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Thoughts about Neverending Story remake
Having heard they're making a remake to Neverending Story I've had a lot of thoughts about how they should do it. You know, what things need to happen to make it good
I say this as a big fan of the original book
While I know there's a lot you can't bring into an adaptation, especially from a book as wild as this, but I feel we could return to the original description of The Nothing
In the movie, The Nothing is depicted as a black and consuming storm. Or according to some, the storm is only there to represent the invisible Nothing, which is still cheating
In the book The Nothing has no color, has no shape, has no tangible presence, no storm clouds to reveal itself. Those who step into it suffer no pain, only cease. And on page 24, as The Tiny says, "when you look at the place, it's as if you were blind."
Making it not invisible either, as some say, but rather something that not a single character within the story can truly describe
Think how all who see Hyde recognize him as being horribly disturbed, despite there being no physical flaws they can point out
Obviously there's nothing they can really do to create that kind of Nothing on film, especially no amount of bad cgi, so what then should be done? That's what I've been thinking about
The best thing to do is keep The Nothing off camera entirely, always just out of our view. With that all we have to go off of is descriptions through dialogue, which many of the characters talk about in the book. Now The Nothing isn't just black clouds, but the terrifying and lovecraftian doom to Fantastica(oh btw, it's Fantastica, they changed the name in the movie) like it always was to so many of the fantasy worlds residents
And because, as everyone who remembers the drowning horse knows, Neverending Story is supposed to be down. So this works imo
You lose in the welcome addition to my post competition
There is almost no news about the new movie they're making, beyond the studio and productions
So when you say it's "too woke" what exactly are you referring to?
Instead of just remaking the original Neverending Story movie, for the reboot we should make it more like the book
You know
Were Bastian(remember Bastian?) goes mad with power, destabilizes and corrupts the world of Fantastica, before attempting to overthrow the Childlike Empress using the powers she granted him.
Only to then fail miserably, forced to wonder Fantastica in search of a way home, desperate not to lose all memory as he clashes with the world he created now without godlike abilities.
"Bak Momo," derdi "ne oluyor, biliyor musun? Bazen önüme upuzun bir cadde çıkıyor. Öyle uzun ki insan bunun sonuna gelemez sanıyor."
Beppo bu kadarcık laftan sonra bile önüne bakarak bir süre susar, sonra devam ederdi: "O zaman acele etmeye başlıyorsun. Gittikçe daha çok acele ediyor insan. Her önüne baktığında yolun hiç de kısalmamış olduğunu fark ediyorsun. Daha hızlı ve daha gayretli çalışıyorsun; sonunda nefesin kesilip güçsüz kalıyorsun. Ve cadde hâlâ upuzun bir şekilde seni bekliyor."
Susup biraz daha düşündükten sonra sürdürdü konuşmasını: "İnsan caddenin tamamına bakıp hemen bir karara varmamalı. Her zaman adım adım ilerlemeli. Sürekli bir adım sonrasını düşünmeli, bir adım, sonra derin bir nefes, sonra bir süpürge. İşte o zaman hayat zevkli olur. Önemli olan işini iyi yapmaktır. Öyle de olmalı."
Uzun bir süre susup yeniden konuşmaya başladı: "Bir de bakarsın ki adım adım bütün yolu bitirmişsin. Nasıl olduğunu anlamadan ve yorulmadan.
Başını öne eğip sözünü noktaladı: "Önemli olan da budur."
Onu bir daha görmeyi umuyordu. Her şeye razıydı. Eskisi gibi olmayacak bile olsa onunla oturmaya, onu dinlemeye ve onunla konuşmaya can atıyordu. Fakat kapı bir daha asla açılmadı.
"Those who think listening isn't an art should see if they can do it half as well." - Michael Ende, Momo
Momo, also known as The Grey Gentlemen or The Men in Grey, is a fantasy novel by Michael Ende. The novel was published on January 1973.
“Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it.”
Michael Ende, Momo
The Neverending Story (German: Die unendliche Geschichte) by Michael Ende.
A magnificent book.
Been intending using this blog as a notetaking place for things I read. Might as well commence with Michael Ende's The Neverending Story, see how this goes. I read some of this book in elementary or middle school, but the green/purple print kind of hurt my eyes back then for some reason, so I didn't get very far. No problem with it now, so let's see how this goes.
(Anyway also for the record I've seen all three films ofc. The second one, doesn't suck? The third one, well... well anyway the second one doesn't suck. (There's apparently a cartoon or something as well but I don't know anything about that.))