Lost & Found - Tumblr Posts
Lost & Found

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Lost & Found Synopsis: Y/N is the #4 hero and close friends with Hawks. When Hawks goes on a LOA from Hero Work due to a recent injury the Hero Commission decides to bring Y/N in as their new informant. Hawks sets up a meet n greet with his contact from the LoV, Dabi. What Y/N isn’t expecting is to come face to face with her assumed dead childhood best friend Touya Todoroki. Not realizing who she is due to a name change Y/N has to try and keep her identity hidden from the villain while trying to suppress old feelings that have begun to resurface.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Status: ONGOING
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Updates: 1x Per Week Minimum
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Warnings: Warnings: 18+, Smut, Violent Themes, Sexual Themes, Mentions of Trauma, Manipulative Behavior, Toxic Beahavior, Mentions and Use of Substances, Will add on as needed~
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Pairing: DabixProhero!Reader/Fem!Reader & HawksxProhero!Reader/Fem!Reader
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Genre: Social Media!AU, Smut, Crack, Fluff, Whole Lotta Chaos Prolly
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ A/N: Here it is!!! My next SMAU. I’m so excited to finally share this with you guys🤩 I’ve had the outline of this written I think the day or two after I finished my mini Dabi series Voodoo. I plan on posting for this immediately after Say Cheese is done which isn’t very long now. I may even post the intros early😘 I hope you guys are able to enjoy this smau as much as Say Cheese. Much Love💘✨
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Taglist: CLOSED!!

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ The Pros | The League ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 1: All the Homies (18+)
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 2: Go Best Friend
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 3: STFU
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 4: Big Softie
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 5: Monster Schlong
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 6: Delusional :((
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 7: Dumbass
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 8: Chill
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 9: Pretty Boi
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 10: Get Rekt
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 11: B l o c k e d
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 12: Nasty Behavior
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 13: Indulging
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 14: Shut Your Whore Mouth
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Ep. 15: pouting

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Taglist: @angelofdarkness1020 @unfortunately-fabtastic @1-800-s1mping @someweirdshitman @theskullgoddess @fukyouthink @firecet @dabisdominion @fandomqueensuniverse @sirachano0dles @galagcica @tanakaslastbraincell @avatarayeaye @virtualdeputygardenpatrol @amaranthine-daydream @lunamoonbby @overzealous-imagination @everything-sucks-doesnt-it @thegalxe @strawberrysalwa @ozzy-bozzy @keishinbaby @kyomihann @blkladyelle @moonlightaangel @husband-to-tomura-shigaraki @trashy-simp @livie-bug82108 @salty-satan @thesleepysphinx @undead-nyx @bokutosuwus @mybigredclifforddick @aiiishiiiteru @daydaydayz @kenssister @bluefaeriefury @amaejiki @minninugget @honeypirate @fucktheworlddude @totallynotelle @awilddreamerwrites @fallengoddess772 @speakyourselfloveyourself @sharihorse @you-make-children-cry @platinum-grenade @yoongis-moons @dangerousluv1
Other works:
Level Up! ~ Kenma x fem!reader (Ongoing)

Keep reading
Pepper, Tony, Peter, Morgan, and May go out for a nice family dinner, but then disaster strikes. The owner of the restaurant tranquilized them. When they wake up, Tony panics as he realizes that both of his kids are missing. His kids had been taken by an unknown suspect, and he was terrified.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my plot.
Lost & Found m.list

