Genshin Diluc - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

hehe fem/diluk from my au

Hehe Fem/diluk From My Au
Hehe Fem/diluk From My Au

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3 years ago

I’d imaging that when he realizes that he attracts Pyro users, he’s going to find the closet Archon (not the Pyro Archon) to ask if they know why he attracts pyros so much. Also, What if he was oblivious to it for years and is still the first person to notice? Not even the Pyro users notice they are around Kaeya so often.

What about things like Pyro Slimes, Pyroslingers, etc.? How does their behavior differ when around Kaeya?

Any ideas for an au where Kaeya is not only a trouble magnet but also Pyro Bait? As in he attracts Pyro users and Pyro aligned beings like catnip.

You are a freaking genius. . . 😳🥺

How would he even first discover this? Because Klee is clingy? Amber keeps acting suspiciously around him and comes up with dumb reasons as to why she keeps coming back? Because Bennett doesn't even try to hide it and always gives him warm hugs?

Because Diluc (despite his words) keeps coming back and showing up wherever he is? He's probably the only one - besides Amber - who actively tries to resist the pull.

When he goes to Liyue and Xiangling, Xinyan and Hu Tao follow him around?

Maybe he realizes it whenever he's in trouble and it's always a Pyro wielder who bails him out?

When the Pyro Archon - in all her tiny loli glory - attaches herself to him too?

It would be funny to see when it finally dawns on him that he is a Pyro magnet on top of already being a trouble magnet. Now all of the Pyro users and enemies (Slimes, Hilichurls, Pyro Regisvine, etc.) being drawn to him makes a whole lot more sense. 

He would drop his head into his hands and just groans loudly. I bet he'd even come to the realization in Angel's Share when he's half sloshed and thinking back over the past month.

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6 months ago
Some Of My Genshin Favorites (drawn In 2022, I Guess)
Some Of My Genshin Favorites (drawn In 2022, I Guess)
Some Of My Genshin Favorites (drawn In 2022, I Guess)

Some of my genshin favorites (drawn in 2022, I guess…)

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2 years ago
Diluc Is The Only One Of All Genshin Male Characters Who Has A Special Place In My Heart
Diluc Is The Only One Of All Genshin Male Characters Who Has A Special Place In My Heart

Diluc is the only one of all Genshin male characters who has a special place in my heart <3

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2 years ago

>хэдканоны по геншину #2<

Как они реагируют, когда ты даришь им цветы.

Персонажи: Дилюк, Розария, Райдэн, Синьора


• Дилюк - приверженец традиционных взглядов на отношения. Он считает, что дарить цветы должен только мужчина - и, откровенно говоря, он просто уверен, что ты выглядишь прекраснее всего в этом мире, стоя с букетом в руках и сияющим взглядом.

• Однако спустя некоторое время Дилюк внезапно обнаруживает цветы на подоконнике вашей комнаты. Он твердо уверен, что и пальцем не касался аккуратно собранного букета, перевязанного алой лентой, и потому в его сознании начинают усиленно крутиться шестерёнки. Кто мог подарить тебе цветы? Ваши отношения теперь под чьим-то прицелом? Вдруг этот тайный поклонник представляет для тебя опасность?

• Тихонько войдя в комнату, ты обнаруживаешь Дилюка, сосредоточенно рассматривающего букет. Лисья улыбка скользит по твоим губам, когда ты приобнимаешь его со спины, и Рагнвиндр вздрагивает от неожиданности.

• "Дорогая, кажется, у тебя появился тайный поклонник". Ты тихонько смеёшься, пока Дилюк с искреннем недоумением смотрит на тебя через плечо. "Этот букет предназначался тебе". "То есть... это мой тайный поклонник?" "Настолько тайный, что стоит прямо за твоей спиной".

• Осознание снисходит на Дилюка буквально сразу же, и он, развернув тебя к себе лицом, крепко, но аккуратно заключает тебя в объятия.

• "Ты заставила меня волноваться, дорогая. Я не привык к такому проявлению чувств, но, признаться, эти цветы действительно очень красивые".


• Ты сильно сомневалась, что Розарии нравится хоть что-то кроме вина и прогуливания служб в церкви. Тем не менее, в последнее время ты слишком часто видела её более мрачной, чем обычно, и решила порадовать её чем-то вроде небольшого букета; ведь цветы - универсальный подарок, верно?

• Ветряные астры оказались самой простой частью приключения; за парочкой сесилий тебе пришлось подниматься на гору, укрываясь от ветра, а при попытке сорвать самую красивую лилию калла ты едва не упала в воду. Но в конечном итоге все мучения стоили того: к середине дня у тебя в руках был готовый душистый букетик.

• Ты знала, что в это время наверняка найдешь Розарию за собором. Она скучающе набрасывала на листовке "Доли Ангелов" план зачистки лагерей хиличурлов, когда внезапно почувствовала сильный цветочный аромат. Обернувшись, она столкнулась с тобой лицом к лицу. Правда, сначала она решила, что едва не уронила ходячую цветочную клумбу, и только потом заметила за бутонами тебя.

• "Я не знаю, что у тебя случилось, но ты выглядела расстроенной, поэтому я решила... я р-решила..." Взгляд сестры церкви был холоден настолько, что подготовленные слова сразу улетучились. Однако спустя пару мгновений на лице Розарии расцвела слабая улыбка.

• "Я не слишком люблю цветы, но мне приятно, что ты проявила ко мне заботу. У тебя доброе сердце".


• Яэ Мико когда-то выдала тебе совершенно секретную информацию (безусловно, она имела свою цену): её Архонту нравится трава наку.

• Ты не была удивлена этому факту; в конце концов, цветок был слишком похож на саму Райдэн - как пурпурные листья защищают хрупкий бутон, так и её марионетка хранит внутри себя целое сознание. Изящество линий, мягкий лиловый тон и лёгкое ощущение электричества на пальцах сильно напоминали тебе об Эи.

