Lights CamERA Action - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

🍿lights, camera, action .ᐟ

a modern/actor au | alastor x gn! reader

Lights, Camera, Action .
Lights, Camera, Action .
Lights, Camera, Action .
Lights, Camera, Action .
Lights, Camera, Action .

summary: after the initial success of hazbin hotel’s first season, it was no surprise that season two would already be in production as we speak — now focused on heaven and how a soul is judged in purgatory. and luck you! you’ve landed the role of the main character “libra”.

as an angel, life in heaven was supposed to be fine and dandy — if you ignore your script and the potential angst your character holds. well, that is until, you get paired up with the infamous radio demon for an interview after adam decided to chicken out.

Lights, Camera, Action .

warnings: swearing (lots of it) and use of foul language, crack, mentions of alcohol consumption, fast-burn-ish (?), the use of a friend's original character, ooc-ness, will be updated as the series continues

status: work in progress

writer's notes:

this will be my first series in this account so please bare with me

apologies in advance for any grammatical errors, english isn't my first language and i haven't written anything in a hot minute (and i find alastor a bit hard to write so please bare with me as i try to write him)

this series will serve as my gateway to writing again and starting anew on this account

im currently busy with school so updates will be irregular

taglist ━ open .ᐟ

if you'd like to be tagged, please don't be afraid to shoot me an ask or comment! if your user is in bold you might want to check your visibility settings.

Lights, Camera, Action .

chapter 1 — red suit

preview: one can only wonder what alastor did to adam for him to suddenly thrust his responsibility of attending this interview to you. well, you aren't really mad, who were you to decline a chance to meet the ever so charming radio demon.

chapter 2 — hang on for deer life!

preview: “what in the seraphim’s names is radioscales?” you ask genuinely, eyes filled with confusion as azrail just laughed at your side. he’s been telling you how much you’ve been embracing your role as ‘libra’, so much that you’ve adopted their way of speech. rolling your eyes in mild-annoyance, you elbow the man beside you, nearly making him loose his hold on the coffee cup in his hand.

chapter 3 — drinkin’ time

preview: “and the nominees for the best actor and actress awards from hazbin hotel are…” everyone waited with bated breath as sera’s eyes glazed over everyone that’s been on the edge of their seat.

chapter 4 — let the good times roll!

preview: azrail laughed at his theatrics, and kept throwing you glances and elbowing you lightly. and being the ever so mature person that you are, you elbow him back — throwing a kick at his shin from under the table as a bonus before listening to the radio demon that was perched on the stage.

chapter 5 — get me with those brown eyes

preview: he paid no mind when the two overly enthusiastic children asked him to review this new cafe, and he agreed. what a big surprise (not) to see you at one of the seats waving at him with an amused smile on your lips.

chapter 6 — wife stealer

preview: you looked at alastor with wide eyes as he grinned down at you. azrail’s mouth hung open in both shock and excitement as alastor said with a smile, “i hope you don’t mind me stealing your wife.”

tba . . .

Lights, Camera, Action .

© vxnuslogy 2024. do not plagiarize, repost, or translate any of my works without my knowledge or consent in other platforms or websites.

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1 year ago

🍿lights, camera, action .ᐟ

chapter 1 — red suit

— prev | masterlist | next

“what the hell is going on?” was all you could say as you entered your co-star’s dressing room with a half empty coffee cup.

adam looked like he was on the verge of killing someone, sera was looking at him disapprovingly, emily looked so lost and confused, and lute was recording with her phone. they all looked over at you briefly but shifted their focus on adam when he ultimately decided to continue his little hissy fit.

“i am not doing that fucking interview with him!” to further emphasize his anger he threw a middle finger when alastor’s face came on the small tv screen in the dressing room. you only raised a bemused brow before setting your things down beside lute.

“soooo,” you stretch your legs and throw the girl beside you a smile, “what’s gotten your boss so out of sorts at 6 in the evening?” lute let out a chortle before readjusting the phone she held in her hands. “he doesn’t want to do the interview.” you wanted to ask more, but the shoe that was sent flying just over your head had you shutting up. 

“this is where you come in, my dear friend.” a shiver went up your spine when a familiar arm swung around your shoulders. tufts of white hair loosely tied in a ponytail paired with blue eyes slotted himself in front of you. “and how exactly am i supposed to do about…” you awkwardly gesture your hands in adam’s direction who is now holding one of your props – a silver sword you’re supposed to use in the next episode – in his hands. flinging the thing around, threatening to put someone in a coma with the way he was using it.

the way azrail grinned at you made you slightly regret coming to this dressing room after multiple sos messages emily had sent you earlier.

