Centaur Oc - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
This Is Redwood, Daughter Of My D&d Monk Timberwood. In The Campaign Tim's In She's Not Currently Alive,

This is Redwood, daughter of my d&d monk Timberwood. In the campaign Tim's in she's not currently alive, but I really love her and so this is an imagining of her at around age 13, as a young cleric!! She's half highland cow centaur and half deer centaur.

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10 months ago

High of the Shroom

Josiah was lost… again. He had wandered off into the nearby forest and had no clue where the way back to the herd was. He mentally scolded himself for doing so knowing full well that his sense of direction was shit. And he was getting so hungry too…

“There must be something here to eat…” The albino deer mumbled as he walked around the forest, looking for some food as to at least make his stomach stop growling when he came across some large mushrooms. “Huh? Mushrooms?”

The mushrooms were pretty tall and rather thin, though the cap was larger than the rest of it. It was a sky blue color with some purple fade and small white spots at the cap. It looked pretty weird but…

“Ah, screw it. I’ll end up starving before getting to the herd.” Josiah huffed as he plucked out two mushrooms and started eating them. “Blegh, could taste better…”

Even through his disgust, he completely ate the mushrooms satisfying his hunger for the time being before resuming his journey out of the forest. He appeared to only get more lost though. Damn.

Meanwhile back at the herd, the rest of the centaurs were just hanging around, the fawns running, playing and causing their little chaos as always. Sun was tending to the young ones while Moon and Eclipse kept an eye on everyone, making sure everyone was safe and checked out. Moon, however, noticed they were missing someone.

“Who is…?” Moon mumbled before suddenly deadpanning when he took notice of the forest nearby. “Of course he got lost again…”

Huffing in frustration, Moon ran off into the forest to try and find the missing centaur.

Speaking of the latter, things were going a bit… weird for him.

“Why is the sky yellow…? Was it always yellow??” The white deer asked as he looked up at the leaves. They were leaves. Not the sky.

Josiah’s eyes were swirls as he kind of stumbled around, holding onto trees as to not fall as everything looked kinda funky. The ‘sky’ (which were just tree leaves) looked yellow, the ground seemed to move like a kaleidoscope, and the trees looked like they had faces! Or maybe that was just the pattern of the wood, he didn’t know, everything just looked so odd!

“I FeEl weeeeIRd…” Josiah said, his speech slurring a bit before he started laughing. “Hahaha, this funnyyyy!”

The centaur laughed loudly as he stopped walking for a moment and started crying at the same time. It was a bit… disturbing to watch.

“JOSIAH!” A familiar voice broke the intoxicated deer out of his daze, looking around for the source of the voice. “Josiah, where are you?!”

“Heeeey Mooooon!” Josiah exclaimed as he appeared where Moon was, startling the bigger centaur who quickly composed himself and crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes at the albino.

“How many times have I told you not to wander off? You keep getting lost in these places.” Moon said, not yet acknowledging the fact Josiah was high as a kite.

“Sorryyyyyy, I got curious of the plaaaaace!” Josiah said as he walked away from Moon, stumbling around once more.

Moon DEFINITELY noticed how weird Josiah was acting now.

“Are you okay?” Moon asked.

“Just peachy! There was this- There was this thing! It was blue with purple and white and it tasted funny and I feel funkyyyy!” Josiah said as he giggled as tears ran down his face.

“Don’t tell me you are a poisonous mushroom…” Moon groaned in annoyance.

“I can see the light SPECTRUM!” Josiah exclaimed.

“You ate a mushroom.” Moon confirmed and sighed as he approached Josiah and grabbed his arms. “Come on, we have to go back to the herd.”

Josiah, however, pulled his arms away.

“I don wanna!” He whined as he huffed.

This was starting to frustrate Moon. Josiah was intoxicated off his ass, he was acting weird and was being extremely difficult right now.

“Josiah, I do not have time for games. We have to get back to the herd.” Moon said. “And you have to seriously get that mushroom out of your system.”

“Moooshroom. It was gross.” Josiah said as he made a disgusted face.

“I know, which is why we have to go back so you can rest and hopefully not be so… intoxicated.” Moon said.

“Okaaaaay…” Josiah said, kind of dejected.