• Тебе пришлось бродить под храмом Наруками, вокруг тревожно гудящего горна Микагэ и даже уговорить лодочника отправиться с тобой на Сэйрай. Изрядно вымотавшись, ты всё-таки собрала пышный букет, с которым уверенно отправилась в Тэнсюкаку - только для того, чтобы прямо перед входными дверьми тебя остановила стража.

• "Её Превосходительство занята, мы не можем впустить даже вас". После всех пережитых за этот день треволнений ты не могла вот так просто отказаться от своей затеи. Памятуя, что в это время Эи обычно медитирует на террасе рядом с резиденцией, ты аккуратно проскользнула мимо стражи прямиком туда - но та оказалась совершенно пуста.

• "Вместо того, чтобы пробираться сюда как какой-нибудь шпион Фатуи..." Вздрогнув, ты резко обернулась. "...ты могла бы подождать всего пару минут, пока я отчитываю

охрану за то, что они не впустили тебя сюда".

• Райдэн улыбнулась, вытянув руки в приглашении к объятиям. Но вместо тебя в её ладонях тут же оказался пахнущий громом и молниями букет. Эи застыла на месте, с удивлением касаясь пальцами каждого цветка.

• "Это... так неожиданно. У людей цветы выражают привязанность, верно? Значит, мне стоит ответить тебе тем же".


• Пожалуй, подарить цветы грозной Предвестнице могла додуматься только ты. Найти что-то в дикой природе Снежной, засыпанной сугробами выше твоего роста, не представлялось возможным, поэтому, вздохнув, ты отправилась на местный рынок.

• Цены на букеты в это время года были совершенно заоблачными, почти неподъемными для рядовой сотрудницы Фатуи, но твоя решимость пылала ярче самих пиро Глаз Бога, подогреваемая азартом сумасбродства этой идеи.

• Набрав в букет диковинок со всего Тейвата и отдав за него почти всю свою зарплату, ты отправилась к казармам, где Розалина привычно отдавала распоряжения новичкам. Дождавшись, пока она отпустит последнего несчастного, выслушавшего поток претензий в свой адрес, ты тихонько подошла к Предвестнице.

• "Прошу простить меня за дерзость, но я уверена, что этот букет подчеркнёт ваш и без того прекрасный образ". Улыбка не сходила с твоего лица, но внутри ты дрожала - от холода или от волнения? Впрочем, ты уже была готова к тому, что после усмешки Синьоры твой букет тут же окажется в ближайшем сугробе. "Какая неприкрытая лесть. И неужели ты ничего не попросишь взамен?" "Это от чистого сердца".

• Пальцы в бархатных перчатках коснулись твоих ладоней, забирая букет. Розалина бегло осмотрела цветы, и тебе показалось, что её взгляд на мгновение смягчился.

• "Похоже, твоё сердце и вправду... слишком чистое. Спасибо тебе".

> #2
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1 year ago
For Dawn To Come, There Must Be Those Who Dare To Pierce The Darkness With Their Light.

For dawn to come, there must be those who dare to pierce the darkness with their light.

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10 months ago
My Dearest

my dearest

just imagine how they dance to the "once upon a december"

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6 months ago


diluc x fem reader

synopsis: diluc and reader have three daughters, reader is implied to be on the more extroverted side, a little bit of a study on diluc, kind of dialogue heavy, comfort for both reader and diluc, kisses, feminine petnames, domestic sweetness ♡ self ship coded :3 SFW but minors dni

there’s a telltale silence in the Dawn Winery when Diluc returns home. a different kind altogether, than the silence that followed him through the empty halls of his home save for the staff who moved about the mansion silently while Diluc worked away in his office by a single flickering candle.

this silence is the sound of slumbering babes, and his maids all working hushed, but diligently in the kitchen to whip up a batch of soft baked sunsettia cookies when those who sleep finally wake. to have with tea and milk of course.

he’s learned long ago to let his boots not fall heavy footed onto the floor, for nights that he would creep into his bedroom after the Darknight Hero was finished with his nightly round up. so when he approaches the bedroom door down the hall from his, the door now painted with soft pink roses and dreamy yellow stars, he knows to open it quietly and efficiently, to reveal the afternoon sun barely concealed by soft curtains to cast the smallest amount of light into the otherwise dark room where three little red heads are curled onto one twin sized bed, instead of the eldest in her own bed, and the youngest in her crib.

it’s a sweet pile of limbs, of stuffed bunnies and dolls, long lashes rested against cherub cheeks that makes Diluc’s heart melt at the sight. it never will get old to him, seeing his daughters all safe in their beds, well loved.

you bring your finger to your lips, a soft hush falling from them when your husband steps a little too close to the girls, his now ungloved hand reaching out to pull a blanket up higher on their shoulders. he pauses and glances at you, a soft chuckle in his throat at the sight of you wrapped in a knit blanket, your knees drawn up while you lounge in one of the reading chairs in the corner of the bedroom, the book in your hand open and turned upside down on the drawing table beside you. your hand reaches out for him, the wedding ring glittering on your finger as Diluc takes hold of your delicate hand, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. he then silently drops to his knees, and you giggle behind your hand when he groans at the way his knees pop when he descends, and presses his face against your chest for a hug with a deeply contented sigh. your familiar touch comes to his scalp as you begin to rake your nails across his bright red hair and you kiss his forehead.

“how long have they been asleep?” Diluc murmurs quietly, his breath against your hammering heart, this man you have been devoted to for over a decade still making your heart race like when you were a younger girl.

“mm…about half an hour.” you reply quietly, your husband taking the hand in his hair by grasping your wrist and bringing it to his lips where he kisses at your open palm.