“because you will be taking his spot in the interview!”

the color from your face was drained and the smile on your lips began to twitch, threatening to fall apart with how azrail had started to drag you up from your seat and in the direction of his hair and makeup artist.

“says who?!” you shout in protest, trying to pry your poor wrist away from your supposed bodyguard. 

“says me!”  

you’ll have to talk with your scriptwriter and convince them to allow you to throw azrail into hell.

───── ✦ ─────

“we’re going live in 20… 19.. 18..”

you only sigh exasperatedly. arms crossed over your chest as you tried your best to beg sera and emily to get you out of this situation despite it being too late. in the blink of an eye, you had been seated in the chair right in front of azrail’s makeup artist, trying her best to put together a simple look for you while you had tried to claw at the man beside you.

now here you were, standing backstage with one of the managers offering you a smile as you shifted from one foot to another to quench the bubbling nervousness that began to form in the pit of your stomach. the backstage was a lot bigger than you expected, it had a full body mirror right where you were situated, so you took this chance to fully soak in what you were dressed in.

your hair was in its usual hairstyle but what stood out was the bright red shirt you wore that was a size bigger than you. the sleeves hang loosely in your arms but the black vest you wore over it somehow balanced it out. paired with some black slacks and shoes, and the gold accessories – your earrings, belt and bracelets adam was kind enough to lend you made the overall outfit very put together.

“going live in 10.. 9… 8..”

“are you ready?” the manager had asked you, pressing a finger to the in-ear she wore. taking a deep breath you nodded. “ready.”

“lights, camera, and action!”

───── ✦ ─────

to say you were entertained was an understatement, you were wholly enjoying your time with the man clad in a somewhat matching red suit that sat beside you. with his hair styled to the side - a few loose curls escaping - and his dapper red suit truly made you realize how much the color red suited him.

alastor was just as charming as the media presented him. you were slightly worried about how your interactions would go, after all, you didn’t know him besides the times you’d see him on tv, and even in those times adam would never fail to situate himself in front of the tv screen and flip it off. but so far, you hadn’t felt the slightest bit awkward. you, him, and the host glided from one question to another, laughing here and there whenever he cracked a little joke or pun and you wouldn’t fail to add a quip of your own.

“but i must admit, it is quite a surprise.” the host said, his hands rubbing at his chin in curiosity. “i was informed that adam would be the one to attend this interview! oh but of course, i don’t mind you replacing him, [name].”

you only laugh, crossing your leg over the other as you make yourself comfortable on the sofa. pushing away the stray hair that fell over your face, you answer the man in an amused smile, “i didn’t expect to be sitting here myself! emy had sent a few messages saying she needed help with something. i didn’t think what she needed help with was finding adam a substitute.”

“and you were the candidate?”

“unfortunately.” you roll your eyes when you catch a glimpse of adam flipping you off backstage. azrail holding in his laugh and throwing you a thumbs-up. leaning over to grab the cup placed atop the coffee table, you stop mid-sip when you hear your co-star laugh lightly beside you. you raise a brow, a smile breaking from your features, “what? finding my demise funny?”

alastor chuckles along with the crowd. you’ve already lost count of how many times you’ve rolled your eyes tonight. clearing his throat, you set your cup down and slightly turned to him, “but of course not! what kind of gentleman would i be to laugh at a poor soul’s misery. especially if it was caused by someone like adam.”

you laugh at that comment. “but it would suit your character, actually,” you say. “should i feel nervous that the infamous radio demon is now sitting beside me?”

you couldn’t help the way your grin grew wider, your cheeks starting to hurt from smiling too much, as his eyebrows raised in entertainment at your comment. alastor sighed dramatically, shaking his head back and forth with his fingers pressed into his forehead. 

“fear not, my dear! i’m not as bad as some people may say.” his brown eyes were shaped like little crescents because of the smile on his face. “though i have to admit, not very many people stay as calm and cool-headed as you when they first interact with me.” somehow his smile grew wider, “you are certainly one of a kind.” he mutters to you when he picks up your hand and presses a soft peck on your knuckles.

