Lord Gortash - Tumblr Posts

Sketch of the night
It was supposed to be a little and simple sketch... But as usual, it ends up being something a bit more complex 😂
I love this character ! Enver Gortash is one of my fav :3
Hope you enjoy !
PS: yeah I was too lazy to make the coat by myself, sorry :x

Another Gorty ✨
I feel very stressed these days and I needed to relax by drawing something without to putting pressure on myself.
Fun fact: While I was drawing, I removed one of the shadow layers. And it gave me younger Gortash vibes ! So i thought that would be cool to show you this second "version" 👁️w👁️

~ A BIT OF ~
Chapter IV
Note: Yay young Gortash !
Hi everyone! Here is a... Kind of a chill chapter ? To be honest, I wrote it to join two chapters together 🫣
Raphael didn't seem to be mad at Luvia. Anyways, he continued to treat her just the way he used to. He kept teaching her a whole bunch of things, from the history of the Hells to that of her disappeared people, and even poetry. Korilla (who was in charge of teaching her the practice of magic) sometimes took pleasure in teasing Raphael about it.
"Is everything alright with Luvia ?", the dwarf asked.
"Assuredly. She's very perceptive and attentive. I must admit that I look forward to see how things will be going", the devil replied, his voice slightly filled with satisfaction and excitement.
Korilla chuckled and the cambion raised an eyebrow, looking at her.
"What is so funny, Korilla ?", he asked.
"It seems like you've grown attached to her over time."
His eyes widened, as if he didn't want to admit it.
"Don't be ridiculous....", then he paused for a few seconds before adding, "How did you make this conclusion though ?"
He was staring at her, a hand leaning on a piece of his desk, the other on his hip, waiting for her explanation.
"I didn't know poetry was useful to conquer the Hells", she said with a grin.
Raphael was keeping his eyes on her, expressionless, as if he was looking for a proper answer he eventually didn't find. He took a deep breath and turned on his heels without saying a word, vexed.
Korilla chuckled.
"You'd be surprised by the power of the words...", he finally said.
"Oh I have no doubt"
Meanwhile, in the corridors....
For his part, Enver had recovered from his lynching session, as he always did.... But it wasn't that bad thanks to Luvia. That wouldn't stop Nubaldin from beating him again, but at least this time she maybe had avoided him the worst.
Luvia didn't approach him anymore, but he could briefly see her from the corner of his eyes from time to time, observing him from a distance. She may thought he didn't notice her... He missed their little interactions though. The food she used to bring him was always more than welcome, but most of all, he eventually got used to her presence.
He wondered why she was there though, in this so-called "House of Hope". Was she really Raphael's daughter ? It was strange to him as the cambion seemed to love no one but himself.
But he didn't plan to stay long enough to find out. Enver was smart; "too" smart according to his parents, those very same who had not hesitated to sell him to the devil. He would pay them a visit someday.... All he had to do was to find a way out.
The young boy already had the occasion to see the mirrors room. He had observed them and had seen the worlds through them.
Waterdeep, Neverwinter, Luskan..... And of course.... Baldur's Gate. This is where he once lived, and he was determined to get back there. He would prove to the entire city, and the world, that you wouldn't get rid of him that easily.
Enver smirked at this thought, thinking about his escape, imagining his parent's face when he'd come back. All of this sounded fabulous.
But he had not the time to think any further about it since he noticed someone 3 meters away from him: Luvia. She was standing there, facing him without a word or expression, but her scarlet eyes looked friendly, almost compassionate.
Enver didn't know how long she's been there, but he said nothing. It's been about two weeks since what happened in the prison..
But something had changed since their last encounter. She looked confident, or resigned.
After a few seconds, Enver decided to break the silence.
"You're supposed to stay away from me"
She seemed about to say something, but instead, she assuredly headed towards him and took him in her arms. The young girl couldn't believe she was doing that, but she didn't have the occasion to apologize for what happened to him because of her. And maybe she would never have the opportunity to do it.
Enver's breath got cutted by surprise. He didn't give the hug back, but it didn't stop her from holding him tight against her.
"I am sorry", she finally whispered in his ear.
That was the first time he heard her voice. It was soft and calm, and so different from what he used to hear. Enver was usually surrounded by the Eternal debtors and his jailor. Between the cries of despair or madness from ones and the barks from the other, there was no place for kindness and yet....
It was also pleasant to feel another kind of "grip" for once, he thought.
Luvia could sense his bones through his clothes, and he could feel her little heart beating against him. That sounded weird to him.... He wasn't used to that kind of proximity with anyone. Even with his parents.
Suddenly, she took a step back when she heard Nubaldin in the distance. She didn't want Enver to be punished because of her again... She was scared of the gnome, but she hated him more. She hadn't forgotten his expression while he was beating the young boy before her, how he seemed to have enjoyed it more than he should have. She was hoping to make him pay someday...
The jailor arrived in Enver's back, barking as always.
"Hey shithead, you...", the gnome stopped himself and talked in a softer tone, which surprised his prisoner as it was very unusual from him, "Oh, Milady", he made a little bow, "My apologies, I hope you haven't been bothered by this...", he was looking for the right words but didn't find anything correct to say,".... Anyway, it won't happen again"
"You're the only one who's bothering me right now", she cutted him sharply.
Enver and Nubaldin both looked at her with astonishment. None of them was expecting her to say that... And to be honest, Luvia didn't either.
She happened to hear Raphael talking like this sometimes, and she had noticed the effect it had on people. She wanted to try it too.
Nubaldin went pale, "Of course Milady, I beg your pardon"
The young girl restreinted herself from smiling whereas she felt a pleasant feeling. She could almost understand Raphael, it gave her a sensation of.... Power ? Authority. That was a somewhat vague subject to her but it seemed to work somehow.
But.... What was next ? What was she supposed to say after that ? Her brief moment of glory quickly vanished at this question.
Luvia did her best to keep her calm and started to look for something to say.
"Aren't you able to speak to him without yelling ?", she asked rethorically.
"I.... Well, yes, I suppose...", he answered, frustrated and looking at Enver from the corner of his eyes, "But, you know... I'm not but a servent to my Lord and Raphael gave me specifical instructions for.."
"Does it imploy to be as noisy as possible ?", she continued.
Nubaldin looked annoyed. He didn't like Luvia. Not only because she was another child to handle, but mostly because of her sufficient look. He didn't understand why she was so important to his master. To him, she was nothing but another arrogant little brat.
"Should I report to Raphael that his beloved daughter disobeyed him again ?"
"What do you mean ? I was on my way to my chamber", she said, frowning.
"Maybe....", he said shrugging his shoulders, "Or maybe not. After all, I just arrived and you two were here.... Together. And if I remember well, Raphael wasn't really happy about it the last time".
Nubaldin knew that Luvia admired his boss as much as she was scared of his wrath.
Enver could sense her frustration. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. Her eyes even began to glow for a moment, but she remained inflexible.
"That's what I thought", he added with a satisfied grin, then he looked at the boy, "You, with me. I'm not done with you yet, you bastard".
Enver wanted to fight back, he couldn't bear to be treated like that by this idiot. But he needed to keep a low profil if he wanted to have a chance to escape. He couldn't risk having his surveillance reinforced because of a misstep, so he followed the gnome without any protest.
Luvia wanted to smile at him, to make him know he wasn't alone, that she cared. She really did. But her anger towards Nubaldin was so strong she couldn't feel anything else at this very moment.
She looked at him go without a word and ended up losing sight of them.
She stayed in the corridors for a few seconds, thinking about what just happened, and what could happen to the young boy.
Anyways, she looked forward to grow up to show Nubaldin who he was dealing with...
To be continued....