“i see, shall i leave then?” he blinks at you with his deep red hues, knowing the girls need to sleep longer and he doesn’t want to risk waking them up. Diluc needs a trim, his hair is covering his pretty eyes a little too much, you make a note to remind him later.

“no darling, please stay.” you coo, and your husband on his knees and pressed to your chest leans up to kiss your soft mouth, a proper greeting for his loving wife.

“alright then, hold on.” he promises, lifting himself up from the ground and you watch as he quietly searches around the darkened room to find a stool - one he crafted for his middle daughter who requested she have one for when she sits at her desk to put on her play jewelry ‘just like mama’.

he pulls the stool up in front of you and takes your hand, and leans in closely, his knees bumping yours. he looks at you knowingly.

“now, are you going to tell me what’s on your mind?” Diluc questions, his broad frame obscuring your vision and his hair in its ponytail falling over one of his shoulders. your eyes widen for a second and then you sigh, slightly slumping in your seat.

“how could you tell?” you chew your lip, bringing your fist up to your chin.

“i know my wife, i like to think i pay her proper attention.” the red head muses, “and when i got home you weren’t there to greet me. i know when the girls nap you tend to be in the sitting room with your book. so that fact you were hiding was my first clue.” he raises an eyebrow at you, not accusatory, but in concern. Diluc’s hands rest on your knees and squeezes. you sigh again and he licks his lips.

“just was thinking.” you pout.

“about?” he pushes gently. you shift in the chair, unable to run from the gaze of your husband.

“im… not too much for you am i? even after all these years? i know i can be rather talkative, and im not….you know im not this strong and silent type, the way you are. am i annoying? im sure of it…” you begin to yammer on under your breath, and then two rough hands grip your face and a kiss is placed on your lips. he breathes into you and your eyes glisten, when had you started crying?

“Mrs. Ragnvindr. what brought all of this on?” he questions with his mouth still brushing against yours, wondering if someone had planted this ludicrous idea in the mind of his beloved.

“like i said. thinking. or rather overthinking…” you mumble, a quiet sniffle when your husband wipes under your eye with the pad of his thumb.

“ah.” he replies. you swallow down a pang of uncertainty.

Diluc looks into your eyes, his favorite color he determined, once he began to fall in love with you. when you had met him, he had been in an incredibly dark place. he still wrestles with his past, only now -

“i need you more than you realize, you know.” Diluc professes, his fingers brushing across your hot cheek. over the years his touch has grown more and more tender, but never lacks in its intensity, in his bodies natural pull to you.

“i didn’t know i needed you either, someone who has a smile that lights up all of Mondstadt. someone with a kindness so tender it threatened to chase away the hidden hurts in me - it did in fact. someone who can make me, of all people, laugh - but can turn around and embrace me with quiet loving arms.”

your hand covers your mouth and you sob quietly into your palm. Diluc leans over and rests his forehead against your shoulder, feeling your body tremble. admittedly, he still wonders how he caught your attention, with the solemn look on his face and the shadow hanging over his heart anytime you greeted him.

“one of the first things Adeleinde said after you and began to spend more time together, is that i was smiling more. and….singing.” he admits, turning his head to kiss your neck.

“you already know this, but i used to sing on our rides with the knights through the whispering woods, or whistle at the very least. and then i never did again after what happened with my father.” he remembers, exhaling through his nose.

“but the point is that you brought the song back to me, meine frau.” he whispers. a shudder running over his body. he really loves you.

“i love you dearly, surely you know this?” he looks up at you, his lips brushing yours. you nod slowly, eyes fluttering shut when he kisses you again.

Diluc flames liken to the sun in the way that it burns and consumes with swift judgment, but you’re the sun in the way that it warms and permits growth. he’s drawn to you and you to him, flames in different ways but still so similar.

“Diluc i-“ you begin, but your husband sits up straight and takes your hand, opening his vest and placing your hand over the plush of his chest.

“it beats for you, and you alone.” he says with gentle resolve.

Diluc really, truly loves you, and all that you are, and all that you have helped him to be. he aches for you and that ache still perseveres even after all these years.

“whatever, or whoever made you think that your bright and warm heart, that your gentle and loving soul that brought out the best in me in my dark days and still does, well i will tell you that they do not know me at all.” he continues, the breeze from the slightly open window curls in, sweeping a gentle embrace across your bodies.

“nor do they know you, do you really think so small of yourself my love?” you shake your head, another fat tear running down your cheek and falling onto your lap.

“you are strong. you are…smart, brave, beautiful, full of joy. you are the person who understands my very being and will sit in happy silence with me but will also make me chase you out in the vineyards. and i am the luckiest man in Teyvat to call you mine.”

“are you sure?” you say in a small voice, and Diluc smiles and presses a delicate kiss to your forehead.

“i have never been more sure of anything. just look at a good example of the proof of our love.” he kisses the shiny diamond on your ring finger and then glances behind him where your babies all continue to slumber.

Diluc knows he is well loved, too.

“i ask you, my darling, to not doubt yourself any longer. if anything, i am more than unworthy of you. someone who was shrouded in pain and darkness, finding love with someone such as you. you are more dear to me than you will ever know.” you hiccup and your husbands lips turn up with the softest smile.

“oh Diluc, you were never unworthy. ever, please don’t say such things. im so…proud to be your wife.” you whimper under your breath, hands cupping his face and gazing into eyes that now have crinkles gathered at the corners from all the smiles you have brought him. Diluc in that moment thinks on how much his father would have loved you. he has almost always thought that, ever since he first met you in fact.

the love that Diluc concealed was always there, a man of integrity and deep courage, has always also been kind and gentle. he is forever grateful that you showed him those things were still within him.

you both push forward and kiss each other deeply, soft and passionate breaths exchanged between two lovers who on the surface might look or even sound different in temperament - but down deeper you find two hurting and longing souls who found each other. one grounds her and reminds her of her worth within the stillness. the other shows him he can fly and sing and dream again, and he is on a healing journey with her hand in his always.

his heart was once his greatest foe, and now you carry his heart in your heart.