“don’t listen to a fucking word he says!”

the two of you look at each other briefly before bursting out laughing, your hand still in his all the while. streams of curses, laughter, and lectures could be heard from backstage as you and alastor try to fight off the bubbling giggles from your throats.

“now, pray to tell,” you turn to alastor with an amused smile. “what did you do to adam to have him not turn up in this interview?”

alastor laughed, eyes crinkling intro crescents by sheer amusement.

“let’s just say,” he readjusted his tie and stared directly into your eyes as if challenging you to try and maintain eye contact. “this radio demon garnered more votes than the first man in the latest popularity poll.”

───── ✦ ─────

“i have to say, the media has not done you any justice in regards to that ever appealing moxie of yours my dear.”

you turn around to be met with the devil your little group has been talking about. gone was the red blazer and vest he wore in the interview, now he was left wearing his white shirt with that black bow tie of his.

“speak of the devil, and he shall arrive.” he laughs at your remark. “missed me already?” you ask playfully, cocking your head to the side just to be extra as azrail laughed at you to which you replied with a slight stomp on the foot.

“oh fuck you that hurts.” the man glared at you, clutching his now sore foot while you just stuck out your tongue at him childishly. you only snapped out of your banter when you heard the man in front of you chuckle again.

“ah it seems like i’ve been caught red-handed.” he sighed dramatically, throwing up both his hands in mock defeat making you snicker. “would you ever be so kind as to lend this man a bit of your presence?”

“hmm, i don’t know.” you put your hand to your mouth to not make the grin creeping up to your face so obvious. “my hands are, well, currently full as of now.” turning to your co-stars waiting for you in the dressing room, you revel in the slight pout on the man’s lips. though by no means was it genuine - you know that it is all in playful jest but regardless you throw him a smile. “how about we chat some other time?” you suggest.

“delightful! i’ll see you soon then, dear!” without another word, alastor turned on his heel, waving exaggeratedly at you as you let out another laugh.

when you turn around the sight of emily and azrail grinning at you while adam sneers, you tilt your head in confusion. “what?” you ask. the first two only shrug their shoulders, seemingly speaking telepathically when their eyes met and their grins grew wider. “and you?” you turn to adam. “what’s gotten your dick up in a twist?”

“fuckin’ traitors, don’t rock!” 

you just snickered as you made your way inside the dressing room, starting to take off the accessories and putting them back in adam’s little jewelry box.

“sooo,” a voice spoke from behind you. “a date with the radio demon, huh?”

you only sighed half-heartedly when azrail has once again draped his arm over your shoulders.

“it was a lot easier than i expected. and its not a date.”

you wanted to punch that teasing shit-eating grin on his face after that.

Lights, Camera, Action .

taglist ━ open .ᐟ

@aboveasphodel @itssupernaturalavenger @coldcattale @yoongibabs @reverse-soe @juskonutoh @mei-simp @puredreamagination @justgiulia

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1 year ago

🍿lights, camera, action .ᐟ

chapter 2 — hang on for deer life!

— prev | masterlist | next

“and cut! good job everyone.” the staff clapped and cheered. some were huddled around the director while the others were running around handing the actors towels and bottles of cold water.

“good job, libra.” snapping out of your daze, you look back to see azrail smiling at you while holding up a bottle of water. you return his smile with one of your own and chug the entire thing down in one go. “thanks, you as well!” the white haired man just grinned at you, throwing his arms over your shoulder and pressing you to his sweaty side in a side hug. you only laugh and shake your head as you allow the taller male to chat your ear off and lead you to the dressing rooms.

by the time you reached your respective rooms, azrail bid you goodbye and entered his own. sighing the moment you fell face first into the small couch that could barely fit you, a familiar chuckle echoed in the room making you lift your head.



and then there was silence. not that you minded, in fact, sera’s quiet ambience was a breath of fresh air compared to that of azrail’s and adam’s chaotic and loud one.

“how was filming?” sera asked, peeking at you from her vanity mirror.

you stayed quiet for a while before answering her. “it was alright. i think i could’ve done better.” and you meant it, but you didn’t feel the need to elaborate further when sera hummed. the two of you stayed in comfortable silence for a while more before you heard her shuffle out of her seat and tap on your shoulder. “it would be for the best if you got out of your costume and into something more comfortable.” you only nod and pull yourself up from your position to change.

by the time you finished changing into something more comfortable – a black turtleneck layered by a grayish polo, some black slacks and a pair of shoes – you sling your work bag over your shoulder and jog up to everyone who greeted you with happy and teasing smiles. you raise a curious brow but decide to shrug it off.

