Maxverstappen X Reader - Tumblr Posts

Max verstappen x fem! reader - angst, major fluff
Word count - 1.3k
TW! Self harm talk, panic attacks, mental health
CW! Smut ish
if you’re struggling, you can always dm me, please get help, you are not alone and do not read this if you feel as thought you’re being triggered. I used to go through this and the idea of a character helping me through it calmed me down so i hope that does the same for you.
Max and I closed the gap between our mouths, tongues battling for dominance as he grabbed my wrists and pinned them and myself down on the bed, I moaned as he lifted up my shirt and took off his. His tongue went down from my neck to my chest, then he unclasped my bra and started swirling his tongue around my nipples, smirking as he played with them.
“Such a pretty girl, taking it so well” he grinned looking up at me. I was gasping for more, trying to speak but unable to, he left his spit all down me creating hickeys.
“M-max” I let out softly, “you’re doing so well schat” he comforted me peppering kisses on my waistline, teasing me, my panties getting wetter by the second.
“Max do something please!” he himself couldn’t wait, rock-hard erection facing my way, he gave in with the teasing.
Max and I met at my older brother daniels house a year ago, we started dating around 3 months ago but I always felt like it was the wrong time as he was my first and I really wanted it to go slow.
He used both of his hands and spread my legs apart, taking off my jeans. He was about to take off my underwear when he suddenly stopped. I looked down, confused and then that’s when it hit me.
I hadn’t even thought about it until now. I am so stupid, I quickly got up and grasped onto my jeans which were on the floor. Hot tears were running down my face, he looked at me with a face of guilt.
“y/n... You know I saw it right” he mentioned looking down at my thighs to see the recent cuts, I felt my throat close up as I just stared at him.
“I’m sorry” I muttered with all I could.
“y/n, please don’t cry we are going to get through this together, please just come here.” he held his arms out and embraced me, letting me cry into his shoulder silently. It was nice, nice to have someone who cared about me, someone who loved me.
“Let me run you a bath, I am going to the store, I will be back soon,” The dutch said as I looked up, smudged mascara leaking down my face. I nodded, I was so lucky.
time skip 5 min
Max had put on the bath at the hottest temperature which he knows I love, he had folded my pyjamas next to my bed leaving them there for me to soon come back after my bath. He put on a candle and kissed my forehead.
“ik ben zo terug schat” (I will be back soon sweetheart)
I hopped in the bath. A million thoughts flooded my mind as he left. How could I let him find out, he probably left for good, he saw how ugly I was underneath my clothes. I probably need to go on a diet. For fucks sake he's an f1 driver, I don’t even know how I’m with him. I started breathing at an unnormal pace when I heard someone barge in. I couldn’t breathe, I looked at max and then curled up putting my head into my hands.
“Schat you’re okay” max held my hand and sat on the bathroom floor comforting me. He’s too good for me. God must have really been enjoying life the day we ended up together. I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. His ocean blue eyes. They were like a sea, I could get lost in them, and they always made me feel safe as if I were home. I love him, oh my god, I love him.
We hadn’t said it to each other yet, I just realised, I was deeply in love with the man sitting here right next to me, watching a naked me in the bathtub trying to not have a panic attack. Only someone who loves you would do that.
“Come here, get up” Max gestured. He held my hands out and lifted me out, tilting my head up with his fingers. He grabbed a warm towel off the rack and dried me off. I put on my pyjamas and walked out of the bathroom to find a candle-lit room, aircon blasting on full, tv on ready to put on the grinch and a bunch of my favourite chocolates along with a cake mix.
“If you’re feeling up to it we can bake a cake and I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie or show of your choice. I also got you a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and red and green Christmas-themed sprinkles even though it’s September just how you like it.” he pointed to the mug on the table.
I was speechless, I don’t think anyone had done something like this for me before. I jumped on him pushing him on to the bed grinning. “You’re perfect”
I jumped under the covers, grabbing the 10 massive blocks of chocolate he got me as I offered him one and he declined.
I tilted my head and then realised due to his job he had a daily calorie limit.
“Fuck the diet max, it doesn’t even matter,” I said, suddenly he tried to protest opening his mouth and so I shoved a piece of chocolate straight into his mouth. He looked enraged as if he wanted to spit it out but then he started smiling going in for more.
