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11 months ago

After watching Cinderella (the original animated movie, which was my favorite as a child), it strikes me how it solves many common problems people have with this fairy tale. Like:

Why did they try to identify the mystery girl using her shoe size? Because the bullheaded king's only clue to her identity was the shoe the Grand Duke picked up off the steps.

Why didn't the prince recognize her by her face? Because his father wouldn't involve him in the process at all, and wasn't the one going around trying to find her.

Why did the prince want to marry a lady he only met that night? Because his father was going to force him to marry someone, and he genuinely liked this woman.

Why did Cinderella want to marry a man she only met that night? Because marriage was her best and most secure way to freedom. Fucked up, but you can't say it's unrealistic for the setting of a fairy tale. She also genuinely liked him.

If they're using the slipper to find her, wouldn't it be more sensible to search for the person with the other slipper? Yes. The King is purposefully nonsensical and the Duke is purposefully terrified enough of him to carry out his orders to the letter. Furthermore, they end up doing that in the end anyway, because the Duke's glass slipper is shattered, and Cinderella brings out the one she has to prove her identity.

Why didn't the stepmother and stepsisters recognize Cinderella at the ball? Because they were dancing too far away, and then left the party to dance in private, which was possible because the King wanted very badly for his son to hit it off with someone and tried to arrange the best conditions for that to happen.

Why didn't Cinderella save herself? Because in real life, abuse victims should not have to shoulder that responsibility, and usually can't. In real life, you need and deserve an external support system. Asking for help, in this kind of situation, is very important. She is saved by others because she is loved. Because she is not alone. Because she has friends who love her, and want her to be happy and safe and free. Because in real life, people who want to help someone who is suffering are like the mice. We can't pull out miracle solutions, but we can provide companionship and if we're in the right place at the right time, we can help the person find a better life.

Why didn't the fairy godmother save Cinderella from her abusive household, or try to help her sooner? Because she's magic, and magic can't solve your problems. Quote: "Like all dreams, well, I'm afraid it can't last forever." This (and Cinderella's dream of going to the ball) is a metaphor for pleasurable things in bad circumstances. An ice cream won't get rid of your depression, but it will provide you with momentary happiness to bolster you, as well as the reminder that happiness in general is still possible for you. Cinderella doesn't want to go to the ball so she can get away from her stepmother and stepsisters, or so she can meet someone to marry and leave with. She wants to go to the ball to remind herself that she can still have things she wants. That her desires matter. This is important because the movie does a very good job of illustrating Lady Tremaine's subtle abuse tactics, all of which invisibly press the message that Cinderella doesn't matter. While going to the ball and fulfilling her dreams may not be a victory in the material sense, it is still a victory against Lady Tremaine's efforts.

Why is Cinderella's choice to be kind and obedient framed as a good thing, when you are not obligated to be kind to your abuser? This one walks a very fine line, but I think the movie still makes it make sense. Lady Tremaine never acknowledges her cruelty. She always frames her punishments of Cinderella as Cinderella's fault. Cinderella is interrupting, Cinderella is shirking her duties, Cinderella is playing vicious practical jokes. Cinderella is still a member of the family, of course she can go to the ball, provided she meet these impossible conditions. Lady Tremaine's tactics are designed to make Cinderella feel like she must always be in the wrong and her stepmother must always be in the right. If Cinderella calls her stepmother out on her cruelty, or attempts to fight back, Lady Tremaine can frame that as Cinderella being ungrateful, cruel, broken, evil, etc. If Cinderella responds to her stepmother's cruelty defiantly (in the way she's justified to), she's not taking control out of Lady Tremaine's hands. Disobedience can be spun back into her stepmother's control. She wants Cinderella to be angry and sad and show how much she's hurting. So since Cinderella is adapting to her situation, she chooses to be kind. Not only because she naturally wants to be and it's part of her personality, but because it is a form of defiance in its own way, and it allows her to keep a reminder of her agency and value. Her choice to be kind is her chance to keep her own narrative alive: she is not obeying because her stepmother wants her to and she has to do what her stepmother does, but because she wants to. It's a small distinction, but one that makes all the difference in terms of keeping her hope and identity. (Fuck, I wrote a whole paragraph about how this doesn't mean you can't be angry at people who hurt you or that you need to be kind to deserve help, and then deleted it by accident. Uh. Try again.) Expressing anger and pain is an important part of regaining autonomy and healing. Although it is commendable to be kind while you are suffering, it is NOT required for you to get help or be worthy of help. If Cinderella's recovery was explored beyond "happily ever after" she would need to let herself be angry and sad to heal. Cinderella is not only kind because it comes naturally to her, but because it's her defense against the abuse she's suffering. Everyone's story and experiences are different, and one does not invalidate the other.