“you did amazing today [name]!” emily said excitedly. even without her costume, you could imagine the three pair of wings behind her back fluttering with her enthusiasm. you chuckle and pat her on the head, “thank you emily. i’m looking forward to working with you on next week’s episode.” you try your best to match her fervor but fall a bit short, she didn’t seem to notice so you let it be.

“why the frown?” a voice from behind you asked. your lips twitched upwards before letting out a sigh as a heavy arm came to rest on your shoulders again. “i’m not frowning.” you say which was met with a click of a tongue from beside you. “yeah, not now.”

you and azrail walked to the cafe your little crew had planned to go to in silence. his arm still slung over your shoulders – not that you mind, it had become a trademark of his that you ended up being fond of. 

“remember,” sera said, stopping in front of your crew and looking rather sternly at azrail and adam who only looked away – the former scratching his cheek while the latter tried to whistle. the older woman only shakes her head with a sigh, “try to keep your… loudness, to a minimum. we’re in a public place and we don’t want to disturb the other customers.”

everyone let out a yes before stating all their orders. sera would have a simple hot coffee, lute wanted the opposite and ordered a cup of iced coffee, adam and emily ordered a chocolate frappuccino, azrail ordered a vanilla latte while you ordered an iced caramel brew.

after noting everyone’s drinks, you and the others started walking around the building to try and find an empty table that could fit all of you. all the while, azrail never left your side. you were about to ask him what his deal was but emily and lute waved you over to an empty table. you sat down by the window, propping one hand on the table and using it to lean your head.

“so,” you sighed again, not turning to look at azrail but instead his reflection on the window. “finally gonna tell me what’s wrong?” it seemed like everyone noticed the tension between you and your childhood friend so they got up from their seats and decided to bother sera. “az, i’m fine. there’s nothing wrong.”


azrail’s colorful language had decided to show making you snicker under your breath. you stopped yourself from laughing when you turned to him and he looked dead serious. the smile that wanted to spread across your face had dropped before it had the chance show. suddenly the early autumn air got chillier. like the person from middle school, you turned away first and hid in your turtleneck.

azrail sighed. a hand coming to mess up his white hair that lute had graciously tied up for him. “sorry. that was, a bit out of line of me.” you shook your head, still holding the fabric of your shirt over your mouth so your reply came out a bit muffled. “it’s ok. i know you’re just worried. its just–” you sew your mouth shut before another word tumbled out by accident. you didn’t trust yourself enough to not get emotional in a public space.

“i could’ve done so much better today…”

but sometimes the stitches you sew across your mouth came loose in his presence.

when sera came over and set everyone’s drinks on the table, azrail got up from his seat, took your drink and his in his hands and gestured to you to get up. taking the cup of coffee from his hands, you gave everyone a polite smile, “we’re going out for a little walk, we’ll be back.” emily looked a little disappointed that you’ll be leaving but she gave you a thumbs up and waved at the two of you as you exit the building.

letting out the breath that you were holding, you follow azrail in his steps, leading to nowhere in particular.

“i have a feeling we’ll be in the studio for a while in the next episode.” you chuckle, when azrail remained quiet you took it as a cue to continue. “i’m really glad i landed this role, i really do! it’s just… libra is such a hard character to play.” taking a sip from your drink, you slightly regret not ordering a hot drink. “you saw how i struggled today with the meeting scene and the one where we had a confrontation. i couldn’t mirror the frustration libra had in the script, god, don’t even get me started when they start to get angry. just imagining myself trying to play that scene in my head makes me want to wilt away.” 

“their character is… amazing.” you say wistfully, remembering the first day you held your script and read over your lines. “a cool-headed and logical person who also has a childish side. they obviously know something about the angels but always abides by their rules. oh! and don’t get me started on what they're hiding in that little office of theirs.” you chuckle, anticipation starting to bubble in your stomach for the next episode. “libra is amazing, and i don’t want to ruin their character.”

“you know you’re really stupid.”

“thanks for pointing out the obvious jackass.”

“well, at least you’re aware of your stupidity.”

“the temperatures are dropping, don’t make me spill my drink on you.”

the two of you playfully glare at each other before laughing. 