I put on an old Christmas movie that was based on german folklore it was called Krampus and I watched it every Christmas.
“Do you wanna talk about it? The scars?” max asked
“I don’t really like to talk about it but I just feel like I can never stop, I always tell myself it will just be one more time, I just always doubt myself and I don't know why”
“I used to struggle with it y/n, I know this amazing therapist and promise me that you will allow me to get you help.” he held up his pinky finger
“I promise” I smiled
The movie ended and it was 3 am, I looked up, and max was playing with my hair. “Why do you like me?” I asked, the nighttime adrenaline making me say things.
“Are you kidding y/n?” Max scoffed, I felt afraid, did he not like that I’d asked? There was an awkward silence for a minute.
“I love the way you belt out your heart to songs, I love your smile, I love the way you dance whenever Taylor swift comes on and you sing songs about heartbreak right in front of me, I love how you always cheat when we play monopoly and say because you’re the bak manager you can rob the bank, I love how much you care when animals die in movies, I love how you play with my hair when we fall asleep, I love how you always think of other, I love how you dress, I love you cookies, I love your music taste, I love when you play supermax in the car on full volume, I love how you hate my dad, I love you speak your mind, I love how you read fanfiction about me infront of me, I love how you listen to the issues i have, I love when you get in my f1 car and talk about how you will beat me, I love how you think that if we have a family you want the child to be like me, I love… you.” Max let out.
Tears welled up in my eyes, “I love you too”
He kissed me softly and hugged me.
I love Max Verstappen.
M. Verstappen || Christmas presents

In which: Max and family celebrating Christmas trying to convince y/n to get their daughter and kart and it’s all just fluffy
Genre: fluff
Requested: yes - no
Warnings: mentions of Christian Horner, max being too cute for this world, pregnancy , abortion, Jos verstappen
When max had found out you were pregnant 8 months into your relationship it had been a rocky path for the both of you. The questions on wether to keep it and wether we would be good parents as max travels around a lot for his job. It was a lot to take in.
Max’s career was only really just flourishing and making the decision had to be one of the toughest things. Jos hated the idea, believed it would ruin max’s whole racing career but considering max was madly in love with you he mustered up the courage to say he wants to keep it just as you were about to drive to get the baby aborted
But looking back on it you’re extremely happy that you’d decided to keep it. On June 3rd 2019 Amelia Jane Verstappen was born and the 2 of you couldn’t be any happier.
“Mummy mummy” you looked down to see a girl with dirty blonde hair and y/e/c eyes, starring right at you.
“Yes schatz? What’s up” you kneeled down onto the kitchen floor moving a strand of Amelia’s hair behind her ear
“Can we make Chrissy cookies for Santa tonight” you giggled at the fact she wasn’t able to make out the word Christmas but nevertheless went along with it
“Of course we can my dear, we also have to make some for the reindeers” you smiled picking her up and lifting her onto the kitchen bench where she sat cross legged
“Okay, can you please pour this cup of flour into the bowl” you asked the 3 year old who was having a hard time with the glass measuring cup, you helped her hold it making sure she wouldn’t break it
Suddenly Amelia poured all the flour in making the powdery substance go everywhere, especially both of your faces
“EMMY” you said horrified with her in a fit of laughter “mama you look like a ghost it’s not Halloween” she started laughing as I tried wiping the flour off my face
“What happened here” max started wheezing as he sat in the entrance of the door way in a white t shirt and Grey sweat pants
“Daddy!” The little girl exclaimed grabbing the air indicating for max to pick her up
Max ran over to her and then put her on the couch grabbing a blanket.
“schatz can you please make some hot chocolate” max asked sweetly
“You’re Lucky i love you” I rolled my eyes
“Hold on, My Cookie helper has ditched me. Emmy you wanted to make cookies and now you’ve left mummt to do it by herself!” I exclaimed pouting
“Tough love mama” the little girl laughed god she was so sassy and she got it from her father. max smirked looking toward me about to loose it.
“Hey, der weihnachtsmann schaut dir zu!” Santa is watching you
I finally finished making the cookies and popped them in the oven, Emmy had made a mess decorating them. Sprinkles and icing were everywhere.
I had made the hot chocolate for the 2 of them and then Emmy went off to bed hoping for Santa in the morning.
