Janis Ian - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Okay, but listen … “Apex Predator” from the Mean Girls Musical sung by Rook (playing Janis) and Epel (playing Cady) talking about Vil (playing Regina)

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11 years ago
Last Month, Thinking About My Own Public Art Practice, I Toyed With The Idea Of Inserting English Into
Last Month, Thinking About My Own Public Art Practice, I Toyed With The Idea Of Inserting English Into
Last Month, Thinking About My Own Public Art Practice, I Toyed With The Idea Of Inserting English Into
Last Month, Thinking About My Own Public Art Practice, I Toyed With The Idea Of Inserting English Into
Last Month, Thinking About My Own Public Art Practice, I Toyed With The Idea Of Inserting English Into
Last Month, Thinking About My Own Public Art Practice, I Toyed With The Idea Of Inserting English Into
Last Month, Thinking About My Own Public Art Practice, I Toyed With The Idea Of Inserting English Into
Last Month, Thinking About My Own Public Art Practice, I Toyed With The Idea Of Inserting English Into

Last month, thinking about my own public art practice, I toyed with the idea of inserting English into the lives of my students like I've done with art. I wanted English to be something they bumped into around their homes, rather than just a subject that existed purely within the school building. From those thoughts, I came up with a fairly conventional scavenger hunt. Through English clues posted in the school, students search for 14 clues spread out over Kawaura (an area of 119 square km/46 square miles). We're in the third week of the hunt, and just more than half of the clues have been found.

For prizes, I made mix CDs. To emphasize the international nature of English, I chose musicians I liked from a variety of countries, including some where English is not the native language. In Japanese I explained the main phrase or general meaning of each song. Also, it turned out that three of the singers on the mix (Janis Ian and Tegan and Sara Quin) are queer and two more are rumored to be (Elly Jackson of La Roux, and Janelle Monae), so I made sure to include a note about that as well.

Font: 806 Typography by Leonard Posavec (a cool, Croatian teen)

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6 months ago


adopt me please please please you’re so cool pretty please I promise I’m cool (lesbian + ace + artist) pretty pretty please flutters eyelashes


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8 months ago

The opposite of Mean Girls is Nice Boys, now listen to my Nice Boys headcanons:

Since The Plastics are the popular girls around the school the CTPB (Contrary to Popular Belief Club) nicknamed “The Gullibles” are the unpopular boys who are often used for other people’s liking.

Garrett Wieners is the leader of the CTPB and is the most outspoken out of the three, often the only voice of reason when someone tries to get them to do something for them and has taken Regino (the quietest among the three) under his wing so as for him to not end up in too much trouble.

Regino George is the second-in-command of the CTPB and the loner of the group, he was the last person to agree to The Barrens offer and yet still shows kindness to the weird group. He is also openly gay.

Ken Smith is just an associate of the club, but this is only because he had joined way too many clubs for the school to allow him to join another one. He is extremely smart (and has even skipped a few grades because of that) and the most expected to win valedictorian. He is sceptical of anyone and everyone new.

Also, on Wednesdays they wear red, why?. Autism acceptance colours

The Barrens are basically the opposite of The Art Freaks.

Janis Ian is basically the jock who’s silent but deadly (mostly on the field) yet rules the school with an iron fist due to his status and apparently “charming” personality. Along with his partner in crime, Mia. They integrate newcomer Kadi into encouraging the Guillables to start fighting for themselves.

Damiana “Mia” Leigh doesn’t really care all that much about Kadi or the loser club who wear red every Wednesday and would rather spend her days having secret one-nights with girls she’ll never see again. But as Janis certainly does care (especially about that loser Regino who he used to be friends with) she reluctantly joins in on the plan.

Kadi Heron just wants to go home. Sadly, his parents took him away from Kenya and decided to take him to real school. After gaining the trust of The Barrens (through very rigorous tasks) and finding out about their first escapade, he figures at the very least he’s doing good deeds.

