Lin X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Lunch with the Chief 
I really don’t know what possessed me to post this. I have this posted on wattpad and thought about posting this on here but never really had the courage to and I got the courage to do it so here you go I guess. Masterlist

You got off the fairy to see the chief standing at the dock waiting for you. You smiled at her and waved as she did the same. You walked up to her "well it's nice to see you again chief" you say to her.
"Y/N you don't need to call me chief, you're not one of my officers'' Beifong said.
"Well, what do you want me to call?" You asked.
"My name Lin , say it '' she commanded you. Of course she is the Chief of police, why wouldn’t she command people.
"Alright Lin" you say her name with a smile. The two of you walked to her Satomobile and got in. "So where are we going?" You questioned her.
"Republic city dinner" Lin simply replied.
"Alright" you said as you looked out the window to see Republic city. Lin soon pulled up to the diner and parked her Satomobile.
"Let's go in" Lin said as you just followed her, one of the waitresses came over and led you two to a table.
The waitress came back and asked what the two would like to eat, Lin told the waitress what both of us would like today. "It's finally nice to properly get to know you, Lin," you say to her while taking a sip of water.
"Likewise, I'm glad to meet you properly and not in a situation where I needed to arrest the avatar again" she said as you chuckled at her. You had not forgotten about Korra getting arrested the day she got to the city. It was a mess.
"Indeed it is" you replied, you wanted to say something but got interrupted by the waitress bringing your food. Before you started eating your noodles you told Lin "you really do have the most gorgeous eyes, you know that right" Lin looked at you with shock and surprise in her eyes.
"I uh... t thank you" Lin stuttered out, turning her face away from you and trying to hide her blush. "You also have beautiful eyes too" Lin said to you which made you roll my eyes.
"Oh come on Lin now you're just flattering me" you said to her as you took a bite of your noodles.
"No really you do, there's just so bright blue and a hit of green in them , I have never seen a water bender have such color eyes " she said to you. You felt your cheeks heat up a bit.
"You know your eyes are the most vivid color of green I've ever seen. And trust me I know, I've traveled to the Earth kingdom and I've seen plenty of people with green eyes but you're it's so vivid emerald green" you told her as a matter of fact. It was true you had traveled to the Earth kingdom many times and no one’s eyes were like Lin’s eyes. They truly were beautiful.
Lin and you two spent the rest of her lunch break talking about your hobbies and interests. You couldn’t believe it. Lin’s lunch break was coming to an end. You had told Lin that you would pay for lunch but use instead that she would. You tried to object to that, but of course, stubborn as she is, Lin did not back down. You finally give in and let her pay.
Lin drove to the dock to drop you off so you could catch the ferry back to Air Temple Island. “Lin, I had a good time with you. Thank you. I hope we can do this again” you said to her as you turned and looked at her.
“Of course Y/N I had a great time as well. You’re welcome. I better get going now.” Lin said as she turned her head to look forward. You couldn’t help but smile at her. You kissed her check and ran out while saying bye. You missed the blush that had covered Lin’s face as she looked to where you once seated. She smiled to herself as she drove away from the dock.
"That was the most fun I had in all my years, she really is beautiful but yet she doesn't know" you thought to yourself as you walked up the temple stairs. Why does the temple even have so many of them?
'Come admitted it your in love with her"
"I am not, I don't even know her that well but she is pretty and-"
"And hot I know. You really need to ask her out"
"Ok I am not doing this with you again. Spirits I'm arguing with myself again" you say out loud.
You finally made it to your room and took a nap. You really needed it after spending an afternoon with Lin. Of course you slept with the thought of Lin.
Again enjoy this. There’s more notes at the bottom.
Welcome to Republic City 

Y/N was walking to the compound to watch Korra's bending test which she already knew her sister passed. As she walked in she heard Korra "Woohoo! Hey, why all the doom and gloom, people? We should be celebrating three elements down, one to go". "You're getting ahead of yourself as usual, Korra. We haven't decided if you passed your firebending test yet". "Ever since you were a little girl, you've excelled at the physical side of bending, but completely ignored the spiritual side. The Avatar must master both". Korra was now pouting Y/N chuckled at that she knew her sister. Korra quickly replied "I haven't ignored it, it just doesn't come as easy to me. But that's why I should start training with Tenzin immediately. He's Mister Spiritual".
"I think my sister has proven to have master fire bending , hasn't she master Katara?"
Y/N said with a smile as she walked to where everyone was the masters saw the young avatars sister walking to where they were. Y/N was now stood next to Korra ,Y/N bowed to the masters as the the master did the same to the prodigy water bending master. "Do you believe she's ready, Master Katara?" The white Lotus leader asked Katara "Yes. If anyone can teach her what she needs to learn, it's Tenzin." katara said with a smile. Y/N smiled at that, Korra would soon be the avatar and helping people.