Bonus round for answers that aren't part of the movie:

Why didn't Cinderella run away? Where would she go? Genuinely, in hundreds-of-years-ago France, where would she go if she snuck out of the window with a change of clothes? With her step-family, she's miserable and abused, but she's fed, clothed, and in no danger of dying or being taken advantage of by anyone other than her stepmother and stepsisters. Even if she escapes and manages to find financial security, her stepmother might be able to find her and get her back.

Why didn't Cinderella burn the house down with them inside it/slit their throats in the night/poison their food/etc.? Because that's a revenge fantasy, and this story is a fantasy about being saved. There's nothing wrong with making Cinderella into a revenge fantasy. That's perfectly fine, as long as you acknowledge that the other type of fantasy is also a valid interpretation. (I mean, the original fairy tale features the stepsisters getting their feet mutilated and all three of them getting their eyes pecked out, so go for it.)

Why isn't Cinderella more proactive in general? Because she's a child who has been abused for the back half of her life, who has had to be focused on survival because. you know. she's an abused kid.

How did she dance in glass slippers? Gotta agree with you there man, that's weird.

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11 months ago

Soap Operatic Symphony (A Fyuuture Kid AU ft. Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia)

Soap Operatic Symphony (A Fyuuture Kid AU Ft. Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, And Diasomnia)

While camping in the mountains during Camp Vargas, you encounter a monster exactly like the one you fought off with Ace and Deuce at the beginning of the year. While trying to fight it off again, a strange portal opens up in the mine and a person jumps out of it to your rescue. He says he doesn't remember much, but it's clear when you bring him to Crowley that this boy is also from your world, despite being a mage, and until the headmage can think of a better solution, he assigns "Yutu" to your dorm.

Something a certain someone has an opinion about.

notes: yeah I have nothing to say for myself, I have other stuff I am supposed to be writing but this wrote itself ok? ok. Anyway this is a future kid au where your son has come back in time to try and prevent the end of the world but mostly to make sure you don't die. You can see this ask for a detailed explanation of what's up with Yuu and my masterlist for other fic. Oh and the other dorms can be found here.

Soap Operatic Symphony (A Fyuuture Kid AU Ft. Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, And Diasomnia)


In general, Jamil is going to be torn between being deeply suspicious of the entire situation and feeling like it's none of his business while Kalim is excited to meet a potential new friend.  How they act on those feelings changes depending on who Yutu is trying to interact with.

Kalim- anyone trying to get close to Kalim has to be watched obsessively by Jamil, and Yutu is no exception.  If anything the surveillance is worse due to the strange way he showed up, and Kalim doesn't like it but he understands.  For Yutu's part he seems really receptive to Kalim's efforts to befriend him, which is the furthest Kalim is going to think about it for a while, but he also notices the strange nostalgia and grief Yutu seems to feel when interacting with you and he really wants to help.  He's sure if Yutu would just talk about it, he could give him some good advice.  They get along really well!  But Yutu seems really reluctant to give out personal information… which Jamil really doesn't like. Kalim's sure he doesn't mean anything by it because of how apologetic he is! But he does sort of wonder if he's done something to make Yutu not feel safe around him... it makes him sort of sad.

Jamil- Once he got a look at that portal, Jamil realized that he didn't actually know what it looked like when you arrived at NRC.  He certainly remembers the mess Grim made, but not much about you beyond how confused you looked.  He'll have to ask about it sometime but for now, he's got questions.  Number one: who the fuck is this guy really?  His name isn't Yutu, he sure as shit isn't from your world, otherwise he couldn't be a mage, and his attitude towards you is just suspicious.  He has got to want something, and Jamil is torn between protectiveness of you and his adamant refusal to give himself anymore work.  It doesn't help that Yutu seems very apologetic to him specifically, he swears the kid seems to be apologizing for his entire existence.  It's weird, and he tells him to knock it off because it's not like he's his dad.  For some reason that just makes it worse.


Vil- Epel is the one to tell him about the monster attack, the portal, and the strange protectiveness Yutu has towards Yuu.  That last thing doesn't bother him as much as you might expect, as soon as he learns that you're from the same world he thinks it's perfectly natural.  Admirable even.  The fake name and desire for privacy doesn't bother him either, as an actor both things seem normal to him.  What worries him is the idea that something very wrong is happening in the background that he doesn't know about, which he makes very clear to Yutu after sending Rook to distract you.  Yutu seems hesitant to trust him, and only offers vague warnings about making sure Yuu stays safe and keeping an eye on Grim.  Well now, they can both agree on that, and wouldn't it be easier if Yutu cooperated with him?  He's not going to take no for an answer.

