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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 0/22. The Fool

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✧The Fool is the card of wild abandon and new beginnings Planet - Uranus - independence, free spirit Element - Air Key Meaning-Innocence, risk, and beginning YES card

he is the innocent adventurer about to begin an important journey

idealistic rather than practical

dreamer, lead by his needs

entering a new cycle with enthusiasm

✶Qualities of the card - comedy, freedom, weirdness, the unusual ★ Associated object and location - a toy clown, a strange piece of music, a key, a small dog

Major Arcana - 0/22. The Fool

✵Upright meaning

it’s never too late to begin a new path and follow your heart’s desire

new enterprises and educational courses

brings an opportunity to start over

have courage, commit to your path

home - young person leaving home for the first time,

relationship - new relationship, time to pursue new love, to feel silly with someone, or just to fall unconditionally in love with you

career and money - new opportunity in your current job

health - now is the time to get up off the couch and to pursue an activity that you have never pursued in order to help matters of the circulatory system as well as to strengthen the muscles for overall health.

✵Reversed meaning

negligence, bad decision, carelessness, distraction, stupidity, imprudence, absence, exhaustion, mistakes, hesitation, abandonment, lack of material assets

his mouth works ahead of his brain

you may be lazy and apathetic, you can feel abandoned by spirits or filled with regrets

relationship - new relationships - a false start; for established romantic - impulsiveness and a need to stop and smell the roses and to check in on responsibility in life

family and home - a need to shake up routine

work - a person trying hard in the areas of job or money, but not getting the results they want

health - a time of high activity; focus on stress reduction


+ Ace of Cups = New love

+ Ace of Pentacles = New money

+ Ace of Wands = New initiatives

+ Ace of Swords = New success

+ 3 of Swords = Travel

+ 8 of Wands = Movement, messages, activity

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 1. The Magician

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You have potential to be a success in many areas of your life

Planet - Mercury - Hermes Element - Air Key meaning - action, creativity, success YES card

he stands for decisions and creativity

success, creativity, skills, ability, self-confidence, initiative, power

♦ Qualities of the card - magic, invention, trickery, communication ★ Associated object and location - a wand, a pen, a satellite dish, a communication cable

Major Arcana - 1. The Magician

✾Upright meaning

time for action, for communicating and expressing ideas/

card of the investor, the traveler

focus on your projects - good time to start new projects

natural abilities and personal strength are high

home - house sale

relationship - if you are single and want love - it is coming; if you are in a relationship -show love in action, you will begin to see a commitment

career and money - finding a new direction in your existing work

health - potential for depression; focus on the good health that you desire and only on that

✾Reversed meaning

trickery - being misled by a charming manipulator

delays to travel plans


not working at your full potential or ignoring your talents when they would be useful

an important opportunity slipped by without notice

relationship - If you are concerned about a partner not being completely truthful, chances are that these feelings are correct

family and home - a lack of direction for household stability

work and finances - lack of communication, resisting advice,

health - bad habits (such as smoking, drinking, or eating unhealthy foods) are coming back to haunt a person


+ Minor Arcana = which area you should pay attention

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 2. High Priestess

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The ultimate symbol of balance and manifestation

Astrological sign or planet - The Moon

Element - water

Key meanings - secrets, wisdom and the spiritual world

YES card

represents the principle of the divine feminine

her gift is wisdom

2- she lives in a dual life

unseen change, tides, and seasons, going with the low, spiritual law


♦ Qualities of the card - mystery revelation, secrets, the veil between worlds ★ Associated object and location - a curtain, a border crossing objects associated with the occult, a book, tall pillars

Major Arcana - 2. High Priestess

❃Upright meaning

hidden knowledge

time for incubation or privacy

confidentiality - keep your plans secret

a sign to follow your intuition

home - quiet time, relations between family members may be calm but a little distant

relationships - being single for a time; if you are in a relationship you or the partner choose to keep a part of his life secret/separated

career and money - success is coming but contracts and new work takes time to nurture - you can only be patient

health - it is necessary to focus on matters such as reproductive health

❃Reversed meaning

inappropriate mentor

choosing the temporarily wrong path

you might be listening to bad advice

love - attraction is set to high heat, but like flying too close to the sun, this lust comes with its own complications

family - it can highlight an undercurrent of discontentment within the family home

work - If you are currently considering making a big financial commitment, make sure you have full clarity and disclosure before proceeding

health - If you have already had a medical check-up recently you should seek a second opinion

you are too cautious in your decisions


+ Queen of Swords = strength of will, following your path

+ 8 of Pentacles = study, knowledge, reward

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 3. The Empress

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The Empress represents mothering love, an authority figure that is looking out for you and is often a kind guardian.