Moon sighed as he grabbed Josiah’s arm and started leading him out of the forest. It took a bit but they eventually made it out and got back to the herd. There, Moon had to force Josiah to lay down under the shade and take a damn nap. Once he made sure Josiah was knocked out cold in his sleep, he continued patrolling around the herd, making sure no one else got separated from the herd.

Once Josiah woke up, he stood up, ran behind a tree and threw up his digestive system. He moved away after a good 20 seconds of vomiting, feeling like shit as his stomach grumbled now that it was empty again.

“I hate mushrooms…” The centaur mumbled as he went to take another nap.


Celestial Herd AU belongs to @missterious-figure!

Josiah be mine!

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10 months ago

I have this mental image of my OC Josiah, if we go the route where he met your OC when he was lost in the forest, he would adopt her as his younger sister. If anything, he would probably get lost on purpose in forests from then on cause that would be where she be and they could hang out there, him letting her play with his hair and stuff. Maybe while hanging out they could find a suitable name for her.

Idk tho, it’s just me! I like your character and she so damn sweet, I would hug her

She Never Really Had A Name, As The Norm In Her Pack Was That You Earned A Name When You Are Considered

She never really had a name, as the norm in her pack was that you earned a name when you are considered an adult.

She was kicked out before she became an adult.

The children used to call her 'eagle feet' or 'helpless deer', causing her to withdraw from the other children and spend a lot of time alone.

She is now an adult, having found the Celestial Herd, and essentially stalking them. She stays near the herd, watching from afar but never going too near. She tries not to get too close to Moon's patrol route, but she has sometimes crossed it (albiet briefly) and Moon has caught sniffs of her.

Like all predators, her scent is musky and strong, though she smells of berries and moss. If she spends more than a couple minutes in one spot, then her scent rubs off into the surrounding foliage.

She frequently sets up camp near the herd, digging a burrow or building a nest. When she builds a burrow, she goes without eating for about a day before digging jnto the roots of a tree. Then, when she has ample space, she grooms herself with her bristled tongue (like a cat's tongue because she is part feline) and hacks up the tufts of fur to line the nest with. She only grooms herself when she digs burrows. When she builds a nest, she just collects a bunch of branches and line it with leaves.

When she leaves her burrow, she rubs herself all over the entrance, like a cat due to her having special scent glands located on specific parts of her body.

She Never Really Had A Name, As The Norm In Her Pack Was That You Earned A Name When You Are Considered

The circled areas are where her scent glands are located. Under her jaw, along the outer edge of her ears, her elbows and knees, the whole underside of her tail, right over her heart, the sides of her thighs, and the bend of the footlocks.

If depicted as a cartoon after she has properly marked her burrow with her scent glands, then it would be like purple lines wiggling out with small lighter purple skulls (due to the prey's tendency to associate the smell of a predator with death)

She eats mostly plants and vegetables, but she does occasionally eat meat. She never kills anyone (another reason why she was deemed a freak by her pack) but she will eat dead corpses, and can digest bones like an Alligator

Can't think of anything else to add for now.

Centaur AU by @missterious-figure

The OC is MINE

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10 months ago

At night, Centaur Josiah would sometimes be thought to be a ghost due to him being full on white and it kind of stands out in the darkness if he was out walking or something. Of course, the herd would know it’s just him but outsiders that see him at night would probably get spooked

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10 months ago

Incorrect quotes: Centaur Edition


Moon: Where did we find this bucking man?? Josiah: I almost fell off a cliff to my death and Eclipse saved me so I stuck around. I remember that very vividly-


Moon: I am going to patrol now. Void is in charge. I have told you all three times the instructions while I am not around. Josiah: You just told me ‘Josiah no’. Moon: And you can apply that to any situation. Josiah: Okay-


Some centaur after an argument with another: Was he fighting or flirting with me?

Josiah: They tried to stomp your ribs in!

Centaur: …That doesn’t answer my question


Moon, after learning Josiah be friends with the hybrid: Josiah, can I speak to you for a minute? In private. Josiah: Oooh, someone’s in trouble! Josiah: It’s me, I don’t know why I did that

—— Josiah and the hybrid: *running back into the herd in a panic* Sun: What did you do?! Josiah: Nobody died! Sun: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!

