Losers Club X Reader - Tumblr Posts
[i.] the birdwatcher & his lover.
![[i.] The Birdwatcher & His Lover.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/83569c03e98129d650a06b11983c6bb9/807258d8e6330f71-36/s500x750/be45434df7edcfd97ac050bd94f0076eb819d309.jpg)
➳ synopsis: it's the summer of '89, and you discover new things about yourself— some good, and some you wish you could swallow and never see again. dealing with the newfound confusion of sexuality, you must learn the ins and outs of friendship and what it means to grow up.
➳ genre: coming-of-age drama, fluff, crack, angst, slow burn romance, lgbtq+ themes.
➳ characters/pairing(s): eventual stanley uris/reader (main couple), unrequited!beverly marsh/reader, eventual richie/eddie (possibly unrequited), eventual bev/ben.
➳ wordcount: 3.2k
➳ warnings: profanity, partial nudity (the lake), slight angst.
➳ song recs: "beverly" from the it soundtrack & "she" by dodie.
➳ author's notes: hi hi hi! this is my first fic on tumblr and honestly i'm a bit anxious about this bc i haven't written in ages lmfao. this is a series, so pls don't hesitate to send in asks and the like! nothing is set entirely into stone yet. please note! the characters are fifteen in this, and pennywise doesn't attack derry at all; so georgie is alive and well and chasing paper boats in the rain. richie & reader are both bisexual, ben & bev fall in love as kids. reader and bill are vv close but platonically.
![[i.] The Birdwatcher & His Lover.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/24e678c7697eeaf659ce850c0d8462de/807258d8e6330f71-35/s500x750/9cda14dcd259ff49a3e6e097f1144ea2badce64e.jpg)
June, 1989.
the first time you meet stanley uris, he is perched on a oak bench planted in the middle of derry park, his bruised knees pressed together in order to keep his journal steady. his chin is pointed to the heavens, eyes searching the clouds, a curious glow in them; cheeks dusted a light pink, he was angelic, the sun's rays a dull comparison to the golden glow of his messy curls. the boy had a nervous tick of tapping his pencil against the yellowed paper in his lap, followed by the curve of his brow when he noticed a bird flutter overheard.
you, at age eleven, were fascinated by him, and lacked a filter to save you from your mouth. it's almost as if the hinge of your jaw had lost a screw, and you feared if it hung open too long a fly might seek entrance there. of course, it would have been entirely avoidable if you hadn't sat your butt right next to him, and stuck your nose right where it didn't belong: in his journal.
"your handwriting is pretty, but your drawings can use some serious work. is that supposed to be a bird? it looks like it's having a heart attack," you had said, tilting your head, "the wings are too jagged and the legs too... sticky, you know? not like sticky like honey, but sticky like... you know, sticks? are you mute or something?"
your blank stare forces stanley's hand to shoot to the back of his neck as he tries to find the words to attend to all of your commentary. his mouth opens and closes a few times before you roll your eyes dramatically, slumping into the back of the bench. stanley clears his throat, eyes falling to the ground.
a silence ensues, and you glance from his crestfallen expression to the drawings. "and, uh, his eyes are buggy; they look like fat marbles. they're taking up his whole face."
stan releases a breathy laugh, and he raises an eyebrow at the graphite drawing in front of him. "they do, don't they?"
you mirror his laugh, and nod solemnly. "there's no saving them," you say, and decide to tell him your name, outstretching your hand proudly.
"stanley," the boy replies, meeting your grip and giving it a good shake. "uh, you know a lot about drawing. could you fix him?"
you hum, taking the journal from his lap and dropping it in your own. you tilt your head at the sketch, putting your chin in your hand. "it's going to be a tough job, but i think he'll survive. scalpel, sir?"
he hands you the yellow pencil, sharpened down half its original length. "anastesia? or uh," you inquire, not aware of how to spell or pronounce the word, "the stuff that doctors give people during surgery."
"anesthesia," stanley corrects, pulling a pink eraser from his pocket and giving it away.