“papa?” a tiny voice calls, laden with sleep still. Diluc breaks the kiss, and you both smile at each other through now drying tears.

you were made for each other, and as he turns to scoop up his eldest who pads across the room with a stuffed bunny in her arms as she rubs her eyes, you stand to pull open the curtains a little further to allow the sunshine in.

♡reblogs and feedback greatly appreciated!!

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Oh look, What I have so far for my Cataclysm and pre-canon Mondstadt plot points for my ATWIAWL AU!


After defeating Durin, Celestia summons Barbatos to assassinate the Khaenri’an heir, to which Barbatos very reluctantly cooperates with, that is until they get there and discover a baby Kaeya.

Seeing his smile, Barbatos cannot bring themself to kill the baby and attempts to smuggle him away from the Cataclysm, but they are discovered by Morax and the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles.

Before all of this, Dainsleif was exiled (for reasons I haven’t really decided yet) from Khaenri’ah but came back during the Cataclysm hoping to save the people, but bumps into Barbatos. Dainsleif is tense at first until Barbatos hands Kaeya over to him and tells him that he must run before the Sustainer arrives.

The Sustainer then proceeds to arrive and Barbatos buys the two time as Dainsleif and Kaeya flee into the Abyss. However, Barbatos quickly loses the fight.

An offence like this would normally lead to the offender’s execution, however, the Sustainer is unable to kill Barbatos without severe consequences (all relating to Istaroth), but leaving them to their own devices is just as equally dangerous, so instead, the Heavenly Principles seal them away.

She still tells all the other archons that they killed Barbatos to dissuade them from also rebelling.

Before they’re able to seal them away, however, Barbatos transfers their powers over to the Thousand Winds, blessing them with power rivalling that of Liyue’s adepti so that after the deed is done and the Sustainer sets out to attack Mondstadt, the Wind Wisps are able to fight her off, sending her into a deep slumber after the Cataclysm weakened her.


After they were blessed by Barbatos, the Wind Wisps essentially became divine protectors of Mondstadt, similar to the Four Winds and Liyue’s adepti. They’re also able to have human forms, identifiable by their white hair and anemo-coloured tips and eyes. They mostly stay in Mondstadt but are also known to live in other nations alongside people they decide to stick to.

Before they were sealed away, Barbatos was able to remove their soul and put it into the form of a Wind Wisp not too dissimilar from the rest of the Thousand Winds. Since their identity as Venti was compromised, Barbatos decided to craft a new identity under the name of Nye and use it to secretly remain in Teyvat.

The fact that Barbatos disguised as Nye is still around is a secret only the Thousand Winds are privy to, because if Celestia were to ever hear of Nye’s true identity, they could potentially awaken prematurely, and that is the last thing anyone wants.

Because they’re around, Venti is able to heal Dvalin of Durin’s poison, but because I’m also a sucker for the gay dragons, close to the present events of the game, Durin gets reincarnated into the most reckless being in all of Teyvat. Initially, Dvalin lets him be out of a sense of guilt from killing his past self, but then Durin (whose name might not be Durin anymore) gets himself in a sticky situation and Dvalin has to appear in his human form in order to get him out of that situation. Afterwards, Dvalin decides to stick around with Durin to ensure that he doesn’t get himself almost killed again.

In his human form, Dvalin has a fake anemo vision and I can imagine him either being a bow user or a catalyst user.

I like to think that Durin would have a cryo vision. I can imagine his weapon either being a claymore or a physical catalyst like Heizou or Wriothesley.

During the Ursa the Drake crisis, the presence of the wisps are able to save Crepus’ life. I haven’t decided yet if present-day Diluc still has the same personality he had before his father died in canon, or if he’s still grumpy. Another fic that inspired me was “A Bard’s Ambition” by OG_CaleHenituse where even though Venti saved Crepus’ life, it wasn’t without people thinking he had died when he went missing which still results in Diluc’s fallout with the knights.

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1 year ago
"...and The Verdict Is..."

"...and the verdict is..."

Got Diluc on the standard banner recently and now I’m saving up to get his skin.

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2 years ago


Part 2

Warnings: mentions of death, traveller almost dies, so does Paimon, foul language, violence, weird monsters not from Teyvat??

Notes: hahahah exams *dies*

Here part 1

Hello there
Part 1 Warnings: Massive character death (you and Crepus die), angst, Diluc and Kaeya fight, their backstory, more angst with a sprinkle of

Summary: You die stopping your brothers form fighting, but somehow live? You lose all memory of them tho and get transported to another relam. And then you meet four years later.

Four years later…

Location: Dawn Winery, Mondstadt

Time: 1:00 am.

Footsteps echoed in the dark halls. They belonged to none other than the Darknight hero. Why was he up so late though? God knows. The walking continues. Everybody is asleep except him, who just came back from his usual abyssal creature hunting. He still keeps walking…until he stops when his eyes land on a room at the end of the hall. A room that had been locked for the past four years. He forcefully tore his eyes away from that room. He’s already tired and doesn’t need the reminder of a tragedy.


Time: 8:23 am

Location: The Adventures Guild, Mondstadt City

“Ad Astra Abyssosque! Traveler, just the person who I was looking for!” Katheryne greeted them with a warm smile.

“Let Paimon guess…another super duper dangerous commission that needs the traveller’s help huh?” The floating fairy huffed and crossed her arms. Her guess was true though because that’s what has been happening for the past few times. The traveller merely gave a curious expression.“What is it about?” they asked.

