Merthur Fanart - Tumblr Posts

They and bagginshield are my roman empire.
(The blood is there for aesthetic purposes. Don’t think about it.)

They and bagginshield are my roman empire.
(The blood is there for aesthetic purposes. Don’t think about it.)

I may not be a dedicated member of the merlin fandom, but they have some of the best fan fictions and aus and it’s hell a lot of fun anyways. A lot of fics which have sustained me in this lockdown period have come from this lovely fandom right here. So a shoutout.
I finally finished the first digital art I started months ago, or decided finally that yup, it’s finished.

Insta: @casual.daydreamer
Please do not repost without permission or steal.
This explains them so much

My contribution to the @bbcmerlin-reversebang this year! I had the pleasure of working alongside the lovely @remaymberme and their story a single thread of fate(tied me to you) <3
Also a shoutout to the ever amazing @feuxx for betaing and helping me through the fest ^_^

Merlin: FEAR ME
The Fandom: Oh my god ur so cute, can I hug u