Mha Spinner - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

If Dabi, Toga, and Spinner survived and found out All for One killed their idol, Stain, well, let’s just say AFO is in deep shit.

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1 year ago

Endeavor: Gave you all new villain names, line up!

Endeavor (to Kurogiri): Event Horizon.

Endeavor (to Shiggy): High Five.

Endeavor (to Toga): Avril Lavillain.

Endeavor (to Dabi): Flashfire Trauma.

Endeavor (to Twice): 0.5.

Endeavor (to Compress): Resident Pretty Boy.

Endeavor (to Spinner): Rurouni Kenshin.

Spinner: Dabi, why was your dad bad again?

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1 year ago

Spinner: If you don’t want to hire me because of my criminal record - fine. But for being a lizard?

Spinner: You know I was in the League of Villains, right?

HR: Is that a threat?

Spinner: Oh no, just a point of comparison. Congratulations. Your workplace is less inclusive than the League of Villains.

HR: …

Spinner: You are more racist than ALL FOR ONE.

HR: 😰

Spinner: I feel sorry for you.

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9 months ago

All for One: When a cheap LIGHTER doesn’t work, you just toss it.

Touya: Haha, I wonder who’s the poor bastard that gets tossed.

Spinner: …Bro.

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9 months ago

Toga: It’s a shame Sir Nighteye died. We coulda used his Quirk.

Spinner: Ppffft, don’t need it. Watch, I’m gonna predict the future. All for One is going to be creepy, and Dabi will talk about his dad.

Touya: Sup? I just saw my old man in the sky.

All for One: Huehuehuehuehuehue Tomuraaaa 🤓

Spinner: Called it!

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9 months ago

All for One: I’m proud of all my villains equally! Spinner. Tomura. And… can someone read the smudged writing on my hand?

Toga: Dumbo and… Thot?!

Dabi: Now which one’s which?

Spinner: He might not be wrong…

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9 months ago

Shigaraki: What are you doing?!

All for One: I’m just ordering pizza.

Shigaraki: To the cave???

All for One: What? They deliver.

Edgeshot: Hello, your large pepperoni is here, BITCH!

Spinner: (backing away from the wall) Oh hell no!

Shigaraki: How the fuck did we fall for this a second time?!

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9 months ago

Spinner: How did you get all this money?

Shigaraki: Every time Touya says “Endeavor,” he has to put $20 in the jar.

Toga: It was my idea.

Spinner: Jesus, there’s like ten thousand bucks in here!!

Toga: He has a problem.

Shigaraki: That’s just this week’s money. Last week’s are in the back.

Toga: He has a BIG problem.

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4 months ago

LOV headcanon time let's goo

Their spice tolerance

Shigaraki: 1/10. Bro CANNOT handle spice. You really think gamer boy who survives off of chickie nuggies and the occasional appy juice can handle spice?? You give him anything above "medium" heat level and he's done. He's cooked. He's begging his mom (Kurogiri) for help with a raspy, panicked voice

Kurogiri: 6.5/10. He doesn't really eat, like at all. But if he could, he'd be able to take a normal amount I think

Toga: 8/10. She has a weirdly high spice tolerance that no one can seem to explain. She doesn't brag about it cuz she doesn't even realize that most people have a much lower tolerance for it. She's always surprised when Shigaraki throws up from eating Indian take-out because it doesn't burn her at all

Twice: Either 2/10 or 7/10 and nothing in between. For him, eating spicy food is like a roller coaster ride. One second he'll be perfectly fine, then the very next he's screaming, then back to normal, then screaming, and so on and so forth

Dabi: 7/10. He was born with a very low tolerance, but had vowed to build that up by training his mouth to take it. He knows that his body can't handle hot temps, so if he can train his mouth to handle the hotness of spicy food, he absolutely will. He's gotta flex on Shigaraki as much as he can

Mr. Compress: 5/10. He got average. He doesn't seem like the kinda guy to really like spicy food. Tho his dark, wavy, almost curly hair suggests that he could have some Latino in him, he just doesn't really care for spicy food, so he hasn't built up his tolerance at all

