Youareenough - Tumblr Posts
the past weekend was very overwhelming. I tried the best that I could and I’m proud of myself.
I tried my best to not let negativity get to me. Yes it was hurtful but I tried to let my kindness overcome it. like they say “kill them with kindness”
You matter and you are beautiful. Don’t let anyone take your shine away.
I love being able to read my favorite books from wattpad and drinking hot tea 🤎
Its time to start learning to take me days.
it’s okay to take a day for yourself when you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
you are beautiful and you matter, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
CREAM Your Best Self. You are enough and each day you will continue to strive for better results. I encourage you to step outside of familiarity, to step outside of mediocrity, for in doing so you will have begun the process of self-drive necessary to achieve “success.” Whatever you want to achieve be it a dream or short-term goal in mind, you have the capability. Never settle for anything less than your absolute best and never doubt your efforts. Be your success today and your success tomorrow.
never feel like you're not enough. people can like and appreciate other people too. that's fine.
i know it can be hard to see your own light in a world where all 7 billion of us shine, some seemingly brighter than others. but I trust you, and I trust myself too. you are not lesser. you do not deserve less. you are brilliant. kind. smart. beautiful. absolutely incredible. you have it allll in you, you really do. so don't be afraid! its okay to let it go, to let yourself shine in a sea of bright lights. you won't be outshone-- you'll be glowing in the aura of the others around you.
i believe in you with all my heart. go for it
To young lesbians
You don’t have to “verify” or “test” your lesbianism by being with a man “just in case”. In that young lesbian self-doubt stage that some of us have, you don’t need to double-check yourself by “trying out” being with a man.
Too many times have I heard older lesbians lament the fact that they slept with men as a form of self-hate and self-harm, or to try to convert themselves to be straight. My heart breaks for them
Too many times have men said to me “just try it” or “but how do you know you’re a lesbian if you’ve never been with a man?” or “there’s no harm in experimenting!”
Don’t worry, young lesbians, you never have to be with a man. There are lesbians who have lived their whole lives without being with a man. You know you’re a lesbian by the fact that you’re solely attracted to women. That’s it.
Light the World Prompt for day 7: Compliments
Howdy *waves* I am a verbal processor. A random starting line I know, but I promise it’ll be worth it in the end if you keep reading. As a verbal processor that means I need to discuss or talk things out enable to put organization to the unorganized chaos that is my mind. This unfortunately means that I am talking preeeeeettty much most of the time😅
However, one good thing about this is that I live by the saying “If you see something, say something.” That means that when I saw something SO impactful that the I immediately wanted to tell someone about it because it excited me or intrigued me. So when I compliment you, it means I saw something in you that I just got so excited to see that I just had to tell you, so you could get excited too!
So Friend, lemme tell you what I see:
I see you there Friend, tired and hurting from the struggles of your life. I see you, getting up every day and doing your best to do something. I see you reaching out to help friends and family members even when sometimes nobody takes the time to help you. I see you sitting by yourself with a lonely sigh. I see you, crying into your pillow alone at night. I see you sick and tired of not being heard or misunderstood. I see you putting your heart and soul into whatever the work it is you do, and while it may never get the attention it deserves, it’s still beautiful.
YOU are beautiful. Yes, I’m looking at you. I see YOU. You’ve got a beautiful soul friend, one that is uniquely yours. It’s brilliant, Darlin’. And in a world that keeps getting increasingly dark, we need YOUR light. Yes, YOURS! Because it’s simply a better place when you are HERE.
Don’t let ANYBODY tell you otherwise (feel free to dm me if you need me to fight someone) and that includes yourself. You ARE worth the time. You ARE worth the effort n the love. Simply because YOU. ARE. WORTH. IT.
In whatever way you say it, I love you friend. And just in case nobody told you today:
I’m grateful you’re here. I’ve never seen a smile quite like yours. *grins* Ah there it is! Look at how beautiful you are. Keep smiling like that, Beautiful. You deserve it and the world.
Don’t EVER forget how much good you AlReAdY do. Don’t EVER forget how loved you already are. 😊🧡✨
Here’s my big boi with the biggest heart I know, to help send the message home. If you EVER need a reminder, please feel free to talk to me. You don’t ever have to go whatever it is alone, ok?🧡