Mary Mother Of Jesus - Tumblr Posts
Hello everyone, thanks to @allfearstofallto 's tag earlier I felt challenged and needed to prove myself as a filthy Diluc fucker. Also the idea smacked me in the face while driving home from work so ENJOY!!!
(^∇^)ノ♪ MDNI AS ALWAYS!! \(๑╹◡╹๑)ノ♬

Imagine begging, pleading with Diluc to be completely unshaven the next time you're intimate together. He's unsure why you would ask him to do such a thing but the moment you've got his entire cock in your mouth, nose buried deep in the wild crimson curls that decorate his pubic mound, inhaling sharply as you take in the deep musky smell of him. You're already forcing yourself to breathe through your nose to the very best of your ability to suppress your gag reflex as much as you can and the feeling of your warm breath fanning against his hair and skin makes every muscle below his navel quickly become taut as a bowstring.
You may be breathing but he can't seem to remember how.
As suddenly as you pull away from him, a gulp of air inflates his lungs. You pull back enough to press a chaste kiss to his flaming red tip before taking him down your throat again, making sure to look up at him as you swallow around him. And oh how delicious he looks, all splayed out, wild carmine locks spread across the pillow, thick forearm drape across his eyes, mouth wide open as he pants and lets out the most beautiful groans and cut-off, broken whimpers. Grinning around him you set to work. Lapping at his shaft, trailing your wet tongue up and down, feeling him tighten up even further as you trace every single bump and vein beneath his milky skin. Mischief soon rushes through your veins as you trail your tongue down to his balls before gently taking one in your mouth. The sensation electrifies his spinal column and makes one of his knees pop up next to your head. A wicked grin crosses your lips as you wrap your arm under his leg, caressing the tense muscles of his thigh, enjoying the coarse feeling of his leg hair ticklish under your fingertips. You press a kiss to the base of his throbbing cock before pushing your nose into the tightened space between his testicles, firm though gentle as you press the tip of your tongue into his taint. His hips jolt forward as if to escape the startling sensation but you know better. You know it's his desperate attempt at feeling the pleasure all the way through to his tip.
You eased your way back up so that you could wrap your lips around his shaft once more. Diluc tried to straighten his leg out again but you doubled down, holding his powerful leg in the crook of your elbow. He wasn't getting off that easily. Once you were back in position your pace was relentless, hot wet mouth sliding up and down your tongue working around however much of him was in your mouth at the given moment. The deep gutteral groans and growls coming from the young man beneath you were probably similar to those he lets out as he wields his claymore to protect your home. But right now all those powerful muscles flexed and relaxed with his quickly impending orgasm. Hell he thought about fucking your face but it was all for naught. You were there the one fucking your face his his heft cock. As you noticed one of his hands gently tangle in your hair and his breathing become more irregular, he did his best to warn you.
"Cl-Close.... Fuck... So close...."
The precious way the ever powerful Diluc, the uncrowned king of Mondstadt himself, spoke in such gentle broken tones before letting out the softest whimper as you took him all the way down your throat sent waves of pleasure through your own body. It wasn't long before he was shallowly thrusting himself past your lips, cumming so hard his body trembled and his eyes filled with stars the same moment your mouth was filled with his familiarly bitter taste.
His chest heaved up and down, sweat causing his bangs to stick to his forehead and the mix of sweat, saliva and cum matting his pubic hair to his groan was quite possibly the best reward you'd ever received for working so hard. You made sure he watched as you swallowed every drop of the cum he'd so kindly gifted to you. You let his raised leg finally relax against the soft cotton sheets of your shared bed before pressing a gentle kiss to his inner thigh that made him flinch in slight overstimulation.
He looks down at you, finally starting to catch his breath before waving you close. You happily crawled upwards, nuzzling your face into his broad chest before finally giving him a proper kiss. He'd spoil you just as thouroughly in a minute, he simply needed a moment to catch his breath.