Rook- Oh?  Ramshackle Dorm has a new member?  What a charming surprise!  He's sure this will lead to many new beautiful experiences.  And he's right!  Yutu is very beautiful, but there's something oddly familiar and yet… wrong about him.  Like he doesn't quite belong here, and not in the same way that you don't belong here.  He looks haunted, his interactions with you scream that he possesses (or to be more accurate used to possess) a relationship that can only have been built over several years.  But you clearly don't remember him, and there's a painful aura of grief in his interactions with you.  He also notices, with a great deal of joy, that the same grief is present when the little one speaks to him.  Just what could that mean? The hunter is in no rush, he'll find out what that means in time, for now he'll keep dropping in unannounced to test Yutu's reflexes. 

Side note: I don't speak French so I don't know if this would be the correct way to say it, but I like the idea of Rook's nickname for Yutu being Monsieur Caneton (Monsieur Duckling), because of how he follows Yuu around. Floyd's nickname I reserve the right to change depending on who Yutu's father is.

Epel- He starts off a hater, I am not going to lie.  Protecting you is something Epel takes a great deal of pride in; he wants to be seen as manly, as the protector, as someone who you think of as cool and trusts to provide for you.  So for a giant portal to open in the sky and drop a new guy determined to protect you from the monsters?  He hates it, he really does, and that's BEFORE Yutu starts living in Ramshackle Dorm.  He's determined to ignore him and not let him into the friend group, which proves impossible because of how Yutu follows you around so fine.  He can sit with you but ONLY IF he accepts that Epel was there first.  Something he's really surprised to see him do?  He should be more suspicious of why Yutu is constantly asking him for advice or acting like he's cool for being so possessive over you but well.  It's Epel he really wants to be seen as cool so he's just not going to think about it.


Ortho- Ortho wasn't there to see the portal so he can't analyze it, but he can analyze Yutu!  And he immediately finds the Shroud family curse.  How curious, is this something he should tell his brother immediately?  Or should he skip the line and talk to their parents… decisions decisions but he doesn't have to wait for too long for an explanation.  Yutu explains himself pretty quickly when called out and Ortho is beyond excited to learn he's an uncle.  Less excited to learn about the impending apocalypse but he's sure they can fix it if they work together.  Now to double his efforts to get you and Idia together…

Idia- a second person has been isekaid to the NRC oh no.  Whatever will he do?  Well he intended to do nothing but Ortho isn't letting him.  For some reason he seems really determined to get him to hang out with you, almost like he knows about his crush he's been so good at hiding.  He can't complain too much, talking with you is weirdly soothing and much easier than he'd anticipated.  And Yutu's there too he guesses.  Sometimes they parallel play while Idia hangs out with you and that's nice.  It's sort of weird how in tune Yutu is with him though, sometimes he swears they could be related. A thought that Ortho is weirdly determined to encourage, and refuses to explain why... maybe he should be more worried about what anime little bro has been watching recently.


Right so dragon biology is weird and our knowledge of half fae is very limited.  From how Sebek looks and how Malleus’s birth is discussed, I assume the eggs produced by love is exclusive to dragon fae and other species just get babies in the normal way.  All of that to say:

Malleus- Yutu is an oddity from the jump.  He looks very young, but insists he's around the same age as Yuu, and Malleus swears he feels his own magic is a part of him.  It's like a precious stone has grown some legs and started walking around and talking back to him.  He's a little bit in love, not the same way he's in love with Yuu, but much like a parent would think of a child… perhaps if they get closer he can offer him the night's blessing.  He does seem to be lacking it and that just won't do, something inside him says that needs to be fixed immediately.  Lilia questions him on whether or not he's jealous of how close the little one is to Yuu, which surprises him greatly.  Why would he be- well.  He does wish he could spend more time with Yuu but that sort of envy applies to everyone, not just Yutu.  And none of those guys are so unafraid of him to have made him a friendship bracelet so there. 

Lilia- a mage?  From Yuu's world?  How exciting!  He's very pleased to see how well he gets along with his boys and takes Sebek’s shouting in stride.  It's inspirational how quick he picks up on how gullible Sebek is and immediately starts telling-  well Lilia supposes he doesn't know they're outright lies but the scolding he gets from Yuu certainly suggests they are.  It's all very cute, and something he really wishes he could be a part of, but he knows his time is limited.  He'll just have to treasure these experiences while he's allowed them, something Yutu is very willing to help him do!  What a good kid, he'll have to tell him how proud his parents must be of him.