"yeah, that," you bring the eraser down and the bird lines are soon gone, but the remnants of what was stays behind on the paper. "your lines are really hard. you've prolly got heavy hand, you know. but don't worry, i do too."
the next few minutes are in comfortable silence, save for your absent-minded humming. stanley leans over your shoulder, but not to the point of invading personal space, studying each pencil stroke gracing the journal. he makes a comment about the structure of the real-life bird, and you nod your head in agreement. the two of you synchronize nearly perfectly — you sketch what he tells you to. you aren't very observant to the outside world, but you focus on details in your drawings. stanley will mention that the creature has a stray mark on its beak, and you pencil it in without the graphite being too dramatic, which stanley is quick to do in his work.
after an hour of chatting and working, you are sitting on the back of the bench, feet placed comfortably on the seat. you are talking on and on about a story that happened during your english class, and you don't refrain a single detail. stanley listens intently, body slouched forward over his journal as he writes physical descriptions of the bird next to the drawing. he checks the time on his watch, and nearly jumps out of his seat. he swivels around, eyes blown wide, but you don't seem to notice as your arms wave about, mimicking a girl in your class.
stanley barks your name, which sounds sweet on his tongue, he realizes. when you focus on him curiously, he looks guilty. "i have to go. i was supposed to go to my friend's house so we could go to the quarry together. uh, unless you want to.. go?"
you grin, hopping onto the soil beside him. "for sure!" you hook your arm in his, and skip forward a few steps.
"wrong way," he says sheepishly.
you turn around, now exceedingly confident. "onward, steed!"
the next few years, up until freshman year, you are best friends with stanley uris and his gang of friends; bill denbrough, richie tozier, and eddie kaspbrak. bill was the kindest of all of them, a sensitive boy with a heart of gold. his love for art made him an easy companion, and you grew very close the summer of 7th grade, spending many hours a week at his house simply talking and making art. his little brother is like your favorite person, the little squirt constantly bugging bill about when he'll see you again, and telling bill he likes you better because you'll play with him.
eddie is a mother hen to you, warning you about the dangers you put yourself in on a daily basis. you are more reckless than the other boys, so it's common to see eddie turn an ugly shade of purple when he witnesses you do something exceedingly ignorant. with your asthma, he can relate to you, but you personally believe the inhalers you have are pointless and there's no need to rely on them, but eddie disagrees. when he takes a puff from his emergency inhaler, which is more of a daily one, he tends to shove one in your mouth too for simple sake of anxiety. you've found that he calms down when you play with his hair or give his scalp a light scratch, his voice lost in the serenity of it all.
ah, richie tozier; you two are scarily similar, and everyone is aware of it. he's of course referred to as "trashmouth", and you're known as "loudmouth", as richie has a tendency to speak inappropriate things, and you just keep speaking and can't properly whisper to save your life. a major difference between the two of you is your vulnerability, naiveness, and positive charisma. his talkativeness is characterized by sarcasm and the "class clown" stereotype, while yours relies more on really just being a chatterbox, whose thoughts spill out at rapid speeds without being filtered by your brain. fortunately, it's easier to make friends this way, and you tend to be the ice-breaker of your friends. richie, personally, admires this about you and thinks of you as an "innocent little ball of sunshine", and likes to put his arm on your head to show his dominance.
your relationship with stanley uris is a bit complicated; of course, at first, it was unproblematic being friends with him, as you were easy opposites. you spoke into the space that he was too quiet to fill, and it was comfortable for the both of you; you got to speak your mind without interruption, and stanley was able to have company that didn't force him to interact gregariously. however, as you grew with time, he found your carelessness to be irritating, as he hated feeling he had to be anxious all of the time; stanley enjoys turning his alarm off, and running on low function, and he thinks it is hard to do that when you're jumping off cliffs, climbing on slippery rocks with your eyes covered, and provoking bullies three years older than you. he finds you irrational and childlike, which is difficult for him to grasp as an inherently strategic and analytical person. you are a glass half full, and he is glass half empty. he prefers to consider the consequences, and you have a tendency to wait to find them out after you commit the deed. he has his future planned, and you want to live in the moment; you enjoy surprises, new opportunities, as there is something entirely boring about being sure what you plan to do each day. sometimes, you believe stanley wakes early, dresses in the outfit he put aside the night before, and takes a seat to write down a schedule. you shiver at the thought. unfortunately, the disagreements put tension on your friendship, as hanging out periodically ends with an argument, and one of you stomping out to rant to one of the others. you sincerely care for each other, but also find each other extremely irritating when the situation calls for it; which is becoming increasingly habitual as you grow taller with age.