PJM x oc - Red String of Fate au
Premise: Everyone always believes the same lie. Park Jimin believed it too, once. Not now, though. Not when the one thing he always felt that he could rely upon has been ripped away from him before he ever got the chance to show them that it was worth it. That he was worth it.
No. His red thread was cut long before he ever got the chance. And thus the thing he’d believed in for so long was revealed to be a lie. Of course the red string of fate can be broken. Because there’s this thread, dangling just a few centimeters before abruptly ending.
Cut. Snipped. Ruined.
Warnings: This series is at times intensely emotional, and has several sad scenes/chapters. I really kind of bled this out and this is the result. While writing this I have been confronted with many questions about myself and my own motives in life, so I hope that you’ll all be able to find the answers satisfactory.
teaser 1
teaser 2
teaser 3
teaser 4
the playlist
Unbreakable bond
The Ugly Truth
Fake Smile
Turning Tables
How to Heal
Lie to me
Face Yourself
Blue & Grey
Dear PJM
You Never Walk Alone
All Tied Up
Pull Me in Close
I’m Proud of You (finale)
Relentless (Taehyung x Christina)
Whumptober: Lost & Found
Leonardo complied when they dragged him along the halls. He complied when they tried to take a stab at his pride by tripping him and forcing him to ask for help standing.
But then he saw the trunk, the rope, and the black waters, and he pulled to a stop.
"Don't, please don't."
He couldn't bear it, knowing what they were going to do.
"Shut up."
"Please, this isn't-"
Why was he even bothering? This was stupid and degrading, and it wouldn't work anyway. He should have just stopped.
"I said shut up."
"This won't work, y'know. You'll probably kill me."
"It'll be worth it if you die. Get in."
Leonardo stared at the trunk, frozen to the spot. He was not getting in that thing. Not after getting dragged down into the black abyss of the ocean, after almost drowning to save somebody else.
But somebody shoved him, and he went tumbling. "No" wasn't an option. It was dumb to beg. It wouldn't do anything, he should have stopped.
"You're a turtle, right?" One of his captors drawled while he got as comfortable as he could, "You'll be fine! I'm fairly certain you're semi-aquatic."
Then, the top shut, suffocating him in the darkness. He would be fine. He would be fine, he would be fine, he would be fine-
Machinery whirred outside the trunk, and the trunk started dropping. His heart jumped into his throat. The sound of machinery and people faded and muffled, more and more until they were gone, and he was left alone with the sound of his erratic heartbeat.
Leonardo kicked as best he could, but he could barely move in his situation. He was going to die, he was going to die-
He had never feared death before. In fact, he usually welcomed it with open arms.
But this? This was an awful death. This was suffocating alone in the darkness after hyperventilating. If they let him fall far enough, he would be crushed by the water pressure like a soda can.
The trunk did not fall until the water killed him. It settled after a couple seconds of sinking, nestled on the seabed.
That was his chance. If he had any hope of getting out, it was as soon as the trunk had landed. Leonardo kicked and thrashed, trying to push the top open so that he could swim back up.
After a moment, he steadied himself, taking deep breaths. He needed to be calm, or he would run out of air. If he didn’t stop hyperventilating, then he would asphyxiate at that rate.
Yes, that might work. He would have to be fast, though, if he wanted it to work.
Leonardo took a deep breath, then kicked. Hard. The top didn’t budge, but Leonardo didn’t waver either, kicking over and over again until the top leaked. It started as a drip of water, cold and startling on his scales, but as he continued, it grew more and more, turning from a leak into a steady stream.
There was a shorter time limit, now. If he didn’t work fast, the trunk would eventually fill up. Sure, it would take a long time, slow and agonizing, but it would eventually.
Maybe he needed therapy for his overthinking.
That wasn’t the time to think about it, though. He refused to die there.
As he kicked over and over, the stream turned into multiple bursts, spraying him with dark, salty water. It might not have been too pleasant, but it was hope, and he was lacking in that at the moment.
Suddenly, the cover folded in on itself, giving in from its multiple weak points. He took his chance, wiggling out as soon as he could. He was free from the box, now he just needed to get away from the facility. Leonardo twisted and turned in the water, squinting, but seeing nothing in the dark water. Without a goal, he just started swimming in a circle, trying to go slow enough to not use up too much of his oxygen. As far as he looked, there was only the facility above him, blocking him from the open ocean, and he was sure that if he just went far enough, he would find some kind of wall.
Maybe if he tried the original exit, he would have some luck. They might have left him, although that was probably wishful thinking. Leonardo turned back to the singular source of light, the open hatch, and started moving towards that. He hovered below the surface for a second, of course. He was stupid, but not that stupid. Seeing no shadows from people and no movement, he deemed it safe and started moving up.
His mistake.
Somebody grabbed him by the back of his neck and heaved him out of the water, receiving a panicked gasp and a glare from Leonardo.
“There we are,” Came the familiar voice, crooning at him as if they had won. (They have, an unhelpful voice provided for him). “We knew you’d come back to the land of the living fairly quick, so we hovered around for a bit. We’ll have to try with strong containment next time.”
Leonardo shivered and took a breath. Day seven of solitary confinement, trapped under the water in a reinforced box with a tube for air.