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The Best Day

The Best Day

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Prompt - ‘I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.’

Requested - @pumpkinfriend

Notes - This is my first time writing MGG so I apologise if it's OOC.


Despite having never met your name and Matthew Gray Gubler’s name often went hand in hand together. It started when you said in an interview how much you admired the man and how big a fan you were of his latest work. That in turn led to Matthew being asked about you and him admitting he too was a fan of yours - that was the extent of the two of you mentioning each other in interviews though interviewers and fans alike did try their hardest to get you talking about one another.

The two of you, however, did give both your fanbases something - when you first started following each other on Instagram people found out pretty quickly, you still weren’t sure how they realised so fast. From there, there wasn’t much for a while but once Matthew liked the newest picture you had uploaded, social media went into a frenzy speculating what this meant - were you dating, how long had you been dating? You admittedly found it hilarious, one little like on a normal instagram post and two fan bases had gone crazy.

After that Matthew, himself, uploaded a post, again a normal post for him, just one of his drawings with a halloween theme to mark the beginning of October, and you liked it and left a comment - ‘now that is a ghost👻.’ And again, who knew one little thing could cause such an outburst?  Matthew too, thankfully, thought his comment section was quite funny, the number of people convinced that your simple comment could mean a hundred and one other things.

From there on it had become a sort of unspoken joke as to who could cause the bigger frenzy. Without fail people took notice of every comment you two made but so far Matthew seemed to be winning with ‘Maybe we should get August onto Criminal Minds, I can see her and Spencer getting along very well;).’ He had commented on a picture of you dressed in the character of August who was your character on the show you were currently working on and that comment had caused the biggest commotion so far, speculations of crossovers and love interest began to fill people's feeds and timelines.

Though there had been a considerable amount of comments shared back and forth via the instagram comment section, neither of you had actually messaged the other privately yet. You had considered it a few times but you barely had two minutes to yourself with your current filming schedule being pushed forward.

Months passed and at some point the comments turned from friendly to flirty. You couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment things have turned but you did know that whenever you saw Matthew’s name pop up on your phone an involuntary smile made its way onto your face. You knew it was foolish, how could you possibly have feelings for this man considering you’d never actually met him? But you also couldn’t deny the butterflies you felt.

Matthew was feeling the same way, every notification that altered him to a new post or comment from you had him feeling more giddy than he would ever admit. He still declined to mention you in his interviews, skillfully skirting around the questions whilst trying not to let too much show on his face about his growing feelings for you.

Matthew was thankful to have some time off from filming and spent his first day of just relaxing. Thoughts of you continued to cross his mind and he picked his phone up multiple times before throwing it down in frustration. He really wanted to meet you, wanted to get to know you and see where things went. The months of back and forth weren’t enough for him anymore. He knew the two of you were in the same state, not too far from each other either as he recognised the backgrounds of quite a few of your posts.

With a sigh he sat down and grabbed his phone before opening a direct message with you. For a while he just stared at the blank page, pondering over how to start. He didn’t want to be too direct but he also wanted to get his intentions across as early as possible to give you time to decide whether he was what you wanted.

‘Hi, I’ve really enjoyed talking with you these last few months and wanted the chance to talk to you without thousands of other people reading our every word.’ He wrote and rewrote this one sentence four hundred times before deciding that sounded good enough. ‘I’d love to get to know you better, maybe we could hang out together soon?’ Was that too forward? Should he even mention meeting up with you so soon? Why was this so complicated?

Before he could overthink the message anymore he clicked send and tried to ignore the feeling of dread. He found himself constantly checking his phone, every time the screen lit up he himself lit up only to deflate when he didn’t see your name. I need to do something, he said as he stood up and moved over to the desk ready to lose himself in his art.


You sighed as you finished up your last day of filming, you loved what you did but you were thankful for the two or so months you had off. Filming a movie and then the series back to back had exhausted you. You grabbed your bag, not bothering to check your phone, before leaving the set and heading home.

Filming for your show was great though as you got to film it in your state meaning you didn’t need to worry about housing as you could stay in the comfort of your own home. You had greatly missed being home, spending over three months in Canada filming the movie.

Letting out a long exhale, you collapsed into bed after changing out of your clothes and shut your eyes for a minute before pulling your bag close and taking out your phone. You scrolled through the many notifications before pausing at one that caused a smile to spread across your face.

