Liminal Space - Tumblr Posts
calvin: why do source engine games look so liminal? calvins dad: its not that source engine games look like that, the whole world was actually liminal in 2008
idk where to post this so to main it goes
flicking through procreate always ends in finding one or two pieces of art that are just like 'how did this get here, who drew this and are they okay'
vent art warning maybe?? I don't know what people need in terms of warnings but it's a little uncomfortable, so warning 👍

is this about that corridor in headspace again - i dont know who drew it so i cant even go ask and be like 'hey bud wanna talk abt this in therapy'

I was just gonna let this itch to draw this comment slide, but then I watched the vid again and I couldn’t stop thinking about her so here she is!

She also has an Artfight page for a bit more info
(Image ID: To the upper left it says, “The Portal Warden” in big Georgia font over red
On the long rectangle on the bottom left, it reads as follows:
“Contrary to its title, The Portal Warden is a friendly entity that greets all argonauts lost inside its realm with a educational but peppy persona.
It guides them throughout the world’s portals until it finds a substantial enough exit, and then bids farewell to its guests.
The Portal Warden gets its title from the fact that it’s the only creature in its world, and possibly controls it. In reality, it has not just one, but every name. Its nametag displays endless symbols and words, and argonauts that ask its name multiple times can get infinite answers.”
To the bottom right, The Warden takes a nervous astronaut’s hand, saying, “Watch your step, you are fragile!”
To the very top right, a small box reads, “A wand that showcases what different portals do, for clarity.” Under it is The Warden’s hand pointing with the wand to a circle with a weirdly warped cube inside it. End ID)
Hello again! I meant for this to be only one day so I might just call it here, since I already have the ideas for them, but if there's high demand I think I can continue it to go on to other rooms ^^
Here's some silhouettes for the possible monsters! Curious, Hidden, and Malicious are their prompts

Backrooms creature design video!

Totally globular
This is one of the liminal space guys btw hes simple but let him be. He's a fish ray thing that swims in the water and is friendly, and he's speckled like the tile.

This looks safe
Backrooms creature design video!

Environment practice that turned out weirdly liminal spacey?? Kinda like it even with all the weird vibes
“Can I see you tomorrow?”

“You never know what you’re missing until it’s gone.”

good morning
“I wish you missed me as much as I missed you.”

once you enter, there is no going back
i want to go back to before

bro all the 6th birthday parties were here

I promise to be with you forever.
running into these were a nightmare 😭

this just unlocked a memory for me

My local movie theater, which is forever trapped in the 1980s