Silver- A portal, a monster, and a new mysterious person… it's concerning.  Something dangerous has got to be happening with how worried over you this new person is, his name is Yutu?  Weird but then his name is Silver so who is he to judge.  Anyway he introduces himself to Yutu and he asks why he came through the portal and… isn't really satisfied with his answers.  He doesn't think Yutu is a threat, not to Malleus anyway, but there's just something off about this whole thing and it's his task as a knight to make sure the people he loves are safe.  What's that?  Well of course you are one of those people.  You're very important and- why is Yutu looking at him like that.  He's telling the truth, what does he mean that makes it worse? Is it his face?

Sebek- Oh look another perfectly average human who is ok.  He guesses.  Not that he's thought extensively about you personally, only as a precaution to make sure you aren't disrespecting Lord Malleus, you get that right?  Him cornering Yutu with a strained look on his face and shouting at him about how to properly respect Lord Malleus is something he would do to anybody.  It has nothing to do with him assuming that if this person respects Lord Malleus they will be safe for "that human" to be around.  Unfortunately, Yutu is not just anybody and immediately starts yelling back accusing him of disrespecting you.  It's like there's two of them now, just with different biases, rip everyone's eardrums.

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11 months ago

Beloved Prefect of NRC

Beloved Prefect Of NRC



Up the step one goes.

Grunts of pain and disbelief heard.

Such relishing sounds.

In this one’s ears.

Tears streaming.

Bleeding in a pool of blood.

Horns broken.

A scarred eye.

My oh my, how the tables have turned.

For who could have seen you coming?

The truest villain amongst them all?

Maybe if you had held your hand out to them as they have held yours?

This wouldn’t have happened.

But it’s too late for regrets now, dearly beloveds.

For the true villain is here.

The most Beloved Prefect of NRC

Beloved Prefect Of NRC

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11 months ago

Lilia tends to hold your hand.

It’s not even a conscious decision. Whenever both of you are side by side, his fingers just always seem to end up right behind yours. Slowly sliding into them, intertwining as one.

He holds you gently, tenderly. Walks with you, his pace adjusting to yours. No matter if you’re slower or faster, Lilia makes sure the sound of his footsteps are aligned with yours.

Lilia tends to remember little things about you. The brand you like to shop from. The type of food you seem to prefer. Your favourite jacket. He remembers them, and brings them up in conversation.

One thing about being rather long-lived: it’s hard to forget things, even if he tries. Your first date with him? Lilia recalls every single detail. He still remembers how you seemed to glow, under the gentle ember light of the setting sun.

Some offhanded comment you made while you two were eating together? He’ll bring that up in a conversation months later, grinning away at your surprise. Lilia recalls everything. Your little quirks, the things that you fancy, every single expression on your face…

If you forget some things, it’s totally ok with him. Fae tend to have a more impressive memory as compared to other beings. Don’t beat yourself up about it, ok? Lilia doesn’t mind. He still loves you.

Just don’t end up forgetting about him too, darling.

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11 months ago

As a kid, when your parents are poor, you're poor. If they don't have money, that means none of you have money. But if someone's parents are rich, that doesn't necessarily mean the kid is. Sometimes rich peoples' kids aren't rich kids, they're just some rich freak's exotic pets that can talk but aren't allowed to.

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11 months ago

Riddle Info Compilation part 28: The Rules and Vil

There are 810 rules at Heartslabyul (In Japanese 8 can be pronounced “hah” while 10 can be pronounced “toh”, and in katakana hah + toh = ハート, which means “heart”), and Riddle can recite them all.

Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil
Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil
Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil

He expects even people who are not students at NRC to know “at least a hundred of them. At LEAST.”

Rule 6, No fighting on campus Rule 23, One must never bring a cat to a formal affair Rule 53, When something is stolen from you, you must take it back! Rule 89, Never eat a tart without the Queen’s permission Rule 124, When you get soaking wet, you must dry off with a run im the ocean Rule 153, No black tea at night? (a little vague) Rule 186, Never eat a hamburger on Tuesday Rule 228, Flowers in gardens must never be picked on Wednesdays Rule 249, Flamingo caretakers are to don pink attire Rule 256, No drinking honey-sweetened lemonade after 8pm Rule 271, One must leave the table within fifteen minutes of completing their lunch Rule 339, The post-meal beverage is to be lemon tea with two sugar cubes Rule 346, Croquet must not be played after 5:00pm Rule 412, When you see a pair of moving glasses in the forest, never go back the way you came

Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil
Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil

Rule 469, When throwing a party for new friends, one must decorate with both red and white roses Rule 529, If you eat a steak on the night of a full moon, a cat must play the violin afterwards Rule 562, One must never bring a chestnut tart to an unbirthday tea party Rule 648, One must brush one’s teeth twice over after eating turkey Rule 703, Anyone who comes in second in a croquet tournament must serve the queen tea the next day

Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil
Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil
Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil

Vil tells Riddle that his “glass half-empty approach is basically an advertisement for (his) personal issues”, and we learn Vil may have suspected Riddle’s instability from the start, saying, “That boy is a disaster waiting to happen” in a flashback with a 1st-year Riddle.