“you’re amazing too, [name].” he says with a bright smile on his face. “they casted you for a reason. you know i suck at comforting people but,” he planted his hand over your head and ruffled your hair making you let out a loud protest. “i know you’ll make it big in this industry. try to have a little more faith in yourself.”

after escaping from his hold, you hit him on the shoulder with a chuckle. “thanks asshole.” he only grinned and started walking back to the cafe. “don’t mention it bozo.”

the two of you had walked a fair distance so it will take a few minutes before you can enjoy the cafe’s heater again. pulling out your phone, you start scrolling through social media – switching between twitter and instagram – and smiling whenever you see a post about the theories surrounding your character. though, along the way, you came across a trending tag.

“what in the seraphim’s names is radioscales?” you ask genuinely, eyes filled with confusion as azrail just laughed at your side. he’s been telling you how much you’ve been embracing your role as ‘libra’ that you’ve adopted their way of speech. rolling your eyes in mild-annoyance, you elbow the man beside you, nearly making him lose his hold on the coffee cup in his hand.

“that’s your ship name with alastor, dear. ” az replied while you rolled your eyes for the second time at his emphasis on the nickname. he slung his free arm over your shoulders as he peeked over your phone. each time you scrolled, a picture of you and alastor laughing whilst sitting beside each other on that interview invaded your entire feed.

“drop the sweet pet names, they don’t suit you.”

“oh but you wouldn't mind if alastor said it?”

“it fits his character.” you say with a shrug. actively ignoring the grin making its ways on his lips.

“you two look cute.”

“thanks, i know.”

“why thank you!”

the two of you stop in your tracks and slowly turn around. there standing in all his glory was alastor himself. he wore a gray shirt with beige pants and his black shoes; a dark brown trench coat hang around his frame giving him a more taller and intimidating image. he still wore the same smile he always has and his glasses sat snuggly on the bridge of his nose. he’s what you’d call, in your books, a pretty boy in autumn clothing.

in the blink of an eye, he was now peeking over your and azrail’s shoulders and onto your phone. “i’m glad i’m not the only one who was shocked by such a tag!” he pointed his finger on your screen and clicked on the trending tag on twitter that was “#RADIOSCALES”. you chuckle lightly, “well, your fans are pretty delusional.” azrail nearly spat out his drink while you recoiled away from him.


“oh shut up. you caught me off guard.”

you tilt your head to the side, “with what? the alastor’s fans are delusional? am i wrong though?” you ask with a smirk while azrail only nods. you turn to look at alastor for confirmation. when he only gave you a close-eyed smile while fixing his glasses, you got your answer.

you snort rather ungraciously but you didn’t dwell on it too much and started walking. 

“so, my dear.” alastor said at your side, his arms folded behind his back. “will you finally take me up on my offer last week?” you catch a glimpse of azrail speed walking away from you and the radio host so taking a hold of his jacket you tug at him. you give alastor an apologetic smile, “i’m sorry alastor, but i’m with sera and the others today.”

“well that’s no problem for me my dear!” he exclaimed, “i’m quite the people person you know? i’ll worm my way into your little crew’s hearts in no time, yes indeed!”

“i don’t doubt you on that alastor, but…”

───── ✦ ─────


this was what you were afraid of. 

tugging alastor by his coat away from adam, you try to put some distance between the two but alastor wouldn’t be the character everyone fell in love with if he didn’t add fuel to the fire.

“i’m here to ask our dear judge on a date of course!” 


the sounds of gasps, adam's cursing, and emily and azrail's giddy giggles filled your ears.

your world started to spin when alastor suddenly held your wrist, twirled you away from adam’s lunging attack and tugged you at his side – using your head as an armrest as well. 

“a date?” you look up curiously at the brown haired man, tugging his arm down from your head. “why of course! my little rag-tag team had given me the gracious idea, so props to them.” 

you had a feeling that you’re schedule for this week will be very hectic. 

Lights, Camera, Action .

taglist ━ open .ᐟ

@aboveasphodel @itssupernaturalavenger @coldcattale @yoongibabs @reverse-soe @juskonutoh @mei-simp @puredreamagination @justgiulia @xdolls-crownx

Tags :
11 months ago

🍿 lights, camera, action .ᐟ

chapter 3 — drinkin' time

— prev | masterlist | next

“you guys… is this really necessary?” you ask in amusement as emily and azrail went back and forth from your closet to your full body mirror. 