And that’s it for the bios! Idk if anyone would want a fic of this but enjoy<3

Weirdly enough, Kadi's is the closest to canon-

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7 months ago

people trying to force mean girls into a simple heroes vs villains narrative make me want to vomit and force my sizeable head into a tiny crack until it explodes. actually the point is that they’re all horrible teenagers that either base their self worth on their privilege, making them believe basically every -ism and -obia except feminism, or they’re outcasts that desperately want to feel accepted no matter what, or they’re outcasts that want to feel accepted no matter what and feel vindicated as victims. being a victim sometimes instils this need to get revenge, to break things, at any cost. mean girls essentially asks the question- what if every revenge fantasy of yours came true? and what that actually means. at the end of the day, janis is unbelievably selfish!! and what was crucial to her development as a ‘villain’ was regina isolating her from all her friends and peers!! they’re just as bad as each other!! honestly mean girls somehow manages to hold up well because it dissects teen dynamics with compassion and criticism and humour: the plastics are the girls i hear insulting everyone and their mother in the toilet without consequences. janis and damien are the fellow weird gay friends i had that i sort of sympathise with but ultimately don’t ever want to see again because oh my god get over yourself. the fact people think ‘actually [x] is the villian so we shouldn’t criticise or evaluate [y]’s actions’ takes are interesting is beyond me

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1 year ago

erm guys i might be having mean girls headcanons (mostly applies to 2024 mean girls)

-karen and gretchen are super queerplatonic :3

-karen’s love language is physical touch like she LOVES holding her friends’ hands and hugs and stuff like that like she’d even kiss her friends and have it be completely platonic

-but regina kinda hates it at least at first because she has some internalised homophobia goin on so she pushes karen away and gretchen comes in and she tells karen she’s cool with physical touch

-after that karen just goes all out like she’s constantly holding hands with gretchen hugging her even when they’re over at regina’s

-cady thinks gretchen and karen are a couple (they will be .)

-gretchen and karen share everything especially drinks

-and they have study dates on fridays ^___^ it’s mostly gretchen tutoring karen

-enough about karen and gretchen. regina is a lesbian

-she’s super flirty with girls and aaron is just her comphet .

-regina and cady are literally toxic yuri

-regina janis cady polycule ,,

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1 year ago

this applies to the new musical movie Uh not the first one because it’s just regina but the second one still stands . they’re just clinging to each other the whole time janis is running around

gretchen and karen

-putting their hands on each other thighs during the “someone gets hurt” segment of fearless and

-holding hands during both fearless and i’d rather be me, songs about being free and being who you are (respectively)

is solid proof that they’re gay for each other and you can’t change my mind

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1 year ago

about karen shetty’s sexuality

now that the new mean girls movie has established janis as being officially and canonically a lesbian, the door has been opened for other characters in the same universe to also be queer. the most popular contender is regina george, played by the openly lesbian artist, reneé rapp.

reneé rapp has been open on her stance that regina george was a lesbian and it’s interesting to watch the movie and to see how that stance bled into her performance.

but, like, what does that have to do with avantika’s character, karen shetty? quite a bit, actually.

in the original movie, karen is portrayed as being very promiscuous, almost to a fault. however, she’s only ever shown being attracted to men. in the new movie, this isn’t the case- at least, it seems that way.

it’s a minor plot thread throughout the 2024 movie that karen has slept with 11 “people.” not guys or men specifically. both gretchen and regina say that karen has slept with 11 people. from this, it’s reasonable to assume that she’s been with girls, guys, and maybe even people in between. and avantika seems to agree.

“if you tell me karen is anything but pansexual, i have beef with you,” is what avantika said in an interview. avantika’s karen is a “pansexual queen.”

so that’s that. karen, well karen shetty at least, is semi-canonically pansexual. i find that this element of her character is often overlooked. mostly because it’s not well-known in the first place. it’s unknown whether or not avantika even played karen with that in mind.

regardless, i think this is ostensibly a good thing. that the new mean girls movie is inherently queer speaks to an audience that may not have fully connected with the original film. that karen is pansexual, janis is officially a lesbian, and damian is gay opens the doors for other queer characters to have a place in mean girls, a movie and franchise that was previously incredibly straight.

to put it simply, karen is sapphic now. and i think that’s pretty cool.

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1 year ago

guys what ship is fetchen. /genq if it’s karen and gretchen i’m confused as to how it incorporates karen

Mean Girls Ships and the Adaptation Where they had the most Chemistry

(most <- least)

Btw, I forgot some of the shipnames


Musical ≈ 2004 movie ≠ 2024 Movie

2024 Cadaron was so boring. I'm sorry :(


2004 movie <- Musical = 2024 movie

The tension is always there, some just do it better

Gretgina (is that their ship name????):

Musical <- 2024 movie = 2004 movie


Musical <- 2024 movie <- 2004 movie


2024 movie ≈ 2004 movie = musical

They always b fruity for no reason


Musical <- 2024 movie = 2004 movie

In my mind, they graduated and got married after college .