She was only brought back out of thoughts when she heard Korra "Yes! Finally! , I mean, thank you all for believing in me" Y/N just smiled at that as she was tackled into a hug by her sister which Y/N laughed at but hugged her sister back , soon Korra let go of Y/N and started walking but unable to hold her excitement, breaking into a run leaving the training ground as the master watch her. "It's good to see you Y/N" Y/N turned around and went up to hug her former water bending master as she did katara just chuckled at the young masters child like behavior "it's good to see you too master katara" Y/N said as she let go of katara. Katara motioned for the young master to follow her and so Y/N did she could tell that katara wanted to talk to her it had been awhile since they had talked.
Time skip
A few days later, Tenzin arrived with a very pregnant Pema, and his three kids. Katara greets her son and his family immediately while Y/N was walking to where Korra was as she had just gotten there. Korra watched the youngest son of Avatar Aang's with her big eyes full of excitement and a huge smile on face. Y/N in the other hand was much more reserved than Korra as for Y/N did not smile as much.
Tenzin looked over his mother shoulders to see the two young ladies standing there. "Korra, Y/N." Korra sprinted to where Tenzin was standing, ready to meet her new teacher, while Y/N walked forward "look at you Korra, you've grown into quite the young Avatar." His eyes lit up to see the young prodigy water bending master. "Y/N look at you, I have to say you are quite the fighter bending and non-bending." The girl nods at the airbending master. "Thank you master Tenzin." YN bowing to the airbending master soon be in interrupted by Korra,Y/N was not surprised to say the least that Korra would do so. "Master Tenzin, I'm so glad you're here. I can't wait to get started" he looks down at the young avatar finding it hard to tell her "yes, we'll..." Tenzin said with a sigh.
"You're going to have to tell her sooner or later" Pema said to her husband as she put her hand on his arm Korra now looking at Pema fully with a confused expression. "Tell me what?" Korra asked the airbening master with a hit disappointment and sadness in her voice "you're not staying, are you?" Katara asked her son sadly Tenzin sigh before speaking "I'm afraid not. We're only visiting for the night. Then I have to return to Republic City" "But ... no, you're supposed to move here. You're supposed to teach me" Y/N was now there standing next to Korra look at her sister Y/N had never been the one on to be touchy-feely as she says but looking at her sister face full of disappointment and sadness. she wished she could've done something that would her out ( y'all I can't write this part it's bit boring, so imma skip some of the talking, please don't hate me)
Afater Korra talked with katara she left the compound say goodbye to her parents but Y/N wasn't going to let her sister go by herself. Y/N had been to Republic city couple of times but she didn't know the streets well enough but new enough to get to Air temple island "where do you think your going?"
Y/N asked as she walked up behind her parents "ummm... nowhere I umm..." Korra knew she couldn't lie to Y/N she knew her to well so she gave up and told her where she was going "fine I'm going to Republic city to train with Master Tenzin" "alright let's go" "your going with me?" Korra asked Y/N "yeah come on let's got now I think I have everything, I knew you would leave so I had everything packed and ready to go" Y/N said as she got on Naga. "bye mom,bye dad , we love you" they said before they left.
Time skip to where Korra is at the shops with Y/N
"Korra we're lost aren't we?" Y/N said a bit pissed at Korra for running away form she had to find her again so here they are lost. " yea we are but let me ask those people over there" Korra said to Y/N and walked over to the people when where there as Y/N tried to figure out where they were. "Excuse me, I think I'm lost." Korra said as she walked closer to the old lady "How do I get to Air temple Island from here?" the old women points Korra to Air temple island as she does a red Satomobile turns the street. "You should get going young lady" lord worm said to Korra clearly she was scared " it isn't safe" she whispered to Korra. ( oki so this is a lot of writing so imma skip agin I know this is my second time I promise maybe one more skip form her than I'll stop).
"KORRA WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?" Y/N yelled at Korra while she ran to where Korra was but Korra was to busy watching the metal benders as they used there cable to lower themselves to down the ground "Police! Freeze, where you are" One of the officers said. "Cool! metalbenders" Korra said excitedly Y/N on the other hand was still pissed , she didn't want to get arrested just because of her sister. "I caught the bad guys for you, officers." Korra said to the officer "arrest them!" the officer said as three officers went to arrest the gangsters. Than officer pointed at Korra "you're under arrest, too" Korra took a step back than defensively "what do you mean I'm under arrest?" Korra than pointing at the gangsters and said "those are the bad guys over there! They were smashing up a shop" " from the looks of it, you smash up a lot more" He took up a fighting stance and shot a cable to bind Korra. However Korra quickly moved out of the way and pulling the cable back.