but you also find him to be beautiful.
you're fifteen when you properly meet ben hanscom, beverly marsh, and mike hanlon. it's also the first time you felt something strike deep in your gut for that particular redheaded girl, and the way her newly chopped locks curled at the ends. she had tucked your hair behind your ear as you wrestled with the button on your overall shorts, and took your hands in hers, pushing them aside so she could slip the button through the hole properly. she was so graceful, elegant even, in the way she held herself. that day, you labeled the twist of your insides as insecurity, nothing else.
it was a mix of many things, you realized a long time after. insecurity, deep-rooted sexual confusion, and jealousy.
beverly is the first to jump off the cliff and into the lake below. after aiding you in your clothing disaster, she slips her creamy overdress from her shoulders, and gives her arms a good shake. she departs with glance back at you, the sun beating down on her hair like fiery red flames, and her icy eyes contrasting its intensity. suddenly, you feel so small; so plain. before she could see your lip quiver, she was in the air, high like an angel, before falling towards the murky waters.
the stars in bill and ben's eyes, and the admiration in the rest of theirs, erupt a cacophony for you, striking your heart like a harsh note: these aren't your boys anymore.
bill jumps next, and then the others, eddie last. the splash sends spikes in your spine, but it's a warm hand on your shoulder that kick-starts your body. sandy curls appear in front of your face, tilting to reveal the kind eyes of stanley uris. his mouth is shaped in a firm line, a bit disappointed by your lack of enthusiasm. he seems to be at war with himself.
he stays silent for a moment, eyes searching the sky for the right words. "i want to go last," he finally breathes, seemingly triumphed in his verbiage, "i don't want them to see me cross my fingers behind my back before i go."
you laugh softly, relieved. you are grateful knowing he wasn't going to pry in your hesitation, or your brief self-consciousness. even when the two of you bicker, you hold high respect for stan; he's a boy of few words. he isn't shy, and certainly isn't bashful; he simply chooses to speak sparingly, believing that the chattiest voices aren't always loudest. he doesn't word vomit to fill the silence; that is how you know his words are meticulously chosen, like pieces to a greater puzzle.
stanley's thin frame makes no unnecessary movements, but rather awaits yours. his hand has long since abandoned your shoulder, and rather is cuffing his other calmly in front of his hips. the lack of speech isn't menacing or awkward, but instead a bit comforting; it gives you adequate time to finish undressing, tossing aside your socks and shoes. you pull the loose scrunchie from your hair, and give yourself a silent nod in reassurance.
"promise not to tell?" stan says quietly when he's sure you're more stable, curious eyes searching for yours.
"pinky promise," you insist, holding up the smallest finger on your right hand. when his wraps around yours, you toss him a childlike grin. "i never break them."
and then you're gone, cascading down towards the green waters, each wave crystalizing in your descent.
"i know," stanley whispers to himself. little do you know, he has the same epiphany you had just seconds ago, aweing after beverly.
he crosses his fingers behind his back, and steps off the cliff's edge.
air reaches your lungs when pull your head above the surface, and you gather your sopping hair from your skin, laying it against your neck. you face the sky, and stan's dive is a flash of gold: like a bird, graceful in it's dip, his curls like its wings.
you find yourself wanting to ask him what it's like to fly.
on a boiling day in the middle of june, you and the others spend a day in the quarry again, but instead have a picnic by the rocks rather than racing back into town for a snack at eddie's house. it was mike's idea; he hadn't told anyone until he showed up early that day, sweaty and beaming with a quaint basket and blanket tucked under his arm. you felt a bit guilty, honestly— you wish he would've told you so you all could pitch in.
he seemed ecstatic, though, setting it up, so you couldn't bring yourself to mention that.
beverly says she wants to sunbathe with you, so you agree with hot cheeks and position yourself awkwardly next to her, posture straight with your knees tucked under your arms. your stiffness goes unnoticed by her, thankfully, so you're able to admire her form in peace as she stretches her limbs out with a soft sigh. compared to her, you feel unbearably rigged, unbearably not feminine. a thought crosses your mind that her own feminity outshines yours so much that the boys must think of you as one of them, minus the third leg, and with twin petals blossoming on your chest.
the boys are curled around their usual spots, the multiple boulders a few feet from your seated position, chatting carelessly. mike is discluded, lost in preparing the perfect picnic for you all. perhaps if you had noticed the simplicity of it all, you wouldn't have blurted out something ignorant to force a tension in the summer air.