It was a dm from @gublergram.

With slight feelings of nervousness you clicked the notification before outright grinning at the message he had sent.

Taking a breath, you started typing out your reply.

‘Hey Matthew! I’ve really enjoyed talking to you too. Honestly I’m relieved you messaged me, as much fun as causing the internet to break down has been I did want to talk to you more privately. You caught me at the perfect time actually, I’ve just finished filming and have two months free, if you’re around we should definitely hang!’

That seemed casual enough, you thought as you sent the message and dragged yourself up to get ready for bed. By the time you’d finished your night time routine and were tucked up in bed there was a message waiting for you from Matthew.

‘Didn’t you just shoot a movie too? You must be excited for a break, I know I am and I’ve only shot one series! Who knew a few comments here and there could cause so much speculation? Perhaps, if you’re up for it, we could maybe meet up in a few weeks?’

A few weeks was both very soon and yet somehow still so far away. Nerves started creeping in but you tried to brush them aside. Matthew didn’t mean anything by it, surely? Yeah, you’d traded flirty comments here and there but there was no way Matthew could be interested in you…right?

‘Beyond excited! No spoilers, I’m still catching up 😂 For real, did you see the theory about us getting married in Vegas because we were both there around the same time a year ago? These fans are crazy but I think it’s hilarious. I’m totally up for meeting up, I know October’s your month so I’ll leave the plans to you.’

It was like the tiredness that you felt earlier had just disappeared, you and Matthew stayed up til well after midnight talking back and forth. He assured you he had something in mind for when you guys met but he refused to tell you what it was. You found yourself eagerly awaiting the day you’d meet.


Everything about this man was intriguing to you, the way he was so unapologetically himself was something you greatly admired about him. It was easy to start falling for him, how could a person not? As you got to know him more over the course of the next few weeks you found yourself liking him more and more. The way he always brought a smile to your face, the way the conversation flowed like you’d known each other forever. Everything was amazing and to think you hadn’t even met each other yet.

You continued to send messages to each other, getting to know more about his life and him yours. You were thankful you didn’t have work for the foreseeable future as the two of you often stayed up late talking to one another. The conversations covered many different topics, sometimes you sent him screenshots of new theories flying about regarding the two of you, he sent you pictures of his drawings, talking to him came naturally.

Eventually the day arrived in late October. Matthew had assured you that dressing casually was just fine and you found yourself applying some makeup with nervous bubbling below the surface. They were good nerves though, it wasn’t like you didn’t want this but more the fact you couldn’t really believe it was happening. You’d been talking via comments for months and only a few weeks privately but it felt like so much longer.

Just as you slipped your shoes on you heard a knock on your door and knew it was Matthew. Two or so days ago he had texted you asking whether you’d be comfortable with him picking you up or if you’d rather meet him at the location, you hadn’t needed long to ponder over the answer and texted him back telling him you’d like him to pick you up if he didn’t mind.

You took a deep breath before standing up and making your way over to the door. When you opened it you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as the nerves you were feeling faded to make way for excitement.

He was even more stunning in person, standing there with his own smile plastered on his face, cheeks flushed, from the cold or from seeing you, and eyes bright, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

The two of you stood there for a moment, just taking the other in before he cleared his throat and spoke.

“Hi, you look,” here he paused to clear his throat again, “You look beautiful.” He told you, causing you to blush slightly. “These are for you.” He said, holding the flowers out towards you.

“They’re beautiful, thank you.” You pushed the door open wider and invited him inside whilst you put the flowers in a vase and grabbed your jacket.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?” You asked as the two of you left your house and walked towards his car. Matthew just grinned at you whilst shaking his head causing you to let out a laugh.

“Here, let me.” He said as he quickly moved around you so he could open the car door for you.

“Thank you.” You smiled.

It wasn’t long before the two of you were chatting away to each other, the initial nerves seemed to leave the both of you and it definitely didn’t feel like the first time you were in each other's company. You were able to pick up where you left off with your instagram message, slipping into easy conversation whilst you occasionally tried to get him to tell you where you were going to which he just laughed and said you’d find out soon enough.

Before long Matthew was indicating into a car park causing you to look around for any clue as to where you were. Your eyes widened and a grin spread across your face as you saw the sign that told you that you were at a pumpkin picking patch. You turned to face Matthew, unable to contain the joy written across your face which caused the man to let out a relieved sigh at his plan.

