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4 years ago

Look, I know I’m a small fish in a very large pond, but I’m gonna piggyback off of my betters here and just agree with all that stuff up above. Stop shaming people for their ships. Ship and let ship. It’s not hard. Don’t go into other ships’ tags and be assholes to people. That makes you a troll and a bully. It’s fine to have squicks or even hard nos when it comes to shipping. It’s not okay to attack other people for liking something you don’t. Stop it. There are real people behind these screens. You’re hurting real people when you call them disgusting for reading fiction. 

It’s not up to you to decide whether or not it’s okay for someone else to find something enjoyable if they’re not hurting anyone else. You don’t know the whys behind someone shipping a particular thing or enjoying reading a certain trope or kink. Maybe it’s their way of processing and/or coping with trauma. Maybe they find the dynamics interesting. Perhaps they just like it. No particular reason why. It doesn’t matter. They don’t have to justify their ships, same way you don’t have to justify yours. The difference is they’re not going into your tags, your posts, your fics, or your art and leaving hateful remarks. 

Isn’t there enough hate out in the real world? Why are we bringing it into fandom, too? Hell, the HP fandom in particular already has enough battles to fight with a transphobic creator and quite a few problematic issues in canon, including but not limited to: racism, homophobia, misogyny, and glorified slavery. So please, think before you type. Don’t like? Don’t read. Realize the difference between fiction and reality, and understand that shipping something does not equate to automatically endorsing it in the real world.

And in closing, if you disagree feel free to unfollow me, block me, whatever. I won’t miss antis, and I’m not interested in arguing with haters. One would think we in fandom would know better than this. That having to often justify our love of fandom to begin with, we might be just a bit more compassionate to each other. It’s always disappointing to see ship hate or shaming going on, and it makes me tired. We need to do better, folks. Be kind to each other. It matters, and it can make all the difference in the world.

Look. I don’t usually take part into complicated fandom conversations. I don’t like the drama, I don’t like the hate and asks that come after one does and I don’t feel comfortable with people taking my words and twisting them into meaning I didn’t mean (it has happened before). BUT.

I cannot stay silent anymore. I just can’t. I just saw someone in the fandom that I appreciated and admired for their talent shaming people for what they ship and…. lately it’s happening so fucking often.

I’ll take this opportunity to make a general statement: if you shame people for what they ship, unfollow me. I’m a Harry/Teddy shipper, Draco/Teddy shipper, hell I also ship Harry/Teddy/Draco as a threesome, I’ve read and loved The Evil Devil Child and the Perfect Gift by who_la_hoop which has double incest, both Draco/Scorpius and Harry/Albus Severus and enjoyed it a big deal.

I get it’s not for everyone. That’s valid and everyone has the right to ship and like whoever they want to. But just as you have the right not to like these ships, me and everyone else has the right to like them. WE DO KNOW that they’re not real people, shipping them doesn’t mean we would be incestuous in real life OR that we’re evil.

That’s what had pained me when I got that anon hate about me liking Harry/Teddy: that they said I’m disgusting. How can you throw a personal insult, a personal judgement on me based on what, a fandom ship I like reading and writing about?!

I’m finally taking a position, and writing a post about it, because I’m DEAD SICK of the vibes going around lately in fandom. About how we’re ready to judge and shame people for the ships they like or the kinks they have or like reading about.

God knows how much I suffered because I like Daddy kink as well. People are so ready to judge.

Can we understand, for once, that this is a fictional place? That we’re here to evade reality for a moment, to give a chance to our imagination to run free, to feel free for once?




And for the love of God, if you’re antis or have a problem with what I’m saying, UNFOLLOW me.

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