As I was about to finish cleaning up max came over and hugged me from behind. Peppering my neck with kisses.
“Du bist sehr schön” you are very pretty max whispered making my heart flutter
Every time I stared into those eyes of his my heart fluttered just like a teenager in love.
I turned around and kissed him as he propped me up onto the counter.
“You know.. Emmy’s gone to bed” he smirked at me, I started shaking my head and refused
“No no no no, it’s late, Santa comes tomorrow. I have a few jobs to finish up but get into bed and I’ll be there soon” I kissed his nose as he rolled his eyes unravelling himself from my waist
Just then I got a notification on my phone. “You have missed your period for one week, are you pregnant” I read the message and my stomach dropped
I had missed it but max and I were being safe so I was really confused. Maybe that’s why I had been feeling sick in the mornings lately. Or maybe I was reading too much into it.
I walked into the bathroom, pregnancy tests on hand always just to be safe. I peed on the stick and god the wait felt like an eternity.
The timer went off the the test sat there in words it had said “positive” I took another 2 to be sure, all with the same reply.
I grabbed a box from the cupboard put the test inside and put a little note “to max: merry Christmas”
I put it under the tree and now the night awaits
I woke up with max and his body wrapped around me as Emma jumped up and down on our bed “mama mama mama daddy daddy it’s chrissy” she was shouting and screaming
“It is too! Let’s go see what Santa brought” max said smiling at his daughter
Oddly enough I saw a massive box and a smaller box in terribly wrapped paper under the tree that I definitely had not put there i tilted my head in confusion as Emmy ran toward it
She ripped it open and it was a racing cart along with maxes helmet from when he had won the first world championship
“Max” I slapped his shoulder, we had agreed to not to get her a cart until she was 7 which theoretically was the age she can first start driving
“But she’s so cute look at her” max whispered back looking at the blonde with the helmet completely drowning her head. “I’m just like daddy” she laughed “max she’s going to hurt herself!” Max just laughed and said “well she will be learning from the world champion so chances are slim”
Max went over and helped her, showing all the parts of the kart. She has gotten a couple gifts from uncle Charles, uncle Daniel and the rest of the drivers as they had all loved her
I saw max pick up the box I had put out last night that was labelled to him, he raised an eyebrow and then opened it. His face had dropped and then looked at mine for confirmation, i just nodded and he came over and kissed me and then my stomach
“Ewww” Emmy showed a face of disgust
“Emmy you’re going to be a big sister” max said with eagerness
“Huh” she asked
“She’ll get it later” max shrugged but then smiling back at me pulling me in for a kiss
“How long have you known” he looked up at me, “since last night”
“You should’ve told me, I would’ve bought 2 karts” he laughed
I rolled my eyes
“Mummy can I have pancakes” emmy asked politely
“Schatz let mama rest, I will cook the pancakes” max picked her up
“But your pancakes taste ew” she fake threw up and I laughed
“Hey they’re not that bad!” Max rolled his eyes starring at me
To be honest I couldn’t have had a better Christmas, right here with our happy little family.
Caught || M. Verstappen

Paring: OC! Kaia Verstappen X OC! Luka Leclerc
Summary: When you noticed small changes about your daughter you started to worry, always on her phone, new big clothes, so secretive, it kept you up at night but how could you be so gullible? It was a boy but not just any boy, it was Luka Leclerc. Max wasn’t to happy when he found out Luka was getting down and dirty with his daughter
Warnings: none
“Come on schatje” you held your youngest child alex’s hand and then continued to pick him up pulling him in for a cuddle. It was 2am and the poor thing couldn’t get to sleep
“Mammy where is kaia?” The boy had questioned, I raised an eyebrow, kaia my eldest daughter had been really quiet all night, must’ve gone to bed early.
“She is in her room my love, please get some rest” I looked at alex who just nodded and fell asleep instantly
I was about to walk back to my room when a particular door caught my eye, kaias door. I slowly opened it expecting her to be laying down but there was no one there, almost as if she had vanished.
I quickly pulled out my phone and called her multiple times over, yes I know that I snuck out as a child but she’s 16, I started to panic.
I was about to call the police when I heard a branch crack from outside her window, she had snuck in. Not only that but she reeked of cologne and she was wearing a hoodie that I certainly did not buy for her.
