in sayaka's death, even though the plot would stay mostly the same if it was truly self-defense. but still had him crying, screaming, and even taking the time to draw a extra cg of him distressed to show that he's really no cold-hearted killer and likely wouldn't have done it if he felt he had any other choice. leon and sayaka are good people and that goodness shines through in their last moments. but they both unambiguously tried to kill someone, and now both must die for it. even though they were actively encouraged by the setting to kill. it's all a big commentary on the tragic nature of the killing game to change its victims for the worse!! to make its victims act in opposite to who they really are!! to create natural human desperation and then punish it!!! blaming leon/sayaka instead of their material conditions is just silly and against the point. and the game even explained this outright.

First quote out of five: Makoto is speaking to Celeste in the class trial room. He says, "I can't say Leon is solely to blame."
Second quote: Makoto continues, "Of course, I don't plan on blaming Sayaka either."
Third quote: The sprite on screen changes to Monokuma"s, implying Makoto is talking about him. 
Makoto: "Because the one to blame...is him!"
Fourth quote: Makoto: "If it weren't for you...this never would have happened to Sayaka, OR Leon!"
Fifth quote: Makoto: "If it weren't for you...this never would have happened to Sayaka, OR Leon!"

(you can find the full context at the end of any chapter 1 walkthrough, but I'm really not misrepresenting anything. the game really is this obvious about it. )

((also this discourse completely undermines that danganronpa as a whole is a tragedy first and foremost about teenagers being forced to kill eachother. this is literally step one of understanding danganronpa. and chapter 1, again, is just a long way of setting up this theme. how do people argue about this??))

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