Bonus Cady rarepairs:


Musical <- 2004 movie <- 2024 movie (they didn't hit. Sorry :(( )


(hot take!!!) 2004 movie <- musical <- 2024 movie

They r Emmett and Elle from legally Blonde. idc idc

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1 year ago

hey guys. what if i posted mean girls fic scenarios on here . would you guys enjoy that .

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11 months ago

i think uh gretchen and karen are gay and in love so here’s some of my headcanons about it :3

I Think Uh Gretchen And Karen Are Gay And In Love So Heres Some Of My Headcanons About It :3

<3-before they got together, karen was incredibly clingy with gretchen and gretchen only (as i mentioned before, karen is just a very touchy person but gravitated toward gretchen)

<3-karen heard gretchen when she was singing “what’s wrong with me?” and went on a very long and heartfelt rant about how there’s nothing wrong with her

<3-that’s when gretch realised she had feelings for her best friend c:

<3-they literally share everything like if gretchen gets a coffee half of it will be drank by karen

<3-karen loses her things a lot so gretchen’s come to have extras always

<3-they make collaborative spotify playlists :3

<3-they’re always clinging to each other during sleepovers at regina’s and regina is a really big hater about it

<3-they had their first kiss after cady’s party

<3-gretchen was so upset about jason and karen was there for her the whole time

<3- “i dunno why you like him so much. you’re like…really nice and smart and pretty. but he’s so…not nice to you.” among other compliments

<3-gretchen could not believe that karen really felt that way about her

<3-she kinda just stared at karen for a few seconds

<3-they made out very passionately after that (gretchen kissed karen first even though she was terrified to)

<3-it took gretchen like a day after that to tell karen she actually liked her

<3-they were each other’s dates to the spring fling c: they weren’t official yet at that point

<3-when they started dating, karen asked gretchen, “does this make you or me the boyfriend?”

<3-gretchen calls karen “mama”, “(mi) amor”, or “kare-bear” if she’s feeling particularly corny and karen calls gretchen “gretch” always

<3-they have movie nights with regina, cady, aaron, janis, and damian and whenever someone picks a horror movie karen gets scared so easily that she just huddles up to gretchen the whole time

<3-gretchen absolutely loves karen’s big brown eyes like there might actually be nothing she loves more in the whole world

<3-karen loves biting gretchen like not in a sexual way she just thinks gretchen looks so edible she will bite her very softly all the time

<3-gretchen will absentmindedly do that thing with her thumb when she and karen are holding hands and it kinda drives karen crazy

<3-they do that cheesy couple thing where they rest their foreheads together like they’re about to kiss and everyone else hates it (affectionately)

<3-karen had feelings for gretchen for a while and made it painfully obvious but just never said anything

<3-gretchen is a lesbian (i’m kinda projecting with this one) jason was just her comphet fr

<3-karen is pan (this is semi canon/confirmed by avantika)

<3-gretchen has insomnia and often calls karen in the middle of the night just to hear her voice

<3-gretchen sometimes has panic attacks and karen is the only person who knows exactly how to calm her down

<3-gretchen picks at her cuticles and karen brings her colourful bandaids and holds her hands to prevent her from doing so

<3-gretchen gets quite jealous easily,, mostly due to being a very anxious and insecure person

okay . i’m done thank u for coming to my ted talk ^w^ (i have more please ask me about them if you want)

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11 months ago

gretchen headcanons when!!!!!!!

Gretchen Headcanons When!!!!!!!


-let’s get her sexuality n pronouns out the way i think she’s a lesbian that doesn’t exactly identify as a girl but goes by she/her

-she’s autistic (she just like me fr) + insomnia and anxiety she’s kinda fucked up (affectionate)

-she’s a spotify master her playlists are absolute masterpieces and she somehow has a playlist for every one of the most specific scenarios ever

-she picks at her cuticles as a nervous habit . it gets bad sometimes

-she loves art!!! art of any kind but she loves absentmindedly sketching what she sees

-her favourite brand is burberry she fuckin Loves burberry

-her dad is still the inventor of toaster strudel she is absolutely loaded perhaps even richer than regina

-she’s neither a dog nor cat person . she is a bird person she’d have like two parakeets

-she’s lowkey a huge germaphobe like she does not tolerate anyone drinking her drinks or eating her food besides like one specific person (yes it’s karen)

-she has a photographic memory ^___^ that’s how she remembers everything about everyone

-she loves journaling . if something bad happens to her u will hear her furiously scribbling .