“Care to explain where you’ve been” I started watching the girl and she jumped not expecting me to be behind her
“Well, you see, I was just um, I needed some fresh air” I chuckled at her, walking to her
“Please don’t sneak out” I wrapped my arms around her
She was about to open her mouth in protest “no, I know you were sneaking out, I mean what kind of fresh air activity involves boys hoodies and” I scanned her neck
“Is that a hickey” my eyes widened
“Mama you must not tell papa please, it is all I ask and I really like the boy I do” she was begging at me tugging on my shirt
“so that’s why you’ve been on your phone so much more lately” she laughed at my statement and just nodded
“Can you tell me who the boy is and then I won’t tell papa” I held her hand acting like I wasn’t completely freaking out ready to kill whoever she’s been out with, maybe I could talk to their parents or something
“Uh… it’s Luka as in Luka leclerc” my mouth went agape, I thought they hated eachother! They had always hated eachother in karting but now I guess not
“Oh my! They’re coming over to dinner on Saturday you cannot let papa see, I will help you cover your hickey tomorrow and also you are grounded for sneaking out” I told her and I Shut the door not really caring to her response, I was just tired
Time skip to Saturday
“Charlotte! You look gorgeous” I kissed her cheeks as she blushed slightly returning the compliment. I looked over to see max and Charles hugging and talking
Charlotte went to go and put something in the kitchen so I made my way over to the leclerc children, Isabelle, marco and Luka. I could tell Luka just wanted to leave and see kaia so I quickly whispered kaias whereabouts and he thanked me greatly.
“I need a drink oh my” Charlotte laughed holding out a glass of champagne as we sat outside in the sun admiring the sunset
“Me too char, me too” I took a sip of my champagne and then Charlotte turned to me
“I think I need to tell you something” charlotte seemed kind of nervous and she was fiddling with her fingers
“Uh I kind of found Kaia’s underwear bra and shirt in my sons room” she smiled sheepishly waiting for my reaction
“Oh no, I was just about to tell you, I caught her sneaking home with hickeys on her neck. Let’s pray to the lords the men of the house don’t find out” Charlotte laughed at max and Charles
“So not to be THAT person but I so called it the moment they started karting” Charlotte stated putting her hands up
“Oh my I thought they hated eachother god maybe they should both pursue in acting or something like that” the 2 of us had a laugh
“WHAT THE FUCK” Charlotte and I both went place to the sight of Luka out of breath in only a shorts and kaia in Lukas hoody and nothing else
“It’s not what you thi-“ Luka went pale as kaia just stood behind him scared
“It’s exactly what I think it is and the truth is you’re not allowed to be having sex with my daughter you’re not good enough for her” max practically screamed at Luka to which then Charles came into the conversation
“How dare you fucking say that, have you ever realised it takes 2 people to have sex it’s not all Lukas fault maybe your daughters just a bad influence” Charles rolled his eyes and Charlotte and I both looked at them
“What the fuck did you just say” max was raging, he was so angry and just frustrated
“Stop it, you are all acting like children” Charlotte swatted her husbands shoulder as everyone went to stare at the 2 of us
“Look, as Long as theyre being safe I don’t have an issue with it” I said trying to calm down, I could see kaia and Luka cringe to us talking about their sex life. Max starred long and hard at me.
“Can I talk to max for a second?” I asked the group pulling max aside
“That was rude max, you insulted Luka, a boy you’ve known your whole life and you say he’s not good enough? They’re young in love, we were doing the same thing” I said to max huffing
“Yeah well- I just don’t want any Ferrari supporters in the bloodline” max rolled his eyes and me
“I think we’re safe, you scared the poor boy to death. Now please, go and apologise without any threats of any kind” max hesitated and reluctantly turned around walking to the boy who had now put him clothes back on
“Look, do whatever you want in life, I’m fine with you dating my daughter but if you fuck up I will murde-“
“No threats max, you promised” I whispered
“Look no Sex and no Kissing” charles came up and nodded and then turned to max and they both talked about it for a bit and hugged
Kaia was delighted and Luka was super happy and pulled her in for a kiss
“This is going to be an interesting relationship Char” I smiled at Charlotte who nodded and laughed in agreeing
care for you || C Leclerc

Summary: Charles finds out about your mental health almost a year into dating
Charles X fem! Reader
Warnings: Bulimia, self harm, body dysmorphia, mentions of medication, panic attacks
Genre: angst, fluff
If you are dealing with this you are not alone, contact someone, a therapist, your legal guardian, teachers, friends, you don’t have to suffer in silence, you’re loved. This fic is purely to comfort others struggling. If you’re triggered do NOT read
“Mon amour, do you want to come out tonight with max and I for dinner? Kelly might be there” your boyfriend of 8 months had looked at you
“I’m okay, I had a big lunch go have fun” I whispered, kissing Charles on his cheek smiling as he put on his cologne.