Astrological Sign or planet - Venus

Element - earth

Key meaning - abundance, generosity, and creativity

YES card

she manifests her feminity -fertile aspect of womanhood

the wife and traditional relationship

symbol of fruition, fertility

beautiful woman

♦ Qualities of the card - growth, cultivation, nature, motherhood, harvest ★ Associated object and location - a pregnant woman, a nest, a garden

Major Arcana - 3. The Empress

❁Upright meaning

abundance and material comfort



fertility and feminity

your needs will be met

you are a good mother to others or to yourself

home - renovations and extensions, home improvements

relationship - happiness; if single - a good time to start a relationship; do not compromise your beliefs or your integrity for anyone that isn’t similar to you

career and money - security, you are resourceful, able to support others

health - you have been working too hard and it is time to stop and smell the roses

❁Reversed meaning

financial issues

creative blocks in your project

there may be troubles at home

relationship - you and your partner may have been arguing or ignoring opportunities to be tender and loving with one another

family - loss of harmony and balance in your family,

work - your career has become dull and unfulfilling

health - it seems your health has fallen to the bottom of your to-do list


+ Queen of Cups = heart aspect - love and nurturing

+ Queen of Pentacles = physical body; generosity, security

+ 9 of Pentacles = money, luxury, self-authority

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 4. The Emperor

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His energy is full of action and drive, and there is no room for mistakes

Astrological sign or planet - Aries

Element - fire

Key meaning - control, security, order, ambition

YES card

father archetype

symbol of male power and

he has fire and determination

symbol of courage and bravery

♦ Qualities of the card - fatherhood, rulership, law, control ★ Associated object and location - a policeman, a crown, a sign saying “do not…”

Major Arcana - 4. The Emperor

♛Upright meaning

powerful man, traditional male, ambition

husband, trustworthy partner

mastery of life and control over territory

you can trust yourself to make the right decision

you need to use what practical resources you possess(wisdom, determination, and other skills)to realize your next step

home - order, set boundaries, and protect what is yours

relationship - a new partner, focusing on practical matters;

career and money - finances get organized, fairness at work, be sure of your goals

health - this can be a sign of good health overall

♛Reversed meaning

excessive on his demand

being domineering, controlling, even cruel


use of excessive force or persuasion to get what he wants the person in a position of power isn’t using authority responsibly

the decisions being made are not wise or careful

health - tension headaches or other stress-related issues


+ 4 of Pentacles = Financial stability

+ King of Cups = heart aspect - love and intuition

+ King of Wands = soul aspect - creativity and communication

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 5. The Hierophant

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Astrological sign or planet - Taurus the bull

Element - earth

Key meaning - education, unity, spiritual and direction

MAYBE card

♦ Qualities of the card - religion, values, tradition teaching ★ Associated object and location - a library, a Bible, a church, a school, a cross

the figure of religious orthodoxy

he is the bridge between heaven and earth

maintainer of traditions and values

stability and security

- married man, marriage, union, priest

- all means of communication, desire to communicate, new communication

Major Arcana - 5. The Hierophant

✷Upright meaning


self-validation and expansion

time to commit to relationships

opportunity to integrate mind and spirit and ascend to a higher plane of awareness

offers an opportunity to question and define your values

shows you the path to follow in a community(joining a study group or learning new skills)

a teacher or educator

home - expanding your property, inviting people into your home to share your interests

relationship - committed partnership, marriage, celebrating the sacred in your relationship

career and money - progress in your organization, inspired leadership and growth

✷Reversed meaning

poor leadership

maybe misled by an incompetent or egoistic individual at work on your spiritual path

wrong decisions with moral repercussions

finding your own path in non-traditional ways - learning doesn’t only come from textbooks

possibly a hasty decision made for personal gain


+ 9 of Wands = defending your faith at any cost; protecting what is known

+ 2 of Cups = love, partnership

+ 6 of Cups = familiarity, harmony, the past

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 6. The Lovers

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Astrological sign or planet - Gemini the twins

