Nordic Mythology - Tumblr Posts
The Tatzelwurm and The Troll
Some character turnarounds for my animation course final + perhaps future animation courses.

Also bonus spinny gifs

The Tatzelwurm is named Aleksy, and the Troll is Mischa.

Sleipnir (2018)

Freyja (2018)
Amen to that.
And from a pagan point of view, I do believe anyone who really had the chance to practice with both Loki and Sigyn can tell you how strong their bond is. So it still amazes me that so many people simply won't listen, for the sake of what, narrative? Even in the pagan community from what I hear, which makes it all the worst.
Defender of Sigyn
So we often talk how Sigyn defended and protected Loki. It's in the official sources of Norse mythology, after all.
However, @roruna pointed out to me today the Guttenberg project of Norse mythology; or, The religion of our forefathers, containing all the myths of the Eddas, systematized and interpreted, by Professor R. B. Anderson.
In his work, this scholar ennumerates several of Loki's names and kennings. One of them I had not seen yet, but it warmed my heart to find out about it, and how it totally confirms Loki's GOOD relationship and love for Sigyn (if anyone dared to doubt it *looking at you Marvel, Marvel fans, Joanne Harris, Rick Riordan, Neil Gaiman, Melvin Burgess and the others...*)
That kenning is: "Defender of Sigyn"
In other words, Sigyn protects Loki, and Loki defends Sigyn.
They are a team and they have each other's backs.
Yes, Sigyn is Loki's ride or die, but FOR REASONS. Because he loves her and will defend her if anyone dares to attack her.
Now, I would be SO NICE for the modern writers to stop spreading Marvel's lies, and depict Loki & Sigyn as they are supposed to be : a LOVING pair, who would do anything for each other, and whose bound was much stronger than Gleipnir itself.

Inn Slægi Ass, sketch
Hello hello hello!
I truly love everything about this. Always nice to find more historical info about our beloved Trickster.
Loki illustration from 17th century Iceland

Huhu... Let's not look at where his hand is... and more at the inscription below...
Yeah. Sigyn is mentionned!!! :p
I don't know what it means though... Anyone has an idea?
These are simply amazing! 🖤
Look @solostinmysea , the whole collection!
The Gods of Asgard (17th century Icelandic manuscript COLOR edition!!!)
Thanks for the help @iosonounapersonamiao ! :)

Ingvi (aka Feyr)


Thor (looking damn cute!)



Njord (I think?)


Feyr (Again? I smell favoritism! XD He looks so nice :D Like someone you would 100% trust.. He's just not good at keeping magical swords, I guess? XD)

Hodr (Run, Baldr, RUN XD)





Vali Odinson


Loki (Lol. I love how they just KNEW he was the horny one XDXD)

Gunnlöð (No Frigg, but one of Odin's mistresses ^^' Damn XD)


I see no mistakes in this, lol
@solostinmysea 🤣
The asshole most likely being Oðinn lol
Disclaimer: I don't feel any hate between 'em, I feel the strongest bond. Still, I sense a good amount of bickering too. So. There you go.
I feel like Loki would own a flip phone. But only for the pure satisfaction of slamming it shut when he gets into an argument with an asshole on the other line.
Beautiful ode to her 💜

My sweet Goddess. ❤️
When I say Loki loves Tom's character, I mean it.

Hail my beloved Faðir 🔥
Hail to you Loki Revealer of Corruption, Speaker of Hard Truths May your presence drain the festering wound Remove the infection from flesh And grant it godly hue once again Sly One, Protector of Those Brave Enough to Speak Out May we speak with unfettered tongues And reveal the hard won truth We hold your torch in our hands
This is beyond gorgeous 😭

Sigyn statue in Stockholm, Sweden

Sculpted by Nils Möllerberg
Uhmmm... I love this??
I mean.
The Valkyrie crown, the Fox, the attitude, her looks... just wow!
Sigyn, by Lunidäe

A few months ago, I went to a fantasy fair in Mons (Belgium) and I got to meet the fantastic and always lovely Lunidäe @luniidae
I commissioned her for a Sigyn fan art, and DAMN, isn't it amazing? It kinda reminds me of Uderzo? :D Such amazing talent!! <3
Ghost Riders in the Sky...

two fellows going places where they probably shouldnt go on a horse with too many legs
As a european and a mythology lover this is the most amazing thing i ever seen
Types Of People- European Mythology
norse mythology: storytelling while travelling, amber jewellery, sea salt, the friend who can fight and laugh in the same day, understanding the depth of nature, joke fighting, independence, reading the stars at night, adrenaline in your bones and blood.
greek mythology: mediterranean blue, orange zest, architecture, the friend who loves psychology and philosophy, linen, singing to the nymphs in the river, clear blue water, talking about life from marble steps, romantic but traditional.
etruscan mythology: copper jewellery, worn out leather sandals, bow and arrow, the friend who fights for equal rights, orienteering, wise eyes, finishing things before others, memories, simple sculpture running your fingers against bark.
scottish mythology: mist and fog, worn down stones, whirlpools, the friend who is firm and can withstand the storm, weathered stone, wild winds and seas, holding someone to your chest, the protector, strong voice, winter storms.
irish mythology: tolling of bells, brooches, lost combs, the friend who tells stories of times before, smiling eyes, knowing the history, writing in a journal, doodling, discussing features of mythical creatures, free laughter, autumn nights.
roman mythology: imperial purple, the prince by machiavelli, a crown of golden laurel, the friend who excels at politics and history, cunning smirks, warm but will probably run the world, marble busts, looping your arm with theirs, strong hand gestures.
slavic mythology: first winters frost, fear, the friend who understands the difference between good and evil, birch trees, listening to animal calls, embroidery, crackling fires, roast nuts, far away looks, weathered voices, strong body movements.
hungarian mythology: camping, lying against the grass, the friend who travels and is their own home, horse riding, tracing the stars and sun, burning embers on a fire, crows, leather, painted patterns, knowing your identity, walking strong.
Yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom’s bride is
uh… Thor?