Limerance - Tumblr Posts
i love you in ways i never thought myself
i love you with an intensity ive never before
felt and am certain i never will again
i love you, every inch of you
i want to build you up and hold you together
with my bare hands
i want to take you apart, piece by piece
i think i love you violently
cutting off bits of myself to give to you
glaring at the world i know has hurt you
everythings a bit dimmer when im not
looking at you
my minds always drifting away
i hate it
i think i hate you a little too
i think ive given you so much theres nothing
of me left except my least favorite traits
i hold myself together on the prayer that
you'll call me pretty
and i take myself apart in the hopes you'll
wipe my tears
i want to love you joyously
i want to look in your eyes and see
excitement to see me
but i only see fatigue
my body feels so empty when youre not
there to fill it
when did i become just a part of you?
when i said im yours i meant it as a choice
a decision i made to give myself to you
i trusted you to treat her well
despite your every protest against
when someone warns you away
and you don't listen
is it really their fault when you start to
if you ignore those cracks and pull them
closer and closer
is it really their fault when you shatter?

I can't fucking do this shit I screw everything up I don't know why
I absolutely love how infatuation feels. It's the sweetest, most gentle thing in the world.