"Wait, you - you can't arrest me!" her arms were trembling due to the fact that she was pulling the cable's to stop the officer from arriving her "Let me explain!" " You can explain yourself all you like, down at headquarters" the officer said trying to retract the cable. "Please officer you can't arrest her" Y/N tried to reason with the officer but it didn't work "I'm sorry ma'am you need to understand we're just doing our job". Korra let's go of the cable and gets on Naga than starts to get away format he police " KORRA! NO JUST GO WITH THEM" Y/N yelled at Korra but Korra had already left and now Y/N was stuck. 'We'll this just is great first day in Republic city and she gets herself arrested now I have to go to Air temple island Teznin gong to kill me' Y/N thinks as she walking a to air temple Island. Y/N makes it to air temple island as she steps in the island she heard the air bending kids and as she walked up the stairs she saw at same time they saw her "Y/N" they screamed as they tackled her into a hug she Y/N wasn't a fan of hug but she only allowed some people to hug. "Hey kids can you tell me where your dad is?" "Dads in his office" Jinora told Y/N "alright thank you Jinora" Y/N said as she walked to Tenzin's office.
Y/N Pov
'Alright all I need to do is knock on the door and tell Tenzin that Korra got arrested or does he already know?' I though I was about to knock when the door opened and on the other side was the airbending master. He looked shocked to see me but soon he collect himself and cleared his throat "I'm guessing you already know Korra got arrested?" I asked "I I why what are you doing here and yes I do know" "well I'll tell you why me and Korra are here once we get here Tenzin" I told the airbending master.
Time skip to where they are at the police station
"Chief, councilman Tenzin is here" I heard one of the metal bending officers "let him in" I heard a gruff but soft voice. As we walked in I saw Korra cuffed to a metal table and than I saw her she was the beautiful to say the least the chief of police , standing tall with authority 'so this is Lin Beifong she's so hot' I think to myself 'am I blushing !?!??' I tried to hide my blush it was a good thing no one was looking or paying attention to me. I was bought back out of my thoughts when I heard Korra's voice " Tenzin sorry... I got a little sidetracked on my way to see you" I mentally slap myself hearing Korra say that " Lin, you are looking radiant as usual" "Cut the garbage, Tenzin. Why is the Avatar in Republic City? I thought you were supposed to be moving down to the South Pole to train her" the chief asked Tenzin aggressively clearly she was annoyed.
"My relocation has been delayed. The Avatar, on the other hand, will be heading back to the South Pole immediately, where she will stay put" "but-" Korra try's to protest but it didn't work as she got cut off by Tenzin "If you would be so kind as to drop the charges against Korra, I will take full responsibility for today's regrettable events and cover all the damage" "fine" the chief says while crossing her arms and metal bends the cuff as Korra rubs her wrist "get her out of my city" "always a pleasure Lin" he turns to Korra and said in a hard tone "let's go Korra" as we were walking out I saw at the corner of my eyes the chief looking at me I tried not to think about it. When I look back I see the chief with her index and pinky figure out pointing it to her eyes than to Korra. As sign 'saying I'll be watching you' I see Korra mock her. 'Do you have death wish Korra' I think to myself when I see her mocking the chief.
Finally we make it back to Air temple island as the boat docks we see three gliders heading out 'it's the kids' I think to myself. "KORRA!" I hear Ikki and Meelo yell happily as they run to hug Korra Jinora stays behind until Korra motion hurt to join the group hug and so so does as she runs and hugs Korra. "Are you coming to live with us on the island?" Ikki asked Korra excitedly I just stayed quiet to see what Korra says "No, I'm sorry, Ikki. I have to go home now." Korra say sadly and I sigh as we start walking up to the Southern Water Tribe boat that had arrived with the white lotus members. I put my arm around Korra's shoulders to gave her some comfort and it does.
"Wait" we nothing stop walking and look back at Teznin "I have done my best to guide Republic City toward the dream my father had for it, but you're right. It has fallen out of balance since he passed. I thought I should put off your training in order to uphold his legacy" Tenzin walks up to Korra and out a hand her shoulder I smile at that it's rare for me to smile I don't often but I do smile "but you are his legacy. You may stay and train airbending here with me" Korra gasps as I just watch her r"Republic City needs its Avatar once again" "Yes! Thank you! You're the best!" Korra excitedly says "yaaaaaaay" the three kids celebrate as Korra pulls me and the three kids into a group than pulls Tenzin as well.