"do you guys think i'm pretty?"
the conversation drops briefly, takes a soft roar, and then entirely ceases as seven pairs of eyes draw to you, including mike and beverly. the red-haired girl has a smirk on her lips, tilting her head ever so slightly as if to test your patience and purpose.
bill clears his throat gently. "u-um, well, yeah of c-course.. w-why wouldn't w-we?"
you shrug nonchalantly, and the others eyeball each other, pleading for another to say something else. eddie and ben slyly play rock paper scissors for a sacrifice.
richie whistles lowly. "this is gonna be good."
your face's temperature soon begins to rival the sun as your breath hitches in your throat, attention turned directly on beverly, as though her presence might calm your nerves. it doesn't. your lower lip is caught between your teeth, as you grow progressively more embarrassed of yourself the longer the others stare.
beverly smiles gently, her intensely blue eyes never straying from yours. "i think you're the prettiest girl in the world."
you sputter suddenly, adjusting your aviators, and spill out something along the lines of "i have to go take a piss", and skitter off in the direction of the woods. you curse yourself the entire way.
richie laughs, breaking the tension. he pats stanley's bare back roughly as the lanky boy stares at the trees you disappeared behind. "and the hits just keep on coming."
"beep beep, richie," eddie scolds, and richie winks at him, suggestively nodding towards him. eddie rolls his eyes and his gaze drops to his feet.
"sandwiches, anyone?" mike whimpers, a lopsided grin as he holds up a loaf of bread. stanley gently pushes past him and disappears into the brush.
"well, i, for one, would like three," richie replies, slapping his thighs as he stands.
eddie mumbles a word or two about richie being "as selfish as ever", and makes his way to mike also. beverly is a bit quiet, and bill chooses to sit beside her; his hands fall to his knees, rubbing them subconsciously.
"u-um, you didn't do a-anything wrong," he says, aware of the deep concentration beverly has. he can usually tell when everyone is upset or has something on their mind. "she's j-just been a l-little self conscious lately."
"please," beverly whispers, lifting her head to the sky, "i can tell she's been different around me. i must have said something to offend her. i should apologize—"
beverly pulls herself up, dusts off her legs, and is yanked down by bill's shaky hand.
"d-d-don't—" when the girl steadies, he continues, "let them b-b-be. if y-you really did s-something to h-hurt her, s-s-stanley will f-find out. trust him."
the greenery is exceedingly massive— miles and miles of towering woodland, filtering in streams of sunlight, rocky terrain around every trunk. you find yourself breathing heavily while seated on a boulder that is tucked away behind a ledge, facing the opposite way of the opening that your friends are at. elbows pressed into your knees, you put your face in your hands.
the air is tightening around your throat, and your uneven breaths become wheezes. you fist your hair in frustration, and smooth it down seconds after. this turns into a cycle, as you calm your wild nerves. fuck. are you allowed to think of her like that? you inhale deeply, the scent of soil filling your senses.
twigs crack in the distance, rapidly approaching feet obliterating the silence that has so graciously aided you in your toxic thoughts. you run your hands through your hair, and then fist a handful at the scalp. you smooth it out tenderly. when the footsteps are extremely close, slow down their pace, and stop entirely, you squeeze your eyes shut.
"go the fuck away, bill, i don't need your lect—" you bark, waving him away, but are cut off by long arms wrapping around your neck. your anxiety washes away, but you make no effort to embrace them in turn. your hands become fists, with no fabric of a shirt to grasp. you don't notice the tears racing down your face until your eyes and cheeks burn furiously, and your throat is caught up in sobs. when you peek, the sight of stanley's dusty curls in your peripheral sends waves of numbness and comfort over your skin.
your thoughts become hazy once you've lain your head against the bone of stanley's bare shoulder, and you feel a weight on your body lift from you— and transfer to him.
you swear you can hear faint whispering, voice cracked and vulnerable: "it's okay, it's okay, it's okay."
the part that leaves you aching for days in the future, is that you're not sure he was talking to you.