“i mean,” another article of clothing was thrown into your lap. “it’s just a friendly date. i don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal out of it.” the two actors stared at you before pulling you by the arm and shoving you in the bathroom.

“[name], my dear.” azrail said. 

“do not call me ‘my dear’.” you quip back. sighing as you began to undress and change into whatever the two had picked out for you.

“yeah, okay whatever.” you heard the roll of his eyes making you chuckle. “but it is a big deal. first impressions are important!”

“i think you’re forgetting that this isn’t our first meeting.”

“even so!” emily replied, “there’s no harm in dressing to impress, right?”

you could only assume that emily turned to adam, he was dragged by the two into your apartment at precisely 9 am in the morning, so it was safe to assume he wasn’t in the greatest of moods. 

“there isn’t really anything wrong.” you say while pulling up your pants. “but come on,” pulling the red knitted sweater over your head, you try to fix your messy hair. “did you really expect me to wear a dress for today?”

“but you said you liked wearing dresses.”

“emmie, we’re going out for coffee not an award show.”

pulling the bathroom door open, you didn’t even get the chance to breathe as emily pulled you over to your vanity and sat you down. she already had a brush in her hands and started taking out the knots in your hair. 

“can’t lie to you though, judge,” you peeked at adam who was graciously laying down on your bed, “you look nice.” he said with a smirk on his face. you rolled your eyes at him and started doing your skin prep for makeup.

“what can i say,” azrail propped his arm over your head. “our [name] pulls anything off.”

“that’s an overstatement.” you say while patting down your face with some foundation and concealer. “i never would've worn red if you hadn’t crashed my apartment at 9 in the morning.”’

the white haired man let out a laugh. his deft fingers took a handful of your hair and started braiding it; emily doing the same on the other side. you lightly shook your head with a smile, emily scolded you for moving too much, relishing in this domestic bliss inside your own little home in new york city.

when the two finished tying your hair up in a ponytail with two braids, you stood up and took your purse; the other three followed you out the door. you let them chat with one another as you put on a pair of shoes and study yourself in the little mirror in your doorway. 

a natural makeup look with your hair up – a few baby hairs escaping making it look more casual, a red knitted sweater with the front tucked into the light beige pants that you wore. a pair of gold earrings dangled in front of you, when you turned to the side you were met with azrail’s grin. shaking your head you held out the purse for him to hold while you put on the pair of jewelry. 

“alright everyone, out!” you say while ushering everyone out of your apartment. you took your purse from azrail, locked the door, and started walking to your designated meeting spot with the radio demon.

“good luck [name]! be sure to enjoy yourself!”

───── ✦ ─────

“hey there! hope you weren’t waiting for too long.”

the tall man with glasses looked up from his phone and flashed you a smile.

“not at all my dear! i just got here myself.” you return his smile as the both of you made your way to the entrance. “after you.” alastor said, pushing the door open for you with his arm. you let out a chuckle and breathy thank you as your eyes soaked in the cozy cafe.

“quite the hidden gem this place is, if i do say so myself.” he boasted tugging at his coat’s collar. “how about we take a seat first before we chat?” you nod in agreement and scanned the cafe for any vacant seats. your eyes brightened when the waiter in one of the corners left after cleaning a table for two. 

you tug at alastor’s sleeve and gestured to the free seats. he grinned down at you – yes, down, this man was stupidly tall – and started walking towards the table.

“this cafe is famous for their very adventurous drinks.” he said while you sat down. “i’m not a fan of sweet drinks myself, but their lattes are quite the treat after a hard day at work!”

you mutter a small thank you at the waiter that gave you two the menu. you hum in consideration, thinking of taking up alastor’s offer at something sweet.

“a tempting offer,” you say. “but i think i’ll just get a simple hot brew. i’m not feeling quite adventurous today.”

“shame.” alastor hummed. “it seems like i’ll have to take you here when you’re feeling adventurous!”

letting out a breathy chuckle, you set the menu down and stared at the man in front of you. he cleaned up nice, you thought. alastor wore a simple white shirt layered with a burgundy sweater, dark brown slack, and a dark coat that matched his eyes. you can’t help but wonder if emily and azrail purposely make you wear red so you and alastor could match.

“do you come here often?” you start. the man across from you set down his own menu, meeting your gaze as he replied, “of course! i saw dear charlie and vaggie often coming here so i decided to see what it was all about.”

