Maria Gorey - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago



Please, check this animatic/animation out, pls. It's very good and it made me feel a lot of in just 2 minutes.

Nelskhi, we don't know each other, but you did an amazing job and pls keep doing whatever makes you happy. I want to make an animatic about TGAA, and you're now my role model, sorry😁

I Made An Animatic!!! It Was Inspired By Another Tgaa Animatic I Saw Using The Same Song, Hope You Enjoy!
I Made An Animatic!!! It Was Inspired By Another Tgaa Animatic I Saw Using The Same Song, Hope You Enjoy!
I Made An Animatic!!! It Was Inspired By Another Tgaa Animatic I Saw Using The Same Song, Hope You Enjoy!
I Made An Animatic!!! It Was Inspired By Another Tgaa Animatic I Saw Using The Same Song, Hope You Enjoy!
I Made An Animatic!!! It Was Inspired By Another Tgaa Animatic I Saw Using The Same Song, Hope You Enjoy!
I Made An Animatic!!! It Was Inspired By Another Tgaa Animatic I Saw Using The Same Song, Hope You Enjoy!

I made an animatic!!! It was inspired by another tgaa animatic I saw using the same song, hope you enjoy! You can also view it on youtube (link below

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8 months ago

God I love these shenanigans Barok is holding on to those three with the child leashes

A 2-panel comic in black & white with all shading down via hatching.

Panel 1: Barok stands in the bottom left foreground, glancing back over his shoulder.  He says, "Lestrade, Gorey. Asogi and I will open a path for you two to escape. Go to the nearest police box for help. And whatever happens, do not let them get their hands on that evidence." Behind him, Gina and Maria stand back-to-back.  Gina holds her smoke grenade launcher while Maria holds a bundle of evidence close to her chest.  On either side of them stand two thugs with knives and scarves/bandanas covering the lower halves of their faces. Both thugs are smirking.

Panel 2: Same posing as previous panel. Maria says, "Okay, but can I cut them open after you're done with them? I want to compare their livers." Barok's eyes have gone wide in shock while Gina glances back at Maria flatly. Both thugs have gone from smirking to wide-eyed terror.
2-panel comic described below.

Panel 1: Barok and Kazuma can be seen from behind in the foreground, glancing back at Maria (who is off-panel). Barok is squinting in utter bafflement while Kazuma only looks mildly curious at Maria's question.  Standing in the mid-ground before Barok and Kazuma are two thugs, covering their faces similar to the thugs on the first page. Both thugs are staring off-panel at Maria with wide, terrified eyes.

Panel 2: Same posing as previous panel. Still utterly baffled, Barok says, "No????? Because they'll still be alive???"  The thugs have switched to staring wide-eyed at Barok. Kazuma stares back at Maria (who is still off-panel) with raised brows as she frustratedly asks, "The answer is still 'no' even if they attack us first?"
2-panel comic.

Panel 1: A mid-shot of Gina and Maria standing back-to-back. Gina is still holding her smoke grenade launcher and scowls as she says, "I'm with 'Ria on this one. If they attack us first, she should get to do a bit of autopsy as a treat." Maria holds the bundle of evidence close to her chest with her left hand. In her right, she has pulled out a scalpel. One of the thugs from the first two panels can be seen to the right of the panel, still staring at Maria in wide-eyed terror.

Panel 2: A mid-shot of Barok and Kazuma standing back-to-back. Kazuma says, "Considering we are under attack, I bet I could successfully argue a plea of 'justified self-defense' in court." Barok massages the bridge of his nose with his right hand, brow furrowed angrily as he says, "Vivisection does not count as 'justified self-defense.' I cannot believe I have to tell you that." The two thugs from their earlier panels are still staring at them with wide eyes. The thug closer to Kazuma has moved further to the right of the panel as if inching away from this confrontation.
2-panel comic.

Panel 1: The thug that was close to Barok raises his free hand and says, "Uh...Is it too late for us to make a tactical retreat and pretend this little incident never happened?" Barok just stares at him in frustrated silence, right hand raised in front of his face from where he was massaging the bridge of his nose last panel. Behind him, Kazuma also faces the thug with a scowl. The thug closest to Kazuma is most off-panel, trying to slip away.

Panel 2: Same posing as before. Barok says, "You have ten seconds to remove yourself from this scene. And if you are still within my eyesight after, I will not be held responsible for what happens to you." The first thug says, "Duly noted."

TGAA 2 Spoilers

Wherein Maria Gorey is highly effective at preventing random attacks on the street.

The next time I decide I want to do hatching for all the shading, someone reach through their computer screen and smack me. XD

Image description in the ALT text.

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11 months ago
Need A Victorian Goth Tgirl Asmr Coroner Who Can Dissect Me Like A Frog Rn

need a victorian goth tgirl asmr coroner who can dissect me like a frog rn ❗❗

it was supposed to be a redraw of this 👇 pic from 2020 but they don't look too similar. damn. can you imagine at that point there even wasn't an official localisation and i watched dai gyakuten saiban on yt with fan subtitles

Need A Victorian Goth Tgirl Asmr Coroner Who Can Dissect Me Like A Frog Rn

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