-she cannot stand repetitive noises . repetitive noises are her kryptonite they overstimulate her very badly

-she is so amazing at playing the guitar but she always says she’s not that good at it and only plays by herself

-she’s very good at cooking but specifically she loves to make pizza. she can’t explain why but she’s really good at making pizza . and arroz con pollo too

-she pulls all-nighters like every two days it’s amazing she hasn’t dropped dead

-she loves kali uchis . kali uchis is her favourite artist of all time

that is all . thank you for coming

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11 months ago

★˙ ̟ karen x gretchen/fetchen fluff in which gretchen drives a tired and slightly drunk karen home after the halloween party <3

 Karen X Gretchen/fetchen Fluff In Which Gretchen Drives A Tired And Slightly Drunk Karen Home After
 Karen X Gretchen/fetchen Fluff In Which Gretchen Drives A Tired And Slightly Drunk Karen Home After
 Karen X Gretchen/fetchen Fluff In Which Gretchen Drives A Tired And Slightly Drunk Karen Home After


as the commotion of halloween night fizzled out and the people began to drain out the front door, karen couldn’t help but cling to gretchen, her energy draining by the minute. she felt herself stumble over her heels with every step, her eyelids fighting the urge to droop.

when the party is ostensibly over, gretchen takes her hand out of instinct, leading her out the door, down the steps, and to her car.

“are you okay to get home?” gretchen asked just a moment before karen nodded while taking a dizzied step forward, her body betraying her pride. gretchen steadied her with gentle hands on her shoulders and a quiet chuckle. “i can drive you.”

with a sigh, karen just mutters, “yes, please.”

gretchen led karen around each dimly lit space to the bathroom, knowing the taller girl’s home like the back of her hand. in front of the room’s rectangular mirror, gretchen reached for the mouse-eared headband atop karen’s head, slowly pulling it up and off of her. after resting it on the marble countertop beside them, she brushed a stray curl from karen’s eyes, giving her a look so soft that it made her exhausted heart flutter.

she couldn’t help but smile as karen resisted sleep, running a cloth underneath warm water. karen squeezed her eyes shut as gretchen dragged the cloth along her face, slowly removing her makeup.

before karen knew it, it’s over and she’s able to flop into her bed, about to close her eyes when-

“you’re not just gonna sleep in your costume, are you?” gretchen asked, placing a hand on karen’s waist. “why not?” karen mumbled into plush blankets.

“c’mon, mama. change really quick.” karen rolled over to face gretchen, pouting before reaching up to be pulled toward her closet.

“gretch,” karen whispered, slowly combing through oversized t-shirts as if her parents were home, “can you stay the night? my family’s gone.” while changing her clothes, she glanced over her shoulder to monitor gretchen’s reaction.

“huh? why?” gretchen asked as karen laid down beside her, draping an arm over her thighs. “i dunno. i just…don’t wanna be by myself,” karen muttered, looking up at gretchen with a sparkle in her eyes that she can’t help but say yes to.

placing a gentle hand atop karen’s head, she just whispered “okay,” as she combed her fingers through the taller’s hair.

gretchen continued to look back at karen tucked under the covers and checking her nails as she fished through various items in karen’s closet.

“hey, kare,” gretchen hesitated for a moment, “can i wear one of your shirts to bed?” karen nodded, mumbling a confirmation. “i dunno why you’re saying that like you don’t wear my stuff already.”

gretchen chuckled to herself, struggling not to make her awkwardness audible.

right. why’d i do that?

a strangely empty silence falls over the two as gretchen begins to undress, removing her black jumpsuit and replacing it with bare legs and a white t-shirt that reeks of karen, her sweet perfume permeating gretchen’s senses.

gretchen walked toward karen’s bed, part of her expecting, hoping that karen would have fallen asleep by the time she arrived. but she hadn’t. somehow, she seemed even wider awake than she was when they first got back.

she took care to attempt to slide underneath the velvet covers with some degree of finesse so as not to disturb karen’s fidgeting. it doesn’t work as well as gretchen hopes, karen craning her head to face her and giving her a heavy smile before squeezing her weakly.

with a sigh, karen’s face became burrowed into gretchen’s clavicle, softly nipping at her skin and bringing gretchen’s heart rate up so high she becomes scared that karen can hear it. she tangled her legs between gretchen’s, a wave of calm rushing over them both, gretchen shifting her focus onto the candle she’d bought for the taller girl a few months before.

