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July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 7 • Names and epithets
•Loptr: airy one or lofty one, from the Old Norse lopt (air, sky, or heavens). One of my favorite bynames for Loki, it underlines its bond to the element Air and I find it so fascinating!
•Gammleið: Vulture’s-Path, possibly a kenning for Air itself too, but even more intriguing when we think that Vulture is a scavenger animal, and Fire, Loki’s main element, is also a way to the Otherworld through the sacred ritual of cremation. So, is Loki a Death god too? In my experience, he totally is.
•Lóður: some see Lóður as a god on his own, but I agree with Dagulf Loptson’s analysis and think that’s another name of Loki. Lóður, with Óðinn and Hœnir, basically creates humanity: as they were walking together on a beach they came across two fallen trees, Askr (ash) and Embla (elm). Each god blessed them with a gift: Óðinn with önd (breath), Hœnir with óð (spirit or senses), Lóður with lá (blood?) and litu góða (good color). When Loki meets the Jötunn Þrymr, he calls him Lóður
•Vé: in Gylfaginning, Snorri replaces the names Hœnir and Lóður with the even more mysterious names Vili (will) and Vé (shrine). Assuming Lóður and Loki are the same, so should be Vé and Loki.
•Hveðrung, Roarer, probably a reference to his being a god of Fire.
•Inn Bundi Áss: The Bound God, referred to Loki’s punishment of being imprisoned and tied in a cave, waiting for Ragnarök.
•Frumkveða Flærðanna: Father of Lies, which is funny, because though Loki is of course cunning and smart, and more than capable of using lies to get out of trouble, his devotees know him for being, in fact, the god of truth. Harsh truths, too, but true all the same.
•Inn Slægi Áss: The Cunning God, what were we saying? Yes, he’s sly as a Fox, and brings the Æsir precious gifts thanks to this, not to mention how often he gets them out of trouble.
•Goða Dólgr: Enemy of Gods, one can’t blow the Nine Worlds to Helheim without being considered an enemy of these touchy Æsir.
•”Föðurbróður, vársinna ok sessa Óðins ok ása”, from Skáldskaparmál, Prose Edda: “brother, comrade, and table companion of Óðinn and the gods”. This pretty much explains itself.
Art: Loki as Gammleið by Dagulf Loptson

Sounds like Angrboða's wisdom.
“The forest will answer you in the way you call to it.”
— Finnish proverb
Stunning! ❤️🔥

‘Loki Trickster God’ - by Noss91 on DeviantArt, 2008.
Gorgeous and relatable. 🔥
When Loki guides and shows the ways that seemed impossible. Just drawing what it looks like in my meditation practice.

My thoughts exactly.
When you imagine or draw the gods important to you, are they always attractive? Are any of the gods worthy your worship fat? Do they have a funny nose? Do they have wrinkles, stretchmarks or uneven teeth? Do your gods all looks like they could get work in hollywood, and why? Do you believe hotness is linked to being worthy of being loved and listened to? Do you think about why gods worshiped for a thousand years would accidentally look just like the current ideals of beauty?
I fuckin' love this. 🥹

Læva Lundr
Faðir. 🔥✨🖤
God of Mischief
My God

Art by Irenhorrors
Hail Faðir! 🔥

Loki’s portrait
My beloved Vulture God.