“I’m glad you asked, this is a major commission and no other adventures, no matter how experienced, could not complete it. In fact, they are yet to be back.” Katheryne gave a sad expression.

“W-what do you mean “yet to be back”?! Did they get lost or something? Did they-“ Paimon gasped at the thought.

“Paimon, calm down it can’t be that bad, right?” the traveler tried to calm the panicking pixie but also fell into doubt. What is it this time?

“The condition of the adventures is unknown. We lost all contact with them and can’t tell wether they are dead or alive. It’s like they disappeared from the face of Teyvat.”

“EEEK! THATS SCARY AAHHH NOPE NOPE-“ Paimon shrieked and hid behind the traveler.

“Paimon we literally did fight god on a daily basis come on it can’t be that bad. Say Katheryne, what is this commission anyways?” the traveler asked. They were curious. Who knows? Maybe disappearing people could be some abyss problem. And where there is abyss, there is sibling. There is a small chance.

“Yes ahem, There has been suspicious activity going on in the thousand winds temple. The most we know is that there has been a giant pit with no end and that whoever falls in it never returns. A few abyss mages have also been spotted at this site. Other info…”Katheryne filled them with the details while traveler and Paimon got the worse déjà vú. They just came back from their adventure from the chasm. What’s with this place and cursed pits?!

But they did catch a glimpse of their sibling in that chasm…and there were abyss mages there so this is definitely their doing. Who knows, maybe they’ll find something else that’s useful on their quest to find their sibling.

“…is all I can fill you with regarding this commission. Do you wish to acce-“

“I accept this commission.” The traveler said. They were determined and confident that this will help them.


“I knew I could count on you! Ad Astra Abyssosque traveler, good luck!” Katheryne gleefully wished them.

“STOP CUTTING PAIMON OFF!” Paimon angrily stomped her foot on air.

“Don’t worry Pai, it can’t be that bad!”


Time: ???

Location: ???

It was really bad.

Why did they even accept this commission? Traveler and Paimon wonder as they are injured, surrounded and outnumbered by creatures they can’t even begin to describe.

They look like humans but horribly mutated. Some were giants with heads too large for their bodies. Some were small but had oversized or undersized limbs. Some had no limbs. Some were missing a whole half of their bodies. Some were just parts of bodies. All of them had one thing in common though, one ugly white eye on random parts of their “bodies”.

How did they even end up in this hell of Teyvat?


Time: 10:14 am

Location: Thousand Winds Temple

“I think this is the site of commission. Look there’s the cursed pit!”

The traveler and Paimon arrived where Katheryne had directed them to. Funnily enough there were no abyss mages or any monsters in sight there. It was oddly peaceful. The sun was shining, there were no clouds, the animals were scurrying around looking for food! It made them feel at ease.

“Huh, looks like an ordinary pit to Paimon, except it seems to be really really deep. Wonder what caused this..” Paimon and traveler stopped at the edge of the pit. True, it seemed ordinary with zero magical traces around it. The only problem was that it’s diameter was unsettlingly large, large enough to drop Azdaha in it. How did this even appear here in the first place? They were thinking of the possibilities until….

Everything went black.







Traveler jumped awake. What happened?!?

“Traveler thank archons you are awake!” Paimon cried and hugged them. She was trembling and and seemed terrified. Traveler hugged them and rubbed her back to soothe her. They looked around. Where are they…?

It seemed to be the thousand winds temple but disturbing. Very disturbing. The sky was red. The sun or what seemed to be it was covered by a large black object whose darkness was oozing around the sky like veins. It only provided a dim source of red light. Looking at the ground and surroundings. The ruins were even more broken. There were thick black vines everywhere. The trees were dry and completely covered by such vines. No animals or signs of life nearby.

“Paimon…w-where are we..?” Traveler managed to gasp out as they stared in horror. Was this some sort of dream? The pain in their whole body said otherwise.

“P-paimon doesn’t know! The l-last thing Paimon s-saw before b-b-blacking out was us f-falling!” Paimon said between her tears. Now a pit formed in traveler’s stomach. Did they fall in that pit…?

That can’t be good…they need to get out of he-

A figure interrupted traveler’s thoughts. Someone was there. Someone was approaching them in the temple. They felt hope. Maybe this person can answer their questions! Their hope however, was quickly turned into horror when the figure came close enough to be properly observed.

And when observed, it was anything but human.


No matter how many times they hacked and slashed at these creatures, no damage was done. They kept healing. Some cut off parts multiplied into new creatures. Elemental power wasn’t working at all.

The traveler and Paimon were hopeless and on the verge of death.


Some where at a distance…

A group of 5 stared at the commotion by the traveler.

“Looks like we got new faces here. And they don’t seem to be welcomed properly.” A voice from the group spoke.

“I sure can see that. Jeez they sure are putting up a fight.” A second voice huffed.

“Are we gonna help them or leave them as zombie food?” A third voice asked.

“Of course we have to! Can’t you see the condition they are in?!? It will be a shame if that cute little pixie dies!” A fourth voice shrieked out.

“Well we are still full on supplies. Y’all up?” ….the fifth voice spoke.

“Fuck yeah!”

“Let’s do this!”

“Don’t worry little pixie!”



Traveler fell to their knees. They were too broken to fight. Paimon helplessly clung onto their head, crying and shouting something they couldn’t hear. It was no use…the monsters kept coming and coming. Maybe this is how they die, huh? There was nobody to save th-


A large explosion just happened, clearing a massive amount of the monsters swarming them! From the smoke, five silhouettes appeared. They didn’t have time to react as the silhouettes quickly jumped to battle. They were effectively taking down those monsters like they were slimes.