Element - air

Key meaning - love and relationship, maturity, decisions

YES card

6 - number of harmony, love, and growth

male and female, light and shadow

love our whole selves in all our aspects

a moment when we need to make a choice

commitment to an idea or a path

♦ Qualities of the card - choices, love, inspiration ★ Associated object and location - a paired of lovers or birds, a rose key, a T-shaped junction in the road, paths splitting in a wood, a romantic card

Major Arcana - 6. The Lovers

💟Upright meaning

meeting a new partner

career opportunity

the person coming your way has a positive influence and offers true love

issue - the ability to make a decision based on your long-term future rather than short term gains

a young person leaving home and making an independent decision

home - time to work toward a property that will support your dream and desires

relationship - love decision; single - love yourself first to manifest the right relationship when the time came; a relationship will be starting with someone that you already know

career and money - career choices; look beyond money to your future development and ambitions

health - health problem with a body part that has two parts to it – kidneys, lungs, arms, eyes and there being an issue with both

💟Reversed meaning

relationship go out of balance

the shadow side of your personality enters the equation

inequality, betrayal, and dishonesty

materialism, addiction to negative patterns

you don’t know what you want


+ Ace of Cups = love

+ 2 of Cups = new partnership

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 7. The Chariot

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The Chariot calls all travelers and adventurers

Astrological sign or plane - Cancer the crab

Element - water

Key meaning - determination, victory, a journey

YES card

the traveler

beginning of a new emotional cycle

initiation of a new project

symbolize a wise and emotionally intelligent person able to use their own feelings to their own advantage

Major Arcana - 7. The Chariot

♦ Qualities of the card - balanced movement and stillness, being in the flow ★ Associated object and location - a toy car, a vehicle or cart, a spinning top or gyroscope, a sphinx

♞Upright meaning

ready to take control and navigate your path

getting a new car/vehicle

you are focused and intent on achieving your goals

a person who is responsible and concerned

home - travel away from home; you might welcome travelers from another state/country

relationship - endings, moving on alone but is your rightful path

career and money - swift progress in business affairs; financially you are on the road to success

health - health issues of the feet and issues with diabetes or digestion

♞Reversed meaning



poor leadership

there is a loss of control and focus


+ 3 of Wands = broadening horizons and travel

+ 8 of Wands = travel, and communication

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 8. Strength

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The Strength card exemplifies the need for order and discipline in your life at this time.

Astrological sign or planet - Leo

Element - fire

Key meaning - patience, tension, and strength

YES card

she is precious, she does not show fear

having the courage to listen and to accept our shadow voices without the fear that it will eat us up

♦ Qualities of the card - right relationship harmony, balance, perfected control ★ Associated object and location - a lion, a strong person, somebody standing up for themselves

Major Arcana - 8. Strength

✵Upright meaning

courage, determination, and patience are needed now

you will need to act with grace and sensibility rather than using brutal force

taking a raw idea and developing it - you refine it without sacrificing its spirit or your energy

vitality, recovery from illness

home - need to support and direct those with strong opinions; takes the role of mediator

relationship - the need for balance; fabulous sexual experiences or the overall strength within a relationship; good foundation between two people; you are likely repeating mistakes in relationships and failing to learn from them

career and money - tension at work

health - the body has the strength to put disease or illness into submission

✵Reversed meaning

avoidance of risk, conflicts, and decision-making

holding back your personal growth

whatever you resist persisting so take on the challenge

don’t abuse your power or play dirty

control your emotions


+ 7 of Wands = endurance

+ 9 of Wands = relentless effort

+ Ace of Swords = decisiveness

+ 8 of Pentacles = commitment

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 9. The Hermit

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Astrological sign or planet - Virgo

Element - earth

Key meaning - healing and self-exploration

YES card

time to go alone, to break with conversation and find our soul’s path

receiving mentorship or advice from someone wiser than ourselves in order to keep progressing in our chosen path

♦ Qualities of the card - guidance, illumination teaching by example ★ Associated object and location - a lamp, a staff, a hight path, a sign, a lighthouse

Major Arcana - 9. The Hermit

❂Upright meaning

opportunity to take time away from the routine to consider your option or advance a personal project

enjoying solitude - you need space to process your thoughts and feelings

you need mental space to connect with your inner wisdom

don’t rush into your next project - take time to sit and think things through

home - avoid making big decisions at present

relationship - take time to invest in your current relationship or to work in your relationship with yourself; period of being single - it recommends space apart so that you can ultimately grow closer together

career and money - represent unemployment or self-employment for a period of time

health - worry and stress literally eat us from the inside out; you are doing too much to the extent that you are at risk of health issues and concerns