The two of you made your way in, your eyes trying to take everything in. Naturally there were pumpkins everywhere but in the distance you saw some children playing with animals at the petting zoo section, and not too far from them seemed to be horse drawn carriages, the carriages filled with hay bales.

You laughed as Matthew made a comment about an oddly shaped pumpkin. Matthew was everything you’d thought he would be and so much more, walking alongside him, you couldn’t help but smile as he rambled on, hands gesturing around unconsciously, he was so animated when he spoke.

“Oo, look at this one!” You exclaimed, making your way over to an impressively large pumpkin. Matthew grinned as he watched you struggle to pick up the pumpkin, you tried a few times before pouting over at him causing him to laugh.

“Maybe we should get a wheelbarrow.” You were quick to agree and pretty quickly the two of you found an abandoned wheelbarrow.

“Your carriage awaits, milady.” Matthew said whilst gesturing to the wheelbarrow, you raised your eyebrow at him but grinned as you sat down in it. Matthew couldn’t help but pause, you looked so beautiful, face flushed with the autumn air, grinning up at him.

God, one date and he was so gone for you.

He smiled back at you as he pulled his phone out causing you to laugh and pose.

Matthew was still laughing as he began pushing you over to where the pumpkin was and the two of you managed to heave it into the wheelbarrow. From there the two of you strolled around, Matthew pushing the wheelbarrow and you sneaking glances at him.

“I’ve never been to a pumpkin patch.” You admitted to him, watching in amusement as he gave you an incredulous look.

“How have you never been to a pumpkin patch?” He asked with over exaggerated shock, causing you to giggle.

“I don’t know, I mean I always wanted to but it wasn’t something we did as a kid and then as an adult I’m usually working so I never had the chance.”

“Well, I’m honoured to be the first person to bring you here.” He smiled softly and you couldn’t help but think how you wanted to spend many more falls with him.

Matthew turned the wheelbarrow towards a group of kids who were playing ring toss with the top of pumpkins.

“Care for a game?” He grinned as he left the wheelbarrow and stepped forward to pick up a couple of rings, waving them in your direction. You couldn’t help but grin as you took them from him.

“You’re on, Gubler.” The two of you were definitely the oldest people playing the game but neither of you cared to notice, so absorbed in your own little world that everyone else just ceased to exist.

Thankfully Matthew was just as terrible at the game as you were so there was no time for embarrassment at your tragic aiming skills, just room for laughter. You watched as Mathew let out a defeated groan as his ring completely missed the pumpkin again despite the fact he swore this was the one.

“I don’t think either of us are winning any prizes anytime soon.” You grinned as the pair of you walked away.

“I thought I was better.” He pouted, causing you to giggle.

The two of you had a nice collection of pumpkins, mostly the oddly shaped and huge ones with a few mini ones here and there,  and Matthew suggested putting them in the car before grabbing some food from one of the many stalls. You agreed and soon the two of you were sitting at a picnic table with food and hot drinks in front of you.

“Thank you for bringing me here.” You said during a moment of comfortable silence that formed after you’d both finished eating.

“I’m glad you let me.” Matthew replied, a soft smile gracing his face. There was a slight pause, Matthew opening and closing his mouth, before he spoke up again. “Is this a date?” He asked, he wanted it to be a date so much and he was picking up the same intention from you but the last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable.

You smiled down at the table before looking back up at him, “Yeah, yeah it is.”

Matthew tried but he couldn’t stop a grin from forming and you easily mirrored the expression.

The two of you stood, clearing the table, before heading off towards the other end of the field to where the horses were. You hesitated for a moment before linking your arm with Matthew’s, waiting for him to show if this was ok and when he smiled down at your linked arms and tightened his grip slightly you grinned to yourself.

The two of you talked amongst yourselves, still happily oblivious to the rest of the world, and when you arrived at the horse-drawn hayrides, Matthew offered his hand to you, helping you up before taking a seat next to you.

“Please tell me you’ve at least been on a hay bale ride?” Matthew said as he turned to face you, watching as you smiled sheepishly before shaking your head. “I have so much to show you!” He exclaimed, causing you to playfully roll your eyes.