One of them was moving so fast it appeared as if they teleported ambushed the enemies. Another, used a large cannon to shoot large masses of energy and blew the monsters into pieces. Third, used a a sharp whip, whose strike cut the creatures into shreds. The fourth one, they were some sort of toxic gas making enemies drop dead. Lastly the fifth one attacked bombs.

Soon the all monsters were cleared and only their ashes remained.


The figures approached the traveler and their pixie. Traveler’s eyes were on the brink of closing yet they still held Paimon protectively. One of the figures crouched down next to them to inspect them. It was the fifth one.

Traveler finally saw their face. They had round yet fierce (e/c) eyes and short messy (h/c) hair. Their face was littered with scars of burns and cuts. Could it be because of explosion accidents? Who is this person…?

Soon traveler blacked out.


Time: 5:00 pm.

Location: Dawn Winery, Mondstadt

Traveler woke up with a loud gasp. Pausing for a moment, the took deep breaths and observed their surroundings. It’s Dawn Winery? What are they doing here? WAIT WHERE IS PAIMON??

The jumped out of bed, half clothed and patched up. They didn’t care. Need Paimon safe.

They slammed open the door. And that caught the attention of master Diluc and his pixie companion downstairs.

“Traveler you’re awake!” Paimon shrieked happily and flew up to hug them. They were washed with relieved and hugged Paimon back.

“Are you okay Paimon? Are you hurt? What happened?”

“Calm down will ya? Turns out Paimon also blacked out with you. Then, when she woke up, she was here! Turns out Master Diluc was out on his Captain Pyro duties near the temple because of the abyss mages and he found us there.”

“It seems you are awake, but I advise you go back to bed and lay down. Your injuries aren’t healed yet.” It was Diluc this time. He glanced up at the traveler by then looked away blushing because they were only half clothed

“A-ahem, also your clothes are by your bed. Feel free to call Adelinde for help.”

“GASP MASTER DILUC DONT LOOK AT THE TRAVELER!” Paimon screeched trying to cover them up.

“M-my apologies…” Diluc merely walked away flushed.

“Whew t-that was awkward…you know I should probably go dress properly…” traveler rubbed their cheek in embarrassment.

“Okie dokie! Paimon will be off to explore the winery so cya later!” Paimon gave a thumbs up and then proceeded to disappear to god knows where.

Before heading back to the room, something caught the traveler’s eye. It was a door at the end of the hall. The door was open and the room was dark. Something was calling them. They didn’t want to snoop but their gut was begging them to go, and so the let their feet carry them to that room.


It was a simple room yet dusty room. Spiders probably live here now. There was a a window at the end and a bed under it. A few drawings and plushies laid on the shelf. Everything had a heavy layer of dust.

‘Must be a child’s room…’ they thought. They looked around until something made them stop dead. On the floor, was a picture. Traveler picked it up.

It was the picture of three children, hugging and laughing innocently on a tree. On the left end was none other than Master Diluc in his youth. His eyes were so big and cute! On the right end was…Kaeya? He seemed kinda scared being on top of a tree. It was strange seeing those two together like that. Wonder what their history was…

Finally between them, was an unknown child with cute round eyes like Diluc’s. Traveler stared at them for a while. And then…it clicked.



Diluc heard the traveler shout his name. He turned around and here they were, panting and huffing.

“Traveler is everything alright?” He asks concerned.

“Listen, please don’t get mad but this is important. I-I saw a room at the end of a hall a-and I didn’t mean t-to-“

“Listen, I won’t get mad, just calm down. Take deep breaths and take your time to speak.” Diluc calmed and reassured the traveler. How could they possibly get him mad? He thought.

The traveler took a few breaths and then spoke.

“Listen, I didn’t mean to snoop but the room at the end of the hall, it was open and for some reason I felt the urge to go there. I saw a picture on the ground an-“ before they could finish a dark shadow formed over Diluc. All of his warm reassuring look was gone.

“I prefer not to talk about it.” He simply stated with a hollow look.

“No no, please hear me out! The child in the mid-“ the traveler tried to finish.

“Please go back to rest.” Diluc turned around ready to leave. Frustrated, the traveler shouted-


With that, Diluc froze at where he stood.

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2 years ago
Heres A Genshin Oc Of Mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along With Some Of Her Previous Incarnations.
Heres A Genshin Oc Of Mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along With Some Of Her Previous Incarnations.
Heres A Genshin Oc Of Mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along With Some Of Her Previous Incarnations.
Heres A Genshin Oc Of Mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along With Some Of Her Previous Incarnations.
Heres A Genshin Oc Of Mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along With Some Of Her Previous Incarnations.
Heres A Genshin Oc Of Mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along With Some Of Her Previous Incarnations.
Heres A Genshin Oc Of Mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along With Some Of Her Previous Incarnations.
Heres A Genshin Oc Of Mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along With Some Of Her Previous Incarnations.
Heres A Genshin Oc Of Mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along With Some Of Her Previous Incarnations.
Heres A Genshin Oc Of Mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along With Some Of Her Previous Incarnations.

Here’s a Genshin oc of mine, Vika! Or Vikasatu! Along with some of her previous incarnations.

She is a Vision user, who’s element is Dendro.

She originated from Sumeru but moved to Mondstat after graduating from the Akademiya. She visits her home in Sumeru to escape the cold months of Dandelion City.

I based her design off of insects, most notably a butterfly, however despite how much I love Vika’s old flowing design, I wanted to simplify it.

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2 years ago

𝓛𝓮𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓶𝔂 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷

ft.Diluc With gn!reader Cw: Angst & unrequited love

"𝒮𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒹𝒶𝓎, 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝐼 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊. 𝓊𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓃, 𝐼'𝓁𝓁 𝒹𝓇𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝓂𝓎 𝒸𝑜𝒻𝒻𝑒𝑒, 𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝓎 𝓅𝒾𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝓌𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹𝓈"

It was a cold night in Mondstadt, not cold enough for snow but cold enough to keep most people off the cobblestone streets, and into bars or their homes. You were in your kitchen putting the apple pie you so lovingly made for Diluc into a white box with a bright red bow on the lid.

