Luna Hamato - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Poor @luna-tmnt I know how you feel I feel like I'm letting my family and my friends down. But I feel like I'm letting raph down too. But don't worry girl I'm here for you if you need to talk to someone.

Toothless collar's (my oc): Luna I know what you need a big dragon hug might cheer you up.

Poor @luna-tmnt I Know How You Feel I Feel Like I'm Letting My Family And My Friends Down. But I Feel

Poor @luna-tmnt I Know How You Feel I Feel Like I'm Letting My Family And My Friends Down. But I Feel

Leo, Raph, and Donnie reactions: 😳🤯

Mikey's reaction:😁🥺

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3 years ago

Hey @luna-tmnt if your brothers ever make you sad again or they start to fight I might know a dragon who will stop from fighting. And don't worry he'll just give them a warning.

Delaney: *whistles * TOOTHLESS

(Toothless comes into the lair starts to growl at the luna's brothers)

Hey @luna-tmnt If Your Brothers Ever Make You Sad Again Or They Start To Fight I Might Know A Dragon

Toothless's collar's (my oc): If I ever hear you boys make luna sad again you will begging for mercy.

Leo,Donnie, and Mikey : * shaking their heads *

Raphael: Why should I listen to you two.

Leo: Raph.... (before leo said another word)

Delaney: toothless

Hey @luna-tmnt If Your Brothers Ever Make You Sad Again Or They Start To Fight I Might Know A Dragon

(Toothless starts to show lighting sparks)

Delaney: how about he plasta blast your shell dumbass.

(Raph sees that Delaney and her dragon aren't joking around at all. Shakes his back and forward)

Delaney: good (*pats his shoulder *) okay bud that's enough.

*Toothless stops from shooting *

Delaney: well we better be heading out. Come on bud.

(Toothless follows his master to the lair exit)

Delaney: well it was good to see ya luna.

(gives luna a hug for a goodbye and toothless gives her some dragon kisses as a goodbye)

Hey @luna-tmnt If Your Brothers Ever Make You Sad Again Or They Start To Fight I Might Know A Dragon

Luna: Hey that tickles

Delaney: come on bud

(Toothless follows his master)

Luna: Bye Delaney (waves to Delaney)

Delaney: Bye Luna ( waved back to her)

(Then luna looks up to see her red head turtle brother was blushing) .


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3 years ago

So guys I know this is not Tmnt or anything else I love to do. But If you must know that I also do marching band at my highschool. And I just remember that I'm having my senior year of marching band this year and I'm having marching band camp this week so wish me luck cause my legs are gonna be sore after this week from marching so much. 😅

So Guys I Know This Is Not Tmnt Or Anything Else I Love To Do. But If You Must Know That I Also Do Marching

@cowabunga-doll, @zougkageorgia,@luna-tmnt,and @paletimetravelwhispers

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3 years ago

Don't worry luna me and toothless will play with you.

Don't Worry Luna Me And Toothless Will Play With You.
Luna: Big Brother I'm Bored Play With Me

Luna: big brother i'm bored play with me

Mikey: yes yes 5 minutes luna later i play with you promised

Luna: but you already said it, come on

Mikey: luna I know you are bored but try to understand that sometimes you have to go on a mission and you stay with sensei

Luna: mikey...


Luna: Big Brother I'm Bored Play With Me

Luna: okay... *in my head* (💭 It's not fair that he does this to me all I want is to be like them, but why don't I look like them? )

@kawaiibunga @angelcatlowyn @zougkageorgia @fantasticcomicsartkid @megh-69

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3 years ago

Fixing My Friend Georgia's problem But not mine.

Delaney: Donnie *gives him the angery look*

Donnie: Oh hi Delaney.....

Delaney: Don't you hi delaney me. *not to be rude* But why haven't you gone visiting Georgia she's been worried like fucking worried about you.

Donnie: She has?! But I have been texting through shellcell she hasn't been answer my calls or texts messages.

Delaney: That's because she's been having phone problems. But Please Donnie go see her she really wants to see you again and she really cares about you very deeply. After all you are her favorite turtle 🐢💜.

Donnie: Maybe your right I should go visit her.

* Donnie grabs his stuff that he wants take with him looks at Delaney walks to her picks her up gives Delaney a hug*

Donnie: Thanks Delaney

* Delaney pats his shell *

Delaney: No problem D. Now can you put me down please.

* Puts Delaney down*

Donnie: Sorry

Delaney: Yeah Yeah you can tell me sorry later but for now go see Georgia

* Donnie shakes his head and nods his head starts heading to Georgia's apartment *

Toothless collar's (my oc): Master how do you think Georgia is gonna react to see him again.

*starts to jump around his master happy excited to hear what happens next*

Fixing My Friend Georgia's Problem But Not Mine.

Delaney: Calm down bud We'll just wait until Donnie gets back okay.

Toothless collar's (my oc): Awwww man huh?

*Toothless sees that Raph was looking at his master and thought he was just jealous that his brother Donnie hugged his master first instead of him.*

Toothless collar's (my oc): What Red head is their a problem for my master to give your brother a hug.