“You sure? Make sure to treat yourself whilst I’m gone” he kissed me on the lips and clutched my face as he walked out.
I looked down at a notification on my phone, it was from Instagram, a post of Charles and I together. I scanned the post as I looked at the comments.
“She’s such a slut she doesn’t deserve Charles”
“can she kill herself already”
“She’s so fat”
The last comment made me feel Ill, I’ve been trying so hard to get the perfect body. I cant do this anymore, I don’t want to do it anymore.
As I walked into the restaurant and spotted max I also spotted Kelly placed down in a seat next to him the couple smiling at me
“Hi guys! Sorry y/n couldn’t make it she said she’s had massive lunch, she went out with you right Kelly?” I questioned
“Oh um she didn’t eat lunch? She said she’d had a big breakfast” I raised and eye brow, she was at mine for breakfast, she didn’t want to eat cause she was running late for a meeting
Suddenly I felt ill, had she been starving herself? No, she can’t be, she ate lunch with me yesterday. I felt my breath hitch.
Max Kelly and I had dinner together and it took like what seemed forever. I said my goodbyes and hopped in my car. My mind was racing. I couldn’t think straight.
Was y/n okay? I don’t know maybe she just wasn’t hungry.
I opened the door to our apartment, she wasn’t in the living room, food wrappers and containers were left around the kitchen, loads of them. I opened the bedroom door, still empty. That’s when I saw it, the most perfect girl doing something so horrible it made my stomach drop.
After reading those comments something inside me just broke, I kept scrolling, it was addicting but it was all people just telling me what a horrible girl I am.
I am trying, i am trying to be perfect but it’s so hard, it really is.
Out of nowhere I find myself raiding my fridge eating everything in sight I can, I found myself indulging in cake, biscuits, pasta, cookies, everything. It lasted for hours too. The worst part is I wasn’t even thinking about the consequences
Tears welling up in my eyes, my throat close up as I sank down onto the kitchen floor, cookie in hand, sobbing.
I took a walk of shame to the bathroom. I stuck my fingers down my throat and sobbed, the burning throat in the back of my feeling. Feeling worthless until my stomach felt empty.
“Y/n? Mon Chérie? Where are -“ I saw Charles, mouth agape at the sight he was looking at. My bloodied wrists, vomit in the toilet, chocolate around my face, crying my eyes out
“Ay”, he ran over rushing to the floor, I grabbed his shirt as my mascara stained it.
“Y/n you cannot do this to yourself it is not healthy” he whispered hugging me tight as I let out a sniff in response
“I’m sorry” I quivered “no you’re not, why would you be sorry y/n. Don’t be sorry” he pulled me even closer
“Let’s talk about this, go sit on the bed.” My heartbeat rose, I don’t really know if I wanna talk about it
“I’ll be back” is he planning our breakup? Does he think I’m too mentally Ill for him, oh my god, he’s going to leave me
He came back with a self aid kit in hand, sitting down on the bed with me grabbing my wrists
“Is it okay if I lift up the jumper?” He asked softly as I nodded
He grabbed disinfectant, cleaned them and wrapped a bandage around it.
“Mon amour, why are you doing this to yourself? Please be honest with me, have you eaten today?” He held my hand staring directly into my eyes.
“Yes…” I bit my lip waiting for his response, “throwing it up doesn’t count as eating” he looked down at my wrists
“Then no but I promise I’ll get better “ i lied
“No, not without help, you’re so perfect mon chèrie, I love you so much, you’re so pretty and kind” he cuddled into me
“It needs to stop, please promise me, I will pay for your therapist and you can tell me when you’re dealing with this stuff.” He looked at me and pleaded, a lot
I let out a laugh and nodded my head.
