Mereel Skirata - Tumblr Posts

mereel "leave the research to me" skirata, aka the loml
For Jaing- Mammoth face warrior? Tusks the Durge trainer?
And don't forget his other favorite son 'No longer a man' and his grandson Saber
Ah yes, my favorite fictional family, Knife Revenge and his sons [checks notes] Shadow, Glove, Space Napoleon, Martyred Bestie, and Jaing
He hummed, arms crossed, looking down at the pitiful scene his brother made. Ordo found it funny that Mereel had declared he could easily beat the Alpha's in a fight. Maze sliding into the conversation to take the bet however, had been to both of their surprise.
Bet made, Maze had given them a time and said he'd bring Mereel's opponents with him.
"What do you mean opponents?"
"You said Alphas, plural" Maze grinned at them over his shoulder, all sharp teeth and unhinged glee.
Which led them to where they were currently.
"You could just roll over" Ordo rolled his eyes at the resulting screech and watched Mereel try to get two kitted and tired Alpha ARCs off of him.
One was lounging on his back, using Mereel like a long pillow. They had his brother's arm trapped under their combined weight and- if Ordo didn't know better- was using the added hassle of moving a limp body to further dissuade any escape attempts.
The other Alpha was perched on Mereels legs- perched was a reach, more like their legs were tangled together, Ordo thought- and was picking through every pocket they could wiggle their fingers into.
When cutting a glance to his side, Ordo took in how Maze looked like a satisfied tooka and wondered if this was how the other Captain normally looked when his shiver was on shore leave.
"You lost the bet," Maze's voice almost had a lilt to it, "now after you get done you owe me and my kih'vode some nice drinks." He cackled- cackled! Ordo didn't know how to feel about this side of Maze he was seeing- and set about pulling up his comm to take a holo of the scene.
"I call the bet unfair" Mereel grumbled into the mat and grunted when the alpha on his legs- Stec, that was his name- managed to pry open the pouch Ordo knew held those sour candies that Mereel liked. Maze seemed to chose to ignore Mereel's complaints as a notification buzzed Ordo's comm right as Maze mentioned sending the holo to the 17. That got Mereel to attempt another bid at freedom while cursing at Maze.
Ordo ignored the renewed scuffling to save the holo to his own small stash of photos and make a copy to send to Jaing, knowing that it'd escape Mereel's clutches.