Riley Williams - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Riley: This uniform is a promise to protect your team and a promise they will protect you.

Also Riley: *casually murders two of her teammates in cold blood*

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3 years ago

Can we take a sec and talk about the fact that literally nobody in WATT is even slightly okay?

Kate has severe abandonment and attachment issues, plus her best and only true friend dies and she’s the one who found the body. Oh yeah and SHE GOT STABBED AND ALMSOT DIED!

Reese accidentally killed an innocent person and then had to live with the guilt after lying about it, she kept that shit a secret for MONTHS.

Cairo’s best friend killed two people and she had no idea until months after it happened, plus she was unaware Riley was even struggling until after she confessed (and was also pining up a storm while all of this was happening)

Riley literally murdered two people in cold blood, enough said.

Farrah was an alcoholic and had little to no support system (“everyone hates me” “Farrah hated Farrah too”)

Chess had a drug addiction and had no faith that she could ever get better (“you don’t know who you are until you hate yourself”)

Annleigh lost her boyfriend and sister in the same night and for months was convinced Clark had been cheating on her with Farrah. She’s also like, way too into religion, just saying.

Mattie got framed for murder and sent to prison for a few months, that’s bound to mess you up, plus getting blackout drunk at the sleepover.

I think the only ones who are close to mentally stable is Clark and Eva, but I can’t really say that Clark is okay because he’s, ya know, dead.

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3 years ago


what’d you expect from me

I shoulda known if anyone was gonna ask for cheerwives it would be you Oll, so here ya go!

Similar to Kate and Ches, they’re always having sleepovers (pillow fights are necessary for the full experience)

Riley’s parents are never home so she likes going over to Cairo’s house for dinner, the Adekoya’s are so used to it that Riley has her own designated spot at the meal table

They drive to Starbucks and get tea after practice, every time, no exceptions

Cairo likes to steal Riley’s bow from time to time, she’ll just walk by and pluck it right off her ponytail, Riley pretends to be annoyed but she secretly loves seeing Cairo clip it into her own hair (to Riley it’s like the equivalent of having your girlfriend wear your clothes)

They’ve been going to the same summer cheer camp since 6th grade, they had their first kiss (and many other kisses) while canoeing


Eva loves stealing Kate’s hats, she’ll just grab it off her head and run away, and Kate both loves and hates it, she hates that it messes up her hair and also because she just likes her hats, but she loves the big smile that Eva gets whenever she does it, and loves hearing her laugh as she runs away (and also loves hearing her shriek when Kate inevitably catches up)

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3 years ago


Riley and Reese? That’s one you don’t see often, but I’m up for the challenge!

Reese looks up to Riley a lot, but she’s also kind of jealous of her, Riley is everything Reese wants to be, it’s understandable

She’s grateful that Riley let her be on the team, and I think that kind of sets Riley apart a little for her, she’s one of the first people to look past Reese’s weight and see the talent underneath

I think Riley admires Reese in a way, she sees how talented Reese is and how dedicated to cheer she is

Riley is also a little intimidated but Reese, because she knows how much Reese wants to be captain, and deep down she knows Reese would be so much better at it than her

Sorry I don’t have as many for this one, thanks for the ask!

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3 years ago


Yet another Kate ask 😆 I’m glad people love her as much as I do!

It’s already kind of been established that Riley thinks Kate is annoying, and I feel like Kate kind of already knew Riley didn’t like her, so she prides herself in being as obnoxious as possible specifically to get on Riley’s nerves

As much as Riley doesn’t like Kate, she knows she’s a valuable asset to the team, and that makes things even more difficult, because as much as she wants to kick her out and be done with it, they need Kate

The one thing Kate and Riley can agree on is that tricks are the most fun part of cheer, getting to do fun flips and splits and stuff make all the drama and conflict bearable

Riley had to give Kate a ride home from practice one day because Chess was out sick and her parents couldn’t come, nobody else stepped forward so Riley took it upon herself as captain to help

The car ride was pretty awkward until Kate took the aux and started one of her playlists

It is at that moment that Riley realizes they both listen to Girl in Red

That car ride starts a quiet agreement that “yes we hate each other but also wlw solidarity demands that we not commit homicide”

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3 years ago


First Cairo and now Riley headcanons? I see you

Riley’s parents are away so often, she has often claimed she would forget what they look like if not for the few pictures of them in her house

Riley had to learn how to answer the door and properly accept deliveries from a very young age, and many postal people were very surprised (and a little concerned) to be greeted by an incredibly polite nine year old

Riley and Cairo do the classic climbing through each other’s windows instead of using doors like normal people

Riley never really put a definite label on her sexuality, she knows she’s had crushes on guys but she also knows that she really likes Cairo

Most definitely had a crush on Eva, something Kate is very aware of, and absolutely hates

Riley has a hard time interacting with other people besides Cairo because she never learned the basics of socializing from being stuck in a house by herself for so long

Sorry most of these are kinda sad, it’s what I think of when I think about her

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