![[i.] The Birdwatcher & His Lover.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fb54574ac7d9b9ab81cad458e32bbb6e/807258d8e6330f71-5c/s500x750/0d4228ea483bb65884198daf43209067b9604dba.jpg)
➳ i hope you liked it! it's a bit short but idc cuz i'm tired.
I Could Never Deny you
Stanley Uris x Reader
Word count: 4.3k
Part two of Just Try to Deny Me
Warnings: SFW, literal filth and the most out of character, fem reader, sexual tension, cursing, inconsistent characterization, fluff AND angst if you squint
A/n: the long-awaited part two is something… hope you enjoy :)
Keep reading
Should I post sooner or later if so what would y’all like me to post?
I’m open to outer banks, the summer I turned pretty, vampire diaries, big mouth, Harry Potter,it 2017, criminal minds, cobra kai and really any k-pop related!
As some of you know my laptop broke a few months ago and my parents have never gotten me a phone and when I visited my aunt she said If I be good and have her expectations she would get me a phone. I hope I will get a phone by Christmas or some of that time!
but thank you all for who still interact will my fanfics💜
just another player in your drinking games (r.t)

summary based on the song drinking games by silver sphere. she hated how easily richie could act like he didn’t care, she hated how he discarded all his feelings once he was sober again, she hated how she was just another player in his drinking games.
warnings drinking, swearing
richie tozier was on her bed, buried in her blankets at three in the morning. if it was any other day, this would've made (Y/N)’s heart flutter, but she didn't have time to acknowledge her heart as she had to rush to the boys side every minute, trying to mend his broken heart.
could it even be called a broken heart? jesus, they dated for what? two months? (Y/N) was positive that she would rather be anywhere else right now. obviously, she would never say this to his face. she couldn't help but feel anger rise in her body. she's been chasing the curly headed boy for literal years now and he settles for ashley-fuckin-martin?
she shuts her eyes for a moment, trying to cool down before having to comfort richie again. in his defence, at least he wasn't throwing a fit anymore, (Y/N) would be in deep shit if he woke her parents up.
(Y/N) stopped listening to what the boy was saying but through the words she managed to string together, most of them being curses, she knew she had to say something. “you know what?” she started, turning to lock eyes with tozier. cutting him off when he was going off about how he did something wrong.
“fuck ashley, you didn't do shit, you don’t deserve this.” she hissed, “don’t beat yourself up over this. you- you don’t deserve this.” (Y/N) sighed, watching as richie’s tears slowly decreased.
“this sucks, really fucking bad, but you make it alright.” richie smiled softly, speaking in a voice just above a whisper. it was meant to be a friendly thank you, he would've done the same to eds or stanley. thats what (Y/N) told herself, but as he looked up at her, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose, she found it hard to think of a smart remark to make like she usually did.
“yeah, don’t worry about it, rich.” (Y/N) laughed, hoping that he wouldn't notice how her heart was beating a million miles a minute.
fuck, she needed to stop getting attached to every little thing he says.
when (Y/N) offered to do anything to make richie feel better, she didn't think that attending a party was anything close to what he would suggest, this was alright though, she told herself.
(Y/N) smiled, tozier was right. she watched as he laughed with his friends, red plastic cup in hand, to her, he was literally glowing. like he wasn’t just crying in her arms. why did she chase after him? why did she torture herself like this? every time she looked at him she was reminded of what she couldn't have. why did she waste so much time when she knew he wouldn't be hers?
as people started filling out of the house, (Y/N) had started to sober up. richie hadn't talked to her the whole party - except for their game of beer pong - so she didn't really have a reason to stay, but what else was there to do in derry?
“(Y/N)?” richie slurred, coughing into his sleeve, squinting behind his glasses. (Y/N) beamed as the boy slowly walked up to her. “what’re you still doing here?” he swallowed.
“i was actually just talking to connor, you know, the one from bio? he said i have pretty eyes.” (Y/N) giggled, eyebrows raised. richie took a second to process what she had just said before contouring his face into one of disgust. “connor? ugh.” richie exclaimed, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he pretended to gag.
(Y/N) thought it would be easier to just play along, laughing before an awkward silence washed over the both of them. “walk me home?” richie shrugged, “sure.” (Y/N) didn't miss how he carelessly agreed, how if there was a better option, she’d be thrown aside. he didn't care if she got home safe. no, of course he cared, as a friend.