You hoped tonight would be the night that he would notice all your advances and hints about your feelings towards him, it was tedious to keep waiting for him to notice. Too many times you have gone to bed feeling annoyed at his obliviousness to your signals.

You snapped yourself out of your thoughts and grabbed the now neatly wrapped box and the Gray valley sunset drink that you made for him and exited your house being careful not to drop the pie or drink.

You began to think about Diluc again, he’s been your best friend since you two were teens and over the years you’ve grown a crush on him. He was always so nice and caring towards you, which comes as a surprise to most considering most know him for being cold and emotionless. But he’s never been like that towards you. Once again you were snapped out of your thoughts as you can hear Donna talking about Diluc

Although you don’t have anything against Donna liking Diluc, you find it annoying to constantly hear her talk about him. But you try not to dwell on those thoughts as you try to hurry before Diluc closes the bar.

You carefully make it up the steps before speed-walking to the entrance of Angle’s share. You make your way inside and notice no one inside, which means Diluc was about to close. Diluc was about to tell whoever just entered to leave before he turned around and saw you.

“Hello, y/n, what brings you here?”

“Hi, Diluc! I’m here to drop off a pie I made for you, and I brought you a drink too”

You handed the pie and drink to Diluc with a warm smile while he had a small look of surprise on his face

“Thank you y/n, how thoughtful of you.”

He said as he took the pie and drink setting it on the counter and then going back to getting ready to close the bar.

You frowned, his reaction wasn’t what you expected. You sigh,

“I guess I’ll have to tell him myself..”

“Hey, Diluc…Can we talk for a second?”

He stopped what he was doing before looking up at you.

“Yes? What’s wrong?”


“I really like you. And I just want to know if you feel the same”


You did it. You told him. It wasn’t as romantic as you wanted it to sound but at this point, you were done waiting for him. But now you were nervous, you could hear your own heartbeat and you could feel your face heating up from the pressure.

“I’m…Sorry y/n but I don’t feel the same... you are my friend and I don't see you in any other way."


“T-that’s alright! I just needed to get that off my chest.” You said glancing to the ground, too upset to see his face.

“I’ll be leaving now..have a good night” You said quickly as you turned around to leave.

“Wait y/n”

You stop and look over your shoulder

“…I’m sorry”

You turned back to face the door before you let yourself out.

Once outside you feel the cold air hit your face, cooling your cheeks and the tears you didn’t know you were shedding.

You sigh as you walk back home with blurry eyes filled with tears.

"𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓈𝑒 𝐼 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝒸𝓇𝓎 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓁𝓂𝑒𝒹 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒻𝓊𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝒾𝒻 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝐼 𝒻𝑒𝓁𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒"

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2 years ago

𝓓𝓪𝔂 31 - Between Ice And Flame || Diluc x fem!reader x Kaeya


 31 - Between Ice And Flame || Diluc X Fem!reader X Kaeya

Summary: It's not easy being stuck between a Cavalry Captain and the Master of Dawn Winery.

Warnings: smut

Word count: 1717

Author: Cass

A/N: The prompt for today is: Love Triangle

 31 - Between Ice And Flame || Diluc X Fem!reader X Kaeya

To say you're stuck would be an understatement.

Love is supposed to be a beautiful thing; a magical moment when your heart chooses one man or woman above all others and intertwines your hearts until death separates you.

Of course, it's a little more complicated for you.

Your heart couldn't settle on one man - it was torn between two. Your common sense did nothing to help the situation; no matter what you do or think, you still can't decide.

You've known Kaeya and Diluc your entire life; the three of you grew up together and have remained friends despite your differences.

They are so similar yet so different, and each has something that draws you in.

You're trapped.

 31 - Between Ice And Flame || Diluc X Fem!reader X Kaeya

You knock on Kaeya's office door with a deep sigh and wait for permission to enter.

Once granted, you do exactly that and walk in, holding papers in your hand.

"So, I was hoping you'd come here for a good reason. Do you intend to bury me in work today?" He inquires, raising an eyebrow. "It's already late at night, and you've brought me more work? I guess I won't be able to pay a visit to a dear brother of mine tonight."

You chuckle and roll your eyes. You hope to take a comfortable seat on the desk after placing papers on it.

"Don't be concerned. I have just as much on my desk as you do, and I'm still not done assisting Lisa in the library."

"Is that correct?" He hums and stands up between your legs. "Our sweet, little assistant. You're so sweet. Will you also be my assistant?"

Kaeya's hands rest on either side of you, encircling you. The Cavalry captain smirks and kisses you passionately.

You quickly return his kiss, allowing him to cup the back of your head freely to keep you in place.

It is difficult to resist Kaeya's kisses. Always intense and leaving you gasping for air. His tongue easily takes over your mouth, only to quickly pull away, leaving a thick string of saliva connecting the two of you.

Even though it's only the beginning, you already look cute and done. 

"Look at yourself. Isn't one kiss enough to get you going, snowflake?" Kaeya teases as his hand travels down your stomach, easily slipping under your skirt and accessing your panties.

"Kaeya..." you murmur, but you do nothing to stop him at this point.

He kisses your brow. "Don't worry about it. You'll still be able to work. Let's be honest: we both need and deserve a break."

You nod, biting your lower lip. He is correct. You both worked all day, so you definitely deserve a break. You spread your legs wider, allowing him complete access to your heat.

"Such a good girl," he says as he pushes your skirt up to easily remove your panties. Kaeya then kneels in front of you, placing your legs on his shoulders. He nibbles at the flesh of your tight with a soft hum before diving between your legs to wrap his lips around your clit.