Part way through the ride you shivered slightly, pulling your coat tighter around yourself. Matthew watched the movement and paused for a second before he wrapped his arm around you, just leaving it to rest there and letting you decide if you wanted to lean into him or not.

You bite your lower lip in order to hold back a smile and let yourself relax into Matthew, missing the smile on his face as you did. The rest of the ride was spent in a comfortable silence, the two of you content to just be with each other.


On the car ride home, Matthew held your hand in his, absentmindedly brushing his thumb against it every so often. You couldn’t help smiling softly down at your joined hands, never had you felt so comfortable with a man, especially one you had only met today and yet here you were feeling like you’d known Matthew Gray Gubler forever.

Matthew was thinking pretty much the same thing, he knew that dating was serious to him. He couldn’t casually date, dating had always been a big deal to him and you were…you were wonderfully rare. The woman he had dated in the past had been so uniquely amazing that he was intrigued but you, you were captivating, from that first conversation that led to the two of you sitting here, hands entwined together after spending hours in each other’s company…he had known straight away you were special but after actually being with you that fact was solidified. He wanted more Octobers with you, he wanted to take you to all his favourite places and he wanted to visit all the places you held near to your heart.

As Matthew pulled into the driveway of your house, the two of you climbed out of the car and each hauled a few pumpkins up to your front door which you managed to open whilst balancing several pumpkins.

You both placed them down and Matthew turned to face you, standing in your doorway.

“I had a really great time today.” Matthew told you, sincerity shining in his eyes.

“So did I.” You replied, you really had had the best day with him and could only hope for many more to come.

“Can I take you out again soon?” He asked you, smiling as you nodded.

“I’d really like that.” The two of you, much like this morning when he picked you up, stood there for a moment, just taking the other in, before Matthew leaned down and placed a soft lingering kiss to your cheek.

“See you soon then.” He said quietly as he pulled away.

“Can’t wait.” You replied back, matching his tone and leaned against the doorway until his car disappeared from view.


You fell into bed that night with the biggest grin on your face, still riding the high from your date. You hadn’t had a chance to check your phone much since you’d gotten home but now that you were done for the night you pulled it out to open Instagram and began scrolling through your feed before switching to the explore section to scroll through some random pictures.

Whilst you scrolled aimlessly you paused at a set of pictures that had been uploaded three hours ago. There was you and Matthew, picking pumpkins, him pushing you in the wheelbarrow, the two of you leaning into each other laughing with flushed cheeks and finally a picture of you and Matthew during the hayride, you resting your head on his shoulder and him smiling down at you. When you clicked the comments you saw the fans were absolutely ecstatic.

Though you were slightly annoyed at whoever this person was for uploading what were clearly private moments, you also knew you didn’t have the privilege of privacy and neither did Matthew. You couldn’t help but smile down at the pictures though, they were cute and you couldn’t resist screenshotting them, the last one made you soft though, the expression on Matthew’s face…it was like he couldn’t believe you were there with him which was silly because if anyone should be in disbelief it was you.

You pressed the share button and then clicked your private messages with Matthew to send him the pictures before sending another message.

‘I think after this we’ll definitely break the internet.’

It didn’t take long before Matthew messaged you back.

‘We really should’ve had bets on how long it would take to get online. I do like the pictures though.’

‘Yeah, me too. Thank you today, Matthew, I had an amazing time. I can’t wait to see you again.’

‘I had a wonderful day too, I’m excited for our next date.’

‘Do I get to know what we’re doing this time?’

‘Hmm…nope! Have you got plans for Halloween?’

‘No, I’m free’

‘Can I take you out then? I have such a good idea!’

You laughed out loud as you read his message, his excitement seeping through the screen.

‘I’m looking forward to it.’

‘You’re going to love it, trust me. I have an interview early tomorrow morning so I should get to bed. I really did have a great time with you today, Y/N. I look forward to seeing you again. Goodnight.’

‘I had an amazing day, I can’t wait to see you again. Goodnight Matthew.’

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The Lucky One

The Lucky One

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Prompt - 'You wonder if you'll make it out alive.'

When you first started acting you were the new kid on the block, nobody had ever heard of you and the casting director had taken a chance on you. You were fifteen, new to LA and just getting your name out there. Pretty early on you had been told you’d have to change your name, your actual name being claimed by somebody who was in the industry years ago. So you changed your last name to your middle name and began chasing fortune and fame.