❂Reversed meaning

feel alone and unsupported

you should ask yourself if you are avoiding help

accepting the role that you find hard to let go of due to habit or stubbornness

relationship - you’re on the path to reconciling with an ex or old lover

family and home - you have taken your solitude too far -you have an important role to play in your family, you need to support your loved ones and show them your affection

work - not being afraid to ask for help when you need it

health - is rarely a sign of anything serious to worry about

you haven’t learned from past experiences


+ 7 of Wands = standing alone, advocating your beliefs

+ 9 of Wands = need for protection

+ Queen of Swords = independence

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 10. The wheel of fortune

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Astrological sign or planet - Jupiter

Element - fire

Key meaning - fate, change, intuition

MAYBE card

something great coming

strings being pulled for something to happen

♦ Qualities of the card - cause/effect, cycles, chance, changes in rotation ★ Associated object and location - a wheel, a bicycle, an elevator, games of chance

Major Arcana - 10. The Wheel Of Fortune

≛Upright meaning

unexpected offers

news arrive in force

if life has been difficult recently, a turn for the better will come

listen to your intuition

manifest your wishes

home - unexpected change in your living arrangements

relationship - an ex-partner pr love interest comes back and you will decide if this relationship will succeed; your luck will be changing;

career and money - news that will improve your situation; do not be afraid to take a chance, luck is on your side

health - you will notice vitality and an increase in health

≛Reversed meaning

bad luck

the benefits of the upright will come, just that it will take a little longer to move you forward

you’ve hit a snag and things are slowing down

try not to worry too much - relax and let these difficult times pass


+ 6 of Swords = moving on

+ 9 of cups = wish come true

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 11. Justice

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Astrological sign or planet - Libra the scales

Element - air

Key meaning - balance, perceptions, objectivity

MAYBE card

focusing on the mind rather than the emotions

bringing balance

finding harmony and bringing things to a new stable ground

♦ Qualities of the card - balance, law, rightness ★ Associated object and location - scales, a sword, a blindfold, a courthouse

Major Arcana - 11. Justice

⁑Upright meaning

a time when past errors or imbalances can be redressed

be the judge in your own life

justice will be done and order restored

actions and consequences

influential people favor you now

there might be hard lessons to learn - the right things will happen in the end

home - legal issues concerning propriety are resolved

relationship - take care of your emotional needs; find a balance between work and relationship; you have found a soul mate but they are trying to stay balanced

career and money - you might be tested at work but the outcome is positive; job interviews and negotiations are successful

health - remind yourself how to treat your body well, because the Justice card does not give multiple warnings

⁑Reversed meaning

relationship and money issues spiral out of control

you are treated unfairly - bad advice from a trusted individual

find your voice and stand strong to your values

losing a legal battle


inability to communicate

lack of balance

someone is giving you an unwise advice


+ Ace of Sword = clarity of thoughts, success

+ 2 of Swords = a pending decision

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 12. The hanged man

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Astrological sign or planet – Neptune

Element – water

MAYBE card

safely – he knows he cannot fall


prepare to make the sacrifices he can move on

“hang in there” and stay calm while things are not going as planed

♦ Qualities of the card - suspension, higher values, sacrifice ★ Associated object and location - a gent’s tie, a spider in a web, dew hanging on a tree

Major Arcana - 12. The Hanged Man

✥Upright meaning

hanging around

you may have made sacrifices and you will see rewards

you may expect delays to travel plans and other projects

your project needs time to evolve(use this time to develop a perspective on your work and your ambitions)

try to see things from a new angle

home – waiting and delay may affect remodeling or house moves; try to invest your time wisely while you wait

relationship – you are unable to get the commitment you need from your partner; you may be unwilling to commit; now is the time for you to consider taking a step back to calculate all of your options

career and money – hold back on signing contracts or dealing with legal matters just now; trust your instincts

health - a need for a second opinion in medical decisions

✥Reversed meaning

rigid thinking

you might need to revise your expectations

you are stuck doing the same old things

a sacrifice you have to make

you are having difficulty making decisions


+ 2 of Wands = reversed - delays to plans

+ 3 of Wands = reversed - delays to travel

+ 8 of Wands = delay with moving and communication

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1 year ago

Major arcana - 13. Death

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Astrological sign or planet – Scorpio