In the same flashback we also see Vil giving Riddle advice on wearing high heels and gifting him with a bandaid for a blistered foot.

Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil
Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil

Riddle says that the very night he received the bandage from Vil he ordered a manual on proper walking technique and he considers it a “win” that he was able to show Vil that he is capable of dancing in heels, as, “one can’t let a poor impression go uncorrected indefinitely.”

Vil responds, “And here I thought you’d mellowed out considerably since those days. I suppose some things never change.”

We learn from Vil that housewardens are permitted to adjust their dorm uniforms as they see fit, and that previous Heartslabyul housewardens would wear sneakers like the rest of the dorm.

Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil
Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil
Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil

Riddle says that it bothers him when people assume he wears heels to make himself look taller, which is not the case: he had his uniform tailored to match that of Heartslabyul’s first housewarden, as he believes that “the head of a dorm honoring the Queen of Hearts should abide by tradition, which includes dressing formally.”

Riddle and Vil also share a conversation about the “unique benefits” offered by heels, such as how it is “pretty gratifying to watch the Heartslabyul students instantly straight up when they hear my footsteps. That kind of clarion clacking only comes with a good pair of heels.”

Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil
Riddle Info Compilation Part 28: The Rules And Vil

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11 months ago

Riddle Info Compilation part 16: Riddle and Floyd (pt 1)

Floyd calls Riddle “goldfish-chan” because “he’s red and tiny and unsavory”, on EN, but this explanation is a little different in his actual dialogue, where he says “食べるところなさそう”, which is something closer to “it doesn’t look like there is any part of him you could eat,” i.e. there is no meat on his bones (when translated literally).

Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)
Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)
Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)

Riddle has repeatedly expressed disapproval of the name.

Jade has a line about Floyd causing “a bit of a stir” at their orientation, and Vil says that Floyd and Riddle “have been at each other’s throats ever since orientation."

During Beanfest, we learn what happened: Floyd explains that Riddle used magic to blast him through the air at their orientation. “All I did was razz him a little, and he just SNAPPED…next thing I knew, there I was, laid out on the floor. Jade burst out laughing when he saw me.”

Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)
Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)
Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)

During preparations for a party Trey tells Riddle, “I have noticed Floyd following you around a lot lately, with that big grin on his face.”

Riddle says that he pleaded with Jade to keep Floyd out of Heartslabyul for the day, and “just thinking about Floyd irritates me.”

Floyd spends the entirety of a vignette teasing Riddle, asking him to “chit-chat” instead of study.

Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)
Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)
Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)

Riddle refuses, and Floyd offers to escort him to the book he is looking for instead. The book is revealed to be on a high shelf, but Riddle insists upon finding a stool rather than ask for Floyd’s help. Floyd boxes Riddle in (“My arm just needed a little stretch is all”) and ultimately runs away with the book, encouraging Riddle to chase after him.

In exasperation Riddle asks what it is that he has done for Floyd to treat him as he does and Floyd suddenly stops, passing him the book and wandering away. Riddle reflects, “I can’t tell if I upset him, or if that was yet another one of his mood swings.”

Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)
Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)
Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)

We see Riddle and Floyd interact for the first time in the main story during Book 2 when Riddle expresses displeasure in getting anywhere near either twin, but “especially Floyd.” The group resorts to running away from them, with Riddle explaining that the twins have baffled him ever since he enrolled at NRC.

(This scene includes some confusing additions/changes to dialogue on EN to make it sound like it is taking place at Octavinelle, when the characters are standing in the courtyard. This is unique to the EN adaptation.)

Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)
Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)
Riddle Info Compilation Part 16: Riddle And Floyd (pt 1)

Floyd and Riddle overlap again, briefly, in Book 4, when Floyd teases a depressed Riddle about staying at the school for the holidays. Riddle assures him that that is the last thing he needs, but Trey points out that, after arguing with Floyd, Riddle at least “got his moxie back.”

This is not the only instance of Floyd inadvertently (?) being of help by harassing Riddle: he also teases Riddle about being so cold he might turn blue. Riddle turns red with rage, successfully distracting him from the cold of the night during Vargas Camp, and Floyd says he is glad that Riddle has warmed up.