“so you crashed their date site?” you say with a playful smile.

he let out a dramatic sigh, “how it pains me that you think of me that way! just so you know, my dear, i would never dream of crashing their little dates. i simply wanted a cup of coffee and this little cafe just happen to serve my new favorite.”

“oh? i didn’t think you were a coffee person.”

“did you perhaps assume i was a tea person?”

you only nod, fighting the urge to let out a laugh as alastor’s face twisted into a grimace.

he sighs, “a common misconception about me i must say. i still don’t understand how some people drink…” he pauses for a moment, thinking of a way to describe tea. “leaf flavored beverages…”

“well if it makes you feel better, i’m not a fan of tea myself.” you say with a chuckle. “i only drink it as a last resort if there’s no longer any coffee at home.”

“i’m glad we can both agree on this, my dear!”

you chuckle again as a waiter comes to ask for your orders. an americano for you and black coffee for alastor.

“though i must say, i’m a bit surprised you didn’t know of this place sooner my dear.”

“it's probably because i don’t go to cafes often.” you saw alastor tilt his head slightly to the side so you continued. “i make coffee at home with the others.”

“home brewed coffee, that certainly explains it.” he said while putting his chin in between his thumb and index finger and then he grins. “well, i have a feeling that after today you’ll be coming here more often!” he proclaimed.

“we’ll have to see.” you quip back.

you didn’t have to wait long for your drinks to arrive. alastor watched as you picked up your cup and put it to your lips, he was waiting for your reaction.

“well,” putting your cup down, you smile at alastor. “it tastes like coffee.”

his smile twitched and you let out a breathy laugh. 

“i like it, don’t worry.” you assure him. “americanos all taste the same so i’ll just tell you my thoughts when i order the latte you were talking about.”

“well you caught me there, i admit.” he said while taking a sip of his own coffee. “i myself don’t come here for the coffee – though i do enjoy it – it's mostly because of the atmosphere.”

“that i can see.” picking up your glass again and cradle it in your hands, letting the warmth of your drink seep into your hands. “you look relaxed. at home, dare i say.” alastor looked a bit shocked at what you said. his smile loosening up a bit but you didn’t comment on it.

comfortable silence rolled into your table, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. the two of you simply basked in the presence of one another and relished in the peaceful moment.

“i saw your performance the other day.” he suddenly said. your senses spiked, hands starting to sweat and muscles began to tense. “did you now.” you said, trying to act as casual as possible. your mind running a thousand miles a second trying to digest your own performances these last two weeks. 

was your acting not good enough? did he see a loophole in acting? maybe you should’ve been more angry in the last episode. what if he–

“amazing work if i do say so myself!” he complimented.

the weight on your shoulders started to dissolve as your heart finally started to calm down.

“thank you.” was all you could say with a smile. 

the bad habit of thinking of the worst had gotten to you again, but who wouldn’t think that when a famous and very talented actor was sitting across from you! 

you had to admit, you felt rather small and scared if alastor were to scrutinize your own work.

“say,” you snapped out of your thoughts when he spoke. “would you like to go on a walk with me?”

and go out for a walk the two of you did. the leaves of trees were bleeding into orange and red hues. some of them falling to the ground, making piles and piles of little heaps for children and teenagers alike to jump on. the streets were busy, packed with people dressed in scarves and coats, and some of the shops had already started to bring out the christmas decorations.

the two of you glided from one conversation to another, like two leaves swaying with the wind. each taking turns into sharing your own experiences and getting more comfortable with one another. you spoke of your fondness for autumn, how you’re hometown didn’t have the four seasons so you savored the fall and the snow; while he spoke of all the cafes he’s been to, pointing out the ones that were his personal favorites and the others he wouldn’t recommend going to.

you spoke of books, literature, and arts, and alastor soaked it all in like a sponge. “well color me surprised! i never expected you to be a fan of arts.” he had said, making you laugh. “who wouldn’t enjoy a good book and a museum trip every once in a while.” you replied.

and then the two of you stopped by a nearby park bench, overlooking a lake with floating orange and red leaves. the cold swept away your hair, internally thanking azrail and emily for putting your hair up, as you soaked in the scenery.

“so, tell me, my dear, what made you pursue an acting career?” he had asked. you were around 90% sure your little conversations were done, but you guessed wrong.

“from the very beginning, when i was a simple, scrawny little lad, i had been drawn to the magic of the theaters. the beautiful stage that bursted with life with every line the actors delivered. what a performance!” alastor remarked. “so, what about you my dear? what winds from your hometown lead you here, in new york, to pursue acting?”

