Maurice Hall - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

potřebuju Maurice AU zasazený v Česku na přelomu tisíciletí, kde spolu Maurice a Clive nemohou být kvůli homofobním kecům a Maurice s Alecem zas kvůli tomu, že Maurice chodí na prestižní gympl a Alec na učňák 💀

Potebuju Maurice AU Zasazen V Esku Na Pelomu Tiscilet, Kde Spolu Maurice A Clive Nemohou Bt Kvli Homofobnm

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1 year ago

remember that scene in Maurice just before Clive confesses? When Maurice is like, stroking his hair and they face each other and have the most tender fucking embrace and almost kiss before their bros barge in? That is THEE comfort scene of all time and I cannot be convinced otherwise.

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