My Oc Story - Tumblr Posts

Desde que escuche la canción quise hacer un animatic con Judas, el cual es uno de mis OC's favoritos a pesar de haber nacido como un extra.

Según yo, July va de salir de una relación toxica o dañina por lo cual para Judas y su vida (no se si se puede llamar vida) amorosa quedan muy bien y similares, especialmente porque lo logro superar.

No vean la anatomía, lo hice en un día sin boceto , planeación o auto conservación. ---------------------------------- Since I heard the song I wanted to do an animatic with Judas, which is one of my favorite OC's despite being born as an extra.

According to me, July is about coming out of a toxic or harmful relationship, which is why for Judas and his love life (I don't know if it can be called life) is very similar especially because he manage to overcome it.

Don't look at the anatomy, I did it in a day without sketch, planning or self-preservation.

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El dios de este mundo ha sido cruel pero infantil al cambiar las historias y por accidente crear tanto bien y mal, el dios de este mundo escucha el grito se su creación como lo escucho hace tanto cuando Rouge descubrió la mentira de su vida.

Cansada quita la capa, cansada deja que el mundo se la lleve, mientras las batallas pasan y la sangre se derrama, mientras sus alumnos pelean , mientras su familia se entierra, mientras su amante observa como el final de su amante llega y con ello se lleva la guerra.


The god of this world has been cruel but childish in changing stories and accidentally creating both good and evil, the god of this world hears the cry of his creation as heard it so long ago when Rouge discovered the lie of her life.

Tired she takes off her cloak, tired she lets the world take her away, while the battles go by and the blood spills, while her students fight, while her family is buried, while her lover watches as the end of her lover comes and with it is lead the war.

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They call him the prince, they call him general, they call him the rightful king. Without the title he is nothing.

Lo llaman príncipe, lo llaman general, lo llaman rey legítimo. Sin el título no es nada.

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5 years ago
Making A Digitally-coloured Version Of Some Of My Inktobers(which I Didnt Finish :/)

Making a digitally-coloured version of some of my inktobers(which I didn’t finish :/)

Fragment Backstory Midnight:

"Do you see that Teddy bear?" He said. "It used to belong to a little girl who lived here once. She was obsessed with hypnosis and black magic, they say that one day she got totally insane and cut out her eyes and replaced them with the bear's eyes. That's why the bear has those spiralling eyes." Midnight laughed. "Sure... And I bet everyone who stares in his eyes will be cursed?!" She said cynical. But the boy didn't smile. "...they say every orphan who tries that...dies" he whispered. "Bullshit! Let me do it you'll see it's just a story."

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2 years ago

Character Intro: Thierry

I finally did it lol. Here he is, one of the many fictional characters occupying my head as of late

Character Intro: Thierry

An aspiring journalist from Fontaine who longs to accomplish his good dream, and banish the bad ones.


Name: Thierry Démopacte

Pronunciation: TEE-ree DAY-moh-pahk-tuh

Birthday: April 8

Nationality: Fontaine

Affiliation: The Heralding Crane (small newspaper outlet based in Fontaine)

Constellation: Calamus Fatalis


Vision: Anemo

Vision Placement: Right hip

Weapon: Catalyst, Sacrificial Fragments

Elemental Skill: (Press) Sweeps his arms out in a circle and pushes mobs away with the power of Anemo, applying Swirl to those affected. (Hold) Anemo swirls around him and acts as a shield, increasing resistance to interruption and decreased damage taken. Can only be held for 5 seconds before it releases, throwing mobs up and away from him.

Elemental Burst: Gathering his Elemental energy into a large pen, he strikes it into the ground, creating cracks in the ground in a circular field around him. Mobs are sucked in by the excess energy and are dealt Anemo damage at 2 second intervals. Lasts 10 seconds.


Character Details:

The Heralding Crane isn't known for many things. It's small and doesn't garner lots of attention opposed to the Steambird. But it is known for one thing: Thierry the reporter.

He doesn't let coming from a small company stop him from trying to get interviews from all the high-ranking people in the world, from the Liyue Qixing to the Sages at the Akademiya.