It wasn’t long before you were taking off and the sixteen year old kid you once were was now being thrusted in front of cameras, the cameras flashing in every direction nearly blinded you but it also made it seem real, like you were going to make it. It looked like a dream, the dresses and suits and the people calling your name, it was so surreal.

From there on you were lined up for magazine covers, relishing in the way they transformed you into a sixties queen, curls pinned to your head, red lip and jewels on your neck. It seemed like things could only go up.

Then you missed out on a role for a big movie, one that could really set your career in motion. Another name went up in lights as the other actress thrived in the role, bursting into stardom as the movie became well known, doing amazingly well at box office. You were happy for her, you were, but you couldn’t help but wish it was you.

Another break came and you landed it, now it was your time, your chance for your name to be up in lights, everyone knowing who you were. It was great, it was really great, you felt like you were living the dream, growing up in front of the camera, people greeting you and wanting your autograph…it was great.

However as you got older things seemed to change. You had gotten a role on a show called Criminal Minds, it was well into its production, a couple of series in, and your management and agents felt like this would be a great way to transition you from movies to TV.

It wasn’t something you particularly wanted to do, you liked filming movies but the people surrounding you told you to take it, that you were the lucky one for getting this role.

You relented, figuring it wasn’t worth the fight, knowing it wasn’t a fight you would win. You figured that the show had been properly vetted for your management to consider putting you on it, they had created a public image for you, one that was squeaky clean and you weren’t allowed to do much without them agreeing to it first.

Thankfully you loved the Criminal Minds gig, everyone was so kind and the atmosphere on set was always fun. You were close with pretty much all of the cast but had taken a special liking to Matthew Gray Gubler. When you had first met him he had gone above and beyond to make sure you were comfortable and included, always making sure you were the first to be invited out to dinners and the such.

The two of you got on so well, your personalities coming together in a way that felt like you had known him for years rather than the few months you’d been working on the show.

It was only a matter of time before the older man asked you out. You had said yes without even thinking about it, knowing that you wanted to date him. Most of the time, especially around other actors, it was hard to feel comfortable. You never knew when they were acting or being sincere even if there were no cameras around but with Matthew you just knew. He was always so genuine, so honest that it was easy to trust him from the get go.

Matthew picked you up one night, the two of you dressed nicely for the restaurant Matthew had reserved and then had spent the night walking through Central Park aimlessly, just chatting and getting to know each other.

It was the most wonderful date you could have asked for, with the best company.

You and Matthew continued to date, both deciding to keep it on the downlow. Both of you knew just how much the media could affect a relationship and what the two of you had going was incredible, who could blame you for wanting to keep it private?

But when you're famous, good things can’t last. You shouldn’t have been as surprised as you were to find pictures of you and Matthew posted all over the internet one day, seven or so months into your relationship, but you couldn’t help but feel annoyed.

Sure you were a public figure but seriously?

You definitely weren’t surprised when your management team called you that day, demanding to know why they weren’t informed of this relationship. Didn’t you know how damaging this could be, they had said to you causing you to roll your eyes.

“He’s so much older than you, do you know how this looks?” Somebody from your team snapped down the phone and sure they were right but the age difference had hardly been an issue yet so why should it be now.

You said as much to the man on the phone.

“Y/N, you can’t date him. You’ve come too far to be brought down by this. Haven’t you read the tabloids? The tweets? The names they’re calling you, you’re just a kid, ok, you don’t know any better but we’re going to fix this.” He told you and you just let out a scoff of disbelief because what was there to fix?

Apparently a lot. It started with a fake boyfriend who was more age appropriate and continued with you having to follow him from hotel to hotel as he travelled around the state doing press junkies.

You had called Matthew each night and he tried his best to soothe you but it was frustrating, why couldn’t you date who you wanted instead of some guy who didn’t even know you. Why did your secrets have to end up splashed on the news front page with everyone on Twitter thinking they were entitled to an opinion on how you lived your life.

And still they told you you should be thankful, that you were the lucky one who got to have this life.

But you didn’t feel lucky, you felt confused and angry and alone. You no longer felt pretty in the way you had when you first started acting, you just felt used.

Two months passed and nothing changed, you were still stuck pretending to live a life that wasn’t yours and you weren’t filming so you could hardly see Matthew which hurt and put a strain on both of you.

