Medical Mistreatment - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Shoutout To The Chronically Ill!

Shoutout to the chronically ill!

You will find your way. Take the tube of your IVs and use them as a weapon against the very people who hurt you.

I’ve been sick since I was 14-15. Ignored by doctors and ultimately have gone through enough major surgeries, it’s affected my heart. But I keep going. I keep going not because I have to but because I choose to. I push back against the very people who have neglected and cursed me into this life just to show that no matter how much abuse I take from those with licenses to experiment on people, I stand strong. Punctured, stitched, poked, prodded.

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5 months ago

Medical rant, sharing because it might help someone feel better, because I know it helps me.

I had an appointment with a new GP yesterday. Amazing nurse, sweetest I have ever met. Same for the technician who took my blood. I was honestly getting excited. It seems great here!

But then I met the doctor. I insisted my mother goes in with me, because I have learnt my lesson about going in alone.

"Teenagers tend to lie when their parents are here" was what she told me. Cool I said, I am 28.

We sit down, she shakes her head. "I assume you are well. You are 28, why are you even here. You cannot have health issues."

We moved on to some paperwork, the routine stuff. She asked why I am there.

"Should I start with my oldest symptoms or newest. What is best for you?"

She gave me a stern look. "You're telling me you have more? Forget it." We did more paperwork, telling her about my family etc.

Eventually I pulled out results of my blood work. Stuff like glucose, minerals, hormones. "What do you expect me to look at here?"

"Am I not suppose to bring result here? "

She called the nurse "it appears this miss brought herself some blood work she didn't tell us about" I could see the nurse wince. I apologised to her that she had to run in to take care of it. (Usually we give results to doctors not nurses where I am from, but I guess this was different)

The nurse told me not to worry about it, that she was just glad not to get scolded.

We moved on. She told me "what do you expect me to do with this? I am not an endocrinologist."

"I know, but I need you to write me a recommendation so I can visit some."

"You don't need it. You just need to lose weight. You clearly do not understand physics-"

I frowned "let me stop you right there. I can assure you I eat well. I get sick all the time and cannot eat junk food even if I wanted. I track my calories. I track what i burn too."

Of course, she didn't believe me. Called me a liar. My mother stood up for me. The doctor moved on.

In case you are wondering, I never mentioned I want to lose weight or that I am unhappy. I want help from an endo because of other health issues that seem to be hormone based.

She pat my stomach and noticed scars on my wrists. "Those are self harm scars?"

"I am sorry, that is none of your business," I said as politely as possible.

She completely flipped. Told me I am rude, unstable. That I treat her horrible and she will not work with me. That I am a liar who keeps things from her. That I clearly don't want to be well so there is no reason to help me.

I calmly got dressed, sat down and look her in the eyes: "But doctor. Why should I trust you when you don't believe a word I said."

She clenched her jaw. "Not sure where you got the impression i don't believe you" she turned back to her computer.

I was so proud of myself for standing up for myself. I told her to order more bloodwork and give me a recommendation for endo and ultrasound. To my surprise she has.

I am not sure I will keep her as my GP, probably not, but I am proud of myself. So proud of myself.

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6 months ago

A little gore drawing I made. It features a slit throat, medical table, blood, and a chacter in a medical themed coat. I like the idea and the more gritty style, but I plan to evolve on the idea.

A Little Gore Drawing I Made. It Features A Slit Throat, Medical Table, Blood, And A Chacter In A Medical

Tea (brown feline) = They/Them

Athena (white wolf) = She/Her

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