Oftentimes, though, his ambitions far outweigh his position. He's been kicked out of more places than he can count on two hands, but that doesn't stop him.

"I know I don't come from a big and prestigious name, but that doesn't mean I'm not good! Other people just have to see it too."

That's what he tells himself each time he gets knocked down. Again, and again, and again...

Character Story 1: Not Yet Unlocked

Character Story 2: Not Yet Unlocked

Character Story 3: Not Yet Unlocked

Character Story 4: Not Yet Unlocked

Character Story 5: Not Yet Unlocked

Bull's Eye: Not Yet Unlocked

Vision: Not Yet Unlocked


Hello: Thierry, journalist at the Heralding Crane. If you have the time, I'd like to interview you for a new article I'm writing about your many adventures.

Sprint Start: Off to the next story!

When It Rains: The weather report didn't say anything about it bad luck, or false advertisement?

Good Morning: Ah, a wonderful sunrise, without a cloud in the sky. Perfect weather for investigating.

Elemental Skill I: I'll quote that!

Elemental Skill II: A brand new idea!

Elemental Burst I: I will reveal the truth!

Elemental Burst II: Tell me your secrets!

Light Hit Taken: Ow, a paper cut...

Heavy Hit Taken: You think you're newsworthy?

Fallen I: My

Fallen II: I won't...cave in...again...

Chat I: Hmm, not much of note here. Let's find somewhere more lively.

About Shui: She kinda scares me a little, heheh. Not because she's mean or anything, she's really nice, but she doesn't have a lot of patience for idiots. Which, in my experience...Liyue has a lot of them. I've seen her deal with them, and, well, I understand why she got a Pyro Vision.

About Jianli: That's my friend! She's the first one I made here in Liyue. She's very nice, we met when I tried to get an interview with one of the Qixing. She had to kick me out, but at least she was nice about it, haha.

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3 years ago

Despúes de mucho vuelvo a subir algo relacionado con mis Ocs dmbcdkxb

Despes De Mucho Vuelvo A Subir Algo Relacionado Con Mis Ocs Dmbcdkxb

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2 years ago

Me before.....

Me Before.....
楽しい小学生の着せ替えです。 ぜひ遊んでください。 たまに更新していきたいと思います。 !注意点! ・肌カラーは1番最初の「ほくろ」タブで変えられます。 ・ランドセルは今のところカラーのみ変更可能です。 ※SNSのアイコン利用可ですが、  アイコンに利用した上での過激な発言な

Yo stefany

Yo Stefany

@luna-tmnt @kawaiibunga @hedgehog-dreamer @dai-su-kiss @inspiredwriter

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2 years ago

Me as a child...

Me As A Child...
게임 캐릭터 만들기 픽크루입니다. Update 10.9 [⭕] SNS 프로필 및 개인적인 사용 SNSのアイコン利用 、個人的な使用 [❌] 자작 발언 및 상업적인 이용, 리터칭 및 가공 自作発言 、商用利用、加工 ----------------------

Yo stefany

Yo Stefany

@hedgehog-dreamer @kawaiibunga @luna-tmnt @dai-su-kiss @levana-art @mean-green-imagines @razzy-zaz @raphaelsrightarm @donnie-duz-machines

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1 year ago

So this cool story has sat for years and I just got around to editing it. Remember this good little sketch of a guy? Love him. That's Ridge:) He's in this fic. Give it a read if you like. Or are a board. Whichever:) Thank YOU in advance if you do! Much love and Best regards.

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6 months ago

This is just for the sake of having my OC information easy to bring up. Still hoping that one day I'll actually post something about them, sigh

Since I haven't been too active lately, I think I'll start sharing some of my writing (and eventually drawings) so you guys can get to know my OCs and lesbian romance story more. Each character has a little part of my personality, so have fun guessing what they are hehe~

If anyone has any questions about my OCs, their names are:

Midori Tachibana

Miki Sakamoto

Stacy Takahashi

Rika Yukimura

Piko Yukimura

Shika Samejima

(others still need names, heh)

The title is also still a work in progress, but the name choices I have for it now are:

The Girl I Love

We Fell in Love Under the Cherry Trees

Our Love Blossoms

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