Marty Mcfly X Emmett Brown - Tumblr Posts

Young Doc's conclusion.
Happy everytime when I see them together. And there now... Interesting young Emmett conclusion about both of them!
Clara: No woman will take my sweet Emmett away from me.
*Marty in the background*
Marty: Hi!
"My sweet π r²"

No. Marty is a pretty short boy, so Emmett lifted him up when kiss get more deeper.
Yeah. This is not me?
Not me, imagining Marty being in an alternate universe where he "accidentally" tries to get attention by making a mess only to encounter Citizen Brown, and with a mischievous smile, lots of ideas to throw him off balance, which would make him angry enough for Marty to enjoy.
He would see Emmett, he would remind him of his passions, he would save him from toxic relationship with Edna and would take him to the end of the universe, just to be noticed by him, to spend time with him, to love him. That he would always be his beloved.
✨heartbreaking mammett boys✨
st. bernard ~ lincoln
I love this duo. Need more moments to took. More of Mammett.

There is a hug with extremely happiness. I would to find more things like that with Mammett.

"You will be forever my Doc."

“She changed something. I wasn't sure what it was at the beginning, but now I know... Clara didn't destroy our friendship, but something more. However, my jealousy and anger have also harmed you, my Doc. The present has been repaired in the past and I would like it to remain that way, my beloved Doc."

Now, we see who is on top. I think I need to write and create art where Marty take control during their intimate time.

*Young Emmett and Edna talking with each other in the distance*
Marty: *jealously* I'm gonna to destroy this whole marriage.
They always care for each other.

Roman Philosopher and his twink student in Ancient Rome:

I would love to see only them on third part 3 cover of the movie and being happy to look at this duo every time I can reach for physical copy, like in part 2. Only them. Without Clara.
"You need to be punished, my boy"

Citizen Brown has said this so many times, but Marty still won't listen. He has had to start trying other measures. Marty isn't as keen on showing that he loves it, but his reactions speak for himself.
I love stopping something in proper moment

They should be canon

Lorraine: Then your daddy must be so cool!
Marty: Exactly!
The problem was that Lorraine didn't know exactly what "daddy" meant to Marty. And Marty didn't want to explain it because he knew he wasn't in the right times for it to be considered this as "fine".
I can't write them all, but I came back to Back to the Future from more than 2 months after 7-8 years of break? Maybe they are not THAT twisted, but fandom probably will hate me for sure.
Marty McFly x Emmett L. Brown. (As friends too, but I prefer more than friends)
Marty McFly x Leech
Trixie Trotter (Sylvia Miskin McFly) x Edna Strickland
From yesterday: Matches x Arthur McFly
Long time ago I also found interesting to ship from Silent Hill: Mary Sunderland Shepherd x Maria
Put your most problematic/unconventional/bizarre ships in a reblog or reply and tell me why you like/ship it! This is a proship safe zone, so go nuts!*
*The only thing not allowed is Real Person Ships (so no Markiplier x Jacksepticeye) cuz at that point it's not just fiction imo.