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11 months ago
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party

lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party
lvminisciel - midnight tea party

By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest

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11 months ago

quiet acts of love that make me cry 🫂

prompt list by @novelbear

always giving the other the first bite of their food

^ or the last bite

gently resting their head on their shoulder when taking a picture/peeking at something

kisses. on. the. tip. of. the. nose.

zipping or buttoning their jacket for them

when they follow the sidewalk rule :(

^ like imagine realizing it as they gently take the other's wrist and guide them to the other side...omg

waiting until they safely reach the front of the door or get inside before driving off

"did you eat today?"

softly dusting crumbs from their cheeks when eating

^ or even better: kissing it off

"wear a jacket, it's cold out."

watching a movie or show that they know they're interested in.

^ not because they asked them to, but to be able to engage in more conversation related to it when they adorably ramble on and on.

doing their makeup for them

"i brought you flowers." "for what?" "there has to be a reason?"

keeping a few of their favorite snacks in the house for when they visit.

opening the door for them or pulling their seat out before they sit down

lifting the shorter one up so they can be seen in photos

absentmindedly playing with their hair at all times

fixing their clothes a little for them when noticing something is off

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11 months ago

"what should i say?"- it's time to meet the parents

prompt list by @novelbear

noticing their leg anxiously jumping beneath the table, so they grab their hand as a form of support

pep talks in the car before they go up to the door

"you're going to be fine...they'll love you. i just know it."

being a little startled if the mother goes in for that little cheek kiss while greeting (or saying goodbye)

^ and shooting a look of playful annoyance when their partner is giggling behind their mother's back

accidentally bumping into the parents while shopping or running errands

finding out one of their parents is an old teacher, boss, etc.

^ and if they didn't have a good relationship before, then....

spending the whole week asking their partner about their parent's likes and dislikes, just to be sure.

"i'm sorry, babe, are those flashcards?" "i'm practicing."

researching conversation topics online for hours

buying the most grand bouquet of flowers, wine, or other welcoming gift they can find

"what if i give the wrong impression...what if they think i don't have good intentions?"

^ "honey. the moment they notice how nervous you are, and i'm going to be honest with you right now, they're probably going to notice, they'll see how much you clearly care. it's alright."

them getting up to help clean or assist with something and one parent shooting their child a look that says "they're a keeper."

being genuinely surprised when their partner snaps at their own parents after they say something out of line

^ maybe it's the other way around, and they have to defend their partner from the parents themselves. left shocked that someone could treat their own child like that.

"well, that went great." "i had no idea. i'm sorry."

"you were nervous for nothing." "i'll make sure to tell you the same thing next week. it's your turn."

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11 months ago

"i take it back, i'm sorry"- reactions to making someone cry

prompt list by @novelbear | cw for some very slight cursing!

"are you crying?"

"no, don't do that wait-"

"oh, stop with the tears.."

"i didn't mean it like that, hold on."

"was it something i said?"

"shit, no, that's not what i meant."

"oh, honey."

"there you go, let it out."

"suck it up."

"this was supposed to make you happy!"

"aw, don't cry sweetheart..."

[giving them a panicked hug] "no, no, no, no!"

"i should have stopped, i'm sorry..."

"what? what now?"

"you're so emotional. it's cute."

"good. now you know what it's like."

"how can i make this up to you?"

"i didn't mean to make you upset, you know."

"oh come on, it was a joke!"

"you always do this. making me look like the bad guy."

"my poor baby, i'm so sorry."

"did i scare you? sweetheart..."

"i mean i knew you'd like the gift but not this much..."

"ice cream? a movie? hugs? what do you want? name anything."

"why do you act like you're the only one with feelings? how do you think i feel?"

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11 months ago

roommates to lovers dialogue (but they’re scared to confess)

prompt list by @novelbear

“you said you wanted to talk?" “yeah…it can wait, though. enjoy your date.” 

 “how do i look? do you think i overdressed for a [event]?” “no, you look perfect.”

 “you’ve been staring at me for like thirty seconds, what are you thinking about?”

 “i’m so glad we moved in together.”

 “no, you can stay. i don’t mind.” 

 “please don’t leave yet.”

 “i know i haven’t been the easiest person to work with these days, but keep in mind that i do appreciate your patience with me…” 

 [talking to a friend] “we live together! do you know how much i’ll mess things up if they don’t feel the same?” 

 “you looked pretty lonely in there, how about a sleepover in my room tonight?”

 “you’ve been talking about this for months so i figured that maybe if i got it for you, you’d shut up.” “i love you.” 

 “i hate changing these stupid batteries, i can never reach the smoke alarm.” “get down, then, i’ll do it.” 

 “did you get me flowers?” “it was for decoration.” “..in my room?”

 “do you want to go on a walk with me?” “yeah, i’d love to..” 

