Mbswip - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Krobus sewer /cindersap forest wip

Krobus Sewer /cindersap Forest Wip
Krobus Sewer /cindersap Forest Wip
Krobus Sewer /cindersap Forest Wip
Krobus Sewer /cindersap Forest Wip
Krobus Sewer /cindersap Forest Wip
Krobus Sewer /cindersap Forest Wip
Krobus Sewer /cindersap Forest Wip
Krobus Sewer /cindersap Forest Wip

I've finally started building, all the sims are mostly done. I don't know why I wanted to start with this oneπŸ˜… The weird secret blue island with caterpillars thingy will go on the last two basement floors. In my stardew save I'm trying to use the sewer as a recycling space like i've seen other players do. So I'm gonna try to do an eco lifestyle vibe for krobus here.

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7 months ago

Stop motion issues I'm finding it super hard to do the stop motion build I was trying to do, i can't properly wrap my head around doing it back to front and i keep losing my camera positions especially in larger rooms with lots of sections... I will keep trying to finish this but there are already mistakes that im gonna have to do a shitty transition for cause i've lost my positions again and already restarted the whole thing and don't want to do that again, frankly ive kind of already lost motivation for it cause its just taking so long to get it right. So my respect to anyone who makes stop motion build videos especially for large lots, it is so hard...

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7 months ago

Calico Desert build wip

Calico Desert Build Wip
Calico Desert Build Wip
Calico Desert Build Wip
Calico Desert Build Wip
Calico Desert Build Wip
Calico Desert Build Wip
Calico Desert Build Wip

🌡πŸ₯₯🌴Calico Desert Simdew Valley Addon🌴πŸ₯₯🌡

πŸ„πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€πŸŒΎπŸ·πŸ΄πŸ„πŸ§™πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒ»πŸŒ½Simdew Valley Decal/Walls/Floors set

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6 months ago

omg 3d cyberpunk yukata

thank you @mauvemorn and @stamsim no guys I think I actually somehow (with the help of other creators basically telling me what to do in literally every millisecond thank you thank you thank you) managed to convert a mesh from cyberpunk 2077 to sims 4 omg im dying of joy it took me days but i did it im going to cry if you think its easy and im dumb you can go on and head to another pleasant lovely place that doesn't interfere with my inner peace and pride at actually doing more than just botch editing a photoshop image also its a wip and not finished im still playing around with maps and textures but omg maybe i can convert the whole cyberpunk clothing catalogue well no that would be insane but yeah omg maxis match is not an option with this im afraid, but i might make a matte less shiny version ok bye

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5 months ago

Cyberpunk suitcase wip + El coyote cojo + fasdfsfsdf

Cyberpunk Suitcase Wip + El Coyote Cojo + Fasdfsfsdf
Cyberpunk Suitcase Wip + El Coyote Cojo + Fasdfsfsdf
Cyberpunk Suitcase Wip + El Coyote Cojo + Fasdfsfsdf
Cyberpunk Suitcase Wip + El Coyote Cojo + Fasdfsfsdf
Cyberpunk Suitcase Wip + El Coyote Cojo + Fasdfsfsdf

I know it seems I'm doing nothing, but I've been doing a lot of stuff for my cp save + cc converting:

Building V's megabuilding (h10) complete, I redid it all and use it with for rent and so far it isn't corrupted lol

Cloned the megabuilding and now making h03 and el coyote cojo bar, I'm having so much fun with it

Then when it comes to cc I'm converting a bunch of stuff from cp and don't plan on stopping anytime soon, I love the items! plus don't have a clue how to model something yet. It is hard for me but so far I've converted with a lot of help from other creators V's yukata, the "rogue" pants and some heel strap boots. These are almost finished I just keep starting new things instead of finishing πŸ˜… It's also frustrating that the more things I do the more I learn and then the previous stuff seems badly done and I keep redoing it and taking ages, and simultaneously the more things I do the more I realise I don't know and how much nuance there is for each item and it's hard, especially converting meshes that were not intended for this game at all but it is doable. So yeah learning a lot, still clueless about a lot, and trying not to get too perfectionist but make sure things are as good as possible. When I was building my el coyote cojo/ heywood lot I thought it would be neat to put those abandoned loot suitcases around with random junk inside (you know all the crap that somehow ends up in your sims inventory that you don't want cough cough robot parts from chemistry lab and random mysims dolls and stupid clay cough cough) and ended up converting this. So it is finished and functions as a storage backpack (can be put in sims inventory and put as much stuff in as you want), but before I upload i wanna make the same case into a growing together suitcase and once that's done I promise I'll finish all this stuff before doing something else 😭 When it comes to this lot and my megabuilding I may continue the cc list for the upload of it if I have time after these cc uploads (I started before it corrupted with For Rent) and if it's too much I'll just make some pics/videos, but I'm super happy with these builds πŸ’› RIP Stardew Valley save, wait for me, it's not you it's me I swear I try to force myself to cycle round my different saves otherwise I fear I'll abandon them and I always get re-inspired once I start.

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5 months ago

Sasuke hair mesh wip

Sasuke Hair Mesh Wip
Sasuke Hair Mesh Wip
Sasuke Hair Mesh Wip

need to fix a few things like the clipping in the side of the face then make the chops, and a few variations if I can (bandages nukenin hair, konoha headband, long bangs over forehead version) Don't know whether to do hat chops / all colours...

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