—— Sun, usually: Violence is never the answer. Josiah, high on shrooms: It’s the question and the answer is YES! Moon: Not again-


Moon, after Josi did something stupid: You’re standing on thin ice. Josiah, looking down before looking up: I’m standing on the ground. Moon, annoyed: It’s an expression. Josiah: It’s grass.


Josiah, high on shrooms: Hi, my name is Josiah with a 'B' and I'm afraid of insects.

Void: Wait, wait, wait.

Josiah: What?

Void: Where's the 'B'?

Josiah, scared for his life: There's a bee?


Josiah, buried in snow: I am the snow guardian, guardian of the snow! Hybrid: The untrained quiver before him (literally)! Josiah: BUCK OFF!

——— Celestial Herd AU belongs to @missterious-figure

Void belongs to @celestialweido

Hybrid centaur belongs to @kinshenewa

Josiah be mine!

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2 years ago
I Was Just Gonna Let This Itch To Draw This Comment Slide, But Then I Watched The Vid Again And I Couldnt

I was just gonna let this itch to draw this comment slide, but then I watched the vid again and I couldn’t stop thinking about her so here she is!

I Was Just Gonna Let This Itch To Draw This Comment Slide, But Then I Watched The Vid Again And I Couldnt

She also has an Artfight page for a bit more info

(Image ID: To the upper left it says, “The Portal Warden” in big Georgia font over red

On the long rectangle on the bottom left, it reads as follows:

“Contrary to its title, The Portal Warden is a friendly entity that greets all argonauts lost inside its realm with a educational but peppy persona.

It guides them throughout the world’s portals until it finds a substantial enough exit, and then bids farewell to its guests.

The Portal Warden gets its title from the fact that it’s the only creature in its world, and possibly controls it. In reality, it has not just one, but every name. Its nametag displays endless symbols and words, and argonauts that ask its name multiple times can get infinite answers.”

To the bottom right, The Warden takes a nervous astronaut’s hand, saying, “Watch your step, you are fragile!”

To the very top right, a small box reads, “A wand that showcases what different portals do, for clarity.” Under it is The Warden’s hand pointing with the wand to a circle with a weirdly warped cube inside it. End ID)

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3 years ago
New OC Time! Her Name Is Martengold And She's A Dlmener, A Breed Of Wild Pony From Germany. I've Had
New OC Time! Her Name Is Martengold And She's A Dlmener, A Breed Of Wild Pony From Germany. I've Had
New OC Time! Her Name Is Martengold And She's A Dlmener, A Breed Of Wild Pony From Germany. I've Had

New OC Time! Her name is Martengold and she's a Dülmener, a breed of wild pony from germany. I've had her only for a day so I only know: She once went on a really bad school trip and becomes BFF with my main characters and is an avid traveller!

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3 years ago
Meet My Brand New Boyfriend Who Spits In My Mouth Clydesdale Dude, Wisentheart - He Is So Huge, Its Not
Meet My Brand New Boyfriend Who Spits In My Mouth Clydesdale Dude, Wisentheart - He Is So Huge, Its Not
Meet My Brand New Boyfriend Who Spits In My Mouth Clydesdale Dude, Wisentheart - He Is So Huge, Its Not

Meet my brand new boyfriend who spits in my mouth clydesdale dude, Wisentheart - he is so huge, its not fair! (Martengold for comparison)

An ex-cityboy roughing up the countyside.

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2 years ago
An Elderly Centaur Gal, Jenna/Jenny :3 She's Got Bad Feet And Bad Hips, But That Won't Hold Her Back.
An Elderly Centaur Gal, Jenna/Jenny :3 She's Got Bad Feet And Bad Hips, But That Won't Hold Her Back.

An elderly centaur gal, Jenna/Jenny :3 she's got bad feet and bad hips, but that won't hold her back. She's a Knappstrupper, a Danish horse breed. Socially, she's an old witch, but doesn't know any actual magic.

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1 year ago


 A Toast! To Those Who Would Try To Stop Me!
 A Toast! To Those Who Would Try To Stop Me!
 A Toast! To Those Who Would Try To Stop Me!

“ a toast! to those who would try to stop me! ”

(reference sheet for new oc, + closeups of parts i’m particularly proud of.)

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