Maurice 1987 - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Cette scène me fait toujours pleurer..

 Mandatory Happy Ending
 Mandatory Happy Ending
 Mandatory Happy Ending
 Mandatory Happy Ending
 Mandatory Happy Ending

🙌 mandatory happy ending 🙌

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3 years ago

Not even joking, I helped out at the Christian kids camp for a week (despite being Agnostic at most-) and we had to dance enthusiastically (with the actions-) and sing this every morning for a week with these 6 year olds and this post honestly nearly brought me to tears lmao

i’d like an edit of Maurice (1987) where everything is the same EXCEPT for the boat scene where instead of singing the church hymn they sing my lighthouse

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8 months ago

Idk the books you mean for sure but my copy Maurice is the first item I would save in a fire

I now know of two (2) books written in response to Oscar Wilde's trial and one is about the agony and trauma of being closeted and the other the mcs live happily in a cottage forever more and I think that's how he would have wanted it tbh

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5 months ago

I need to let my anger and sadness out omg

this is like a post to js let it out if ig? Idk my friends tell me to shut up when I mention gay fictional guys who make me upset. Just my opinions bc they r just grrr they make me upset and also SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS sorry I’m really emotional rn idk why

I Need To Let My Anger And Sadness Out Omg
I Need To Let My Anger And Sadness Out Omg
I Need To Let My Anger And Sadness Out Omg
I Need To Let My Anger And Sadness Out Omg
I Need To Let My Anger And Sadness Out Omg
I Need To Let My Anger And Sadness Out Omg
I Need To Let My Anger And Sadness Out Omg

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6 months ago

Maurice has the best plot of all time. Are you classist? Do you struggle with internalized homophobia because ur boyfriend refuses to touch you? Try Poor Person Dick! It Will Heal You. and then it does. 10/10 no notes

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4 years ago
I Found A Ladder When I Opened My Window For Fresh Air

I found a ladder when I opened my window for fresh air

Instantly, it took me to the estate of Pendersleigh

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10 months ago
He Could Visit My Boathouse Anytime

he could visit my boathouse anytime

prosím, že je tady víc českých fanoušků Maurice? 🥺

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8 months ago

potřebuju Maurice AU zasazený v Česku na přelomu tisíciletí, kde spolu Maurice a Clive nemohou být kvůli homofobním kecům a Maurice s Alecem zas kvůli tomu, že Maurice chodí na prestižní gympl a Alec na učňák 💀

Potebuju Maurice AU Zasazen V Esku Na Pelomu Tiscilet, Kde Spolu Maurice A Clive Nemohou Bt Kvli Homofobnm

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1 year ago

remember that scene in Maurice just before Clive confesses? When Maurice is like, stroking his hair and they face each other and have the most tender fucking embrace and almost kiss before their bros barge in? That is THEE comfort scene of all time and I cannot be convinced otherwise.

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