Telltale Games - Tumblr Posts

Ben and Arvo from The Walking Dead games

Based on Set it Off's song,Wolf in sheep's clothing.

I did Bruce but with watercolor

► H O U S E F O R R E S T E R

«You have been left alone The creature of innocence You lie for what you're worth And struggle with your confidence»

«Your brother Ethan didn't know his place, either. Ramsay Snow taught him good. Talia here will meet the s a m e end ».
— I asked Ethan not to change who he was. He promised he wouldn't. And look what happened. I now know that was childish of me. I'm ready to c h a n g e now.

Created probably six or five years ago. Then, I was using a 3D render program named keyshot, not knowing about many useful functions

One of my old renders that I deleted from tumblr because I felt embarrassed xD
If I hadn't searched google photos, I wouldn't have found a lot of old pics from my old phones.
I'm going to do more since I've been back to this ship. It's been long time.
I fixed some things in models now (but not too much) and I have more outfits from the game for Oswald, so I'm going to use them for many ideas which I wrote last time.
Sorry for the title. I had no idea for it and the first and this old one was named: Company men. Idk why xD

Young Doc's conclusion.
Happy everytime when I see them together. And there now... Interesting young Emmett conclusion about both of them!
"My sweet π r²"

No. Marty is a pretty short boy, so Emmett lifted him up when kiss get more deeper.

Lorraine: Then your daddy must be so cool!
Marty: Exactly!
The problem was that Lorraine didn't know exactly what "daddy" meant to Marty. And Marty didn't want to explain it because he knew he wasn't in the right times for it to be considered this as "fine".
A telltale decision game with the same vibe as life is strange
It's littlest pet shop.


Fiona the con from Tales from the Borderlands
With the walking dead on its last season, I knew it was going to be hard. But waking up and seeing that Telltale is gone and we may never see the end of the walking dead, or any of their projects, just makes me feel lost. The walking dead has been a huge part of my life, and so has telltale. Their stories and characters made me who I am and losing that is horrible. I dont know what to do anymore. It feels like theres an empty hole in my heart that once had light, but now its out.
Personally, I think the ending for the final season was great. After playing every episode of every season I always felt like I'm missing something, and I just feel sad, and burt into tears when I think of the game. But now I just feel oddly calm. I still feel a little sad about not being able to see what becomes of the group, but I'm happy that I got to experience all of this. Thanks telltale

Aside from Paul Chadwick's Concrete, I strongly feel that this comic series is ripe for adaptation.
I just started re-reading my favorite and, in my opinion, the BEST graphic novel of all time, Jeff Smith's "Bone".
Anybody remember it? If you do and you have read it, you may be wondering why they never did anything with that series (like, it just stopped at comics and two video games). Well, they've tried three separate times to make it into a TV show or a movie.
First, Nickelodeon wanted to make a huge movie out of Bone...and then it got dropped.
And then Warner Bros. wanted to make a trilogy of movies. They wrote up all the scripts...and then it got dropped.
And then Netflix wanted to make a TV series out of Bone...and then it got canceled in 2022.
The first two story arcs (out of nine) were adapted into an adventure game series by Telltale Games in 2005 and 2006. As of now, it's the closest we will ever get to an animated Bone TV series or movie. When is Bone gonna get its justice? Somebody come save Bone...
The works of Jeff Smith are very near and dear to my heart. When it comes to fantasy comics, this guy is one of my personal favorite writers/artists, and the world he created and the stories he crafted are, without a doubt, one of my all-time favorites.

I forgot to post this one oops. Anyways here are the buddies <33

*chanting* GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE lmao I haven’t even played this game but this was really fun to do soo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