(Y/N) had to slow down her usual fast paced steps to keep up with richie’s slow treading. sure, richie was drunk, but it didn't take a genius to realise that (Y/N) was staring at him. he felt as if she was burning holes into the side of his face.
it wasn't like she could help it. once every few minutes, she’d find herself imposing all her attention onto richie. how the dim moonlight illuminated his face, how she had to dig her nails into her palms to keep herself from combing her fingers through his soft looking curls.
every time (Y/N) turned to look at richie, she hoped that he would look back at her. he never did. she had to hide her growing frown as the pair approached her house.
(Y/N) stood on her porch so she was closer to eye level with richie now. she was thankful that he thought she was drunk so that she didn’t have to hide her blush like she usually did.
“thanks again for tonight, (Y/N/N),” richie smiled, hiccuping. “and yesterday.” he mumbled. “it’s cool, just don’t almost punch my wall down again next time you come over.” she joked.
the two continued to stare at each other for a while, richie, probably drunk out of his mind and not knowing what was going on–– but (Y/N)’s gaze was out of pure admiration. love.
when would be a better time to do this? kiss the boy, (Y/N)! the worse thing that could happen is he doesn't remember it. this is it, this is the only chance you’re gonna get.
(Y/N)’s thoughts ran wild so to ease them she shut her eyes and leaned in. richie’s eyebrows knotted together and he didn't shut his eyes, when (Y/N) realised that she instantly pulled away.
“we’re drunk.” he murmurs, very much sober now, trying to blink himself awake.
“yeah, yeah, no, duh.” (Y/N) starts blinking rapidly, tears quickly forming in her eyes.
richie nodded hesitantly, “(Y/N), are you alright?” he frowns, a string of curse words leaving his mouth as tears start running down her face.
“peachy, tozier. really, my parents are gonna kill me if they catch us out here, i’m gonna go.” (Y/N) laughs through the tears.
“once we’re sober, we should just— forget!” (Y/N) hears richie before opening the door to her house. it was probably meant to sound comforting and she lets out a genuine laugh at that.
(Y/N) hadn’t talked to richie in a week, this had been the longest the pair had gone without seeing each other so when her home phone rang she quickly picked up, instantly forgetting about the events that had occurred just a few days ago.
“(Y/N).” richie’s bright voice sounded in her ears.
“rich.” she smiled sadly, fiddling with the phone chord in her fingers.
“look (Y/N/N). i have to make this quick but- about what happened-” he stuttered.
“don’t worry about that, it was a mistake, i was- super drunk.” (Y/N) lied, she heard a sigh of relief.
“thank fuck, (Y/N). i was so scared that it would screw up our friendship.”
(Y/N) smiled, but she thought that if richie focused hard enough, he would be able to hear (Y/N)’s heart breaking through the phone.
“i care but- it was a mistake.” richie laughed. (Y/N) hummed in response as she shut her eyes. tears flowing down her face now.
“Uh- ashley apologised and, and it was really real you know? it felt sincere and shit.”
(Y/N) lowered the phone from her face before letting out a laugh. she raised the phone back to her face and had to purse her lips so that he wouldn’t hear her sobs. “that’s good, Rich.”
“okay. well, i gotta go but hang soon, alright? and i can’t tell you about how happy i am that we’re still cool. you’re the best, (Y/N/N).”
A Night Out With Thee Richie Tozier (r.t)
anonymous : cliche prompt #42 with Richie? I’m going to save you from the terrible date you’re having
summary Richie saves (Y/N) from a horrible date with Derry high school’s resident golden boy.
warnings swearing, drinking
(Y/N) thought that she’d be smarter than to let herself get into this situation. Obviously, she wasn’t.
A Waffle House? For a first date? Maybe she was being too snobbish but she certainly expected more from Derry High School’s Basketball Captain.
She nodded her head along to whatever Lance was saying probably a bit too eagerly, wanting him to just shut up about sports.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom but uh I’ll be right back.” Lance smirked. (Y/N) hummed and sent him a tight lipped smile.
Picking at her barely touched plate of food, she didn’t notice the door to the dinner open and close.
