Male Body Control - Tumblr Posts

The Thanksgiving holiday was always your favorite. Much like the turkey they often ate, people made for great stuffing candidates. For one, they often ate large meals that night, and the fittest among them used the morning after to exercise away coma-inducing meal from the night before. These aspects made for the perfect conditions to make a body far more pliable than normal. “Stuffing a turkey” was not something you did often, nor something you took lightly. Conditions needed to be perfect, mass to account for, compatibility, the works. Of course, this year seemed to be a good year for an upgrade. And you knew just who.
Ryan was a menace at the local gym, often taking pictures of new members just trying to improve their lifestyle to playback later and ridicule with his buddies. He had of course been confronted about it, but so far everything had been unsubstantiated, so the most he’d gotten were the near constant disapproving looks from the other regulars. In other words, his reign of terror remained unpunished. To add to the injustice, the man seemed to thrive off the hate anyway and it didn’t help that his cousin owned the place.
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“What the fuck!?” He screamed at the sight of you in his bathroom as he had just stripped out of his dank gym clothes. From the smell permeating the air, and the weary look in his eye, you could tell he had just come home from a workout. Delicious.
“Your cousin Vinnie let me in, he said to come for a good time.” You stated plainly.
Ryan dropped his duffel to the floor, running towards you until you were pinned up to the wall near his bed by his meaty arms. You couldn’t help but lick your lips in the strength brimming from his sweat-slick biceps.
“I ain’t gay, fa-“
You plant a kiss into his mouth to shut him up, leaving a little piece of yourself burrowing into him.

He caught himself smiling inexplicably. He looked at the trail of saliva from his mouth to your perverse smile and nearly gagged as he backed up to his bed. Raw disgust turned red, as you could only see a boiling, fuming anger beneath his icy blues.
You were unfazed.
“Oh Ryan… of course we are”. You hummed as you began to exert what small control you had in that piece inside him to prevent him from running away. It wasn’t much, and you mostly relied on the shock to keep him in position, but it had been enough.
He looked at you, watching in horror as you liquefied your hands into a slick mass of flesh. You smile in turn.
“I can’t wait stuff you like a turkey… but what’s a turkey without some gravy?”
He began to protest, before quickly closing his eyes in a moan of displeasure, as a small tendril of your flesh began flowing into his piss slit.
You watched as more and more of your pulsating meaty tendrils, slick with your sweat, inched into the thick dick of the man that would become your turkey. Caught halfway between pleasure and revulsion, Ryan gripped his sheets to get his bearings.
“B-bro!” He whined.
“Don’t worry Ry, pretty soon you’ll be thanking me”. You playfully chime back.
It was uniquely violating for the man, feeling writhing flesh burrow into an orifice that normally only let stuff out. He yelped as you hooked your tendril into his body, abruptly stopping your advance. Now came the fun part.
Ryan willed himself still, dick still bound to you and not wanting to disturb his momentary peace. Nervous eyes follow your widening smile as the next set of your fleshy tendrils now ran down the outside of the athlete’s cock.
“Oh f-fufufuuuck” he blurted out in a drawn moan. Like a perverse sleeve, your slimy tendrils encapsulate over his dick, and you made sure to dial up the pleasure by having them vibrate rhythmically.
You catch glimpses of horror in between unbelievable pleasure. Then, another emotion. Shame.
“Oh.. don’t look so guilty Ry, this feels good doesn’t it? What’s so wrong about that?” You tease. You knew his brain was working overtime so trying to fish out a response from the pleasure drunk jock was useless. You continue as if he had protested. “You feel good. To me- over me. I make you feel good, you make me feel good. Ryan, I think we’re a match made in heaven.”
You can tell the titillation reached it’s peak when Ryan’s beautiful blue eyes rolled to the back of his head in a unwanted pleasure while he half-screamed. He slammed his head back and forth onto his pillow, as if each pump was lick an electrical shock. At last, tearful eyes roll back into focus, starting at you before looking away in shame as you felt Ryan’s batter rocket out, pushing the tendril you had inside him out .
Ryan collapsed into his bed, heaving from the experience. You saw him force his satisfied smile down, ashamed by the whole experience. You stroke the side of his face, not caring that a bit of his own juices were basting his cheek.
“Oh Ryan… you’re gonna feel so good once you’re nice and stuff- can you imagine it? Experiencing that kind of pleasure every day?”
As much of a jerk as the guy was, you couldn’t help but love the taste of his seed. It tasted-no, felt potent. Like his concentrated essence had been distilled into his milky white. The slight saltiness, the raw musk. You almost lost yourself in the testosterone oozing from every drop.

