Loz Tetra - Tumblr Posts
Some additional propaganda for tetra:
At one point she puts link into a barrel and launched him out of a catapult and I think that's good enough reason as any to be considered best captain
Round 2 Part 6 Poll 3

No propaganda for Tetra yet
Captain Wentworth's one of Jane Austen’s best written love interests. He is rejected by the woman he loves because her family tells her he isn’t wealthy enough, so he goes off to sea to pine, becomes a captain and gets rich, then goes back and sweeps her off her feet
I was not expecting you to draw this. Thank you for your wonderful art!
🤣 Time’s jolt! Fear the leash!
I headcanon that Warriors totally has a magical indestructible child’s leash (via Lana) for Mask and Tune. Twilight couldn’t understood why during LU (he thought Warriors was exasperating about their gremliness) but during HW, he definitely understands.

Oh, Twilight definitely understands, alright (he looked away for FIVE SECONDS-)
I was not expecting you to draw this. Thank you for your wonderful art!
🤣 Time’s jolt! Fear the leash!
I headcanon that Warriors totally has a magical indestructible child’s leash (via Lana) for Mask and Tune. Twilight couldn’t understood why during LU (he thought Warriors was exasperating about their gremliness) but during HW, he definitely understands.

Oh, Twilight definitely understands, alright (he looked away for FIVE SECONDS-)

wind waker zelink IS SO CUUUTE -x- o zelink de wind waker é fOFO DEMAIS SOCORRO

So, I recently finished Wind Waker for the second time and started playing Phantom Hourglass. I’m so in love with both. I decided to mess aroud with their designs and really liked how it turned out! More fanart around this (AU I guess?) coming soon! -x- Recentemente eu terminei o wind waker pela segunda vez e comecei o phantom hourglass, e tô apaixonada pelos dois. resolvi mexer com os designs deles e curti o resultado, então mais desse (AU eu acho?) saindo no futuro!

Sequence of dawings from my wind waker/phantom hourglass AU (which is pretty much the same, except Link loses an eye, telink/zelink is canon and there is a lot of angst and fluff involved I guess.)
I will keep posting stuff about it, so stay tuned if you like! (English is not my first language so I hope stay tuned is a normal thing people say) -x- Sequência de desenhos do meu AU de wind waker e phantom hourglass ( que meio que é a mesma coisa exceto que o Link perde um olho, zelink é canon e tem muito angst e fluff envolvido)
Esse au é meu filho agora e eu pretendo postar mais dele, então sigam aí se quiserem ver mais! :3
Did Link hang on to any of items he obtained in windwaker. Aside from the mirror shield or hero's bow. I know he never used any of them in PH but does he still have them in storage or something? He could tell stories on how he got a lot of them to the other pirates.
He gave most of them back to the korok and rito tribe, in case another hero would need to use them someday.

And gave the hero's bow to Tetra, since she proved to be a great archer in the final battle.

But he does tell stories about his adventures to the pirates, that's what made him form a closer bond with a lot of them - especially Niko and Gonzo.

(also, he kept the ones he got in PH, since he left the Ocean King’s world with them.)
i love your AU! it's so cute even though link has that scar (or perhaps because of it?). i'm wondering about the bandana he wears. was it a gift from tetra?
Thanks! :D and about the bandana: when Link joined the crew, everyone agreed he could look a bit more... piratey.

And the first thought that came to their minds: EYEPATCH! It was perfect, it was stylish and cool and...

...very unconfortable.

So Link sat there, trying to think of something to wear, and...

“There you go.” “Tetra!” He said, surprised. “You’re... you’re giving me your scarf? But...” “Nevermind” she replied. “You saved my neck before, it’s only fair you get my scarf.”

And so Link got his pirate item, which Tetra never regreted giving him. After all, he was so happy with the gift! And also... he looked really, really cute with it.

(I DREW LINK’S SCAR IN THE WRONG EYE AND I’M SAD) but here’s some Telink to lighten your night! (or day.) I just love them so much ;v;
So I was going through my zelda art folder and found those two things from the >Ancient Year of 2020< I never finished

I changed/added a thing or two to post bc like look at them man. I miss my ph/ww au sometimes. Good times