Mcdanno - Tumblr Posts
CBS: *gives Alex an episode of H50 to write and direct*
Alex: So we're killing Doris and Danny and Steve are gonna share a bed. Also Steve has a beard!

“I think it’s really nice that you’re offering to let Danny stay here while they’re working on his place.”

I’m going to go get the bottle; I left it in the car. Okay, that’s disgusting.

#when you’ve got a tonne of bench space #but you sit squished up against each other anyway,
s1 steve really just looked at this short angry detective from new jersey pointing a gun at him and went “that’s mine now” huh

From HawaiiFive0cbs on Twitter
The 👏 #McDanno 👏 the world 👏 deserves 👏. Don't miss it this Friday on an all-new #H50.
My Hawaii Five-0 head canon that’s created from bits and pieces of all the fanfic I’ve read over the last 9 months is 1000% better than the actual show. Fan creators do the heavy work in the H50 fandom, more than any other fandom I’ve ever been in. Thanks to every last one of you!

McDanno moments - Making sure Danny knows he will always have a place with Steve.
so i had the most hilarious thought. grace decides steve has been gone too long, and starts hinting to him danno has a new boyfriend and gets the rest of 5-0 in on it, but it's only when someone mistypes "bf" as "bff" that steve drops everything and comes home because only steve can be danny williams bff forever. they agreed on it.
that is not only hilarious, it’s also absolutely unquestionably in character, omfg! canon steve is just, so very obsessed with having a best friend. danny is dating someone else? it’s okay. steve always knew this day would come and he will pine in painfully repressed manly silence like he has for roughly a decade. danny has a new best friend? probably eerie outward calm while steve’s internal monologue goes something like WHAT WHO HOW COULD DANNY BETRAY ME LIKE THIS WHEN IS THE FIRST FLIGHT HOME SO I CAN KICK THIS GUY’S ENTIRE BEING OFF A BUILDING AND INTO A SHARK CAGE AND-
(danny, who is happy to have steve home but doesn’t have a clue: “new best friend? what are you even-” steve: “MARRY ME.” danny: “yes, but also i don’t understand what’s hap-” steve: “MARRIAGE IS JUST A FRIENDSHIP RECOGNIZED BY THE POLICE. RECOGNIZE ME, DANNY.”)

Stuff Steve has probably said to Danny

No Way Around It™: mcdanno was canon from the goddamn pilot