"Hello?" Korra say into the microphone "I'm Korra, your new Avatar" as the crowd cheer for Korra "Does this mean you've moved to Republic City?" "Were you trying to send a message to the Triads yesterday?" "Will you be fighting crime or the Anti-bending Revolution, or both?" "Will you be working with Chief Beifong and the police?" I'm a bit worried Korra has never been out anywhere so this is new to her but she doing great I am standing next to Tenzin on the lest as the chief of police stand to Korra's right. I can see the Chief glacing in my direction every once in a while I don't know why. Korra is a bit confused but she's holding up great "uh ... yes, I am definitely here to stay, but honestly I - I don't exactly have a plan yet. See, I'm still in training, but, look, all I know is Avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world, and I believe we can make his dream a reality. I look forward to serving you." I smiled at my sister she did a great job for her first time being out in public. At the corners of my eyes I see the chief look at me she looks so be deep in though I don't know what about but looks relaxed but not for long as she is brought back out of her thoughts she. She hears the crowd cheer for Korra. Than I see the chiefs face shift into her 'work mode' as I call it.
Lin's pov
As I stand I look at the water tribe girl that came in with Teznin she's quite the sight 'she's beautiful' wait what am I think 'stop it Beifong focus' as I turned my head towards the left I see her smile 'oh god her smile it's so beautiful it's so perfect and uhg come on Beifong focus, focus Beifong'. Im brought back out of my thoughts when I hear the crowd cheering it's over finally and the avatar is staying well she better not cause any more trouble. 'Who is the water tribe girl that can with Tenzin? What's her name?' I wonder as look ahead.
Somewhere in a warehouse
"I'm so happy to be here. Thank you, Republic City!" "All right, that's all the questions the Av-" the lieutenant turns off the radio "Amon, how do you want to handle this?" the lieutenant ask his boss "So, the Avatar has arrived early." as he truns and reveal masked face "It looks like we'll have to accelerate our plans" Amon says while turning off the radio.
I thought I could post this here as well. I have my book on wattpad but I thought I could give it a try on here as well.
The Avatar’s Guardian
This is the chapters and where you can find it. I do have this book on my wattpad if you search “The Avatar’s Guardian ” my book should show up but I hope you like this. The characters will be linked here. Request are open! If you would like to know who I wrote for please ask.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Okay y’all do you want a Lady Dimitrescu X reader or a Lin Beifong X reader? I have something in my mind but don’t know who to write for. Help me out! I’m leaning more toward Lin because it would make more sense for this but then again I can make it work for Lady Dimitrescu as well. I have something in mind! what’s your opinion?
(𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧)
𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮
𝐋𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐧𝐠
𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬
Thank you all for your support and comments! I appreciate it!
Lady Dimitrescu

For All Eternity
Part 1 Part 2
I Told You So
Lin Beifong

Lunch with the Cheif
Good Luck Babe
Larissa Weems - still in work

Good Luck Babe
Lin Beifong x reader
Notes: There isn’t enough of Lin x reader and I love this woman! She’s so fine like what do you mean you don’t love her! I can’t. 😭. I wrote a lady d version of this and now a Lin version!

Lin tossed and turned in her sleep, the weight of the world pressing down on her even in her dreams. The room was dark, the only light from the moon filtering through the window. "When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night” She found herself in a place she never thought she’d be—in Tenzin’s bed, her head in her hands, feeling utterly trapped. “With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife” She felt the cold sheets beneath her fingers, the reality of her situation sinking in. She was nothing more than Tenzin’s wife, a role that felt like a prison.
The years had passed, but the memories of what could have been still lingered in the corners of her mind. She thought of you, Y/N, and the life you might have had together. The regret was a constant companion, whispering in her ear, “And when you think about me, all of those years ago”.
Lin’s heart ached as she remembered the days when you were by her side. She saw your face, clear as day, standing before her with that knowing look. You had warned her, You had told her “You're standing face to face with 'I told you so'” and tried to show her a different path, but she had been stubborn, too set in her ways. Now, she was paying the price for her choices, living a life that felt like a lie.
The dream shifted, and she was face to face with you. The pain in your eyes mirrored her own, and she could see the unspoken words on your lips. “You know I hate to say, but, I told you so.” It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that you had been right all along. She wanted to reach out, to erase the years of distance and regret, but the chasm between you was too wide.
Lin jolted awake, a cold sweat covering her body. Her heart pounded in her chest, the remnants of the nightmare still clinging to her. She turned, expecting to see Tenzin, but instead, she saw you. Relief washed over her as she realized it had all been a dream. You were here, with her, and the nightmare was just that—a nightmare.
She sighed deeply, the tension leaving her body as she reached out to touch your face. “Y/N,” she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and lingering sorrow. The dream had shaken her, but it had also reminded her of what truly mattered. She pulled you closer, needing the reassurance of your presence to banish the lingering shadows of her nightmare.
“Lin” you mumbled in your sleep and opened your eyes to a worrisome look on her face. You put your hand on her face “What’s wrong Lin?” You worry aske.
“Nothing.” She said holding you tight and burying her face in your hair. You didn’t ask another question, instead, you pulled back and kissed her slowly with love.
In the quiet of the night, Lin held you close, grateful for the reality that was so much better than her dreams. The past might still haunt her, but with you by her side, she knew she could face whatever came her way.