“hold my hand, gretch.”

and of course, gretchen concedes.

she can’t help the way their hands fit together so perfectly. she can’t help the way karen’s teeth feel against her neck. she just can’t help that she loves her best friend so much. because god, how could she not?

as karen drifts to sleep, gretchen giggles under her breath, twirling thin strands of her dark hair between her fingers.

“your costume was really cute tonight, kare. we…kinda matched.” gretchen muttered, stringing her thumb along karen’s knuckles. “we did?” gretchen feels karen’s warm breath against her as she asks. “yeah. cat and mouse.” karen takes gretchen in, just for a second.

“hm. that’s so cool,” karen mumbles. “it’s probably, like, meant to be.” she continues, before returning to nibbling at gretchen’s neck.

karen presses gentle kisses to each spot she bit, forcing gretchen to take in deep breaths. and then her eyes widen at the sudden memory that she’d forgotten to buy regina anything for the holiday. and then she remembers, too, that karen is right there next to her- drunk and tired, but still there.

karen’s bed is so comfortable, her body so warm that it pulls gretchen right back to where she is. there with karen, she feels everything melt away.

karen soon falls into sleep, the rhythm of gretchen’s pulse lulling her to rest as she lays on her chest. when gretchen sees karen’s eyes fluttering shut after the long hours she’d spent awake, she allows hers to do the same.

for a few hours in the night, everything will be perfect. everything will be okay. karen is huddled into gretchen’s arms and, god, she looks so beautiful even while she’s struggling to stay awake.

“you should go to bed, gretch,” karen yawns. “you’re so tired.”

karen’s right and gretchen knows it. she never has to chase karen for her to pay attention.

everything’s fine, at least for tonight. and gretchen revels in karen’s warmth, leans into her touch as if she’d been stuck at sea and karen was the one who brought her to shore.

karen was sweeter than the candy they’d collected every halloween for years. for the first time, gretchen thinks that if every halloween can be like this, she loves the holiday just as much as karen does.

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11 months ago

★˙ ̟ fetchen: love drunk

 Fetchen: Love Drunk
 Fetchen: Love Drunk
 Fetchen: Love Drunk

stupid little fetchen drabble while i work on something else that’s also fetchen related!!! i keep thinking about pre-dating drunk fetchen dynamic at a party so here u guys go!!!


gretchen can’t help but feel a little disoriented, what with the bass pumping all around her and the alcohol in her system practically coursing through her veins. the chatter of her classmates that surround her drill into her head as she takes another shot.

i miss karen. where’d she go?

and then she feels someone take her by her shoulders, leading her into a half-empty room. well, as empty as a room could be in the midst of a houseparty. she’s met with karen’s stupidly pretty, smiling face. it almost looks like she’s glowing.

“gretch!” karen yells over the music. “i needa tell you a secret!” karen’s smoothing her hair before she’s cupping gretchen’s face in her hands, her touch warmer than ever. she’s already giggling before she can say another word.

what’s she trying to say?

“gretch…i love you so much.” gretchen feels karen’s touch become just a little lighter. “like, i love you more than i love halloween; and-and butterflies; and fluffy, little dogs.” gretchen finds herself lost for words.

she loves me.

the second part of karen’s statement spills out of her, “and guess what! sometimes, i really, really wanna kiss you. like, on the lips.” karen seems to be unable to stop tittering. it takes a second for gretchen’s brain to catch up.

she wants to kiss me. wait, what?

“and y’know what else?” karen adds, “i wish i could date you. like, i love you but as way, way more than friends! like…i love you like how a boyfriend loves a girlfriend! but you don’t-” she’s tripping over her words as gretchen remains silent. “you don’t love me like that! and it kinda sucks really hard!”

gretchen opens her mouth to speak faster than she can think of a response but karen unknowingly cuts her off. “anyway! i’m gonna get another drink!” karen’s still smiling almost dreamily, her tongue between her teeth as she begins to walk away.

she wants to kiss me.

everything karen had just said hits gretchen like a truck. she takes karen’s hand before she can go any further.

i think i wanna kiss her.

so gretchen does. she’s unsure of where to put her hands or if she should even adjust them at all, terrified to make the wrong move. for once, she forces herself to make another bold choice, one that serves herself and nobody else. nobody else but karen.

she cups karen’s cheeks in her hands and steps a little bit closer- it’s all so much. the room is spinning around them both, although gretchen can’t tell if it’s the dizzying sensation of kissing her best friend after she’d basically told her she was in love with her or if it’s just the booze. maybe it’s because karen tastes so strongly of vodka.

they kiss until the need for air stabs at their chests and then they do it again and again and again. karen’s lips are soft and her arms are wrapped gently around gretchen in such a way that drives her insane. her own arms have moved down, now hooked around karen’s neck, wanting her even closer.

for the first time, gretchen’s stopped caring about the people around her and what they might think- what jason thinks. she’s kissing a girl who just so happens to be karen. karen just so happens to love her. this is the feeling she’s been needing, she’s sure of it.

when gretchen pulls away, struggling to catch her breath, she’s again met with karen’s stupidly pretty, smiling face.

god, she’s so pretty.

i think i love her too.

