I Am Once Again Screaming - Tumblr Posts
here are some photos of Mads Mikkelsen that have been rattling around my head lately

he is so stunning </3


his smileeeeee !!!!!

i love this photo so much & i’m not sure why

once again, the sudden urge to make him my lifelong muse is too strong !!?!!?!

i am once again going aWOOOGA 👁👁

“There are times when
my longing for you overwhelms me …
so often I can think of you
only with teeth clenched.”

"This is an apology for the things I have to say
about us to get over us.
I feel most like myself when I am washing blood off my hands in the shower;
and I hope whatever is eating you alive
does it as slowly as possible.
I know it doesn't sound like it,
but this is a love poem.
this is a love poem
this is a love poem,
until it isn't anymore."

"Your absence has gone through me
like thread through a needle.
everything I do is stitched with its color."

“you and I have begun to blur”
“isn’t that how you found me?”
Franz Kafka, from “Letters to Felice”
Trista Mateer “This is an apology”
W.S. Merwin, from “Separation, The Moving Target” (Macmillan Pub Co, 1963)
Hannibal, “Dolce” (season 3, episode 6, 2015)
do y’all know what day it is? ITS HIS FOOKIN BIRTHDAY IS WHAT IT IS !!!!!! ✨💌✨happy birthday to the most beautiful creature ever, Hugh Dancy.

this photo !! he is literally a nymph </3 he’s so sweet it makes me want to sob

fully convinced that if sculptors from ancient greece & rome could see him they would just be absolutely destroyed. in complete agony, they would pronounce him a deity & he would become their life long muse.

genuinely, how is he even real?!?!!

makes sense that he’s born on fathers day because after all, he is zaddy 😎
just so everyone knows, this piece will be plaguing my very being for the next millennia.
“‘You’re not a monster,’ I said.
But I lied.
What I really wanted to say was that a monster is not such a terrible thing to be. From the Latin root monstrum, a divine messenger of catastrophe, then adapted by the Old French to mean an animal of myriad origins: centaurs, griffin, satyr. To be a monster is to be a hybrid signal, a lighthouse: both shelter and warning at once.”
- Ocean Vuong "On earth We're Briefly gorgeous"