Loki Laufeyjarson - Tumblr Posts
July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 5 • Members of the family – genealogical connections
Loki Laufeyjarson, Loki Son of Laufey. Laufey is Loki's mother: Laufey the leafy Ásynja (female Æsir), Laufey the Birch set on fire by the mighty Jötunn Fárbauti, the Lightning that strikes and brings the flames to the ground. According to this myth, Loki is of Jötunn and Æsir blood, belonging to both worlds and none at the same time, making him a liminal being from the very beginning. I personally feel Laufey is originally a Jötunn, later included among the Ásynja, but it's an UPG (unverified personal gnosis). Laufey gave birth to two other children, Helblindi and Býleistr, Loki's brothers. Sigyn is Loki's wife, and little is known about her. According to my own feeling, she belongs to the Jötnar too, but it's another UPG. Together they have two sons, Narfi and Váli. The Lady of Járnvid (Ironwood), Angrboða, conceived three powerful children with Loki: Hela, Queen of the Dead; Fenrisúlfr, the Wolf Fenrir; Jörmungandr, Miðgarðsormr, the Sea Serpent that hugs Miðgarð. To all of these children, Loki is father. And yet there is another children, too often forgotten, to which Loki is mother: Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse he conceived in the form of a mare with the stallion Svaðilfari. You may be familiar with Sleipnir being Óðinn's mount. Óðinn is also Loki's blood brother by oath, another detail some prefer to forget. Their relationship may be complex, but if we wanna talk about Loki's connections it seems only fair to me to include his good old friend Grímnir (Hooded, Masked One), too.
When Loki chooses to "work" with you, he'll introduce you to his family, sooner or later, in no particular order. He's a family person, and just loves his dear ones, especially his children, with all his burning heart.
Art by @muirin007 , love this depiction of Loke with his kids!

My beloved Vulture God.

Vulture’s Blue Path by CinderR0SE alternate color scheme version of my loki painting vultures path pt. 2 ____________________________________ i can seep in, i can dry clear and yes it would still be there and no i couldn’t hold you forever but isn’t it drafty at night, alone in that canyon with the wind of the mind dragging its debris- i wanted to put my mouth on you and draw out whatever toxin… -but i understand there are limits to love here is a flower that needs no water it can grow anywhere nourished on nothing and yes. poem “you with the crack running through you” by kim ad donizio _________________________________ next painting in a series of kennings for loki, “Gammleið”, translating to vulture’s path; this is one of my favourite kennings for loki and this is part two of the painting series. in this i relate to lokis role as cremation fire and the stripping of flesh leaving bones in an action to release the soul. in reading his mythos it can easily be correlated with his eating contest with logi (wild fire who wantonly consumes while loki only strips meat and not bones) and his role in baldrs entire death process. this particular kenning really portrays him as a funerary god in this way and i chose to convey that in this image. i relate loki personally to all birds, especially birds of prey and vultures, and in this particular image i crossed how i normally paint him with several species of vultures (most notably in part 2, the cinereous vulture) from the eurasian area of the world (and the black vulture that resides near where i live and that i see often) for the overall look to him; i also visually made it a partial transformation which is a visual nod to the hawk cloak as well. i definitely recommend enlarging for details. XD __________________________________________ do not remove my watermark or alter/trace/copy in anyway, and if reblogged elsewhere give me credit, do not remove my artists comments, and link back to my main site; thanks! ~cinder.
"there is no clear evidence of Loki's worship in ancient times"
But stories were told of him - yes?
And did they make people laugh?
Did they make them squirm?
But a hearth stone was carved of him, yes?
Someone's love and time emptied into little mouth stitches and a curly mustache
They imagined him, right?
And someone looked at the sky
Saw Thiazi's eyes
And the old dwarf's toe
And saw the red one, burning bright
And named it Loki -
Does a lack of worship mean
A lack of love?
What about a million scintillating threads tying the web of stories, great and small?
What about kindling the imagination
Like wildfire
Like dandelion seeds
Blowing across a northern sky
Why does worship not mean
Deeply Beloved?
I am with Them - They are with me
Everyone who once heard a story who heard a story of a god called Loki
And told it to someone who told it someone
Until it got to me. To you. To us. That's worship. That's love to me.
Hello hello hello!
I truly love everything about this. Always nice to find more historical info about our beloved Trickster.
Loki illustration from 17th century Iceland

Huhu... Let's not look at where his hand is... and more at the inscription below...
Yeah. Sigyn is mentionned!!! :p
I don't know what it means though... Anyone has an idea?
Know the feeling
But hey, you know... Loki 🔥
As much as freedom can feel lonely sometimes, it's nothing compared to the true, harsh isolation of being caged.