* Delaney was confused to turn head around to see Raph behind her*

Delaney: Oh hi Raph *waves to him*

*Delaney sees that raph wasn't looking at her eyes. So Delaney looks at his eyes to see where they lead. And forgot she was wearing a red shirt today. She was embarrass and turn head back around to blush. But she was mostly mad *

Raphael: you know red kinda suits ya know.

Delaney: Shut up and shouldn't you be Anastasia you should probably go see her.

*Raph could tell that Delaney was sad. but he went Anastasia instead of asking Delaney why she was sad. Delaney sits down where she was almost about to cry right there. Toothless sees that his master was about to cry. He lays down right next to her and puts his head on her knees to see his master face *

Toothless collar's (my oc): It's okay master I'm here for you. Don't cry please.

Delaney: I'm okay bud I'm happy for him and Anastasia for being a couple besides he loves her more. Besides if he's happy I'm happy for him.

*Toothless knows that his master is lieing to him because he can tell that how much she loves that big redhead turtle 🐢❤. *

Toothless collar's (my oc): Do you want to go luna's room master.

Delaney : Sure bud let's go!

*trys to hide her tears away so no one else in the lair sees her tearing face starts heading to Luna's room with toothless*

@zougkageorgia and @luna-tmnt .

Part two coming soon

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3 years ago

Don't worry girl I got your back remember that and I'm still here for you.

I hate my dad so much he destroyed my life

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3 years ago

Here's me.

Here's Me.

@georgiatmnt @angelcatlowyn

nyurei's avatar creator !!
hi!! this is my first picrew, I hope you enjoy it!! only for personal and non-comercial use tw and ig:
This Is Me

This is me ☺️☺️

I tag @luna-tmnt @kawaiibunga @janna-the-breaker @narwals14

and anyone else who wants to try

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2 years ago cute😍

@sivy-chan @luna-tmnt @kawaiibunga @janna-the-breaker @fantasticcomicsartkid

@sivy-chan @luna-tmnt @kawaiibunga @janna-the-breaker @fantasticcomicsartkid

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2 years ago

If I was there I would of done something to help you luna!

If I Was There I Would Of Done Something To Help You Luna!

But I wasn't there on time!

If I Was There I Would Of Done Something To Help You Luna!

Don't touch my children

@kawaiibunga @sivy-chan-blog @narwals14 @janna-the-breaker @xx1remmy-san1xx @fantasticcomicsartkid @giochandoll-blog @justicier-974

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2 years ago

Don't worry luna I'm here for you girl!

Toothless collar's: Sounds like someone needs a dragon hug!

Don't Worry Luna I'm Here For You Girl!
Don't Worry Luna I'm Here For You Girl!
Don't Worry Luna I'm Here For You Girl!

my dad forces me to eat stuff i don't like is if i don't eat he hits me

@kawaiibunga @janna-the-breaker @narwals14 @sivy-chan-blog @xx1remmy-san1xx @justicier-974 @angelicdavinci @levana-art @lunchladymary-blog @giochandoll-blog @fantasticcomicsartkid @masoulcold2 @nei-ning @prettyfur

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2 years ago

Me! TwT

Me! TwT
뒤를 보는 픽크루
티알피지, 자캐커뮤 사용 가능 / 그 외의 경우 트위터 내에서만 가공 > 소소한 부품 추가, 색 변경, 좌우반전 ⭕ +) 티알피지, 자캐커뮤 목적의 가공 ⭕ 그 외의 가공은 불가합니다. 스트리밍 사이트(ex> 유튜브, 트위치 등) 및 비상업

Yo stefany

Yo Stefany

@luna-tmnt @kawaiibunga @hedgehog-dreamer @lethalhedgehogs @memes-in-a-half-shell @mishacakes @donnie-duz-machines @raphaelsrightarm @fantasticcomicsartkid @dai-su-kiss

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2 years ago

Me before.....

Me Before.....
楽しい小学生の着せ替えです。 ぜひ遊んでください。 たまに更新していきたいと思います。 !注意点! ・肌カラーは1番最初の「ほくろ」タブで変えられます。 ・ランドセルは今のところカラーのみ変更可能です。 ※SNSのアイコン利用可ですが、  アイコンに利用した上での過激な発言な

Yo stefany

Yo Stefany

@luna-tmnt @kawaiibunga @hedgehog-dreamer @dai-su-kiss @inspiredwriter

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2 years ago

Me as a child...

Me As A Child...
게임 캐릭터 만들기 픽크루입니다. Update 10.9 [⭕] SNS 프로필 및 개인적인 사용 SNSのアイコン利用 、個人的な使用 [❌] 자작 발언 및 상업적인 이용, 리터칭 및 가공 自作発言 、商用利用、加工 ----------------------

Yo stefany

Yo Stefany

@hedgehog-dreamer @kawaiibunga @luna-tmnt @dai-su-kiss @levana-art @mean-green-imagines @razzy-zaz @raphaelsrightarm @donnie-duz-machines

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