 “i don’t think i’ve ever felt the way i do with you with anyone else.” “what does that mean?” “what do you think it means?” 

 “i need to tell you something. and i need you to not hate me when i do.”

 “happy new year.” “should we kiss?” “what?” “what?”

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11 months ago

"i'm in the mood, babe"- dancing together things 💃

prompt list by @novelbear

"come on, let's have some fun!"

being so lost in each others eyes that they forget where they are

laying their head on their chest, swaying together in bliss

relieved that the lights are dimmed, so that no one, including who they're dancing with, can see the blush on their cheeks

"i didn't know you knew how to dance." "there's a lot you don't know about me, then."

softly singing along to the song playing whilst they dance

foreheads touching as they lean in and rock back and forth

not being able to go out, so one makes a makeshift dance floor in the living room by moving furniture, dimming lights, and even playing fun effects on the t.v.

"why are you so stiff? loosen up a little."

one having their arms linked around the other's neck, feeling hands gently holding onto their waist

sharing a kiss while dancing >>>

going from holding one another's palms to fingers as they grow more comfortable.

whispering compliments and words of endearment to the other as they dance

when they do that little twirling thing :(

^ and maybe one stumbles a bit but it's okay. they'll both laugh about it.

dancing in the rain!!!

swaying together while one hugs the other from behind.

"i'm not the best at this." "you've stepped on my foot at least ten times, trust me, i know."

doing that little cliché dip thing just for fun, but then actually getting frozen in time together for a split second

"we should do this again sometime."

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11 months ago

“say you won’t let go” - some touch starved scenarios

prompt list by @novelbear

heart pounding whenever the other does so much as to hold onto their wrist while guiding them through a crowd

one just casually sitting down on the other's lap and they start internally freaking the hell out

hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve, testing the waters

^^ the other notices so they pull them into a hug, smiling as they just watch them melt

"wait, don't go, please.."

"is this okay?" "it's more than okay."

already barely holding it together as they're getting their hand held but then they feel that reassuring squeeze and they just can't

wearing the others' clothes so that it can at least feel like they're hugging them, even for just a moment

feeling so lonely that they have to call their lover/friend, just to get a sense and reminder that they're still there

^ trying and failing to hold back their tears as they do so

"can i have one more hug?" "aw, babe you don't have to ask, c'mere..."

when the other holds onto their waist briefly as they're passing by and it just send chills down their spine

breaking down mid-hug because they just needed this so much

their breath hitching whenever the other gets a little closer

^ feeling crushed when that action is taken as a sign of discomfort, and they watch them slowly back off

holding onto a stuffed animal/pillow, imagining that it's their lover in their embrace instead

one leaning their head onto the other's shoulder suddenly and they just freeze

"i wasn't sure how much longer i could have taken this..."

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11 months ago

Character A sees character B in a suit and has a small gay crisis over it? Perhaps? Love your prompts and all that you do!!

haha yes i can! and thank you <3

reactions to seeing them all dolled up 👔

"oh. oh my god."

"we need to go out more."


"why have you never worn this out before? you look amazing..."

"you could stop staring now." "oh no, absolutely not."

"wait, where are you going?"

"you, hold on, since when did you, i didn't know you'd look..." "can you finish a sentence, please?" "how do you expect me to think when you look like this?"

"you're quiet. do i look bad?" "no. no, god, no. you left me speechless. in a good way, of course."

"why are you looking at me like that? should i fix something?" "no, you look perfect."

"i've never seen you blush so much. i can't look that good."

"you're staring at me. like a lot." "i am so sorry, we should go. come on."

"wow. just...wow."

"i don't know, i was thinking i should wear the other-" "no! this.. this um, you look great. trust me. this is fine."

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11 months ago

the sweet, early morning things ☀️

prompt list by @novelbear

"good morning, love."

sleepy, playful smiles as they both take in eachothers messy morning appearance

"you look your cutest like this." "but i just woke up." "i know what i said."

snuggling into the others neck to shield their eyes from the sunlight

gently brushing hair out of their face

peppering small kisses all over their face to wake them

"your morning voice is so hot." [laughs] "what?"

waking up a little earlier than usual, meaning they get the luxury of snuggling further into their blankets and lover to go back to sleep.

kisses, even while still half-asleep

"are you awake yet?" "no." "oh, okay sorry."

accidentally falling back asleep, too entangled and comfortable in one another's warmth.

"i'll go make us coffee." "sounds good."

