Linguist - Tumblr Posts
In my AU, where Stan finished out high school, went to college, and got multiple doctorates out of pure spite that applies to both of them.
Ford: I put the STAN in STrANge.
Stan: I thought you put the Doctor in Strange?
Ford: I don’t understand that reference
Stan: No, that’s Captain America

Noam Chomsky was trending today saying everyone should vax dat azz. $
Hey my, like 30 followers! LETS COMPLETELY CHANGE THE MOOD FROM MY LAST HORRIBLE, ATROCIOUS, DISGUSTING POST!1!1 Enjoy a silly bOi Du Ponceau sketch I made during theatre because idk man the director was focusing on other ppl? :DDDDD
(ft. my low quality android camera, 6$ sketchbook, and my illegible handwriting♥️♥️♥️)

anygays, tag time♥️♥️ reblog this if you would NEVER disparage Du Ponceau like that, and completely recognise Mandarin and Vietnamese as lexi(co)graphic.😤😤😤