Stinky little idiots <3
I cannot stop writing these two together. I love them. HATE Gortash but love him with durge.
RAMBLE AHEAD!! Also maybe spoilers??? I realized the format didn't work properly so I edited out all the spoilers I believe, but just in case, if you don't like spoilers, scroll SUPER fast. I doubt anyone will read it all because it is VERY long but I just really needed to get it out somewhere and if someone does read my ramble even just a little bit of it, heads-up for spoilers and shit grammar pfft!!
This is part of something I drew because I have in mind for an AU where Mordriel wakes up in the ship, thinking of Gortash. In my "canon" story for him, he sees Gortash in his visions when something reminds him of his background, but for this AU, Gortash isn't just passing visions here and there, with no name only face and vibes, he's in Mordriel's mind 24/7 essentially. Along with Gortash being his first though, he never met Neil (his sister) again after losing his memories, which means he never saw Neil care for Karlach, which meant he never even met Karlach or heard of how Gortash treated her, and because of this, never saw Gortash as a creepy little guy, only as his beautiful little lover. On top of that, without meeting Neil again, he falls into his deepest "dark urge-est" life. He only really had control because of Neil, because he was scared to hurt her again after his first transformation (even though partial), he lost full control and hurt her trying to protect her. So, without needing to be careful of hurting his little sister, he has no reason to hold back.
He also never caught feelings for Astarion because he knew he already had a lover waiting for him. Although, that didn't change his and Astarion's relationship very much because Mordriel treats his friends with just as much love and value as his lovers, just with less kissing sometimes. The only real change in the relationship relationship is that Mordriel didn't sleep with him at all. He still adores Astarion deeply, and takes care of him just as he takes care of Lae'zel and Gale and Shadowheart and all of the others he's taken in.
This drawing is kinda after their first reunion. In both his "canon" story and this AU, he goes to meet Gortash alone. Only in his regular story it's because he's worried of Gortash's explosive personality bleeding out towards his precious party members, and in this AU, he really just wants to see his boyfriend alone and be able to get all sappy and emotional without Astarion in the background scoffing at the sight of emotions. After they talk for a long while they go out to the woods together by Mordriel's request and have a ton of cuddles. And a little more, but it's way more emotionally driven than just being horny. It's so much more than being horny, it's seeing your lover in what feels like eternity, having only your own thoughts for solace when your lover had been your everything for the past fifteen years.
Another thing is that I just love him now?? I hate him but I love him?? I don't know, I'm a sucker for dramatic, over-the-top, evil little emo villains with big noses and sad eyes and smile lines. He reminds me of Lucio (from the arcana) in a way, because I LOVE Lucio in his route. He's my sad little sweet man and I'd kill for him. He's just a sad guy who needs some love and care, and someone to show him he's worth loving. But then in Muriel's route, just Lucio's name sets me off. Which is how I feel about Gortash
Okay I'm done :)
I don't know if this is too much nudity but hopefully it doesn't get taken down??? They're y'know naked, but it's not like dicks are out lol and they're not actively fucking or anything. And, I've censored their hips and such just in case it looks a little too nude, y'know? This scene and the context is much more emotionally intimate than physically, in my opinion. They're not screwing to get off, it's way more meaningful than that. In this drawing, they're not even actively banging either actually, they're just cuddling in the aftermath. Buuut they're still naked so I put a little mature tag on it, just in case!!!
Anyways have a (permanently) unfinished Mordriel and Gortash drawing in their AU where Mordriel goes a little (...more) crazy and evil.