Element – water

Key meaning – transformation and change

MAYBE card

whatever is worth having will be saved but what is irrelevant will be taken

abandonment and loss

end of a minor cycle and beginning of a new one filled with other challenges or conditions

let go and heal even if it’s painful

♦ Qualities of the card - transformation, change, elimination ★ Associated object and location - a dead insect, a fossil, something broken made into something new

Major Arcana - 13. Death

❈Upright meaning

time of fast and deep transformation

an opportunity to let go of whatever you no longer need

a break with the past(from relationships and friends that no longer satisfy you)- the only way forward

home – you need to find a new home

relationship – a relationship ends; a period of necessary separation; in friendship – there will be an opportunity to reconnect when the time is right

career and money – career change; ending of a business partnership; new opportunity on the horizon

health - if you desire to feel well, your entire body and senses must be focused on that healing in order for that to change; end of a disease, or inapplicable circumstances

❈Reversed meaning

you might feel anxious and stressed, unable to understand what is happening rather than being accepting

relationship - you are holding onto an unhealthy relationship. ; for those who are single, this card reversed is a sign you need to learn from your past

family - firm signal that something is not right

work - stagnation and lack of satisfaction; you are likely, not happy in your career, yet you aren’t doing anything to change it

health - a signal of some medical trouble, continual struggle - a health problem that is chronic or slow-burning;


+ 10 of Swords = endings

+ 4 Aces = beginnings

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 14. Temperance

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The Temperance card often comes up in a reading when you need to learn or understand the concept of all things in moderation.

Astrological sign or planet - Sagittarius

Element - fire

Key meaning - moderation, reconciliation, healing, and angelic guidance

MAYBE card

♦ Qualities of the card - Tempering, patience, combination ★ Associated object and location - a cake, a recipe, a cocktail

Major Arcana - 14. Temperance

❂Upright meaning

you are dealing with a potentially volatile situation and you need to temper your thoughts and actions to find balance and harmony

accepting both sides of a situation and be guided by what feels more natural to you

beginning of a spiritual journey to you

learn to relax and take things as they come

home - running a household, dealing with demanding children or partners

relationship - a stage when you can reach a new level of trust; if single - being guided to a new partner; a need for balance between both individuals

career and money - dealing with difficult or highly sensitive individuals; be the diplomat and you can work a miracle

health - indicative of mental health and can do not ignore signs or symptoms of anxiety, depression, or overindulgent behavior

❂Reversed meaning

imbalance and unfairness in the relationship

problem with money

struggling with change

difficult old memories can resurface and you feel held back - try to look at what you need now in the present

you are impatient when dealing with others or trying situations

you are feeling stagnant and unable to finish projects

learn to slow down


+ 2 of Coins = weighing up a decision, money flow

+ 6 of Cups = harmony

+ Page of Cups = magical thinking

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 15. The Devil

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It shows that there are unhealthy aspects of your life that you are likely ignoring.

Astrological sign or planet - Capricorn

Element - earth

Key meaning - enslavement and temptation

NO card

♦ Qualities of the card - attachment, ignorance, reversed or blinded perception ★ Associated object and location - a bicycle lock and a chain, a padlock, a trailer hitched to a vehicle, a goat or other animal with horns

Major Arcana - 15. The Devil

۞Upright meaning

what started positively has reversed and now you are seeing a situation for what it is

greed, temptation, and materialism

you are stuck in a situation that isn’t making you happy - you need a change

you are too attached to material things and ignoring your spiritual side

home - living with domineering people; negative people may drain your energy

relationship - difficult relationship(controlling partners, codependent partners); money or property issues keep you tied to the past; not being able to trust your own judgment(blinded by past deceptions)

career and money - bad financial contacts; unsatisfying careers; you should watch carefully for anyone offering you a hand up at this time(do not be tempted by taking the easy road or shortcuts)

health - hidden health issues often of internal organs or silent diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or mental weariness

۞Reversed meaning

time to acknowledge how you may be trapped and to begin to search for the light

the decision you need to make will be easier than you think

a situation is not quite as drastic as your first thought

past experiences have taught you well and you’ve faced the fears that were holding you back


+ 2 of Swords = being stuck

+ 3 of Swords = conflict and betrayal

+ 8 of Swords = restriction

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 16. The tower

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When the Tower shows itself in your reading, consider it as a blessing in disguise