“I love you, I thought you would leave me” I kissed him
“Never, not in my life would I even think about that, 8 months in and I can already see what our kids will look like” we both had a laugh
“Why, can I ask what triggered it? If you don’t mind” he looked at me
“Well um Fans of yours have been making comments and I just-“
“Mon amour, who am I dating?” He raised an eyebrow
“Right, so those fake fans can fuck themselves, I’m not dating them am I? I picked you cause you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen” he said so calmly
“I love you so so much” I made out with him my hands lost in his soft brown hair
“I’m glad, cause I care for you”
Afar || M. verstappen

Summary: Max has been so busy with f1 it seems he’s forgotten about the girl at home waiting for him
Genre: angst
Warnings: max being a dickhead, no happy ending
Max X fem! Reader
It was nights like this, the nights I’d sit in the dark on the couch watching tv, waiting for max to come home. I’d sit in pity, god I didn’t even know where he was anymore.
Tonight was our Third anniversary, I feel so stupid for even trying. I looked around at the dinner I had made for us, the candles, the effort into making the house look nice.
Now I was here 2:26 am, no sign of max, no calls, no texts. I was sitting, Mascara running down my face, crying in the dress I had been saving my money to buy especially for tonight.
But it was all for nothing. Everything was for nothing. I was on my second glass of red wine when I heard the door open to see a tipsy max walk through the door.
“Y/n?” God I hated that, he stopped using pet names, he doesn’t even know me anymore.
“Max, I’ve been waiting for 6 fucking hours” I pointed a finger at the candle lit dinner
“Why? You never told me we had a date night? Don’t fucking blame this on me” he accused and I just laughed
“Really max? It’s our anniversary” I looked at his blank face, he couldn’t think of a reply
“Where were you max?” Tears were now welling up in the eyes as I gave him a stare
“I was out” he muttered, I rolled my eyes and gave a huff, I could see the guilt washing over on his face. He was about to answer but I’ve had enough.
“Max I can’t do this anymore, do you even love me anymore?” I questioned, all the rage coming up
“Of course I do! I love you I promise” he was trying to defend himself but someone who loves me wouldn’t stand me up, someone who loves me would care for me.
“No you don’t, you’re always at work max, I only ever get to see you on 2 days of the weeks and you spend those partying or something!” The tears were now streaming down
“You can’t tell me what to fucking to with my life y/n” he was angry
“You don’t Call Me ‘Baby’, or ‘Schatz’ anymore, also I’m not telling you what to do I just wish you’d acknowledge me” I whispered
“You’re so dramatic” he rolled his eyes and laughed at me
“You’re not the man I fell in love with” he looked pale, he had nothing to say
“I can’t do this, us, we aren’t meant to be together” I walked past him. He grabbed my arm.
“Y/n, baby, no, we can get through this, it’s just a small fight, I’m sorry I’m sorry”
“Just fucking leave me alone” I whispered, walking out the door to leave him drowning in his sorrows.
“Y/n please stop we can try again” he shouted as I hopped in the cab I ordered around 5 minutes before our fight.
“Goodbye max” the cab driver stayed silent, understanding what was happening.
🕊️ (time skip) 🕊️
“It’s okay y/n” I sat in the arms of my bestfriend Isabelle
“Was i the problem?” I questioned rhetorically to myself
“No y/n, he was a dickhead, you’re fine and amazing, now I have ice cream so do you wanna watch tv?” She passed me a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough and we ordered takeout.
how could I let someone that I love so much just walk out the door. I let the love of my life go. How could I be so fucking stupid.
I was left in our shared home. Her perfume was still lurking around the place. The onyx shadows mimicking her as if she was still here but the house was silent, empty.
It’s like a piece of my heart was ripped out. The feeling inside me was hollow. Felt like I had nothing left. The one thing that helped me, cared for me, celebrated with me, got me through my downfalls.
I miss her already, i miss her laugh and her smile. I want her back. I want her back so so bad. I would give anything for just one last kiss. I regret it
I Moped down to the floor, vodka in hand. Tonight was something I didn’t want to ever remember.
🕊️ (time skip) 🕊️ (1 month later)
It was race weekend, and as much as I hate to admit it, I need to see him. I want to see him, so every Friday Saturday and Sunday I spend watching him, my love.
I spend my hours watching him from afar.