Magne: 11/10. Her spice tolerance is INSANELY high for no reason. She can handle just about everything you could give her. You throw her on Hot Ones and she'll come out stealing the bottle of "Da bomb" for everyday use

Spinner: 4/10. He's the kind of person to fake not being affected by spice when there's people around. He'll try to keep a straight face, even when his eyes are watering so much he can't see and his nose is running faster than he thought possible. It's obvious to EVERYONE that he's in pain, but if Shigaraki's in the room, he mustn't show that (not necessarily Spinneraki, but it can absolutely be)

Tagging @moodyvoid

Not sure if you're still looking for headcanons, but here's a few for ya 👍


Overhaul: -1/10. He thinks whole wheat bread is spicy.

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3 years ago

So I was talking to one of my friends the other night about why I enjoy the League of Villains relationships so much more then the heroes, and this newer chapter really captures it for me. The league aren't rivals to each other. They don't want to surpass each other they're just friends. Spinner just wants to save Shigaraki and Dabi just wants to make Toga feel better. It's just connects with me way more than everyone on the heroes side friendship/rival thing they have going on.

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11 months ago

Mha headcanons

Dabi does toga’s hair in its iconic twin buns before each battle. It used to be Magne who would do it for her.

Dabi and Toga lived together on the streets for a little while before they were scouted by the league. Dabi is Toga’s goth older brother and she’s his baby bat little sister

spinner’s favorite games are stardew valley and skyward sword

Shigaraki plays Fortnite and has the lady Gaga skin -Shigaraki and spinner have an animal crossing island together. It’s got five stars

spinner is nonbinary and uses he him and neopronouns

spinner used to have a tail. he lost it to the CRC when he was younger. He could grow it back before they got him

Dabi’s trans. He literally has scars that look like mastectomy scars and he has the eldest daughter rage, I feel like him being trans fits with his character arc and backstory even just as an allegory also

Dark Shadow is a girl and Tokoyami feeds her apples

Shigaraki is autistic -deku is autistic -bakugo is autistic -Todoroki is autistic -Tsu is autistic -aizawa is autistic -present mic is autistic -nobody in this show is fucking neurotypical -present mic uses he/she pronouns and smokes WEED -present mic and eraserhead are married this is canon and they have 3 cats -shinsou is trans he gives me the vibe -DENKI HAS ADHD AND I LOVE HIM -kirishima trans. Sorry what do you mean he wasn’t truly happy until he cut his hair into a cool style and dyed it red and has a galaxy brain take on gender and masculinity as his core personality?

if anyone wants to hear more of my takes and MHA headcanons for a specific character or group in MHA lmk!

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4 months ago
Shinso X Long Lost Twin Reader (2/???)

Shinso x Long Lost Twin Reader (2/???)

Quirk: Siren: has the ability related to the mythical sea creature, using their voice to hypnotize the target however they want or command. It leads for the victims to feel dazed under the effects by it. As an example: the mind will sense the relaxed all over their body, eyes turn milky white.

Warning: EraseMic scene, Sadness, Transformation details

1st Person POV

The silver-green humanoid girl sits on the soft grass while eating at least five captured fishes she successfully hunted. It was good enough except for a little blood dripping on her hands, but her hunger got the best of her.

The survival instincts awaken within her genes.

Now she felt guilty for doing such a thing. The predator instinct was far stronger to argue anything else when she was hopeless on what to do.

Got to go with instincts no matter how horrible it is.

The purple haired girl felt sort proud for managing to hunt on her own. Just hope the fish population wouldn’t die out of existence in her waters. Then has no choice to use her useful quirk on the surface animals like the forest creatures lurking around. That made her feel guilty about using it for the kill then singing however she pleased.

Maybe her morals prevented them from activating it on them. She prefers men if she gets the chance to take her rage on them, since she believes they weren't considered having emotions like her kidnappers did in the past. See their eyes hint the glance of evil and obsessiveness for what? Didn't care but wanted to get back at them. The hatred spread across her very heart. Like a disease that was untreatable.