"i made breakfast." "i love you."

caressing the other's cheek softly, hoping to wake them up that way

"waking up next to you is my favorite thing."

sitting in a comfortable silence, arms wrapped around eachother, trying to wake up.

gently fixing their hair once they finally sit up

taking ten minutes to stop snuggling while laying down, then spend another ten cuddling whilst sitting up.

playfully shying away from them because of their "morning breath"

noticing the indented marks left on their face from the pillow or however they were laying

^ "did you sleep well?" "mhm.." [tracing the mark with their hand] "i can tell."

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11 months ago

can you do prompts on teaching someone how to swim ? 💗 love ur work x

teaching them how to swim 🐡

prompt list by @novelbear

"there you go! you got it!"

laughing (endearingly) as they fearfully cling onto the walls of the pool

"it's too cold!" "you're just making excuses at this point."

"i've got you. don't worry."

being a little more cautious than the one learning, worried to let them try and swim on their own

bringing out every pool noodle known to man

"what if i drown??" "i'm not going to let you drown!"

gently guiding them to the other side of the pool

"i feel like this something i should have known..." "hey, it's fine. there's so many people who don't know how."

them insisting on wearing some sort of life jacket. even though they don't necessarily need one.

"babe, the water is 5 feet deep i'm sure you're going to be fine."

enduring all the panicked kicking and splashing

telling them how great they're doing, even though they're moving so slow

"it's the first day, you're not going to be perfect."

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11 months ago

”no time will be better” - prompts for that first kiss <3

prompt list by @novelbear


the first initial kiss being a simple peck, then they immediately go back in for a stronger, more passionate one.

"are you sure about this?"

the hands. on the waist. oh my god.

^ then they feel themselves being pulled closer ??

taller gently grasping the shorter's chin

"that was...." "yeah."

a certain song playing while they have their moment and it becomes their song.

"sorry, that was my first kiss." "i could tell." "...." "i'm kidding!"

an accidental first kiss

"are we about to kiss right now?" "you are not serious."

awkward giggles right after

"well i guess that answers my question."

a hand (or both) placed gently on their cheeks!!!

"i'm sorry, i had to."

the uncontrollable smile they break into either after or during the kiss itself

"don't you dare tell anyone about this." "wasn't planning on it."

that panic beforehand while trying to figure out if they're really leaning in for a kiss or not.

someone's hair ending up getting caught in the other's glasses/jewelry

maybe one is awkward enough to the point where they're like "what the hell do i do with my hands?!"

feeling each other instantly relax as they both quickly get comfortable

"can we do that again? my eyes were closed." "oh my god."

their hearts stopping when they hear someone's camera click (a friend catching them in the act ?)

"so does this mean you feel the same or..?"

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11 months ago

some responses to ”why are you avoiding me?”

prompt list by @novelbear

"i just need some space."

"i'm not avoiding you."

"i don't see you for one day and suddenly i'm 'avoiding you'. i got busy, alright?"

"you think i'm avoiding you?"

"who told you that?"

"you know what you did.."

"quit asking me that."

"i have my reasons..."

"i can't tell you right now, but i promise when things get cleared up, i will."

"you think this is me avoiding you? this?"

"i thought you were mad at me..."

"[name] told me to..."

"i thought you were avoiding me."

"can we talk about this another time?"

"because this is too much! you're too much!"

"for the last time, i'm not!"

"there's just a lot going on right now. it's not intentional."

"i'm sorry...i didn't even realize."

"i didn't want to have this talk with you yet."

"sit down."

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11 months ago

I’ve been thinking and wondering 🤔 if they do increase Lilia’s life span, it’s probably not going to be hundreds of years. It will probably be longer but not as long as that (though I wish it were, because I know he wanted to see Malleus become king, etc)

So then if they do increase it, or maybe the years he has left is less than a hundred years, but as Malleus said; Lilia doesn’t want any one of them wasting their time on him when they could be living their life to the fullest.

In either case, wouldn’t it be heart breaking and yet poetic, for Lilia and Silver to have lived their life and then died at the same time? 🤔

Though if that’s the case, I wouldn’t be able to be as strong as Malleus, because loosing my father and brother at the same time?? That would break me if I was in his shoes 💔😭

You can also imagine the heartbreak Sebek would go through if his aging slowed down too you know? The pain he would feel.

But then, it also makes me wonder 🤔, it could also be half a century or the “remainder” of human years.

Because the whole point of his actions is that Lilia wants his sons to move on, to enjoy life, make bonds, and be happy. See life to the fullest as he has, enjoy life with the same joy his boys has brought him. He wants the same for them 🥹

In the end, it might just be that. Lilia living like a “human” seeing his boys grow and become the fine men they are and being proud of them all the while.

As any parent would.

Because isn’t that a parent’s wish? To see their children grow up, see them come into their own, know they will be fine, and once the time comes, they can happily pass with a smile. 🥹😭💞

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