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11 months ago

guys hi pleaseeeeee ask me for headcanons and stuff i’m so painfully bored i will yap about any mg character or ship if you ask me to

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11 months ago

can you please make fetchen group dynamic headcannons? how the group interacts with/reacts to them 😍


~ janis and regina are bitter haters through and through. they’ll gag when fetchen kiss in front of them and comment stuff like “break up” or “delete this” when they post each other. it’s all in good fun of course but rejanis are the biggest haters ever.

~ MEANWHILE cady and damian absolutely love karen and gretchen’s relationship. if there was a fetchen fanclub they’d be co-presidents.

~ when cady first met the plastics, she thought karen and gretchen were already in a relationship. cady’s arrival was, in part, the catalyst for them getting together for real.

~ pretty much nobody in the friend group was surprised when they started dating . nobody except for aaron . he doesn’t see it coming at all

~ aaron is very supportive tho . he’s new to all this gay stuff be nice to him

~ they have movie nights as a group and karen and gretchen always get the couch to themselves no matter whose house they’re at . regina’s advocated for a rotating system but it hasn’t stuck .

~ they made a promise to exchange gifts for valentine’s day every year in a secret santa-type fashion. they have two rules. price limit is $25 and karen and gretchen cannot be paired up . they’re simply too insufferable

~ when they go on group trips of any sort, damian is the resident fetchen photographer he captures their cutest moments and does it damn well

~ every year, gretchen commissions the whole friend group to plan karen’s birthday party and every year, the parties are absolute hits

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11 months ago

saw someone else ask on another blog, what’s your mean girls middle name headcanons!

~ gretchen: i think her middle name is beatrice!!! my friend wrote that in one of her fics and i think it fits her so well!!! plus it’s a reference to bebe wood since beatrice is her full name :3

~ regina: alexandra . Now let me explain . it sounds like a stuck up little princess name . and i think that fits regina really well. also “regina alexandra george” sounds pretty sick

~ cady: her canon middle name is jane and i think it fits her really well ^__^ i have nothing to add

~ aaron: barbara. i think his middle name is his grandmother’s name and he never introduces himself with his middle name

~ karen: jane. karen doesn’t actually have a middle name but she always wanted to have one so she picked jane for herself :3

~ damian: selene. just like karen, damian doesn’t actually have a middle name so he picked selene for himself. he just wanted something that made him sound nice and fancy.

~ janis: she doesn’t have a middle name and she doesn’t want one . she’s completely fine with just being janis 'imi'ike.

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10 months ago

Do you have any Janis headcanons?

yasssss :3 janis so silly :3

Do You Have Any Janis Headcanons?
Do You Have Any Janis Headcanons?
Do You Have Any Janis Headcanons?


~ janis has multiple stick and poke tattoos in various places, most of which she did herself.

~ she has a lot more piercings than just a septum but doesn’t wear jewelry in them as often (right eyebrow, various ear piercings)

~ she has synesthesia!!! the way she connects her art to her worldview is supa cool

~ most people call her she but she wouldn’t be upset if someone used they or he either

~ she bruises very easily . many bruises on her arms and legs literally all the time

~ she’s the biggest couple hater of all time. she will hate on every happy couple she sees . fetchen are her biggest victims unfortunately

~ she gets a buzzcut the summer before senior year and dyes it with fun patterns . she’s done melting smiley faces, cheetah spots, and purple flowers.

~ she and damian are absolutely goated at fortnite. they match skins and everything

~ her favourite tattoo she has is of a crow . it was very tedious do to herself and she’s really proud of it

~ she is irritatingly good at chemistry. it’s like second nature to her

~ she sketches her friends so often. damian is her top model of course but she likes drawing gretchen and cady too

~ karen put her on to kpop and she will never ever admit that she listens to it. she listens to a lot of dreamcatcher

~ she picks up drumming after junior spring fling and she gretchen and damian entertain the thought of starting a band together

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