Is There Really a Virgin Birth?
By Bible Researcher Eli Kittim 🎓
The Hebrew word “almah” means “young woman,” but the Septuagint translated it as “virgin” (ἡ παρθένος). Since the New Testament writers usually quote from the Greek Septuagint rather than from the Hebrew Bible, Matthew 1.23 follows suit and uses the word “virgin” (παρθένος) in quoting Isaiah 7.14:
So, that’s how we got the word “virgin” in our New Testament. Henceforth, Marian theology emerges. From here begins Mariolatry, the worship of Mary as a Goddess, otherwise known as the “Theotokos” (God-bearer) in the Greek Orthodox Church. And although it is true that Luke praises Mary for being chosen as the mother of God, in time, however, Mary’s status is elevated, so much so that she becomes almost the fourth person of the Trinity, as the dogmas of Mary gradually become intertwined with doctrines of the faith with regard to redemption, intercession, and grace. Christian Mariology became an integral part of the Catholic church as the faithful began to pray to Mary for intercession and help, such as praying the rosary or glorifying Mary as part of their daily prayer. She became like a Goddess. Of course, there is no Biblical support for these Marian dogmas, prayers, devotions, and exultations.
If that’s not enough, the Catholic church then went on to devise the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, the idea that Mary was like a divine being who was born without sin. This Catholic dogma was created in 1854, declaring that Mary was conceived free from original sin, which was then followed by the doctrine regarding the Assumption of Mary, the notion that Mary was taken up or raptured into heaven like Elijah. The dogma is unclear as to whether Mary died or not, only that she was taken up into heaven, perhaps imitating the ascension of Jesus.
The earliest writings of Christianity are Paul’s letters, written between 48-60 AD. Paul does not mention the nativity (the birth of Jesus), or the magi, or the star of Bethlehem, or the massacre of the innocents, or the flight to Egypt, or the virgin birth! These embellishments come much later (between 70-100 AD) with the writings of the gospels, and even then the virgin birth is only recorded in Matthew and Luke. So, it appears that Paul doesn’t know anything about a virgin birth. Otherwise, he would have told us about it!
The Greek term παρθένος can be masculine or feminine. The definite article (“the”), which precedes it, tells us the gender, whether it is male (o/ho) or female (eta/η). At any rate, the point of the Septuagint’s translation, regarding the Messianic birth, is to show that the male child (cf. Rev. 12.5) is special. He is holy: a virgin, so to speak. He is monogenēs (“the only one"; cf. Heb. 11:17-19). That’s what the Bible is trying to depict. Not that he simply appeared out of nowhere, defying the laws of nature. His birth is natural. But he himself is more than human (cf. Isa. 9.6). That’s the point! The reason Joseph is depicted as Jesus’ nonbiological father has nothing to do with biology and everything to do with THEOLOGY! The gospels are theological narratives which are trying to show that Jesus is not simply a descendant of Adam, but of God. That’s the reasoning behind the theology of the virgin birth! So, the so-called “virgin birth” has been blown out of proportion to the point that even Muslims are talking about a literal, miraculous virgin birth. This is utter nonsense. In his book “miracles,” CS Lewis says that God never breaks the laws of nature; he only transcends them. That’s why Paul tells us nothing about the virgin birth. That’s also why Galatians 4.4 doesn’t say that Jesus is *born* of a virgin but rather “of a woman” (ἐκ γυναικός). Yes, Jesus is God and he certainly has the power to do miracles. But his birth doesn’t break the laws of nature. He is born naturally, like every other human being!
Hebrews 2.17:
For this reason he [Jesus] had to be made
like them, fully human in every way.
All girls these days know how to do is be lesbian, obsess over niche medieval theology, hyperfixate on Mary Mother of God and yearn.

A sketch of Mary of Nazareth that I saw based on a picture of a little statue I saw of her on here but with my own little design of her. I'll need to get around to my watercolor paints with this one soon.

I remember seeing a small statue of Mary here some.months ago & wanted to interpret it may own way. She's still one of the go-to biblical figures I love to draw again & again.

I remember seeing a small statue of Mary here some.months ago & wanted to interpret it may own way. She's still one of the go-to biblical figures I love to draw again & again.

I remember seeing a small statue of Mary here some.months ago & wanted to interpret it may own way. She's still one of the go-to biblical figures I love to draw again & again.