He had tried to be understanding but after so long, it wasn’t shocking that things came to a halt between you one night and honestly you couldn’t blame him for being frustrated, hell, you were frustrated.

You were currently in the same hotel room as your fake boyfriend who was, thankfully, out for the night.

“Matthew please.” You begged into the phone, tears filling your eyes. You hated this.

“I’m sorry, Y/N/N,” He said, his own voice thick with emotions as he wiped a hand across his face, “I can’t do this anymore. I haven’t been able to see my own girlfriend in months. You’re so worried about what strangers on the internet think about you and you shouldn’t be. At the end of the day you just have to worry about what you think of yourself.”

“Matthew,” You said, unable to say anything else as a sob escaped you.

“I really wish you the best, sweetheart, I do but I’m not what you need right now. I’ll be here for you once you’ve figured things out but until then you have to sort through this yourself.”

That night you cried more than you had in months, letting yourself scroll through Twitter, reading the posts people had tagged you in. You watched as a new actress’ name went up in lights, being praised and welcomed into the spotlight.

You remembered being like that, all them years ago as your family moved to LA for you, as they gave everything up for you to have this life, the life you had so desperately wanted, and now…now you wondered if you’d even make it out alive.

But hey, you were the lucky one right?

Things went from bad to worse and you woke up days after Matthew had broken up with you to see your name plastered all over social media, another actress had been spreading rumours about you and it seemed the internet had taken her side. Overnight you seemed to have become public enemy number one.

Your management had called you several times and when you had finally answered it was to be accused of these rumours by them, by people who’d known you since you were sixteen.

You spent the morning crying alone in a penthouse suite wishing that you could just disappear. Matthew was right, you had become so concerned, your management had made you become so concerned with your public image that you had forgotten who you were.

What happened to that kid who was so excited to get into the industry? What happened to that spark in your eyes that came with standing on red carpets and hugging fans? When had things gotten so bad that you couldn’t even pick who you loved?

That day you decided, then and there, you were done.

You didn’t know how much more you had to give to the world, didn’t know how much of you there was left for them to take but you decided they couldn’t have it. You picked your phone up, finally feeling something you hadn’t felt in a while…determination.

For so long you’d been resigned to go along doing what everyone else said you should do but no longer. You wished you could call Matthew, wished you could thank him for giving you the push you needed but he was right, you needed to do this alone and if, after everything, he was willing to have you then you wouldn’t hesitate to run back into those arms.


You didn’t fight back against the rumours, didn’t issue a statement like your management demanded, you didn’t livestream and tell all your followers how upsetting this was for you.

Instead you deleted each and every one of your social media accounts. Within five minutes your phone was blowing up with calls from your management but you let them go unanswered each time. You packed your bags and left the penthouse, hailing a cab and headed to the airport.

Sure you had your New York apartment but it had been a while since you'd been home home and honestly that sounded good right now. After making it big your parents decided to leave LA, telling you that that life wasn’t them. You’d understood that, you knew that and thanked them profusely for giving up so much for you.

Thankfully it was quite easy to catch a plane home and surprisingly easy to do it without any paparazzi but you managed it and pretty soon you were knocking on your parents door and crying into your mothers shoulder but somehow feeling better than you had in a long, long time.


It would be a year before anybody saw you in public again, your management called everyday but you had lawyers privately working to get you out of their hooks, refusing to work for them anymore.

Thankfully you had no work commitments planned, only Criminal Minds but the crew were more than understanding of your request to take some time off. You had deleted your public social media accounts but had a private Twitter account and laughed at all the speculations that came out as to how and why and where you had disappeared to.

What was greater is that a few months ago the rumours that turned everyone against you were proved to be false, lies spread to damage your career. You weren’t even mad about it, actually you were rather grateful it had happened to you because it was exactly what you had needed.

Today you were heading home to New York, you had found a place with a bunch of land, it was private so there would be no paparazzi or fans at your door each day, trying to catch a glimpse of your life.

Matthew was back in New York too, finally finished a new season of Criminal Minds and taking a break. Thankfully he had answered when you called, his happiness for you seeping through the phone and you could hear the grin on his face.

You had asked if he wanted to meet up and suggested your new place when he agreed, not quite ready to make you return known to the public just yet, not wanting them to be involved in whatever would happen between you and Matthew.