Kurogiri was the only acceptable way to earn her trust. Even though she noticed he had the vessel of an unfortunate man.

She jumped into the waters, washing away the blood stains out of her skin. Cleansing away what she did. After a few couple of splash she seemed to feel a bit clean, looking at the bone of the fish she devoured. Quickly grabbed them from the grass to not leave any evidence of her existence. If some local mortal hikers were to discover it then they might come here and bring more of their kind.

The purple haired girl wouldn’t want some of these disgusting beasts coming here and disturbing her home. Always clean up after yourself before you leave.

Those were her papa’s words of advice.

She dived into the waters to head back to her home, hopefully that maybe he had come back. Her papa ….

“This sucks. I can’t wait to see this!”

“OOH I wonder if their blood would taste like!”

“Please, keep your tone down, you two.”

“...Can’t believe the doc created something that could kill us instantly’

“Shut up, you three…” The light-blue haired male shouted at three of his team members except the mask showman. “I don't want to hear anymore complaints from either you or I’ll disintegrate your mouth!” He grunted his teeth together while they were continuing on walking to the location of where that nomu might be. The abandoned lake cabin. If it's there then they could have a chance to corner it before it strikes first.

He was absolutely mad when the doctor told him about this girl.

Kurogiri kept this thing secret for the past few years and did not bother to mention her then the ‘power’ he was supposed to retrieve first thing. Instead he was going to meet up with her.

After what doctor Garaki spoke a few details about her, how she frightened him when she first transformed into cross-humanoid fish like nomu. He didn’t bother mentioning her quirk but testing to see if he was ready. To see if he was worthy to be All For One's successor and hopefully return that girl back, so he could actually fix up the problem within that rebellion teenager. Her quirk is the ultimate downfall for the pro heroes. It shouldn't be easily ignored but used against them.

Meanwhile they continued to hike through the forest, careless line this gonna be an easy piece of cake, a nomu is nothing but mindless servant. Except Tomura, he seems cautious on how this girl almost killed the doctor. Less care about her and more focus on activating his goal, and she is the key to get these heroes to fear him.

He wanted so badly to kill her for everything. Having the reason for Kurogiri capture in the first place and locked away into a high-security system.

‘Time to teach this brat an important lesson about hard reality..’


Present Mic was driving his car at high speed while both Aizawa and Shinso were kinda freaking out because of how he was driving. After they were inside of the car, the upbeat voice pro hero didn't hesitate on turning on the engine and drove like mad out of hell. Like he was in a hurry.

When Oboro/Kurogiri confessed about something, another thing was located somewhere in the river as the last lead. The only other place that the forest area has reserved is with river creek, it was abandoned over 15 years ago. Where he and along with Aizawa and Midnight first camp out during their summer break.

Shirakumo’s family lake cabin. His family sold it off when their son died and moved somewhere as if they didn't want to live in the painful memory of their first born being taken away so young.

Now, this mist nomu is using it as a hideout for that thing! It boiled his blood like fire. He hopes to find that monster that ungodly reanimated the corpse of their best friend, and captured whatever it is, swimming in the waters.

While Shinso lightly touched his bracelet in comfort, not understanding what's going on with his mentor’s friend when he started to drive. When he returned, he noticed a few tear stains on his face. He could have asked what was wrong but Aizawa wasn't much of an opening person.

Possibly after this, he’ll ask him what happened before returning from this supposed ‘emergency’ that he canceled training and took Mic with him.

Aizawa looked through the rearview mirror of his student and remained quiet in the backseat. And he grew uncomfortable as his fingers kept touching the shell of his bracelet, lightly.

He knew very well, it was something personal as family complication and the death of the family member; his twin sister. When he went through Shinso's family profile, his mother seemed a hard working nurse, his father kicked out and wasn't in contact with his only child after the tragedy scene, the disappearance of (Y/N) Shinso.