Astrological sign or planet - Uranus

Element - fire

Key meaning - destruction and enlightenment

NO card

♦ Qualities of the card - sudden change, acceleration ★ Associated object and location - lighting, a bright flash or sudden shock, a practical joke, a ruined building

Major Arcana - 16. The Tower

✨Upright meaning

sudden change, inevitable due to forces beyond our control

what you build next can have more foundation

home - abrupt change to your circumstances; a property you hoped to move but does not materialize

relationship - a secret comes to light which may be shocking; intense physical or spiritual attraction; be honest with yourself and your partner

career and money - change; a person in a position of power makes tough decisions

health - clears out all the possibilities for you to heal wrong, leaving only the possibility that the final outcome is that you will be well

✨Reversed meaning

taking responsibility even when you are blameless

you have held on to a career, project, or relationship that is not strong enough to stand the test of time

you should not give in and just start again

opportunity to rest

there is something that you are avoiding


+ 3 of Swords = sorrow and pain

+ 7 of Swords = loss

+ 5 of Cups = loss and upset

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 17. The star

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Lucky you! If the Star card is coming up in your reading then you should feel just a little bit special.

Astrological sign or planet - Aquarius

Element - Air

Key meaning - hope, guidance, inspiration, creativity

YES card

♦ Qualities of the card - vision, hope, a guide ★ Associated object and location - a star in any form, a twinkle of light in a mirror

Major Arcana - 17. The Star

⭐Upright meaning

starting to appreciate everything life had to offer

your efforts are appreciated

your hopes and dreams just might come true

home - inspired to create beauty and style in your home; if you have your eye on a dream home it will come to you

relationship - destined to be with someone; time to find a soul mate; other relationships are calm and harmonious

career and money - money luck; work you do begins to pay off

health - a great time to think about making a positive change in your health

⭐Reversed meaning

giving up too easily on your projects - lack of confidence in your intuition and have low self-esteem

feeling alone just now without the support you need

your dreams seem unattainable


+ 3 of Coins = creativity

+ 9 of Cups = luck and a wish come true

+ Ace of Wands = creativity and inspiration

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1 year ago

Major Arcana - 18. The moon

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Astrological sign or planet - Pisces

Element - Water

Key meaning - illusion, dreams, crisis

NO card

card of duality

something very important is about to surface

something hidden comes to the surface, things are starting to make sense

♦ Qualities of the card - fear, illusion, dreams, the unconscious ★ Associated object and location - an incense-filled room, a piece of silver, a sign saying “dream”

Major Arcana - 18. The Moon

🎇Upright meaning

a crisis of faith and a period of emotional vulnerability

a time of deep emotional conflict

the struggle is private rather than shared

home - second thoughts about a move or home improvement projects

relationship - confusion, and disappointment - someone lets you down

career and money - you may need to protect yourself from other’s negativity; money matters are stable but you want more satisfaction from work

health - issues with mental health(for people that are diagnosed with mental issues such as depression, bipolar)the Moon is a reminder to keep taking your medication

🎇Reversed meaning

your needs are not expressed or recognized

going back to old ways of coping with the past

you can trust your instincts again

making decisions is less difficult because things seem more clear to you now


+ 5 of Coins = insecurity

+ 9 of Swords = anxiety

+ 7 of Cups = fantasy and possibility

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1 year ago

Major arcana - 19. The sun

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Children being born, questions of prosperity are answered, an abundance of wealth and recovery from illness are all implied by this card.

Astrological sign or planet - The Sun

Element - fire

Key meaning - success, good health, and a holiday

YES card

♦ Qualities of the card - expansion, light, success ★ Associated object and location - the sun, a piece of gold, a smiling face

Major Arcana - 19. The Sun

🔆Upright meaning

success, achievements, satisfaction, happiness

if you have a challenging time, every aspect of your life will improve

reunited with an old friend, partner, family member

home - comfortable and secure in your home; children coming into your home

relationship - relationship grows - take a trip to a sunny place to escape every pressure

career and money - success and a position from which you can generate money; monetary gain and growth

health - healthy mind and body in healing as well thriving after illness

🔆Reversed meaning

delay in travel plans but you will enjoy a happy and content period regardless

you are reminded that the sun doesn’t shine every day


+ 4 of Wands = happiness, and freedom

+ Ace of Cups = love and nurturing

+ 6 of Cups = harmony and old friend

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