“Overdressed much?” Richie snorted, more of a question than a statement. “What the fuck are you doing here? Dressed like that.” He snickered, taking in the scene in front of him.
“Asshole,” (Y/N) frowned, “I’m on a date.” She says in a hushed tone, face flushing.
Richie and (Y/N) weren’t close, not by a long shot, but they were close enough for her to call him asshole and for him to not take it to heart.
“With who? Cause’ shit this is weird.” He sniffles awkwardly before taking a seat in her dates chair.
“I didn’t know Lance was taking me to get breakfast food for dinner.” (Y/N) said hurriedly, rolling her eyes, careful not to rub her eyes in frustration, the mascara she so carefully applied would be ruined.
“Lance... Lance Evans?” Richie asked in disbelief. 
(Y/N) groaned and Richie all but choked, almost falling off his chair.
“I know he didn’t let me into the team but... I didn’t know the guy could be so,” Richie gestured to (Y/N), the food in front of her and their current setting. “Charming.” He seemed satisfied. biting back his grin with little to no effort.
“Yeah and he’s gonna be out here any second so,” (Y/N) shrugged and nodded to the exit, the sensible thing for Richie to do would be to walk away, but leaving (Y/N) there would be heartless. Right?
Richie rolled his eyes, “okay fine. Let’s go.” Richie stood up, abroptly. “What?”
“You’re clearly having a horrible time, princess. Breakfast and more basketball talk with Evans or a night out with Thee Trashmouth Tozier? Not even a question.” He scoffed playfully.
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed in a playfully judgemental manner. He was right. Listen to Lance talk about how he ‘’made it rain’ at last Friday’s game or leave right now with Richie. “Where are we going?”
“Well, I actually just got intoa’ fight with the big sis.” Richie grinned boyishly, following (Y/N) out the door. “So you came here?” “This is my fuckin’ spot, babe! I always come here.”
(Y/N) waited while Richie unlocked his car and when he did, he opened the rear door for her. She wanted to make a joke about how Richie was such a gentleman but cringed sat herself and held it back instead.
Richie huffed as he started the engine, “your place?” He asked through a smirk cheekily. “You wish.” (Y/N) laughed, snorting.
“So what did you do to piss your sister off so bad?” (Y/N) asked Richie as she absentmindedly played with the straw of her cherry slushy, eyes fixed on the street fighter character Richie was currently playing as.
His hand movements sped up and got rougher as he began to loose, a quick glance at (Y/N) being enough to mess with his flow, the pixelated character on the bright screen grunting as it fell to the ground, dead. Game over.
He turned to her and she took his look in. Really took him in for the first time ever. His face was flushed a light pink, hair a mess, but his eyes. His eyes were different tonight, for the first time, they didn’t have any sense of mischief behind them, Richie didn’t feel the need to mess with (Y/N) for her attention or do something that might hurt himself for it either.
“What? You think I’m paying for all of this with my own hard earned money?” He joked dramatically, gesturing at the plastic bag filled with arcade tokens and (Y/N)’s slushy. “So you robbed her?” (Y/N) grimaced from the brain freeze as well as the thought of Richie stealing from his sister.
“Uh uh; borrowed.” He said matter-of-factly as he, for the third time that night, pushed two tokens into the street fighter machine.
“And what’re you doing drinking that shit?” Richie reaches into his pocket and took out a half full miniature bottle of absolut vodka. “You bought that with your sisters money too?” (Y/N) asked curiously. “No, Mr. Keene’s jus a dumbass.”
“What? He deserves it! Fuckin’ creep...” Richie responded to (Y/N)’s sour look as he shivered at the mention of the drug store owner.
“Here.” Richie quickly unscrewed the small bottle, working quick as he turned the glass upside down, piercing the slushy in (Y/N)’s hand as he impaled it neck deep into her drink, the once cherry red color diluting as the alcohol seeped into the slush.
(Y/N) didnt complain, only holding it away from Richie when he tried to grab at it.
“No way. Your driving me home.” She said teasingly as she sipped at the concoction.
“Whatever.” Richie rolled his eyes, hand gripping the joystick under him as he’s done hundreds of times, swiveling it around a bit and finally pressing the “play” button.
(Y/N) smilled, cheeks flushing, Richie would make a joke about it but she would swear that it was from the alcohol.