He waited until the purple haired boy told him about his family background, he would have easy access from Principal Nezu. But denied because it was the boy’s choice if he felt like talking about it. It wasn't like he didn't care. But wishes to confess in his time. Seeing him lightly caress the shell with so much gentleness. It is a sensitive topic.

While the two men and the boy were driving to the location, hope that this mission doesn't cause a lot of incidents.

In the woods

Tomura along with Toga were desperately running away as fast as possible while Dabi swung his hand out as blue flames spread further towards two of his allies.

What causes the scarred man to go on attacking Tomura and Toga like this?

Flashbacks Earlier

Tomura spotted the nearly broken down cabin while the others were behind him. Quietly as they approach it. Twice seem to get scared as he mumbled under his breath,

“This is a bad idea, Tomura. It's a trap!”

Spinner growled but slap his hand on Twice covered mouth, “shut up, before it-”

“Did you guys hear that?”

All of them faced the black spiky haired scarred male, not moving but looking at something in his direction. His voice seems to have a somewhat soft tone.

“Uh” Toga blurted but seemed to not hear anything but the heavy breathing of Twice. She looked at Dabi then at his direction on where he was looking. Nothing but the river itself. She almost saw something purple vision just vanished. Looked at Dabi.

“Such a melodic voice, isn't it not..” Compress said. She faced her father figure, he was acting strange as well. This was something getting her uncomfortable on why she couldn't hear anything from what he and Dabi were actually hearing.

None of them weren't making any sense at all.

Tomura tried to hear something but felt himself crying in silence. Then Spinner got close to him, placed his hand on his shoulder, “boss, cover your ears..” Quickly Tomura grabbed out the earplugs and put them on.

Another enchanting voice echoes at the entire forest, Twice pulling the reptiles mutant hand down,

“It's beautiful, you guys…” he said. Looking around for the voice that was calling out to him.

“Guys, close your ears with-” Spinner stopped talking. He was unresponsive as eyes pupils turn into milky eyes, along with Compress, Dabi and Twice. They all faced Toga and Tomura….. their quirks began to activate as they walked forward towards them.

“Kill them….” The voice of a menace female spoke only those ruthless sentences.

Flashbacks End

The purple haired girl was crawling her heavy body away from the lake since she decided to pull herself out from the river and tried to flee as soon as possible. Before her quirk will release the intruders from her hold. It was a good quirk, if only they don’t further away from her reach beside physical hand contact like slap or hit can free them from her hold.

Soon enough she gasped under the horrible spread across her entire body, mostly her tail and her back. Gasping let out of her mouth while she tries to surpass it. Then her tail was slowly forming into split appearances of legs forming.

Her once cyan skin color turned into (s/c) along with her face becoming a lot youthful but mature as a young lady then her child appearances. At last she felt no more of the heavy tail weight, looking behind seeing two sets of legs.

The teen girl was amazed at the sight of real legs. Twirling herself around as she looked at them. But tried to move. Nothing but stiffness as she was able to do anything with her lower body. She crossed her arms around her body, feeling cold temperatures hitting her bare skin. Quickly she continued to crawl towards the empty but steady boats. If she could find a spare blanket that these unfortunate people left behind.

Time Skip

As soon the mustang vehicle was driven up and stopped near the empty dust mailbox, quickly the black haired man got out of the car running towards the front door without waiting for his old blonde friend and his protege. Aizawa kicked the door hard and went inside of the house.

Once Present Mic and Shinso stepped out of the car, the voice pro hero was observing the area while the purple haired student noticed something at the docks. He quietly headed to the docks, kneeling down and feeling sick through his stomach, and ripped fish flesh off with no bones but blood stains, it looked fresh. Meaning they are around. He thought.

“Uh, Sensei?” He called out since he was kinda creeping out. As if the beast was around waiting to slaughter their prey, meaning him and the two pro heroes here.

The blonde haired man appeared next to him. Looked at the same blood stain, “someone was here.” He said but likely worried that if there was a chance of something being caught by the LOV already.