Vulture’s Blue Path by CinderR0SE alternate color scheme version of my loki painting vultures path pt. 2 ____________________________________ i can seep in, i can dry clear and yes it would still be there and no i couldn’t hold you forever but isn’t it drafty at night, alone in that canyon with the wind of the mind dragging its debris- i wanted to put my mouth on you and draw out whatever toxin… -but i understand there are limits to love here is a flower that needs no water it can grow anywhere nourished on nothing and yes. poem “you with the crack running through you” by kim ad donizio _________________________________ next painting in a series of kennings for loki, “Gammleið”, translating to vulture’s path; this is one of my favourite kennings for loki and this is part two of the painting series. in this i relate to lokis role as cremation fire and the stripping of flesh leaving bones in an action to release the soul. in reading his mythos it can easily be correlated with his eating contest with logi (wild fire who wantonly consumes while loki only strips meat and not bones) and his role in baldrs entire death process. this particular kenning really portrays him as a funerary god in this way and i chose to convey that in this image. i relate loki personally to all birds, especially birds of prey and vultures, and in this particular image i crossed how i normally paint him with several species of vultures (most notably in part 2, the cinereous vulture) from the eurasian area of the world (and the black vulture that resides near where i live and that i see often) for the overall look to him; i also visually made it a partial transformation which is a visual nod to the hawk cloak as well. i definitely recommend enlarging for details. XD __________________________________________ do not remove my watermark or alter/trace/copy in anyway, and if reblogged elsewhere give me credit, do not remove my artists comments, and link back to my main site; thanks! ~cinder.
Amen to that.
And from a pagan point of view, I do believe anyone who really had the chance to practice with both Loki and Sigyn can tell you how strong their bond is. So it still amazes me that so many people simply won't listen, for the sake of what, narrative? Even in the pagan community from what I hear, which makes it all the worst.
Defender of Sigyn
So we often talk how Sigyn defended and protected Loki. It's in the official sources of Norse mythology, after all.
However, @roruna pointed out to me today the Guttenberg project of Norse mythology; or, The religion of our forefathers, containing all the myths of the Eddas, systematized and interpreted, by Professor R. B. Anderson.
In his work, this scholar ennumerates several of Loki's names and kennings. One of them I had not seen yet, but it warmed my heart to find out about it, and how it totally confirms Loki's GOOD relationship and love for Sigyn (if anyone dared to doubt it *looking at you Marvel, Marvel fans, Joanne Harris, Rick Riordan, Neil Gaiman, Melvin Burgess and the others...*)
That kenning is: "Defender of Sigyn"
In other words, Sigyn protects Loki, and Loki defends Sigyn.
They are a team and they have each other's backs.
Yes, Sigyn is Loki's ride or die, but FOR REASONS. Because he loves her and will defend her if anyone dares to attack her.
Now, I would be SO NICE for the modern writers to stop spreading Marvel's lies, and depict Loki & Sigyn as they are supposed to be : a LOVING pair, who would do anything for each other, and whose bound was much stronger than Gleipnir itself.
"there is no clear evidence of Loki's worship in ancient times"
But stories were told of him - yes?
And did they make people laugh?
Did they make them squirm?
But a hearth stone was carved of him, yes?
Someone's love and time emptied into little mouth stitches and a curly mustache
They imagined him, right?
And someone looked at the sky
Saw Thiazi's eyes
And the old dwarf's toe
And saw the red one, burning bright
And named it Loki -
Does a lack of worship mean
A lack of love?
What about a million scintillating threads tying the web of stories, great and small?
What about kindling the imagination
Like wildfire
Like dandelion seeds
Blowing across a northern sky
Why does worship not mean
Deeply Beloved?
I am with Them - They are with me
Everyone who once heard a story who heard a story of a god called Loki
And told it to someone who told it someone
Until it got to me. To you. To us. That's worship. That's love to me.
Louder for the people in the back!
I had to make this meme. I am so fucking sick of recons telling me that I shouldn't worship Loki. "No historical proof" and I love the answers when I point out the snaptune stone or the Gosforth Cross "well acktshually that's not proof of a cult." Well it had to mean something right? Loki had to be significant to those that carved those stones. They just didn't take all that time for the funsies. Anyways heres the meme. I just needed to vent lol. And yes it's always the recons that bring this up like out of nowhere when a Lokean appears.
IMO It doesn't matter if Loki was worshipped back then or not. They are worshiped and loved now and has a following, that's what matters.

These are simply amazing! 🖤
Look @solostinmysea , the whole collection!
The Gods of Asgard (17th century Icelandic manuscript COLOR edition!!!)
Thanks for the help @iosonounapersonamiao ! :)

Ingvi (aka Feyr)


Thor (looking damn cute!)



Njord (I think?)


Feyr (Again? I smell favoritism! XD He looks so nice :D Like someone you would 100% trust.. He's just not good at keeping magical swords, I guess? XD)

Hodr (Run, Baldr, RUN XD)





Vali Odinson


Loki (Lol. I love how they just KNEW he was the horny one XDXD)

Gunnlöð (No Frigg, but one of Odin's mistresses ^^' Damn XD)


We compare Loki to fire because watching a flame, you witness how truly free it is. Fire is unpredictable, it’s constantly in motion. You never know what it’ll do, where it’s going to go, or where it’s going to stop. You can never know if it’ll grow tall enough to make a building collapse, or if it’ll die down by itself when you press the trigger of a lighter. And still, fire is dancing: it’s bouncy and bright, it feels so alive and joyous. Fire is an enemy, a pest and a troublemaker, but it’s also a friend, especially when you’re freezing to your bones in the cold.
Beautiful ode to her 💜

My sweet Goddess. ❤️
Hail my beloved Faðir 🔥
Hail to you Loki Revealer of Corruption, Speaker of Hard Truths May your presence drain the festering wound Remove the infection from flesh And grant it godly hue once again Sly One, Protector of Those Brave Enough to Speak Out May we speak with unfettered tongues And reveal the hard won truth We hold your torch in our hands
Loki, beloved Faðir

Volcanic Eruption l Iceland l May 2024 (x)
This is beyond gorgeous 😭

Sigyn statue in Stockholm, Sweden

Sculpted by Nils Möllerberg