“Y/N!” Matthew exclaimed as soon as you opened the door to him, not wasting any time in wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into him, a grin firmly in place.

“Hi Matthew!” You giggled into his chest, wrapping your own arms around his waist and gripping him back just as tight.

The two of you didn’t say anything for awhile, content with holding each other after so long apart. Eventually though Matthew pulled away, not going far as he placed his hand on your arm, looking you up and down.

“You look really good.” He told you, sincerity clear in his voice.

You couldn’t help but smile, it was uncontrollable when you were around him even after not seeing him for well over a year.

“I feel good,” you told him whilst nodding and if it were possible his smile widened more.

Honestly he had been rooting for you more than anybody, he wanted you out from under your team but as much as he wanted to believe in you, he also knew they had been in your ear since you were sixteen so there was a good chance you could have continued to let them control your every move.

He was glad you stood up to them and the day he saw you delete your social medias and disappear he knew you were one of the lucky ones who escaped, who weren’t going to be ruled by managements and public expectations.

“Please come in.” You smiled.

“Thank you, I love the new place!” He told you as you led him through the house and into the kitchen where food and drinks were set up.

“Thank you,” you said as the two of you sat down, Matthew sitting in the seat directly next to you, turning so he could face you. “I figured it was still in New York but it’s private enough that I feel comfortable here.”

“I’m glad you got out, Y/N/N.” He smiled, taking your hand in his.

You smiled despite the fact that your eyes filled with tears, you weren’t sad anymore but so much of your life had been wasted worrying about other people...hell you’d lost the one person you loved for over a year because of other people interfering with your life. It was a bad time but you saw it through and now you were free.

“Hey, hey,” Matthew said softly, moving his hand so he could cup your face, thumb gently brushing a stray tear. “I’m so proud of you.”

Those were the words that pushed you over the edge, sobs wracked your body but Matthew held you close, whispering sweet nothings and kissing the top of your head. He let you cry out for all the lost time between you, all the hateful comments and rumours that were spread about you. He let you cry for a life you would never miss and he let you cry for a future you hoped would be better.

“Sorry,” You said with a laugh, moving away to look up at him. He smiled down at you, that happiness reflected in his eyes. “Thank you.”

“You know I meant what I said,” He whispered, “You were brave enough to sort through everything and I’m still here.”

Matthew took your smile as all the permission he needed to lean down and press his lips against yours. It wasn’t rushed, it wasn’t a heavy kiss that made up for lost time, there was plenty of time for those later. No this kiss, it was soft, Matthew’s smooth lips against your slightly chapped ones, it was slow and it conveyed everything you felt for each other in those moments.

Eventually the two of you pulled away, lips red and slightly swollen as you smiled at each other.

“You know, I never got the chance to tell you this before but now seems right,” Matthew began, hand coming up to cup your face and you felt your face heat up, hopeful that he was about to admit the same thing you had wanted to confess all that time ago. “I am so in love with you, even after all this time apart. I actually think this time apart has made me love you more, you’re so strong and I am so unbelievably proud of you.”

You smiled shakily, refusing to cry again though your eyes didn’t seem to get the memo as they filled with tears, but thankfully none fell as you leaned up to kiss the man you loved, the man who loved you.

This kiss was just as soft as the first but somehow more passionate as Matthew cupped your face in his hands, holding you gently.

“I love you too,” You confessed, thankful to say it outloud after all this time, “I was so scared I’d never get to tell you but I love you so much.” You laughed in disbelief that he was here, “I am so thankful that you encouraged me to change everything because without you I’d still be stuck under their thumb, still caring more about what other people thought of me than what I thought of myself. You know my whole career people told me I was the lucky one but it never felt like I was not until now, not until you.” You told him, watching as his face softened as you spoke, watching the pride in his eyes as he listened to you.

“I hated leaving you but I’m so glad you’re free to be you.” Matthew said before kissing you again. “I love you so much.” He whispered against your lips, happy to put all the bad thoughts out of your mind as he did.


MGG Taglist - @levisbloodcut, @mystic-writings, @divanca2006, @sia2raw, @chaoticevilbakugo, @frickin-bats, @fanf1ctionwrit1n, @ilovespencerreidmarryme, @classyunknownlover,

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