Mads Mikkelsen Is So Beautiful Omfg - Tumblr Posts
hello i am still alive & very much still obsessed with mads mikkelsen 🤩

goin absolutely deranged over this photo

the sudden urge to draw him & have him be my lifelong muse is too strong

me right now because mads mikkelsen exists^^
(p.s: for anyone wondering that is from the movie die tür & its a goodin n you should definitely watch it if you haven’t)

his fangs?!?!?!!!!?!?? & also just his smile in general ?!?!? HELLO ?!!?!!!

this is pretty much all i had to say lol
hope you’re all doin well <3
going absolutely deranged

Ladies, gentlemen and non binary ppl
I present u
Mads mikkelsen
here are some photos of Mads Mikkelsen that have been rattling around my head lately

he is so stunning </3


his smileeeeee !!!!!

i love this photo so much & i’m not sure why

once again, the sudden urge to make him my lifelong muse is too strong !!?!!?!

i am once again going aWOOOGA 👁👁