This is right after they meet again and have a little reunion! After talking, Mordriel takes Gortash out to the woods and this is after some emotionally-driven, very loving sex. <3
abandoned-child-of-bhaal (not tagging them cuz this post is y'know nsfw, but you should go check her out!!) mentioned the idea of the Bhaalist assassin temple place he and his sister grew up in forcing everyone to have their hair short and then I thought of Mordriel growing his hair out as an act of rebellion and it giving him a much more elfy look and anyways I like it and I've been thinking about that a lot recently. I think he'd grow his hair out down to the floor over time.
Anyways I tried to do a forest background for this, then changed to a bedroom, then gave up and just slapped some random colors down when I got too annoyed lol. I think I liked the lineart more than the colors which really sucks. But whatever, it's okay, it's good practice!! Even if I'm not really that happy with the finished piece, I still think they're cute together
#the snort I snorted was ✨otherworldly✨

hello baldur's gate 3 fandom

part 1 of 3
here the first comic of my DURGE's backstory.
this was a story that stuck in my mind for a wile, and now here for you all!
my Durge is a big tiefling with pale green skin and red hair, homicidal maniac with a surprising sweet heart.
tell me in the comments what you think!

here he comes out banite lord❤️
so, after some adjustments I divided the story in 4 0art, because the last one is .....a lot gory...
but still, enjoy!

psychological damage +100 for the General Thorm. ⚔️

inspired by an incorrect quote :)
by @web-spinning

Durge doodles with his little sister and Gorth ❤️

Adopted AU👀
found this quote on the internet and it blow my mind. I had to do this. I just found it so funny.
if anyone know the Author, tag him here pls!⬇️

hi, just wanted to say i am Obsessed with the way you draw durgetash, they're so disgustingly cute together <3

thanks you so much!!❤️
(I wanted to do a cute streamy scene, but got carried away with drawing those two, and end up with this, opss.... ehehe)