You went to work quickly, as Ryan was still reeling from the experience. You began mashing and grinding his seed, the post-workout sweat now coating some of you, your own sweat, and the bit of saliva from earlier into a dangerous concoction. You loved the feeling. Integrating some of Ryan into you like added flavor. It wasn’t the first time you’ve stuffed a turkey, but Ryan was definitely on a league of his own. This was the first time you could finally get into someone like him, and even just the act of meshing the bit of his flavor into yourself was its own pleasure. You took a quick whiff. Heaven.
Ryan finally began to speak again, only managing to let out a “Bro-FUCK” as you completely destabilized into a meaty mass and shot up his other orifice. Ry thrashed as he gripped his ass in pain, slamming against his headboard multiple times as he tried in vain to fight, to leave… to do anything beyond succumbing to you. He hyperventilated as most of your mass was already inside, trying to fight the intense bloating sensation and the persistent need to gag you out. His legs curled and uncurled, kicking into his sheets as he huffed and grunted. You reasoned you may have miscalculated your current size, as from within you could tell, he was too full to even make any words. He cried as his body swallowed nearly every inch of you, passing out when the last bit of you sloshed in and his ass-cheeks puckered shut, sealing you inside. Deep in his flesh, you began to bore into any space that would let you, poking and prodding every inch of Ryan and spreading from his innards to the rest of him like a root.
The hard part was over. Ryan awoke, sore and groggy. Instinctively, he got up from his bed before he froze. That simple action made you moan on the spot, as the parts of you in between his muscle fibers were squeezed, and began squirming, squeezing some of Ryan in turn. Like a sponge, you felt those parts soak him up and vice versa. Ryan must have felt it as well, as he began to walk to the mirror carefully, taking care to move as little as possible. It must have felt violating, hearing your voice emanate from deep within his body, and feeling his limbs grow sluggish, as you felt Ryan moan back “please… please get out of me…”

Like a muscle within a muscle, you flexed, moving Ryan’s limbs against his will and positioning him to the mirror. His lips quivered as he began to smile, and his mouth opened while you spoke out from deep within him. “No can do Ry-“ You force his meaty arms to pat his bloated stomach- a move that forced another involuntary gag out of Ryan. The quick movement brought you pleasure, extracting and absorbing and blurring the lines between your two bodies. His head shook as his tearful eyes stared back, mouth opening again for your next message. “I bet you can feel how permanent this is”.

Ryan’s clumsy hands shook as they brought themselves up to his chest, rotating in circular motions as you took pleasure in spreading his gym-sweat all over his pecs. His eyes focused as he tried to wrangle control back of his bod,y neurons firing as he willed himself into a punch to his cheek. The pain sent you both reeling, and you decided to slip tendrils deeper, pulling on more of Ryan’s muscle fibers.
You also brought the parts of your flesh into his brain, slipping and twisting your folds into his. This particular action brought Ry’s hands involuntarily clutching the sides of his head in pain as he felt you penetrate into his own psyche, and wrap yourself in it. In an instant, all sings of struggle stopped and Ryan’s hands slung down to his side. Ocean blue eyes, shimmering with tears of the previous struggle blinked back, and a deranged smile painted his face. Like the eye of a vast hurricane, there was an eerie stillness to your perfected control. You stretch Ryan’s psyche over your face like a mask.

“Ry… bro… I told ya- no can do” Ryan felt his body state playfully. In speech, mannerisms, Ryan watched in horror as you perfectly mimicked him, save for the shadow of your satisfaction reflected his face. He felt himself stick his tongue out in tease, hands gently caressing each pec before smiling in a demented pleasure. His fingers circled each nipple, causing them to grow hard. In true defilement, Ryan felt his very mind betray him, as your thoughts wore his like a suit. “Ryan, bro… we’re one.” It was sickening feeling his own mind reflect your pleasure. Ryan felt his fingers pinch his hard nipples, laughing in euphoria.
Even from just breathing through him, you could tell this body was in top shape. You towered over the room like a giant, feeling power brimming over ever piece of his musclebound flesh. Ryan’s face pulls uncharacteristically into your smile, eyes fluttering up in pleasure as his meaty bicep is pulled up next to his nose. You stick your nose to his damp pits, reeking from his past workout. In your head, your hear him scream as you use Ryan’s nose to inhale his own scent. He continued wailing when he felt his own brain think out your words, and his own lips and vice gently grunt. “You smell so fucking good bro”.

And then, Ryan felt the unexpected. You remove your face from his psyche, pulling your some of tendrils back into the core of his body and Ryan felt some semblance of control of his body return. Like a true athlete, he immediately took advantage of the opening, firing his neurons, and using sheer musculature to wrestled you for control. You manage to retain only his mouth, opening it wide again to speak from inside him.“ I like it when you fight”. He hears you speak to him and his face shivers as you manage out a wink before he resumes control.
Ryan panted, collapsing again in exhaustion as you slept peacefully inside him, protected by his very flesh. At some point, you’ll have him take all his muscle and mind and wring you out like a sponge, squeezing and squeezing you into himself until you became every aspect of Ryan. And at some point, you might “Ryan” might find and stuff a new turkey. But, this new body was virile, and making him wrestle with his own stuffing for control was its own exquisite pleasure. For now, this stuffed turkey was perfect just the way he was.

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Just a quick post-Thanksgiving bite.
Body a Day 16: Shadow

He was never a vain or arrogant individual. But when the dark extraterrestrial being merged with his shadow, he practically lose control of his own body as the shadow become his puppeteer and forced him to do things the real him wouldn't even bother or think to do, such as exposing himself in public, getting more and more tattoo, rotating sexual partner like a Russian Roulette all week long or even just having a breakfast with only his underwear on in a public hotel. All because the shadow found his innocence and naivety as a former nurse so sweet to be corrupted. When the thing is satisfied, it'll move on and leave him to deal with the side effects of losing his bodily senses after years of being used
Everybody Loves Puppets! (Part 1 of 4)

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“Whoa, dude! What the fuck?” Tyler exclaims quietly as he enters the room, afraid to wake his unconscious nude brother. “Is he asleep?” he whispers to Jeremy.
“Kind of.” Jeremy replies with a sly smile as he crosses the room to Dave’s limp naked body. He gently lays his hand on Dave’s bare thigh.
“Dude, you’re going to wake him up!” Jeremy says clearly nervous about how his older brother would react finding him and his dorky friend in his room while he’s sleeping naked.
“Jeremy, calm down.” Tyler says calmly over his shoulder to his anxious friend. Tyler watches in awe as his best friend rubs his older brother’s sensitive inner thigh. Tyler notices his brother’s plump cock slowly starting to fill with blood. He is so enamored with his unconscious brother’s growing erection that he fails to realize his brother is no longer unconscious.
“Yeah Jeremy, calm down.” Dave says echoing Tyler. Tyler’s eyes lock on to David’s amused glare. He starts laughing uncontrollably, seemingly not bothered by Jeremy’s intimate touching. Dave wraps his firm grip around his own exposed penis and starts pumping his erect cock. “What’s wrong bro? This is what your little queer friend said you wanted? Don’t you want to come over and taste this juicy cock?”
“What are you talking about?!” Tyler replies confused and very suddenly furious at his supposed best friend. “What did you say to him Jeremy?!” he screams accusingly. However, Jeremy doesn’t reply, he just continues to smile his unsettling smile and goes down on his knees, slowly swallowing Dave’s entire 8 inches.
Dave responds in Jeremy’s silence, “Seriously bro, calm down.” He says still laughing like a foolish excited child. “Come here and give your big bro a kiss.” Dave says tempting his brother with his pursed lips as his cock is being deep-throated.
Tyler bites his lip nervously. One of his greatest fantasies is coming true, yet his instincts tell him something is wrong. The most confusing feeling of all is actually his growing envy as he watches his best friend fiendishly devour his brother’s cock. He should be the one who gets to taste his brother’s cum. This was his fantasy! Why should Jeremy be having all of the fun? Tyler slowly makes his way over to his brother’s beautiful plump lips. He steps over his best friend’s legs, Jeremy barely seems to notice, completely distracted with the firm member in his throat.
Tyler leans over the edge of the bed and looks into his brother’s eyes with a deep indescribable longing. He gently touches his hand to the side of his older brother’s face. Then in one of the truest moments of intimacy he has ever experienced, he closed his eyes, and touches his lips to his brother’s eager mouth, giving into the most passionate romantic moment he could have only previously dreamed of. Their tongues dance flawlessly upon each others lips, salty yet sweet. After a moment that felt like a perfect eternity, Tyler pulls back from the kiss gently and opens his eyes.
“Wow…” Dave says, opening his eyes and meeting Tyler’s gaze. “That was intense.” Dave adds, still in shock at the magical moment they just shared.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you something for a while.” Tyler says to his brother in earnest, slightly stuttering. “I… I’m gay. And I love you Dave. Like… romantically.” Dave looks as his brother confused for a moment and then bursts into maniacal laughter.
“Dude you still don’t understand what’s going on?” Dave says through a burst of uncontrollable laughter. Hurt and embarrassed Tyler slowly starts to back away from his brother, suddenly afraid this was all some sort of elaborate prank at his expense. “I’m sorry!” Dave snorts through his laughter. “I just can’t believe you still think I’m Dave?” He says still fully laughing, then suddenly he isn’t.
Dave’s face goes completely blank and his head falls back and lands on his pillow. His whole body goes as still as it had been the moment Tyler had entered the room what feels like a lifetime ago. Standing there staring at his naked brother’s lifeless body it almost feels like the whole experience was a surreal sex dream. That is if it wasn’t for his still very present best friend sitting on the floor continuing the laughter left hanging in the air by Jeremy’s unconscious brother.
“Tyler. I can’t believe you thought your douche bag homophobic brother would let you kiss him on the lips.” Jeremy says through his vivacious laughter. “None the less, let your twinky gay best friend give him a blow job!”
“What the fuck is happening?” Tyler says now standing by the doorway confused and frustrated almost to the point of tears.
“Dude, do you really not remember?” Jeremy responds, finally calming down his laughter now that he sees how much it has affected his friend. “I told you I was learning magic. I found a new book of sex spells. We just talked about this yesterday!”
“So you learned some card tricks? What does that have to do with this?” Tyler replies still visibly upset.
“Not card tricks, you idiot. MAGIC! Like medieval magi stuff! Not street magic.” Jeremy says defiantly. “I put a spell on you brother and turned him into a human puppet. He’s in a comatose state, but anyone who touches him can use him as their ventriloquist dummy. When you confided in me with your incest fantasies, I’ll admit I thought it was a little weird at first, but it also seemed like a perfect opportunity to try my new spell! And look how great it works!”
Jeremy then reaches his hand back over to Dave’s vacant body, grabbing the top of his large masculine foot. Dave’s body immediately fills with life and sits up looking at Tyler. Using his other hand, Jeremy reaches up and clasped Dave’s hand, intertwining his fingers with Dave’s thicker more masculine fingers. They stand up together and approached Tyler.
“Whoa, walking with two bodies at once is kind of difficult.” Jeremy says out of Dave’s mouth using his deeper more impressive voice as they both wobble a little, like two toddlers learning how to walk together. Once they are intimately close to Tyler, Jeremy continues to use Dave’s mouth to speak all of his words:
“Sorry little brother. I didn’t realize how special this was going to be for you.” He says as he reaches both of his unoccupied hands out, one of his own, and one of Dave’s to hold both of Tyler’s hands.
“It’s okay…” Tyler responds starting to brighten again, looking into his brother’s eyes.
“What I should have said to you earlier is that… I love you too.” Dave’s mouth speaks the words sincerely, even though they were not his own. “I also didn’t know how to tell you.” Dave blushes and shyly looks down at the floor. “This definitely was not how I expected it to happen.” Dave’s body says with a nervous giggle, looking back up into Tyler’s eyes.
Then Tyler turns his eyes from the puppet to the puppeteer and in a true act of romance kisses Jeremy on the lips, taking him by surprise in the most spectacular way. Even though this was something Jeremy had experienced mere moments ago, it is different experiencing it through his own original flesh. Then he decides to spice things up, moving Dave’s plump lips into the ongoing tongue wrestle, making it a beautiful sexy incestuous three way make out session.
Tyler and Jeremy start to remove all of their clothes, and right as things really started to heat up they hear a loud gasp of surprise. Cutting their fun short, they turn, looking towards the open doorway that they somehow forgot to close. Standing there stern and disappointed with his arms crossed is Dave and Tyler’s burly father.
Acting quickly before anyone else has time to react, Jeremy chants something in a strange foreign language and in a moment Tyler’s dad is as lifeless as Dave had been moments ago.
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Read Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Everybody Loves Puppets! (Part 2 of 4)

Read Part 1
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Tyler’s dad’s face goes blank and he topples over forward towards the trio. Jeremy, knowing in advance how this would go, uses the combined strength of his own body and Dave’s to catch Mr. Steer and gently lay him face down on the floor where he would have landed.
“Dude, what the fuck!” Tyler responds terrified. And rightly so, it has been a stressful 30 seconds. “What did you just do to my dad?!”
“Don’t worry. He’s fine!” Jeremy says, still fully animating both his own body and Dave’s body.
“I did the same thing that I did to this sexy flesh puppet!” Jeremy says this time through Dave’s mouth, grinning widely displaying Dave’s perfect teeth.
Truth be told Jeremy is pretty content with the current circumstances. His experiment with Dave was fairly selfless, mostly choosing Dave for his best friend’s potential pleasure. Dave isn’t really his type. Now their father, Mr. Steer is more Jeremy’s type. He has always had a secret crush on his best friend’s hyper masculine father. He is like the pinnacle of manliness. How can he not lust after such a perfect representation of masculinity.
To Jeremy’s delight, Tyler also seems excited with the prospects of his father’s new status as a lifeless flesh puppet. He can already see where Tyler’s mind is going before he speaks a single word.
“Can I try him out?” Tyler asks eagerly.
“Yeah of course little bro!” Jeremy says through Dave’s mouth. “Breathe some life back into our old man!”
“Just reach out and touch his skin anywhere you’d like” Jeremy says, using his own mouth this time to speak. “It’s going to be disorienting at first, but take it slow. Try not to do too much at once. Just channel yourself into him, and become him as much as you can. It sort of feels like you’re leaving your body and possessing his. Just leave a bit of yourself in your old body, try not to get lost in the puppet.”
“Okay..” Tyler says psyching himself up.
Reaching out and touching his father’s thick masculine hand. He grips his father’s hand tightly and suddenly feels himself being sucked into what feels like an empty void, but he still feels his knees firmly planted on the floor. He realizes he can feel every inch of both bodies at the same time. Every area of skin, every taste bud, he can suddenly hear and smell things more complexly and most confusing of all he now has two completely independent sets of vision coming from two different sets of eyes.
“Whoa…” Tyler says through both his mouth and his dad’s mouth at the same time.
“I know, it’s crazy right bro!” Jeremy says through Dave’s mouth. Patting Tyler on the shoulder with Dave’s hand.
Tyler is so consumed with his own new sensations that he barely noticed Jeremy’s presence. He turns his father’s body over on its back, and looks deeply into his father’s eyes, experiencing the mind blowing paradox of looking into the mirror of his own eyes with someone else’s body, and yet seeing himself reflected back wearing his father’s face. Giving in to his instincts, he leans down and starts kissing his father’s rough lips. Experiencing the feeling of his father’s salt and pepper beard scratching his face, but also feeling his own tongue enter his new daddy lips. The experience of making out with himself is becoming so erotic and all consuming that he completely loses himself.
Then he slips. But he doesn’t feel the fall. He loses that last bit of himself that was left in his old body and he is suddenly only seeing the world through his father’s eyes. And his sensual kiss instantly becomes very ordinary. But at the same time much worse than ordinary, because he is now kissing his own lifeless body that has collapsed on top of him.
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Read Part 3, Part 4
Everybody Loves Puppets! (Part 4 of 4)

Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
For uncensored images and early access to exclusive stories, check out my Patreon page.
The Dave puppet begins stuffing his thick cock into the Tyler puppet’s mouth, and face fucking him aggressively. Jeremy takes a moment to really pleasure himself. Earlier when he was sucking himself off using his original mouth to pleasure Dave’s cock, he wasn’t really that focused on the blow job. Now he is fully present in the moment, feeling every sensation of Dave’s cock. Every inch of his thick vital member is fully submerged in his best friend’s mouth, which he also has complete control over. A romantic relationship with Tyler was something he had always dreamed about, and now here he is with full possession of his best friend’s body. Yet, not only is it not harming their friendship, this possession is instrumental in their blossoming romance. Jeremy start’s using his Tyler puppet’s youthful hands to pump his Dave puppet’s cock, along with Tyler’s hungry mouth sucking at the tip of his brother Dave’s plump cock head.

Tyler has fully assumed the position, using his thick daddy fingers to spread his old body’s ass crack. He leans his dad’s face into his former cheeks, and starts licking his tight sphincter. While Tyler knows his body is not very sexually experienced, he also knows this is not going to be the first time his ass had been penetrated, So he isn’t very concerned for Jeremy’s sake. He is ready to give Jeremy the ride of his life using his bull like Daddy cock.
Tyler digs his dad’s long tongue into his former ass crack, savoring the flavor of his own ass. The flavor is tangy and new, yet oddly familiar. He slowly starts to work his thick fingers into his birthday suit’s ass crack. As Tyler loosens his former hole, Jeremy moans using both of his mouth’s simultaneously. Tyler relishes knowing that the sensations he is causing in the Tyler puppet are so erotic that Jeremy can’t help expressing his delight using his Dave puppet as well.
Tyler is three thick daddy digits deep in his former ass, and he know that he is more than ready. He spits in the hole one last time, then he lets a huge dribble of saliva drip down onto his meaty parental cock. He is now completely naked basking in the glory of his dad’s body in pure amazement at how surreal it feels to be so strong and masculine. He takes one last moment to lament on the sensation of being his own dad. Then he begins pressing his thick daddy cock into his former ass crack.
Jeremy has his Tyler puppet’s mouth full of his Dave puppet’s cock, so he expresses the extreme pain and pleasure he feels in his Tyler puppet’s ass exclusively using his Dave puppet’s mouth. He moans loudly using Dave’s deep sensual voice. Jeremy begins to revel in the sensation of simultaneously getting his ass fucked by the thick meaty middle aged cock of his lifelong crush, while simultaneously sucking his own cock using his lover’s soft boy mouth. The sensation that he is experiencing is so indescribably sensual, that he can no longer feel the ground under his feet, or the bed under his knees. He is just floating in the pure bliss of his overstimulated senses. He can taste his own precum slowly dripping from his throbbing cock onto his borrowed tongue.
Tyler is also lost in the sensation of fucking his own ass raw. He is so fascinated staring down at his dad’s body. Watching the cock that gave him life pumping in and out of the ass hole that he used to call his own. He is fucking his own ass hard and rough with a cock that he shouldn’t even be allowed to admire, even from a distance. He is his own Daddy and he has never felt more like himself in his entire life. He uses his father's meaty hands to grab onto his former youthful hips as he guides his enormous cock in and out of his tight hole. Fully enthralled in the experience of being daddy, he reaches out to Jeremy’s Dave puppet. Tyler pulls Dave’s face into his own and kisses his former brother, and now son passionately. In between passionate kisses, Jeremy starts squealing with Dave’s mouth,
“Fuck me harder Daddy!” Dave’s body shouts, but it is no longer Dave’s voice. It is somehow Tyler’s former voice. It’s a neat trick that just makes Tyler fuck his former ass even harder. “I love you daddy!” Jeremy throws Tyler's sweet softer voice out of Dave’s mouth. Then he switches back over to Dave’s normal voice.
“Yeah, fuck him Daddy!” the Dave puppet says in his much deeper more masculine Dave voice. Jeremy’s display of control over his puppets is pushing Tyler to the edge and he can’t hold it much longer.
“I’m about to cum in your ass, son!” Tyler shouts in his deep daddy voice.
As Tyler shoots his load into his own ass, Jeremy uses his Tyler puppet to pump Dave’s cock more vigorously, cumming in his own mouth at the same exact time. In the process, Jeremy’s Tyler Puppet shoots its own load on the bed sheets under him from the unbearable over stimulation of his two flesh puppets simultaneously. Jeremy makes his Tyler puppet swallow Dave’s load and the Tyler puppet is now completely filled from both ends with the ejaculate of his father and brother.
All three bodies are heaving large breaths completely exhausted from the intense passionate love making. Tyler lays his large Daddy body down on his brother’s bed, and Jeremy soon joins him with his Tyler puppet and Dave puppet lying on either side of Tyler, as he relaxes in his Dad’s massive body.
“That was spectacular.” Tyler says matter-of-factly, while staring into his former body’s eyes. Tyler is giddy like a teen who just had their first sexual experience.
“Yeah that was amazing. I don’t know if I can ever go back to my old body after this.” Jeremy responds using Tyler’s former mouth.
“Having two orgasms at once is the most amazing sensation I have ever experienced…” Jeremy elaborates using Dave’s mouth.
“Well, You can keep my body as long as I can keep my Dad’s body.” Tyler says looking down at his Dad’s hands again still taking in the power he feels when he looks down at his enormous chest and thick thighs with his perfect member hanging between them still semi erect. “How could I ever give this body back? It’s so amazing. It’s not fair that he gets to feel this every single day.”
“Well I might be able to tweek this spell a bit.” Jeremy explains through Dave. “If I’m clever enough we should be able to give them their lives and bodies back, but whenever we touch them, we take control. That way we can keep moving between puppets without having to worry about them stacking up in my bedroom anymore.”
“Anymore?” Tyler asks quizzically. “I thought this was your first experiment. How many times have you done this before?”
“Well I didn’t want your first time to be disappointing so I had a few test runs.” Jeremy says through his Tyler puppet. “Maybe later we can bring our new puppets over to my house and you can play with some of my other toys.”

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Becoming Daddy (Part 2 of 4)

Read Part 1
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John immediately starts to panic. Zach hadn’t said anything about this. He said his body would be in a dormant state until he was ready to return to it. He looks fearfully at his waking body, he doesn’t really know what to do, but he feels confident that he can handle whatever is happening surrounded by the safety of his dad’s muscular flesh. His body stands up, completely animated, and starts laughing and jokingly thrusting his semi hard cock into his new daddy asshole.
“Oh daddy!” John’s body starts moaning “Daddy, let me service you the way you always wanted. You bred me to be the perfect servant!” John’s body exclaims mockingly through laughs, clearly making fun of he dirty talk that John had spewed earlier during the possession ritual. John now knows exactly what is happening. He uses his dad’s dense muscle to push his old body off of himself, severing the penetrative connection they once had.
“Fuck you Zach! You scared the shit out of me.” John shouts through his dad’s sexy mouth. “I thought my dad had been swapped into my body or some shit, and I was about to have a really awkward conversation.”
“No dude, it’s all good. Your dad is trapped deep down in his body’s subconscious. He has no idea what is going on. I’m glad to see it all worked out though. I was honestly afraid you weren’t going to finish in time and he might literally murder you.” Zach responds nonchalantly, making his way over to John’s discarded clothes and dressing John’s body.
“Is he going to remember what he saw when he woke up for those couple of seconds?” John asks, still clearly concerned as he watches his friend play dress up with his body in front of his dad’s floor length mirror.
“It’s hard to say.” Zach ponders, checking out his new cute ass in the mirror. “If he does, it was brief enough that he’ll probably pass it off as some sort of bizarre sexual nightmare. Most people don't want to believe these things are possible, so their brains will do crazy things to convince them it never happened.”
An expression of relief crosses John’s dad’s handsome face. That seems to be all John needed to hear to start moving. He starts going through his dad’s closet looking for an expensive suit to wear to the meeting.
“So what are you doing in my body, dude? I thought my body was going to be dormant for the time being.” John says slightly confused about his friend’s choices, assuming this was just a strange joke.
“I just figured you shouldn’t get to have all the fun. I’ve been craving a costume change for a while now, and long term possessions are difficult to achieve, as you now know first hand. ” Zach says as he fixes John’s hair in the mirror. “Sure I sometimes take the occasional guy from grinder for a spin for a few days here or there, but It’s much more fun to possess someone you know really well. I mean you did the possession ritual on your own dad. That is a fucking ballsy move!” Zach says, still kind of shocked that he was able to convince his friend to do it. “Why shouldn’t I get a chance to hang out in my best friend’s skin. Think of all the time we’ll get to spend together over the next few days now that we live under the same roof.”
“Days..?” John says, clearly unsettled. He had expected to hop into his dad’s body, use him to get himself out of trouble at school, then go home and swap back. He never expected this to go on for more than a few hours. He starts to feel very claustrophobic. It feels as if he’s locked in a coffin made of flesh and muscle and his friend just took away the key.
“Dude calm down.” Zach says, moving closer and grabbing onto his friend’s new meaty daddy hand. “This is going to be a lot of fun. Just wait and see. You can go back to your body whenever you want, but I implore you, you have to stay for at least two full days in someone else's body. It’s so amazing to wake up and completely become someone else. You get lost in their routine. Besides, I’ll be here the whole time.” Zach slowly moves his free hand over to his new daddy’s cock and starts to rub the monster seductively. “We can even do some more role play Daddy. This time you can be the man of the house, and I can be your perfect servant.” Zach smiles sensually, seeing the anxiety in his friend’s borrowed face begin to melt away.
“Okay, but you can’t get too wild and crazy in my body. I know how you are when you hop inside your grinder trick’s for a joy ride.” John says, jokingly shaming his friend for his sexual escapades. “You have to respect my body, and I will give your crazy body stealing way of life a try.”
“Oh of course daddy!” Zach says, clearly excited, and having way too much fun playing his exaggeratedly twinky version of John. “My heart belongs to daddy, I could never let another man defile my pristine butt hole. This body was after all bred specifically for daddy’s pleasure.” Zach says getting closer and closer to John’s rough masculine lips and giving them a soft kiss with a little bit of tongue.
“Alright son, lets go clean up the mess you and your delinquent friend made.” John says, getting into character as his stern imposing father. “And don’t think there won’t be consequences for your actions when we get back home. You can’t even imagine what punishments I have in store for you tonight.” John finishes, slapping his giant meaty hand onto his former body’s delicate perky ass. He can tell he caused a little more pain than he had intended, not knowing his own strength yet, but Zach seemed to enjoy it anyway.
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Read Part 3
Becoming Daddy (Part 4 of 4)

Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Then John starts to remember what Zach has taught him about possession. Zach’s typical possession strategy doesn’t even require human contact, if he focuses hard enough he might be able to emulate Zach’s powers.
John closes his eyes are focuses hard on his father’s body, trying to imagine projecting himself into his father’s body. It’s easy to imagine considering he was just in there moments ago. He starts small, and just thinks about the fingers in his mouth. He sucks on his dad’s thick fingers caressing them gently with his tongue. As he focuses on the shape of them he starts to get a mental image of them as his own fingers, and starts thinking about them as such.
He concentrates as hard as he can, just focusing on moving his fingers, after a few minutes he begins to lose hope, but then suddenly, he feels it. His dad’s fingers twitch in his mouth. At first he thinks his dad is waking up. But there is no farther movement throughout his dad’s body. So he tries again, focusing on moving his dad’s fingers. And once again his dad’s fingers wiggled in his mouth.
“YEESSTH!” John slurs excitedly, still impaired by the giant meaty dad fingers stuffed in his mouth. He focuses harder, gaining a stronger sense of control over his dad’s whole arm. He slowly removes his dad’s fingers from his mouth, feeling as if he is removing his own fingers from his mouth. His dad’s hand is starting to feel like an extension of himself. John begins spreading that feeling slowly throughout his dad’s entire body and uses his dad’s muscular arms to lift his dad’s upper half off of his restricted body, slowly relieving himself from his prison.
He now feels fully in control of his dad’s body, and he is getting used to feeling the sensation of having an extra body attached to his regular body. His dad’s cock is still firmly planted in his own asshole, but instead of removing it, he decides to continue exploring his new found power. He turns both of his bodies over at the same time, getting his dad into a sitting position on the edge of the bed. He is now sitting on his own dad’s lap, still being penetrated by his dad’s semi hard cock.
“Wow. this feels insane.” John says out loud to himself. He looks back over his shoulder to see his dad’s face. His dad’s eyes are still completely closed as if he is still asleep. However, he can feel his dad’s face, also as an extension of his own face. He focuses very hard on opening his dad’s eyes. They twitch open unevenly revealing two unfocused eyes slightly rolling up into the back of his dad’s head. He can feel them and move them, but it is very difficult to focus his dad’s eyes on anything since he cannot quite figure out how to see through them. He eventually gives up and lets his father’s eyes relax in a state of half openness. Then he makes his dad smile a goofy drunken smile and give a dumb chuckle.
John starts to realize he is having more fun using his father’s body as a lifeless meat puppet, than he had actually pretending to be his father. He redirects his focus to his father’s giant muscular arms and thick meaty hands. He starts to use them to caress his own twinky body, rubbing his dad’s rough hands all over his young smooth skin. He is starting to get the hang of controlling four hands all at the same time.
John moves his left hand down between his legs and pressed on his taint, then he uses his dad’s strong right hand to stroke his body’s perfect cock. He then uses his own right hand to twist one of his nipples, and he once again stuffs the fingers of his dad’s left hand into his mouth, and sucks on his dad’s beautiful thick fingers as if they are a juicy cock. He continues to massage his body all over with his four masterfully controlled hands. Stroking harder and harder with his dad’s right hand while twisting his own nipples and roughly plunging his dad’s calloused fingers down his throat.
John becomes so excited from all of the physical stimulation that he very quickly busts a nut, spewing his creamy cum all over his father’s thick manly fingers. He takes a brief moment to relax, cradled in his father’s strong arms. He uses his dad’s giant hands to scoop up the rest of the cum and he twists his head around to watch his father as he make his dad lick his cum off of his fingers. John laughs out loud at the sight, drunk with the power he has over the Goliath of a man he used to be so afraid of. He watches as his sleeping father stupidly slurps his sons creamy load off his thick manly fingers, making sure to swallow every last drop.
John then lies his father down on the bed behind them, and slowly removes himself from his dad’s cock which he almost forgot had been impaling him this whole time. He expects this removal of physical contact to break the control he feels over his father’s body, but as he stands there staring down at his dad he realized that nothing has changed. He can still feel every inch of his dad’s body and move it as he pleases. He makes his dad lean up one last time as he gives his father a final kiss on the lips.
“I’ll play with you again soon dad. Try not to miss me too much.” John says in jest to his father’s sleeping body. John then hurries off to his room to get his phone so he can tell his friend Zach about his new found powers.
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Dental Assistance (Part 1 of 2)

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Tom stares at the man’s back from outside the room. He knows that the man’s name is Adam from the name tag stuck to his blue gingham dress shirt. He is young, Maybe 28 years old. He focuses hard chanting in his head.
“Transfer my soul into this vessel,
Let me not have to wrestle.
Make it easy, make it fine.
Let his body become mine.”
He keeps his intentions focused on the man as much as he can. The country club is busy tonight, so people are occasionally walking past and break Tom’s line of sight, disrupting his concentration. He keeps chanting mentally.
“Transfer my soul into this vessel…” as he chants he notices the man next to his target. He is also handsomely dressed, eating his dinner and silently watching the presentation about dental adhesive. Tom keeps his intentions focused on Adam. “...Let me not have to wrestle…” Tom can feel himself becoming light headed. “...Make it easy…” his vision starts to blur. “...make it fine…” Through his blurry vision he sees the handsome man pat Adam’s shoulder and laugh. “...Let his body become MINE!”
Tom focuses all of his attention like a magnifying glass focuses the sunlight, and he knows that he hit his target. He suddenly feels himself fly through the air. Everything is still blurry and confusing. Tom feels over stimulated and disoriented. He looks down and is excited to see a body that is not his own. The problem is he is now looking down at two bodies that are not his own. He stares down at his two sets of hands.
His brain begins to hurt from the excessive input of information. He begins to recognize the sleeves of Adam’s blue gingham shirt framing one of his sets of hands. He focuses his energy, clenching his pale beautifully manicured hands into fists. He is slowly starting to compartmentalize his individual movements.
His other pair of arms feels longer and more muscular. The body he took as an accidental casualty of his possession seems to be taller than he is used to. His hands are much larger and more masculine than Adam’s are. His finger tips are square and his fists feel more powerful. He is also older than Adam, possibly in his mid thirties. Tom is struck by the sensation of controlling two possessed bodies at the same time. He never imagined this would be possible when he found that possession spell online. He never really expected it to work at all.

Tom turns his two heads towards each other and gives himself a cheeky grin with his two new handsome faces. His accidental victim is not quite as handsome as his initial target, but his frame is much larger and more masculine. He’s not certainly not upset about the situation, who doesn’t love a buy one get one free deal?
Tom suddenly remembers he is surrounded by people he doesn’t know and he’s now sitting in a presentation focused on selling dental adhesive to dentists. He has become not one, but two of the dentists in the room. Fortunately no one else is aware of his unusual behavior because they are all focused on the waiter that just fainted right outside of the room. The waiter in question is of course the waiter that Tom had hitched a ride in this morning to sneak into this country club. His original intention was to look for the wealthiest daddy and get a bit of take home cash tonight, but he couldn’t resist throwing caution to the wind, and slipping into Adam’s tight ass.

Other wait staff crowd around the unconscious server to make sure he is okay. Tom isn’t bothered of course. He has used this spell many times in the past, and he knows his victims are always back to normal a few minutes after his exit, no matter how long his stay in their body has been.
The speaker quickly wraps up his presentation, clearly he is distracted by the fainting waiter. Tom uses Adam’s perfect fingers to adjust his growing erection. He then reached Adam’s hands over to his new friend’s cock as well to rub his other growing erection discreetly. He looks over at his other bodies name tag to learn his second name. It says “ALEX” crudely written in all capital letters.
Tom leans Alex’s face over to his Adam puppet and once his plump straight dude lips are right next to Adam’s ear, he whispers, “You can get a much better feel later, babe.” and he lightly licks the inside of Adam’s ear with his new tongue. Tom basks in the sensation of licking the inside of his own ear. Fortunately the room is still a bit dark from the PowerPoint presentation and no one seems to notice Tom’s unusual behavior.
Everyone gives the presenter a final applause and begins standing up and saying their professional goodbyes. Tom takes a moment to parade his new bodies around the room, saying a quick goodbye to a few people who seem interested in talking to these commandeered bodies. Then he quickly slips out of the room and walks his two bodies hand in hand to the parking lot.
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Read Part 2
Dental Assistance (Part 2 of 2)

Read Part 1
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Tom reaches all four of his hands into his pockets and searches for some car keys. He finds Adam’s keys first, and he presses the lock button repeatedly until a car in the distance gives a single honk. Tom keeps walking both of his bodies towards the sound.
He puts his Adam puppet in the driver’s seat since this is technically Adam’s car, and he climbs his Alex puppet into the passenger seat. Once the doors are closed and locked Tom finally has the privacy he longs for. He’s as excited as a kid in a candy store. He has always enjoyed the first exploration of his new body, but now he gets to explore his new body in a whole new way. It’s like exploring a new lovers body, but that new lover is also completely under your control. He is drunk with the power that he feels over these two people who he doesn’t even know. And now he is going to know them more intimately than anyone has ever known them, as he has literally become them.
Tom smiles with Adam’s face, baring all of his beautiful white teeth for Alex’s viewing. Of course these dentists have perfect teeth. Tom uses Alex’s hands to reach over and pull Adam’s face in for a passionate kiss. He slowly slides Adam’s hands down to Alex’s cock and he starts unzipping Alex’s pants. Tom slowly works Adam’s face down Alex’s body, and begins swallowing his cock. Tom lets himself be fully immersed in the feeling of sucking his own cock. He instantly starts to get the hang of what Alex’s cock enjoys. It’s like masturbating, except you have the bonus of using someone else's mouth as the perfect sex toy, automatically knowing the perfect rhythm and the perfect amount of pressure. Every sensation is exactly what he needs it to be.
It’s no surprise that within moments Alex is on the edge. Tom tries to hold back his load, but the pressure is building and he needs release.
“I’m going to cum in your mouth, you fucking slut!” Tom screams out of Alex’s mouth with an aggression that even surprises himself. It must be all the pent up testosterone in his more masculine body. He cums hard down Adam’s throat, and Tom makes Adam swallow it all hungrily.
After a brief rest Tom pulls Adam’s mouth off of Alex’s cock, and he realizes something strange. He can no longer feel Alex’s body, at all. He turns to look at his Alex puppet and notices that he is no longer in control of Alex. His Alex puppet is just sitting there with it’s eyes closed and mouth hanging wide open. Alex’s face is still holding the expression of excited bliss that Tom left there moments ago. Tom must have somehow lost control in the excitement of the orgasm. He decides not to waste whatever precious time he may have left. He still has another erect cock to pleasure.
Tom reaches over with Adam’s hand and grabs Alex’s limp, yet stronger and more masculine hand. He pulls out Adam’s cock and wraps Alex’s sleeping hand around it. Tom begins to pump Adam’s beautiful 8 inch cock with his hand tightly holding Alex’s dormant hand. Tom continues pumping faster and faster, with the help of his unconscious friend. The intensity of his pumping is becoming faster and more intense. Tom begins to notice the muscles in Alex’s hand contracting on their own, and he soon realizes Alex is beginning to wake up, the real Alex this time. Tom watches Alex, as Adam’s cock gets closer and closer to climax.
Suddenly, Alex becomes aware of what’s happening. He looks over to see Adam using his sleeping hand to pump his cock.
“WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!?” Alex screams, and right at that moment Tom busts Adam’s nut all over both his and Alex’s hands. The cum shoots so hard that it hits the ceiling of the car. The orgasm is so overwhelming that everything begins to blur again. The last thing Tom sees is Alex’s horrified face as he pieces together what just happened.
Suddenly Tom is back in his own body. He is in his own house, lying in his own bed. This is exactly where he left his body this morning when he looked out the window, and transferred his consciousness into his hot 19 year old neighbor, who works part time as a waiter at the local country club.
“Well, none of that went according to plan.” Tom mused to himself alone in his dark room. “Maybe I’ll try again tomorrow.”
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