Mane 6 - Tumblr Posts
Crossovers Questionaveis
Meus desenhos antigos de 2018 eram BEM aleatórios, tipo... MUITO MESMO.
Eu tinha visto uma animação no YouTube chamada "Rampaging", que era uma animação bem famosa de TouHou, só que com personagens de Undertale. Aí eu olhei para aquela animação e pensei:
Foi aí que nasceu essa lindeza:

Já essa outra folha é infelizmente a última que eu achei dos meus desenhos antigos, não sei o que aconteceu com eles, mas se eu soubesse, eu ia saber qual era o contexto dessa... coisa:

Sem contar que o texto ta terrível. Então...
Twilight: Vcs vão ficar aí!
Cuphead: Vcs vão ver só!
Boris: Aff sua chata!
Rainbow Dash: Fala sério, Twilight!
Fluttershy: Não acredito!
Bendy: Seus idiotas...
I admit that I could have done better at these. I was in the mood to do some mane 6 children
Specifically Fluttershy x Twilight Sparkle, Rarity x Applejack and Rainbow Dash x Pinkie Pie

Mmmmm, juicy colours though
I redesigned the mane 6 (no, it's not too late for that lol)

Rarity ended up being my favourite of these (but Twilight is my favourite usually)
Twilight is the token straight lmao

"dear princess celestia, I put my friends through divine judgement again so I can observe them like lab rats. Safe to say I'm an expert on the matter of friendship. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle"

is it just me or did this happen a lot
(this doesn't have anything to do with punkitt but this doodle style is inspired by her horsecomix so @punkitt-is-here hi)
should i do a mlp mane 6 redesign?? i keep seeing them and i'm lowkey back into the show (watching the series on yt) and it seems fun
(i say like i don't already have owed art i need to catch up on lol)

Girl who never watched MLP redesigns Mane6 - AsDrawnByGinger
My sister's favorite little one

(I’ll post drawings from other accounts in the future, maybe even two per day)
its 2:20 in the morning i had a vision

i drew my species swapped mane six again <3
rainbow dash in a jar but if she was in a pretty potion bottle

It's a period piece~

thought i’d also post all of them in one post too!!! i’m so happy w how they turned out :3 they’ve been. dogified:3

My mlp st1ckerz finally came! (๑>◡<๑) theyz so cuteee!!! Theze are fr0m Al1exprezz! ٩(^‿^)۶

Mane 6 - sharpycharot

made a bunch of mane 6 +Yeah! reaction things since everyone on twt is using these in light of the new update :') feel free to use em if you'd like!

all of my mane 6 redesigns r done finally :D!!
mlp cool
So in an ask one duder mentioned mlp cast as mobians so I thought it'be funny to try

Mind: I'm not much of an mlp fan, so i'm sorry if like uhhhh I didn't get it all that right
Btw, luvs, I have a twitter where I usually Sonic-unrelated stuff, would be gratetful if you checked it <33

I’m not a brony but these look amazing