I joined the Bat!Astarion madness 🦇

Durgetash love for you all❤️
god I love drawing them...
Hey I've been following you a while and sorry if I missed anything but I've been wondering about this for a bit... I can see that Jacq post tadpole is druid. Was he druid before too or some other class?
Hello there Anon!👋
thanks you so much for your following and the question (I loooooveee when they ask me things about Jacq)
so, you didn't miss anything, I didn't specify what class Jacq was pre tadpole.
SO, for understanding the decision I have to explain the vision I have for him. from when he was taken back to the cult and until Orin's betrayal, Jacq was know to anyone except Gortash as Durge.
Sarevok and Sceleritas have done a big work on gaslighting and brainwashing Jacq , and one of the impositions they given to him is a new name, Durge, or Dark Urge, to mark him as the ultimate spawn of Bhaal, and erase what was Jacq before.
They had chosen everything on Jacq, Durge life, and that mean his class to, who was Eldritch Knight.
until Durge meet Gortash.
the relationship they had helped Durge discovering things about himself outside the cult, understanding and trying new things and returning to be Jacq instead of Durge.
when he was a young boy, Jacq wanted to be a Druid, because he liked plants and animals, and it was encouraged by his foster family to continue that road. After he killed his family, he just let others decided for him (mainly Bhaal), but after he shared his real name with Gortash, the encouragement of pursuing his own wish returned, and lead to Jacq changing his class, and becoming a druid.

(pardon my english if I did some errors 🥲)
The last ask where Durge confided in Gortash is really cute. I could see Gortash making this dinky little mechanical cat for him. It's not much, but it acts like a basic cat. It's probably one of the only actual presents he's received from anyone who wasn't his old parents/Sceleritas.
omgomgomg, that would be so cuteeee🥰🥰!
so, imagine this:
Jacq and Gortash still don't talk about their traumatic pasts, but they are both really good at reading each other.
Gortash would see the melancholy in Jacq when he talk about his wish to study druid magic, and his hidden insecurity about killing without control because his Urges, and because of that, he made a metal cat for him, immune to the homicidal instinct Jacq have.
So, you are right, this can be the first genuine gift that Jacq could receive.
Let's just think the "gifts* he received during his life as Durge were very creepy( heads, body parts or just random things stolen ) or gift from Bhaal (still, objects used just for killing better), so, something like this was a very confusing but welcoming surprise.
and where they keep him?
the little robot would stay in Gortash's home, because is sure 100% that Sceleritas, Sarevok or Orin would totally destroy it.

Ketheric would be the best father for this feral kids, who had been mentally and physically hurt by their parents.
I think Thorm would be so angry that those fuckers abused their children, because for his point of view, children are one of the most precious things a parent have. He literally sold his soul to Shar and Myrkul, begging them to stop his suffering or give his daughter back.
So, I think he would be an amazing dad for Jacq, Enver and Orin. (for once, he will not be submitted by gross Durgetash until their teen)
After seeing your Durgetash asks, especially about how they'd react if the other got captured, I have to imagine it's something of a game to them. Like, either Gortash or Jacq get captured and are hamming it up as a stereotypical damsel while they wait for the other to come rescue them. There's never any real worry about them getting hurt as they slaughter whoever tried to capture them before getting freaky on their corpses.
hello there Anon, sorry for the late reply, i'm so sorry 😭
but I really like the idea, even if the kidnapped part is all Gortash (who in his right mind would kidnap a massive tiefling with omicide aura ? and of course, nobody would.), while the hurt part is mostly Jacq(he does go berserk when he is bloodthirsty, even if he isn't a barbarian).
as a totally normal and not creepy way, Jacq know were Gortash is, and he always goes and save him, so many times that Gortash doesn't care anymore about the danger of it .
here a scene I imagined:

Imagine a Bhaal and Fell sitcom style situation.
Where out of nowhere your favorite son stops wearing his executioner clothes and wears turtlenecks stating:
It's not a stage this is the real me. And if you'll excuse me, I'll go read stories to children in hospitals and donate to charities.
aaaanndd it is what happened, lol🤣🤣 it is actually really funny, good idea @popex-springpinter !
here what I have imagined: