Miles42 - Tumblr Posts

Burn For You
Miles x Y/n
Background (Miles and I were set on a mission together, we had to pretend to be dating and it was starting to feel real, now it was the night before they returned to HQ)
Y/Ns PoV
"I requested a seperate room" He spoke, apologeticly
"Yes", I muttered acknowledging him, he shifted on his feet "I should-" he started "Yes" I said turning away from him, "Yes" he replied leaving swiftly, I closed the door with a heavy sigh.
I paced as I contemplated my feelings, I think I love Miles, he makes me feel beautiful, thats the problem... he loves Gwen, everyother spiderman always loves Gwen.
Noone's PoV
Miles, too was pacing for different reasons, 'I've loved her since Miguel brought her in, since the moment our eyes locked as she greeted everyone...But she does not love me, i almost thought she did, this mission -Miguels almost evil for it- showed me a side of her I have never meet, a side I adore' he thought, as he quicked his pace, the tux he wore hugged his biceps as he raised his hands to his face to wipe it painstakingly.
Both they're pacing stopped, at the exact same time, in the exact same spot, as if they were in the same room, closure they both needed it, Miles was quick to her door, just as she opened the door to step out.
"I-" He started, cut off by he opening the door wider and muttering 'come in' almost bashful."I- we should head to dinner, I saw a chinse place across the roa-" He suggested, wanting to ease the tension -beating around the bush-.
"I do not want any dinner!" She was angry, rightfully so, Miles had avoided her each night after leaving the mission sight, like she didn't matter, like...he didn't care.
"I have spent the last few nights, wanting to be alone with you, wanting to talk to you, wanting to know!" she mumbles the last part as if he shouldn't hear, he stays silent, not knowing what to say or do, "I understand...that you do not want to talk to me, that am annoying, we should get that ch-" she answers for him, "Bug!- that is not what I are mistaken" He uses the nickname he gave her, to mask as the perfect couple, it felt wrong to part with it so easily.
" have avoided me after each've said but a few words to me-" she says, her lip quivers slightly, "To keep myself from saying the wrong things" He gestures to his mouth as he speaks, "You cant even look me in the eye-" hanging her head as if she realized a cruel fate, "I can't bring myself to when all I see is pain I caused", he's deafeated, fighting himself from lifting your head.
"I am the one who forced you into that position" she argues, "No- I forced you" He clarifies, "I have spent the last nights in agony, cause I knew you wanted nothing to do with me, I made this mission difficult and long and it was just a Recon" miles wiped his hand against him chin, "It was supposed to be easy, fake date in, break up and you collect info after flirting with the Target, No strings attached and yet-" he chokes.
"and yet-...this could not be anymore different, is that what you hoped to say?" she finished, lifting her head to gaze in his eyes, any hope she had for her feelings slowly disappearing as she turned away from him, "Chinese sounds good, we should head out-" she changes the subjected as she picks an oufit from her suitcase.
"Everything i said at the club was true", his words came out, abruptly, she turned to face him, but before she spoke "I cannot stop thinking of you....from the mornings you wake, to the evenings you sleep, to the dreams you inhabit…my thoughts of you never end. I am yours, Bug. I have always been yours." he speaks the truth, whats in his heart.
She blinks once, twice, "I don't understand" more as a statement, she does understand, she just doesn't believe it. "I do not know how to be any more clear!" Miles says, frustrated as to how he can explain his feelings, no, feeling.
" Don't get angry!" she counters, "I am not angry." "I…You look angry...look at you, you're flushed." "Yes, that is what happens." "When your is angry?!" She shouts, "When one burns for someone who does not feel the same!", He finally shouts, "You… burn for me?", she's confused, what about Gwen.
"Why do you think I got jealous?" he questions to answer the unspoken question, "Why do you think I made you jealous?" she murmurs "If you would have only looked at me this week for longer than two seconds, you would have seen...It is you I cannot endure-" He's cut off, "I Burn For You" she finishes for him, for them, for eachother.