Until they heard distant cries from the woods which both of them were facing in the direction where it's coming from.

“Stay here..” The voice pro hero ordered as he hurried himself running towards the scene on where the cry was located. Shinso wanted to follow but couldn't since he wasn't licensed but decided to head to stand by and maybe wait for a couple minutes if Mic didn't return.

Inside of the house

Aizawa was carefully searched around the messy but ruined living room. Finding nothing. It seems clear until he moves on to the upstairs. His hands grip on the strand of his gray captured weapon scarf, being prepared for any surprises. As he tried to get emotions for being here once again, with a terrible reunion.

How long did Oboro keep keeping whatever it is here for?

Then he seem to guess something, if it held then-

Noticed in one of the guestrooms as he stepped inside. nearly handmade dress, with long sleeves? The color was pure white. Almost like a wedding dress but notice there were no veils laying around. This had him uncomfortable. What his former friend did to keep some girl as hostage, was absolutely horrifying when he learned about Eri’s history.

This was his friend’s behavior when looking after someone.

Then he saw something laying on the bed.

A silver pendant necklace.

Shinso walked towards the docks since he couldn’t help but felt like something was here. Almost like a call speaks to his vein of searching for something. His purple hues are carefully observed from right and left in case something might jump on him if he isn’t watching his own back, like Aizawa said: Must after themselves or otherwise be as good as dead.

Sounded harsh but at least he was honest.

He was like a father figure to him that he misses since his biological father vanished and hasn't kept in contact with him at least since his mother divorced his father. Guess he does not want to be involved in his life anymore, that hurt him all his life until he stopped caring about everything.

With his mom gone, He was the only one left until EraserHead sorta took him in, and Present Mic kinda acted like an uncle but more like a mother figure. He didn’t mind but felt comfortable with new family, if those two just date already then making obvious hints of him and Aizawa showing around campus or when they left for a mission. Or saw some purple bruise on their necks visible with no covered scarfs or makeup.

It was a simple life for Shinso, never complaining about anything but dearly missing someone important in his loney but gray world.

While he looked around he saw three boats but one had blood stains on it. He gripped his capturing scarf in instinct mode, they were in the water or one of the boats probably dying. He quietly approached it. In a few steps he felt his heart beating under an anxious expression. Like he was in horror films, just as he slowly walked towards the edge of the boat, he gasped softly. At the sight of a girl near around his age, unconscious but covered in a dark gray blanket.

What was disturbing him right now besides she was naked, did those monsters hurt her physically and leave her bleeding. Carefully he reached towards the girl, gentle but made sure that the blanket wouldn't fall revealing her chest.

Highly inappropriate but hopes no one takes this the wrong way if he carries her back to the car. As he brought her into his arms, noticed something on her neck, gills? So she is a mutant-hybrid girl. As Tsu and Ojiro.

While he made sure she was covered in the blanket completely. It seems good enough. He just carried her in bridal style but smelled something burning in the air.

That's when he saw something blue from the roof, it spread wider with hot temperature that had him back away it.

Now he and this unconscious girl are definitely endangered by blue flames gonna suffocate them here. Looked around but found no way out but the boat itself.

Having no choice but went into the other boat since he wasn't supposed to do anything else but get the girl and himself away from the flames before it trapped them both here.

"papa.. don't leave me.." she mumbled while being unconscious but had her thoughts on Kurogiri. It had her tears when she had the unfortunate news from one of the men, well the mutant reptile when she asked the whereabouts of her papa.... It had her heart drop as everything went into slow motion..

"Sorry.... Child..." The purple mist nomu whispered as he was communicating with her from the farthest distance. Inside of the swirling mist, the corpse of the light-blue haired male had started to develop tears.

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6 months ago

Someone explain to me why this is what made it really hit that Tomura is dead.

you ever think about how spinner stares at shigaraki's gaming profile that reads "last online: 8 years ago" hoping it will show that he's online again?

because i just saw that on tiktok and i'm actually not okay!!!

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