Max Payne - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I have been obsessed with the "Remedyverse" since Max Payne 2. My obsession has only curved upwards exponentially over time and now I find myself halfway through Alan Wake II and I feel like all my hyperfixations have come home to roost.

How am I supposed to return to my successful career, or hold a conversation with anyone who does not know that it's not a lake, but an ocean? Should I carry charts and graphs with me to explain shoeboxes?

And then there's the new music from [REDACTED]!

I'm dying over here.

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1 year ago

This is the Way.

I would add "Play Max Payne 2" either before or after playing Alan Wake 1. Sure it's rough by modern standards but it's also only 5-6 hours long and you get to experience "Late Goodbye" in its natural habitat.

(And don't get me started on the books to read and things to watch and becoming an obsessive Poets of the Fall fan, and being a Poe fan and...)

Join us.

A hyperfixater's guide to fully enjoying the Remedyverse:

- Google "Max Payne Grimace" 

- Look up enough of the comic panel cuscenes from Max Payne 1 to realize all the characters are Remedy's office staff plus the band members from Poets of the Fall. 

- Listen to "The Late Goodbye."

- Play Alan Wake 1. Preferably in the dark. Listen to all the music in between chapters. Wait at least a day between the main story and the DLC chapters to really let the feeling of wanting to know what happened sink in. 

- Optional: Wait two years 

- Play Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Arachnaphoba may vary.

- Optional: Wait four more years.

- Optional: Play Quantum Break. It's not officially part of the Remedyverse but we didn't know that at the time and it played with our emotions with Alan Wake teases for the entire damn game. Plus - Lance Reddick at his finest.

- Optional: Wait three more years. 

- Play Control. Explore a lot. Read everything you can get your hands on. Bask in the nigh unrivalled glory of The Ashtray Maze.

- Prior to playing the Control DLCs, spend an ungodly amount of time obsessing over why one of them is just called "AWE" and all the possible implications. 

- Play the Control DLCs

- Freak the fuck out

- Optional: Wait 4 more years

- Play Alan Wake 2

- Gush about how much you love it all to me specifically because nobody ever knows what I'm talking about when I mention these games and you guys they are important to me in a way that should probably deeply embarass me. 

Of course to really get the full experience you'll need to constantly concuss yourself to the point of never knowing if Alan Wake 2 will ever exist and thus preserve the sweet agony of being a Remedy fan between 2010-2020ish. 

Old Gods of Asgard music may help soothe the pain.

A Hyperfixater's Guide To Fully Enjoying The Remedyverse:

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1 year ago

Me: "See, to really understand shoeboxes, you need these documents from Control as well as a home renovation blog from a decade ago."

Them: "Friend, this is a Wendy's."

I cannot stop thinking about the fact that Alan Wake II exists at all, like

I've been a big Remedy fan since I first played Max Payne but the first Alan Wake has always been my favorite of their work and to think that I've been waiting for the cliffhanger at the end of it to be resolved for over a decade now is so crazy to think about.

I still remember all the ups and downs over all that time, points where speculation about a sequel releasing were reaching fever pitch, points where any hopes were dashed and I had resigned to thinking it would never actually happen. From the time when Sam Lake said that Remedy wanted to make a sequel but the time wasn't right, and the original AW2 prototype video being released to the public, to the tease of the Remedy Connected Universe that set up both Alan Wake II and Control appearing as a chalkboard easter egg in Quantum Break, the house renovation blog that teased AW2 back in like 2013, and the collective explosion of hype that surrounded the AWE expansion for Control and the confirmation that something was FINALLY happening.

It's so insane to me. For as much as I hate Epic Games I have no choice but to be grateful for them stepping up and bankrolling something that I genuinely thought would never come, even if that means the game is going to be an EGS exclusive on PC.

I don't like to ramble for so long but this game means so much to me and I can't help it

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2 years ago

Video essays that make me go "oh, so you're like smart smart"

Elon Musk and Grimes: A Retrospective

Bo Burnham vs. Jeff Bezos

The Systemic Abuse of Celebrities

Lana Del Rey: the pitfalls of having a persona

we need to talk about Call Me By Your Name

MYTH OF THE AUTEUR: Stanley Kubrick vs David Lynch

In Search Of A Flat Earth


The Commodification of Black Athletes

The Lies Of The Lighthouse

The Green Knight: The Uncanny Horror of Masculinity

Max Payne, Kane & Lynch, and the Meaning of Ugly Games

Time Loop Nihilism

How Bisexuality Changed Video Games

The Golden Age of Horror Comics - Part 1 (Part 2)

Weighing the Value of Director's Cuts | Scanline

The True Horror Of Midsommar

a few more -

You're Wrong About Cyberpunk 2077 | An Overdue Critique (this is such great critique of both the game and the genre)

Disney's Fast Pass: A Complicated History

It Has Come To My Attention You Don't All Love BIRDS OF PREY


The man who almost faked his way to a Nobel Prize

Music Theory and White Supremacy

Here's the YouTube playlist! ill be adding more but that's all so far pls like and reblog xoxo 💕

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4 years ago
Some Max Payne 3 Title Screens
Some Max Payne 3 Title Screens
Some Max Payne 3 Title Screens
Some Max Payne 3 Title Screens
Some Max Payne 3 Title Screens
Some Max Payne 3 Title Screens
Some Max Payne 3 Title Screens

Some Max Payne 3 title screens

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4 years ago
oh--psyche - angry, sad boys ♡ ;

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5 years ago
Fanart Y Pedido De Rabbit Max Payne

Fanart y pedido de Rabbit Max Payne

personaje e nickname de un amigo para juegos

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