They lean into eachother, as they're lips meet it speaks volumes, passionately, everything they needed to say, I Burn for You, always.
yelp hope u like it
Bee -KC-
-Sneak peaks
Send request (open)
Loss of you
Burn for you
Wagwan, American boy
Wagwan, American boy
Roof fever
'Hear Me Out'
Sneak peaks
'Hear me out' miles42!
Wagwan, American boy Hobie x reader x Miles
Reck the bed Hobie
'Hear Me Out'
Miles42! Bold
(You have a crush on the Prowler...Miles finds you interesting, you have an awkward run-in with Prowler)

In the cafeteria
"Okay but the Prowler" Niya said pointing at me, I flush, "The Prowler isn't a 'hear me out' if no one wants him" Jordan says as she fixes her shirt, giving Niya a pointed look that screams 'I dare you'.
Niya dares "Not true....Y/n here-" I cut her off "Hell no, how did we get here?!", "We got here, when you told us Mei's lockscreen was Swiper(DtE), then we started talking about 'hear me outs'" Nicc, explains as he breaks his forth plastic spoon,"....oh" i mutter, "Y/n has a crush on the Prowler!" Niya says a little too loudly, quieting the cafeteria, murmurs and whispers of "Thats's weird", "Who's Y/n?", "Freak". I glare at Niya, "Sorry", she squeaks, I get up, grab my bag, and leave the cafeteria, Nicc sighs softly "Give her till 7th period".
I did not come around.
"Y/n! Wait" Niya begged, Nicc and Jordan trailing her, "I can drive you home" she offers, I finally turn around, "I got a ride" I tell her with a strained smile, "Look...I'll text you all when i get home, bye" i finish, walking down the many steps when i see my brothers', Heide, car.
"Hola" he saluts me, "hey Heid" I climb in shotgun after moving the stuff on the seat, "Home?", "My Home, Heid", he nods pulling onto the road, "You should visit more, Papa misses his Bebe", he says with his eyes on the road, "Tell him his 'bebe' is almost 18 and wants a boyfriend" I say, sarcasticly.
"BYE!" Heide screams from his car as i apporach the appartment door, "Bye, H" i shout back and enter as i hear his engine start, 'I will visit' I think as i get my keys and open my door, 'someday soon'.
I throw my bag on the floor, "Honey, wheres my supersuit", I mumble, walking into the kitchen to make dinner, "Hmm, I have leftover lasgna that mom gave me? but that cheese is going to get bad soon...I'll just grate the cheese over the lasgna and bake it till it melts", I plan out my meal, placing the tray in the oven and setting a timer, walking out of the kitchen to get my bag from the doorway and head to my room.
My apartments way bigger than it should be, figures, giving my family.
My room is full of artic monkeys posters, and a singlular Prowler poster in a corner, hidden almost, tossing my bag on the bean bag, i plop onto the bed and open my phone, I stare at the group Icon for 'That one group', 'fuck it', I click it open and shoot a quick, 'Am home, Heide said hi' and close the app, opening Tiktok.
About 10 minutes later, the timer goes off, making me hop off the bed and shoot to the kitchen. I gently take out the tray from the oven and the smell wafts the air, 'best part about living alone', I don't even take a plate, just a fork and dive in, it hardly took me 10 minutes to finish, I place the dish in the sink and make my way back to bed, to write my homework.
I just had Spanish and English today so I finished at 9:46, and decided to sit by the window with a book.
Claws or something, scratched the window harshly, 'huh?', I got the window open and let the cold air hit my exposed shoulders of my f/c wife-beater, 'this is such a bad idea' I think climbing out the window and following whatever it was that climbed to the roof.
"Why are you following me?" as soon as i get to the roof, am pinned against the wall with a claw raised dangerously close to my neck, "Your the Prowler" I mutter breathlessly, from the wind getting knocked from me (or some fucked up excitment).
"No shit, nina/nino"
(This might actually become a Fic)
Part two is almost finished
Writers block is annoying and i need requests