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3 years ago

Can we take a sec and talk about the fact that literally nobody in WATT is even slightly okay?

Kate has severe abandonment and attachment issues, plus her best and only true friend dies and she’s the one who found the body. Oh yeah and SHE GOT STABBED AND ALMSOT DIED!

Reese accidentally killed an innocent person and then had to live with the guilt after lying about it, she kept that shit a secret for MONTHS.

Cairo’s best friend killed two people and she had no idea until months after it happened, plus she was unaware Riley was even struggling until after she confessed (and was also pining up a storm while all of this was happening)

Riley literally murdered two people in cold blood, enough said.

Farrah was an alcoholic and had little to no support system (“everyone hates me” “Farrah hated Farrah too”)

Chess had a drug addiction and had no faith that she could ever get better (“you don’t know who you are until you hate yourself”)

Annleigh lost her boyfriend and sister in the same night and for months was convinced Clark had been cheating on her with Farrah. She’s also like, way too into religion, just saying.

Mattie got framed for murder and sent to prison for a few months, that’s bound to mess you up, plus getting blackout drunk at the sleepover.

I think the only ones who are close to mentally stable is Clark and Eva, but I can’t really say that Clark is okay because he’s, ya know, dead.

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3 years ago

Too Much?

Woo here we go. I didn’t know what to write and a friend gave me ideas so we have this

Farrah didn’t have many friends, that was evident. One of the few people she would hang out with was the team’s only freshman, Mattie Wheeler. Mattie was a slim bit taller than Farrah, both of them being small and scrawny. Other than that, nobody seemed to really like her. Even her own sister, Annleigh, didn’t care to be around her, calling the younger girl annoying and telling her to leave her alone. Of course, Kate and Chess didn’t much like her. Well, actually, Chess didn’t hate her. Chess didn’t really hate anyone. Kate, on the other hand, absolutely despised Farrah due to Farrah’s distaste for Chess. Cairo didn’t like anyone other than Riley, and Farrah wouldn’t exactly call Riley her friend. Riley was more like her tryhard boss that always hovered over her shoulder and told her she could be better. Reese and Clark simply tolerated her at this point.

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