As he eats you out like a starving man, sucking the bundle of nerves and fucking you with his tongue, obscene sounds fill the room.

As your hand moves into his hair, his cold fingers join in the fun, making you moan. While he continues to abuse your clit, Kaeya's fingers work slowly, hitting all the right spots and teasing your soft walls.

He finally receives his wish. You whimper loudly, your hand covering your lips so no one can hear your pitiful moans.

With a cocky smile, the Cavalry captain pulls away. He slowly rises to his feet, only to sink into a comfortable chair and undo his pants. "It's time to repay the favor, snowflake. I, too, am stressed," Kaeya reminds you by pulling his hard cock and giving his erected shaft a few, lazy strokes.

You roll your eyes and jump off the desk, hoping to land between his legs. You eagerly take his cock and lick it from base to tip before wrapping your lips around the head.

Kaeya moves his gloved hand through your hair, pulling it back slightly so he can see your lovely face as you suck him off. He lets you do your job, allowing you to keep the peace and play with him in whatever way you want. Your hand encircles his balls, causing him to hiss in surprise. He groans as you touch him, his hips bucking slightly.

Suddenly, Kaeya grabs the back of your head and forces you down on his member while choking you with his cum as he reaches his peak.

You quickly move away, catching your breath and giving him an angry look.

"Please, forgive me. I just couldn't stop myself," he shrugs and gets out of his chair to fix his pants.

He then extends his hand and assists you in standing back up so that you appear as presentable as possible.

"That was unnecessary, but I'll put it aside. This time, however," you mutter, your arms crossed across your chest.

"Oh, snowflake. I promise you that the next time will be better and less hurried," Kaeya makes a promise with his hand over his heart. "And maybe next time you'll stay a little longer with me?"

You sigh deeply and kiss him goodbye before returning to your work.

 31 - Between Ice And Flame || Diluc X Fem!reader X Kaeya

Your work is finally finished after a few hours!

You have the option of going home and resting, so that is exactly what you do. You're on your way home after a few quick goodbyes.

Mondstadt is relatively quiet this late at night, which makes you happy.

You are relieved that people can sleep peacefully through the night without fear for their lives. 

You round the corner and come to a complete stop, seeing no one else but Diluc. When you notice a blood stain on his shoulder, your heart starts racing. You dash towards him, almost dropping your bag. "What's the matter, Diluc?"

When he notices you approaching him, he frowns.

It's far too late for you to be out there; you should be safe inside. "Y/N. Why are you staying out so late?"

"I'm getting back from work. I asked you a question," you remind him, your eyebrow cocked as you approach him.

He sighs softly as he looks over his shoulder and then back at you. "It's nothing more than a minor mishap at Angel's Share. No need to be concerned; I'll take care of it once I return to the winery."

"No way I let you wander like that," you tell him. "Come on, I'm taking you to my place, I'll feel calmer after treating this wound."

Diluc looks at you for a moment before nodding. He is well aware that he can't argue with you. There is no lie that can save him at this point. "Well, since you insist, I'm not going to say no."

You led him right into your house. After both of you step in, you lock the door and ask him to take his shirt off.

Diluc reluctantly removes his coat and then, per your request, removes his shirt.

You ask him to sit on the couch and after bringing a box with necessary things like hydrogen peroxide, you start treating his wound. "How did this happen?"

"As I mentioned, there was a minor accident at Angel's Share," he responds quickly. "However, as you can see, nothing serious."

"You know I care about you, that's my nature," you tell him; somehow your hand moves up and down his chest.

"That is your nature, indeed. That's my lovely, firefly," Diluc says softly before kissing your cheek. His arms encircled your waist, drawing you in closer. His kisses travel from your cheek to your neck and further to your shoulder. "I don't like how Knights make you stay at work for so long," Diluc grumbles as he looks at you.

Oh, he's jealous.

It's nothing new; there's always been some sibling rivalry between the three of you since you were kids.

In all honesty, it always makes and continues to make you nervous; you love them both, you can't choose between them, and you don't want them to fight.

You kissed Diluc's forehead, moving your hands through his hair and gently tugging it. "I know, but it has to be done sometimes. I would not have met you or helped you if it hadn't been for this."

"My little firefly," Diluc says softly as his warm hands slip right under your shirt, pushing it up to expose you as much as he wants.

Without thinking, you grab the shirt hem and pull it over your head, tossing it to the side.

He says nothing and simply begins to worship your body, kissing and touching every inch of your skin.

Soon after, you're pushed onto the couch, and your skirt and panties are removed, joining the shirt on the floor.

Diluc hovers over your body and kisses you softly on the cheek.

You return the kiss, your hands eagerly moving to his pants to gently push them down.

He gets the hint and pulls away from you to get rid of unnecessary clothing. 

You stare at him, his impressive body and even more impressive member. Licking your lips, you gently push him away and climb back onto his lap. "Look at yourself, Master Diluc. Wounded but still waiting for me," you playfully take his cock in your hand and guide it into your entrance. 

"Fuck, you are so tight. So perfect, my perfect Y/N,"  Diluc groans, wrapping arms around you.

You groan as you feel full inside your cunt. Nodding softly, you begin to move, slowly at first but gradually increasing your speed.

Diluc moves his hips to match your pace, wrapping his arm around your waist to keep you as close as possible. He keeps whispering sweet nothings and praises into your ear.

You begin to move your hips more quickly, chasing your release.

He grabs your hips and begins thrusting into you hard, making you whimper with each push.

Soon, you cum with a loud moan, your walls tightly hugging him and milking him dry.

Diluc gasps, nuzzling to your shoulder.  "I wish I could call you mine forever," he whispers.

 31 - Between Ice And Flame || Diluc X Fem!reader X Kaeya

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