“being an actor wasn’t my first option for a career. i wanted to be a lawyer, actually.”

“well would you look at that! even as an actor, you still get to be a lawyer with your current role.” he laughed with a big smile on his face. it truly was hard trying to keep a straight face with him around.

“i know right!” you chuckle. “but like you, from a very young age, i’ve been enchanted by the stories in the books my mother and father would give me. it became a very big part of my life growing up. my own little escape to different worlds. acting and living out thousands of different lives in my head.”

“acting and living out a thousand lives…” alastor looked at you straight in the eyes. “how very poetic of you, my dear. it suits you.”

he tilted his head up, chin once again in between his thumb and index finger. in this position, he showed off his sharp jawline and flawless side profile, you can’t help but think that he was showing off.

“theaters and stories are closely intertwined, no? like a dance of emotions on the stage and in pages. the bridge between story and audience.” 

you smile when he turned his head to grin at you. 

“i’m not a very good dancer myself, i think i might have two left feet!” you jest.

“i’d beg to differ.” he said. “i think you’re quite the dancer my dear! you play an aloof character with a mysterious past; someone who abides by the rules but obviously questions them. dancing around the line of rebellion and being duty bound. no dancer could ever expect to dance the way you do on that stage.”

you were left speechless. toeing around the lines of sincerity and acting, you couldn’t help but wonder what was going through alastor’s mind, so you simply looked down at your second cup of coffee and raised it to the air.

“to the dance between theater and stories.”

alastor smiled, raised his own cup and clinked it with his own.

“to the dance we dance together on the stage.”

you bid alastor farewell when you reached your dressing room. after receiving an urgent message from emily and sera, you had to cut your date short, but not without a promise for another.

pushing the door open, you were met with emily running around the room, dragging everyone by the arm and sitting them down at the tiny sofa in the middle. a plastic cup was handed to you by a pale hand, her light violet eyes giving you a sense of comfort. bringing up the cup to your nose and taking a precautionary sniff, your eyes widen when you realize what it is.


“we wanted whiskey, but we had to make do with what we already have.” azrail said. “come on, everyone’s dying to know who the nominees are.” you return his excited grin and follow him to sit down with everyone else. turning back to lilith, she shook her head and stayed where she was so you muttered a soft thank you before sitting down.

the tension and excitement filled the room to the brim as sera stood at the front. her hands holding on to a pristine white envelope with a golden seal. the room slowly fell silent as sera cleared her throat.

“good evening everyone. it is my pleasure to announce the moment you’ve all been waiting for. but first.” everyone groaned and adam stood up from his seat. “hurry it up manager!” everyone laughed as lute tugged the man down and shushed him. “as i was saying, i am very proud of each and everyone of you. your hard work and dedication truly has been recognized, and this envelope here is the proof of it.”

“and the nominees for the best actor and actress awards from hazbin hotel are…”  everyone waited with bated breath as sera’s eyes glazed over everyone that’s been on the edge of their seat.

“azrail!” the man let out a loud scream and pumped his fist in the air. “emily!” the girl’s eyes shone and hugged the nearest person — lute. “pensious!” the snake man let out a laugh, both his hands secured on his hips before pointing a finger at adam who only looked away. “lilith!” you clapped your hands as azrail whistled, the older woman only smiled and nodded. “and last but not least, [name]!”

“congratulations to you all! no words could ever explain how proud i am, so tonight,” sera raised her cup, her eyes scanning everyone in the room with a smile. “we celebrate to our hearts content!”

everyone cheered and hugged. you were dragged to azrail’s side who slowly crushed you in a side hug. adam got up on the couch, his cup raised up his in the room as everyone followed.

“to being the best fucking actors and actresses the world has ever seen!”


today will be marked as one of the most enjoyable days of your life.

 Lights, Camera, Action .

taglist ━ open .ᐟ

@aboveasphodel @itssupernaturalavenger @coldcattale @yoongibabs @reverse-soe @juskonutoh @mei-simp @puredreamagination @justgiulia @xdolls-crownx @hyxcinthus-moss

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2 years ago
Your Monthly Dose Of Bts : Park Jimin
Your Monthly Dose Of Bts : Park Jimin

your monthly dose of bts : park jimin

day 16 / 31 (cr. dwellingsouls)

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